LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Thirty-seventh Parliament 20 August 1963 – 9 December 1965 Queensland Parliamentary Debates INDEX Contents of this document * 37th Parliament, 1st Session 20 August 1963 – 20 March 1964 Index from Hansard, V.235-237, 1963-64 37th Parliament, 2nd Session 18 August 1964 – 8 April 1965 Index from Hansard, V.238-240, 1964-65 37th Parliament, 3rd Session 17 August 1965 – 9 December 1965 Index from Hansard, V.241-242, 1965 *The Index from each volume of Hansard corresponds with a Parliamentary Session. This document contains a list of page numbers of the daily proceedings for the Legislative Assembly as printed in the corresponding Hansard volume. A list of page numbers at the start of each printed index is provided to allow the reader to find the electronic copy in the online calendar by clicking on the date of the proceedings and then to a link to the pdf. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Thirty- seventh Parliament – First Session Queensland Parliamentary Debates, V.235-237, 1963-64 20 August 1963 – 20 March 1964 (Nicklin Government) INDEX PAGE NOS DATE PAGE NOS DATE 1-13 20 August 1963 584-601 9 October 1963 14-19 21 August 1963 601-653 10 October 1963 19-39 22 August 1963 654-716 15 October 1963 39-87 27 August 1963 716-752 16 October 1963 87-16 28 August 1963 753-813 17 October 1963 106-144 29 August 1963 814-843 18 October 1963 144-185 3 September 1963 844-915 22 October 1963 185-200 4 September 1963 915-931 23 October 1963 200-238 5 September 1963 932-996 24 October 1963 239-278 10 September 1963 996-1023 25 October 1963 278-295 11 September 1963 1023-1092 29 October 1963 295-335 12 September 1963 1093-1107 30 October 1963 336-378 17 September 1963 1107-1173 31 October 1963 378-415 18 September 1963 1173-1203 1 November 1963 146-451 19 September 1963 1204-1267 5 November 1963 452-491 24 September 1963 1267-1283 6 November 1963 491-508 25 September 1963 1284-1337 7 November 1963 508-540 26 September 1963 1337-1363 8 November 1963 541-584 8 October 1963 1363-1425 12 November 1963 PAGE NOS DATE PAGE NOS DATE 1425-1440 13 November 1963 2009-2061 25 February 1964 1440-1499 14 November 1963 2062-2082 26 February 1964 1500-1528 15 November 1963 2082-2141 27 February 1964 1528-1603 19 November 1963 2141-2209 3 March 1964 1603-1635 20 November 1963 2209-2234 4 March 1964 1635-1699 21 November 1963 2234-2298 5 March 1964 1699-1713 22 November 1963 2298-2376 10 March 1964 1714-1784 26 November 1963 2376-2412 11 March 1964 1785-1801 27 November 1963 2412-2491 12 March 1964 1801-1876 28 November 1963 2491-2520 13 March 1964 1877-1910 29 November 1963 2521-2611 17 March 1964 1910-1958 3 December 1963 2611-2653 18 March 1964 1959-1975 4 December 1963 2653-2728 19 March 1964 1975-2008 5 December 1963 2728-2759 20 March 1964 1963-64 QUEENSLAND Official Record of the Debates OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY (HANSARD) First Session OF THE Thirty-Seventh Parliament 12 and 13 ELIZABETH II Comprising the periods from the Twentieth day of August to the Fifth day of December, 1963; and from the Twenty-fifth day of February to the Twentieth day of March, 1964. VOL. 237 BRISBANE By Authority: S. G. Reid, Government Prinler, Brisbane v. COMMITTEES Library.-Mr. SPEAKER, Mr. DEAN, Mr. DONALD, Mr. EWAN, Mr. HOUSTON, Mr. RAMSDEN and Mr. TOOTH. Parliamentary Buildings.-Mr. SPEAKER, Mr. CAREY, Mr. HANLON, Mr. HEWITT. Mr. NEWTON, Mr. SHERRINGTON a.ud Mr. SMITH. Printing.-Mr. SPEAKER, Mr. ARMSTRONG,(') Mr. CAMPBELL, Mr. DUFFICY, Mr. GRAHAM, Mr. LICKISS and Mr. WALLACE. Refreshment Rooms.-Mr. SPEAKER, Mr. CHINCHEN, Mr. HANSON, Mr. HARRISON, Mr. LONERGAN, Mr. MANN and Mr. MARSDEN. Standing Orders.-Mr. SPEAKER, Mr. DUGGAN, Mr. HOOPER, Mr. LLOYD, Mr. MUNRO, Mr. NICKLIN and Mr. WALSH. (') Appointed 9 October, 1963. OFFICERS The Clerk of the Parliament: R. L. DUNLOP. Chief Reporter, "Hansard" Staff: S. B. ROHL. Parliamentary Librarian: S. G. GUNTHORPE. ELECTIONS TRIBUNAL Elections Judge, 1963·64-Tlte Honourable Mr. JUSTICE STABLE. First Session of the Thirty-Seventh. of Queensland 1963-64 THE GOVERNOR His Excellency Colonel Sir HENRY ABEL SMITH, K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O., D.S.O. THE MINISTRY On 26 September, 1963, His Excellency the Administrator of the Government accepted the resignations of- Honourable GEORGE FRANCIS REUBEN NICKUN, M.M., LLD., as Premier and Chief Secretary; Honourable ALAN WHITESIDE MUNRO as Minister for Justice and Attorney-General; Honourable JACK CHARLES ALLAN PIZZEY, .B.A., Dip.Ed., LL.D., as Minister for Education and Migration; Honourable THOMAS ALFRED HILEY, M.Com., as Treasurer and Minister for Housing; Honourable ERNEST EVANS as Minister for Development, Mines, Main Roads and Electricity; Honourable HENRY WINSTON NOBLE, M.B., B.S., as Minister for Health and Home Affairs; Honourable GORDON WILLIAM WESLEY CHALK as Minister for Transport; Honourable ALAN ROY FLETCHER as Minister fo;r Public Lands and Irrigation; Honourable HAROLD RICHTER as Minister for Public Works and Local Govermnent; Honourable ALEXANDER TATTENHALL DEWAR as Minister for Labour and Industry; and Honourable JOHN ALI<'RED ROW as Minister for Agriculture and Forestry. On the same day His Excellency appointed- Honourable GEORGE FRANCIS REUBEN NICKUN, M.M., LL.D., as Premier and .Minister for State Development; Honourable ALAN WHITESIDE MUNRO as Minister for .l.ndu51lrial Development; Honourable JACK CHARLES ALLAN PlZZEY, B.A., Dip.Ed., LL.D., as Minister for Education; Honourable THOMAS ALFRED HILEY, M.Com., as Treasurer; Honourable ERNEST EVANS as .Minister for Mines and MaiD. Uoads; Honourable HENRY WINSTON NOBLE, M.B., B.S., as Minister for Health; Honourable GORDON WILLIAM WESLEY CHALK as Minister for Transport; Honourable ALAN ROY FLETCHER as Minister for Lands; Honourable HAROLD RICHTER as Minister for Local Goven:ament and Conservation; Honourable ALEXANDER TATIENHALL DEWAR as Minister for Labou> and Industry; Honourable JOHN ALFRED ROW as Minister for Primary Industries; Honourable JOHANNES BJELKE-PETERSEN as Minister for Works and Housing; and Honourable PETER ROYLANCE DELAMOTHE, O.B.E., M.B., B.S., as Minister for Justice and Attorney-General. (Under the provisions of the Officials in Parliament Ad~ Amendment Act of 1963 the number of Ministers was increased from 11 to 13.) THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Speaker-Honourable DAVID ERIC NICHOLSON ..... Murrumba Chairman of Committees-KEITH WILLIAM HOOPER, Esquire Greenslopes Temporary Chairmen of Committees- BAXTER, WILLIAM EDWARD, Esquire Hawthorne GAVEN, ERIC JOHN, Esquire South Coast GRAHAM, FREDERICK DICKSON, Esquire Mackay HODGES, ALLEN MAXWELL, Esquire Gympie (')TOOTH, SEYMOUR DOUGLAS, Esquire Ashgwve \ 1 ) Nominated 9 October, 1963 (vice P. R. Delamothe, appointed to Ministry). TV. MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Member Electoral District ADAm, HERBERT ARTHUR, Esquire Cook AIKENS, THOMAS, Esquire Townsville South ANDERSON, MERVYN .JOHN REGINALD, Esquire Toowoomba East ARMSTRONG, ROY ALEXANDER, Esquire Mulgrave BAXTER, WILLIAM EDWARD, Esquire Hawtbome BEARDMORE, EDWIN JAMES, Esquire Balonne BENNETT, COLIN JAMES, Esquire, B.A., LL.B. South Brisbane BJELKE-PETERSEN, Honourable JOHANNES Barambah BROMLEY, FRED PHILLIP, Esquire Norman BYRNE, PETER, Esquire Mourilyan CAMM, RONALD ERNEST, Esquire Whi!sunday CAMPBELL, FREDEl!UCK ALEXANDER, Esquire Aspley CAREY, CECIL CHARLES, Esquire Albert CHALK, Honourable GORDON WILLIAM WESLEY Lockyer CHINCHEN, GEOJFFREY TALBOT, Esquire, M.B.E., D.F.C. Mount Gravalt COBURN, ARTHUR, Esquire Burdekin (2)CORY, DAVID WHEATCROFT, Esquire Warwick DAVIES, HORACE JASON, Esquire Maryborougb DEAN, HAROLD, Esquire Sandl!llte DELAMOTHE, Honourable PETER ROYLANCE, O.B.E., M.B., B.S. Boweu DEWAR, Honourable ALEXANDER TATTENHALL Wavell DIPLOCK, l.ESUE FRANK, Esquire Aubiguy DONALD, JAMES, Esquire Ipswich East DUFFICY, JOHN JOSEPH, Esquire Warrego DUGGAN, JOHN EDMUND, Esquire Toowoomba West EVANS, Honourable ERNEST Mirani EWAN, WILLIAM MANSON, Esquire Roma FLETCHER, Honourable ALAN ROY Cunningltam GAVEN, ERIC JOHN, Esquire South Coast GRAHAM, FREDElUCK DICKSON, Esquire Mackay GUNN, WILUAM MORRISON, Esquire Wynnum HANLON, PATRICK JOSEPH, Esquire Baroona HANSON, MARTIN, Esquire Port Curtis HARRISON, ROBERT LESL!E, Esquire Logan HERBERT, JOHN DESMOND, Esquire Sherwood HEWITT, NEVILLE THOMAS ERIC, Esquire Mackenzie HILEY, Honourable THOMAS ALFRED, M.Com. Cbatsworth HODGES, ALLEN MAXWELL, Esquire Gymple HOOl'ER, KEITH WILLIAM, Esquire Greeuslopes HOUGHTON, JAMES EDWAF.D HffiAM, Esquire Reddilfe HOUSTON, JOHN WILUAM, Esquire .Bulimba HUGHES, CLIVE MELWYN, Esquire Kurilpa INCH, ALEXANDER JAMES, Esquire Burke JONES, VINCENT EDWARD, Esquire Calllde KNOX, WILLIAM EDWARD, Esquire Nundah LICKISS, WILLIAM DANIEL, Esquire Mount Coot-t!Ja LLOYD, ERIC GAYFORD, Esquire, D.F.C. Kedron LONERGAN, WILUAM HORACE, Esquire Flinders LOW, DAVID ALAN, Esquire Cooroora (3)MADSEN, Honourable OT'fO OTTOSEN Warwick MANN, .JOHN HENRY, Esquire Brisbane MARSDEN, IVOR, Esquire Ipswich West McKEiCHNIE, HENRY ARTHUR, Esquire Camarvon MELLOY, :JOHN, Esquire .... Nudgee MULLER, ADOLF GUSTAVE, Esquire Fassifern MUNRO, Honourable ALAN WIDTESIDE Toowong MURRAY, JOHN, Esquire, M.B.E. C!aylield NEWTON, HAROLD FRANCIS, Esquire Belmont NICHOLSON, Honourable DAVID ERIC Murrumba NICKLIN, Honourable GEORGE FRANCIS REUBEN, M.M., LL.D. Landsboroug!J NOBLE, Honourable HENRY WINSTON, M.B., B.S. Yeronga O'DONNELL, JEUGENE CHRISTOPHER, Esquire Barcoo PILBEAM, REGINALD BYRON J"ARVIS, Esquire Rockharnpton Sth. PIZZEY, Honourable JACK CHARLES ALLAN, B.A., Dlp.Ed., LL.D. Isis RAE, WALLACE ALEXANDER RAMSAY, Esquire Gregory RAMSDEN, SAMUEL RAYMOND, Esquire Mert!Jyr RICHTER, Honourable HAROLD Somerset ROW, Honourable JOHN ALFRED Hiuchinbrook SHERRINGTON, DOUGLAS JOHN, Esquire .... Salisbury SMITH, PERCY RAYMUND, Esquire, LL.B. Windsor SULLIVAN, VICTOR BRUCE, Esquire ...... Condamiue THACKERAY, MERVYN HERBERT, Esquire ...... Rockbampton Ntb. TOOTH, SEYMOUR DOUGLAS, Esquire Asllgro"Ve TUCKER, PERCY J"OHN ROBERT, Esquire Townsviile North WALLACE, GEORGE WALTER GORDON, Esquire Cairns W ALLIS-SMITH, EDWIN, Esquire Tablelands W ALSH, EDWARD JOSEPH, Esquire Bundaberg WHARTON, CLAUDE ALFRED, Esquire Burnett Wll'lDSOR, ROEERT LEVI, Esquire Ithaca (')Elected at by-election, 19 Octnber, 1963.
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