Summer 2019 The Pleiades Maureen Temple Richmond Abstract tacle of the seven traditional dancers. Modern telescopy has revealed that the Pleiades star his article, written for enthusiasts of the grouping is in fact comprised of some 300 to T esoteric astrology of Alice A. Bailey, ex- 500 individual stars,2 the collective light amines the effects of the constellation of the which produces a luminous cloud appearing to Pleiades, one of several constellations not lo- contain bright sparkles trapped in filmy veils cated in the zodiacal belt but specified by the of transparent mists. Tibetan Master as significant spiritual sources for evolution in our solar system. In order to How this cluster came to be called the Pleiades understand the emanations of this particular is of interest. It appears that the most likely constellation, the author examines two differ- origin resides in the maternal lineage of the ent views of the Pleiades: the mythological and seven maidens classically associated with this the esoteric. Following up on the dictum artic- constellation in Greek mythology. According ulated by the Tibetan Master that there is more to myth, the seven maidens represented by the real occultism contained in exoteric constella- seven stars of the Pleiades are the daughters of tional myth than has previously been thought, Atlas and his wife, Pleione. Since the seven the text looks at Indigenous North American, came forth from the mother Pleione, her off- spring were thus collectively known by a slight Ancient Mediterranean, and Classical Vedic 3 images of the Pleiades as a representative se- adaptation of her name. lection of the ways this constellation has been There is another possibility for the origin of conceptualized. The esoteric view of the Pleia- the name, the Pleiades. One of the many ver- des follows, including the position of this con- sions of the story associated with this star stellation in greater orders of being and its role grouping maintains that the seven Pleiades are as a disseminator of the Third Divine Aspect, in fact the seven doves who carried ambrosia equivalent to Fire by Friction, vitalizing elec- to the infant Zeus, or even seven mortal wom- trical substance, and manas. The study con- en transformed into doves, the Greek word for cludes with an explanation of the astrological dove being “peleiade.”4 Some have held that intermediaries by which and through which the as these seven doves flew up to the heavens, energies of the Pleiades reach Humanity. one was lost, and this is why only six stars are Readers interested in interpreting the many now readily visible to the unaided eye in this statements on the nature of the Pleiades made grouping. by the Tibetan throughout the Alice Bailey _____________________________________ books will find this article a useful contribu- tion to study. About the Author Introduction Maureen Temple Richmond is a lifelong astrolo- ger and esotericist known for her scholarly study opularly conceptualized as seven scantily titled Sirius, a comprehensive examination of the Pclad dancing maidens, the Pleiades are an teaching on that great star as revealed in the works attractive if not downright seductive star clus- of Alice Bailey. Author of numerous essays, poetry, ter located close to the ecliptic in the sidereal and fiction, Richmond holds a M.A. in English and constellation of Taurus.1 Tradition has always Creative Writing from SNHU, and is currently held there are seven such stars, though in mod- working on a Ph.D. program in Heritage Studies at Arkansas State University where she now makes ern times only six are visible to the unaided her home. A counseling astrologer, Richmond ad- eye. The actual number of stars in the Pleiades vises Anglophone clients around the world. She can cluster, however, far exceeds the exotic spec- be reached at: [email protected]. Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly 13 The Esoteric Quarterly Whether doves or dancing maidens, the Pleia- for the early springtime reaping of overwin- des seem often to be enveloped in an aura of tered crops in ancient Greece. Conversely, appealingly delicate femininity. As will be when the Sun had moved to opposition of the demonstrated, this linkage of the Pleiades with Pleiades, it was time for the autumnal sowing the feminine pole of existence is significant, of seed that would germinate and set roots dur- and may very well prove to be yet another in- ing the wet wintry months.8 In time, the Pleia- stance substantiating the Tibetan’s claim that des came to be intimately associated with the the names and imagery traditionally associated ancient Greek festival of Plenteria,9 a widely with the constellations conceal more infor- practiced harvest observance in which propitia- mation of real occult value than has been pre- tion for bountiful food supply was made to the viously thought. gods.10 Hence, the Pleiades were to some an emblem of abundant material supply, an exten- The Pleiades Around the World sion of their agricultural connotations. ust as the classical Mediterranean mind saw Given the importance of rainfall and moisture Jthe Pleiades as a group of closely related to agriculture, it is not surprising that the Plei- individuals, so also has the world around seen ades were sometimes associated with rain, and this constellation as emblematic of groups of even with floods.11 This linkage no doubt people, herds of animals, flocks of birds, and arose because the conjunctions and oppositions the like. For example, one of the North Amer- of the Sun with the Pleiades largely indicate ican Indian tribes saw what is now called the the time of spring and fall rains, respectively Pleiades as a group of children who had be- (in the northern hemisphere). Thus, whenever come lost while wandering among the stars, the Pleiades were accented by virtue of the now huddled together for warmth and reassur- 5 Sun’s direct interaction with them, rains were ance. Other star watchers echoed the maternal much more plentiful. Because of this and the theme and saw this star grouping as a hen with 6 general linkage of this star grouping with sea- her chickens. Some perceived this constella- sons of growing and harvesting, the Pleiades tion as a group of sisters, brothers, or animals, and their influence became associated with the the number being as few as six and as many as 7 reproductive cycles of crop plants and vegeta- sixteen. Central to all these notions is the idea tion in general. Consequently, the Pleiades of a family or intimate assemblage, with the were at one time called the Virgins of Spring implied need for attention to the welfare of its in the northern hemisphere,12 a title perhaps members. suggestive of the earliest stages of the repro- The business of taking care of the family and ductive cycle in both humans and plants. of attending to domestic needs in general Yet another feminine association with the Plei- emerges as a theme related to the Pleiades in ades hails from ancient Egypt, the priests of yet another way. The risings and settings of which land used certain positions of the Pleia- the Pleiades together with or opposite to the des to indicate the time for the Festival of Sun have been used the world over as time Isis,13 the key mother goddess of the Egyptian signals indicating the right point at which to pantheon, comforter of souls and guide of the undertake critical agricultural tasks at both the deceased into celestial realms of transcend- beginning and the end of the growing season. ence. These seasonal indicators were of utmost im- portance to the peoples who relied upon them However, not all groups and cultures have as- for accurate guidance in matters of physical sociated the Pleiades with roles feminine, re- survival. Hence, the Pleiades became em- productive, and essentially benefic. Certain blematic of the seasonal rituals that kept com- rites of the archaic English Druids, questiona- munities alive and insured the continuity of ble for their possible inclusion of human sacri- human life. fice, were timed by various positions of the Pleiades,14 and the positively bloodthirsty In- For example, when the Sun joined the Pleiades can religion drew its equally questionable jus- in the sidereal constellation Taurus, it was time 14 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2019. Summer 2019 tification for human sacrifice from its myth fixed stars and constellations report that the connecting positions of the Pleiades with a so- influence of the Pleiades results in strong pas- called impending destruction of the world.15 sions, immorality, disgrace, imprisonment, So, as can be seen, in not all contexts have the injuries to the eyes, blindness, and violent Pleiades been associated with maternal forces death.17 suggestive of spiritual and physical comfort. The Esoteric Significance of Even ancient India weighed in on this ques- tion, taking somewhat of a middle position. the Pleiades The Hindu system of astronomy calls this star y contrast, the esoteric occult philosophy grouping Krittika, the seven nurses of Kartti- B presents the Pleiades as an entity of a spir- kiya, the Hindu God of War.16 An obvious itual stature far beyond the failings of human correlate to Mars, the classically masculine character. In fact, it is to the Pleiades in con- western god of war, Karttikiya connotes all cert with the sun Sirius that is attributed the that Mars does as well– assertion, force, anger, hidden facts of our cosmic evolution, and of aggression, weaponry, blades, and injuries. our particular solar system.18 Suggestive of a And all this, it is held, was nursed into exist- great mystery, this statement is backed up by ence by the seven female figures of the Kritti- Blavatsky, who intimated that the Pleiades ka.
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