156 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 158, Pt. 1 January 23, 2012 Vallejo Police Department on Novem- sacrifices she made while serving the Chamber of Commerce and the Bay ber 17, 2011. He was 45 years old. community and the people she loved. Area Council; and chairman of Voice of Jim Capoot was originally from Lit- She will be dearly missed.∑ Dance. tle Rock, AR, and served in the U.S. f Warren also led many efforts to sup- Marine Corps and as a California High- port civic initiatives in San Francisco, way Patrol Officer before joining the REMEMBERING WARREN HELLMAN from the underground parking garage Vallejo Police Department in 1992. Offi- ∑ Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, today I that saved two major museums in cer Capoot was a highly decorated offi- ask my colleagues to join me in hon- Golden Gate Park to the broad-based cer having received the Vallejo Police oring the life and legacy of Warren campaign to reform San Francisco’s Department Officer of the Year award, Hellman, a San Francisco financier, city employee pension system. the Medal of Merit, the Life Saving philanthropist, and community leader On behalf of the people of California, Medal, and twice awarded the Medal of who died last month at age 77 from who have benefitted so much from War- Courage. In addition to his work with complications of leukemia. ren Hellman’s great generosity and the Police Department, Officer Capoot In addition to its spectacular beauty, public sprit, I send my deepest grati- was the volunteer coach of the Vallejo the City of San Francisco is known tude and condolences to his wife, Patri- High School girls’ basketball team and around the world for its great heart cia Christina ‘‘Chris’’ Hellman; son led the team to a section championship and free spirit, its celebration of diver- Marco ‘‘Mick’’ Hellman; daughters in 2010. sity, and its charm. In recent years, Frances Hellman, Judith Hellman, and Officer Jim Capoot, like all those perhaps no San Franciscan has em- Patricia Hellman Gibbs; his sister, who serve in law enforcement across bodied his beloved city more than War- Nancy Hellman Bechtle; and his 12 California, put his life on the line to ren Hellman. He was a fantastically grandchildren. Warren’s passing is a protect his community. I extend my successful businessman and investor great loss to his family, his friends, deepest condolences to his loving wife who liked to dress casually, ride and the city he loved and served so Jennifer and three daughters. My horses, run 100-mile races, and play well.∑ thoughts and prayers are with them. bluegrass banjo. f We are forever indebted to him for his Here is how Warren was remembered RECOGNIZING THE ANNENBERG courage, service and sacrifice.∑ by the Bay Citizen, the free newspaper he founded when he felt that local news RETREAT AT SUNNYLANDS f coverage was in decline: ∑ Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, this REMEMBERING OFFICER MARY A rugged iconoclast whose views on life year the late Walter and Leonore ANN DONAHOU rarely failed to surprise, Hellman was a life- Annenberg’s legendary California es- ∑ Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I ask my long Republican who supported labor unions, tate, Sunnylands, will open its doors to colleagues to join me in honoring the an investment banker whose greatest joy the public as the Annenberg Retreat at was playing songs of the working class in a memory of a dedicated public servant, bluegrass band, and a billionaire who wanted Sunnylands. I ask my colleagues to Officer Mary Ann Donahou of the to pay more taxes and preferred the company join me in honoring the Annenbergs’ Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Depart- of crooners and horsemen who shared his remarkable legacy and saluting the ment. On the morning of December 30, love of music and cross-country ‘ride and tie’ new institution’s noble goals. 2011, while gathering evidence at a racing. Sunnylands was designed and built in crime scene in Hughson, Officer Warren Hellman was born in New the mid-1960s as the Annenbergs’ desert Donahou was tragically killed after York and raised in San Francisco. He home in Rancho Mirage. It served as being struck by a vehicle. graduated from the University of Cali- their winter residence and as a tranquil Officer Donahou was born in Ceres, fornia, Berkeley and earned an MBA at retreat and meeting place for Presi- CA. In 2002, she began her career at the Harvard Business School. After becom- dents of the United States, U.S. Su- Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Office as a ing the youngest director in the his- preme Court Justices, scholars, histo- booking clerk in the county jail. As her tory of Lehman Brothers, Warren rians, former diplomats, Governors, knowledge and love of law enforcement moved home to California and co- State legislators as well as bipartisan grew, Officer Donahou eventually be- founded the private equity firm of coalitions of the U.S. Senate and House came a crime scene technician and du- Hellman & Friedman. Though he made of Representatives. Among many other tifully served the citizens and commu- a lot of money, he much preferred giv- notable guests, President Nixon wrote nities of Stanislaus County with great ing it away. Warren said that money his 1974 State of the Union speech commitment, integrity, and valor. Her was ‘‘like manure: If you spread it there, and Queen Elizabeth II and devotion to helping others, along with around, good things will grow—and if Prince Charles visited in 1983. her passion for law enforcement, en- you pile it up, it just smells bad.’’ In 2001, the Annenberg Foundation abled her to become a respected mem- Among the many institutions Warren Trust at Sunnylands was founded to ber of the Stanislaus County Sheriff’s helped grow were the San Francisco continue Sunnylands’ role as a con- Department. Free Clinic, the Hellman Fellows Pro- ference center and retreat for national Those who knew Officer Donahou will gram at UC Berkeley, and his Hardly and international leaders to address always remember her as a caring, kind, Strictly Bluegrass festival, where more the world’s most pressing concerns. and devoted mother, colleague, and than half a million people come each Throughout their lifetimes, Ambas- friend. She fulfilled her oath as an offi- year to hear free concerts from top en- sador and Mrs. Annenberg hosted and cer of the law with honor, bravery, and tertainers and from Warren’s band, the sponsored a number of solution-driven dedication. Her contributions to public Wronglers. retreats that fostered positive diplo- safety and commitment to the citizens He served as chairman and trustee matic, judicial, and legislative she served will never be forgotten and emeritus of The San Francisco Founda- progress. will be an example to others who hope tion; advisory board member of the Now, the new Annenberg Retreat at to one day protect and serve the public. Walter A. Haas School of Business at Sunnylands will be available for the I extend my deepest condolences to UC Berkeley; trustee of the UC Berke- President of the United States and the Officer Donahou’s son, Jake Lewis ley Foundation; trustee emeritus of Secretary of State to bring together Hassler; her parents, Janice and Robert The Brookings Institution; board mem- world leaders to promote and facilitate Pence and Jack and Mary Donahou; ber of the Committee on JOBS; mem- peaceful international agreements; for and her sisters, Jennifer Horne, ber of the Board of Directors and Exec- the President and the Cabinet, the Su- Melinda Donahou-Sneed, Lori Donahou utive Committee of the Jewish Com- preme Court, and the bipartisan leader- and Teresa Brockman. munity Federation; chairman of the ship of the Congress to meet to focus We shall always be grateful for Offi- Jewish Community Endowment Fund; on ways to improve the functioning of cer Donahou’s heroic service and the board member of the San Francisco the three branches of government; and VerDate Sep 11 2014 14:03 Feb 22, 2017 Jkt 019102 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR12\S23JA2.000 S23JA2 rmajette on DSK2TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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