SUBCHAPTER B—TAKING, POSSESSION, TRANSPORTATION, SALE, PURCHASE, BARTER, EXPORTATION, AND IMPORTA- TION OF WILDLIFE AND PLANTS PART 10—GENERAL PROVISIONS § 10.2 Scope of regulations. The various parts of this subchapter Subpart A—Introduction B are interrelated, and particular note Sec. should be taken that the parts must be 10.1 Purpose of regulations. construed with reference to each other. 10.2 Scope of regulations. 10.3 Other applicable laws. § 10.3 Other applicable laws. 10.4 When regulations apply. No statute or regulation of any State shall be construed to relieve a person Subpart B—Definitions from the restrictions, conditions, and 10.11 Scope of definitions. requirements contained in this sub- 10.12 Definitions. chapter B. In addition, nothing in this 10.13 List of Migratory Birds. subchapter B, nor any permit issued under this subchapter B, shall be con- Subpart C—Addresses strued to relieve a person from any other requirements imposed by a stat- 10.21 Director. ute or regulation of any State or of the 10.22 Law enforcement offices. United States, including any applicable AUTHORITY: 16 U.S.C. 668a–d, 703–712, 742a–j– health, quarantine, agricultural, or l, 1361–1384, 1401–1407, 1531–1543, 3371–3378; 18 customs laws or regulations, or other U.S.C. 42; 19 U.S.C. 1202. Service enforced statutes or regula- SOURCE: 38 FR 22015, Aug. 15, 1973, unless tions. otherwise noted. § 10.4 When regulations apply. Subpart A—Introduction The regulations of this subchapter B shall apply to all matters arising after § 10.1 Purpose of regulations. the effective date of such regulations, The regulations of this Subchapter B with the following exceptions: are promulgated to implement the fol- (a) Civil penalty proceedings. Except as lowing statutes enforced by the U.S. otherwise provided in § 11.25, the civil Fish and Wildlife Service which regu- penalty assessment procedures con- late the taking, possession, transpor- tained in this subchapter B shall apply tation, sale, purchase, barter, expor- only to any proceeding instituted by tation, and importation of wildlife: notice of violation dated subsequent to Lacey Act, 18 U.S.C. 42. the effective date of these regulations, Lacey Act Amendments of 1981, 16 U.S.C. regardless of when the act or omission 3371–3378. which is the basis of a civil penalty Migratory Bird Treaty Act, 16 U.S.C. 703–712. proceeding occurred. Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, 16 (b) Permits. The regulations in this U.S.C. 668a–668d. subchapter B shall apply to any permit Endangered Species Act of 1973, 16 U.S.C. application received after the effective 1531–1543. date of the appropriate regulations in Tariff Classification Act of 1962, 19 U.S.C. 1202, [Schedule 1, Part 15D, Headnote 2(d), this subchapter B and, insofar as ap- T.S.U.S.]. propriate, to any permit which is re- Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956, 16 U.S.C. 742a– newed after such effective date. 742j–l. [38 FR 22015, Aug. 15, 1973, as amended at 39 Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972, 16 U.S.C. 1361–1384, 1401–1407. FR 1159, Jan. 4, 1974] [38 FR 22015, Aug. 15, 1973, as amended at 53 FR 6649, Mar. 2, 1988] 8 VerDate Sep<11>2014 08:39 Jun 25, 2021 Jkt 250235 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\250235.XXX 250235 rmajette on DSKBCKNHB2PROD with CFR U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior § 10.12 Subpart B—Definitions ufactured product or in a processed food product. § 10.11 Scope of definitions. Director means the Director of the In addition and subject to definitions United States Fish and Wildlife Serv- contained in applicable statutes and ice, Department of the Interior, or his subsequent parts or sections of this authorized representative. subchapter B, words or their variants Endangered wildlife means any wild- shall have the meanings ascribed in life listed in § 17.11 or § 17.12 of this sub- this subpart. Throughout this sub- chapter. chapter B words in the singular form Fish means a member of any of the shall include the plural, words in the following classes: plural form shall include the singular, (1) Cyclostomata, including, but not and words in the masculine form shall limited to, hagfishes and lampreys; include the feminine. (2) Elasmobranchii, including but not limited to, sharks, skates, and rays; § 10.12 Definitions. and Aircraft means any contrivance used (3) Pisces, including but not limited for flight in the air. to trout, perch, bass, minnows, and Amphibians means a member of the catfish; including any part, product, class, Amphibia, including, but not egg, or offspring thereof, or the dead limited to, frogs, toads, and salaman- body or parts thereof (excluding fos- ders; including any part, product, egg, sils), whether or not included in a man- or offspring thereof, or the dead body ufactured product or in a processed or parts thereof (excluding fossils), food product. whether or not included in a manufac- Fish or wildlife means any wild ani- tured product or in a processed food mal, whether alive or dead, including product. without limitation any wild mammal, Animal means an organism of the ani- bird, reptile, amphibian, fish, mollusk, mal kingdom, as distinguished from crustacean, arthropod, coelenterate, or the plant kingdom; including any part, other invertebrate, whether or not product, egg, or offspring thereof, or bred, hatched, or born in captivity, and the dead body or parts thereof (exclud- including any part, product, egg, or off- ing fossils), whether or not included in spring thereof. a manufactured product or in a proc- Foreign commerce includes, among essed food product. other things, any transaction (1) be- Birds means a member of the class, tween persons within one foreign coun- Aves; including any part, product, egg, try, or (2) between persons in two or or offspring thereof, or the dead body more foreign countries, or (3) between or parts thereof (excluding fossils), a person within the United States and whether or not included in a manufac- a person in one or more foreign coun- tured product or in a processed food tries, or (4) between persons within the product. United States, where the fish or wild- Country of exportation means the last life in question are moving in any country from which the animal was ex- country or countries outside the ported before importation into the United States. United States. Fossil means the remains of an ani- Country of origin means the country mal of past geological ages which has where the animal was taken from the been preserved in the earth’s crust wild, or the country of natal origin of through mineralization of the object. the animal. Import means to land on, bring into, Crustacean means a member of the or introduce into, or attempt to land class, Crustacea, including but not lim- on, bring into, or introduce into any ited to, crayfish, lobsters, shrimps, place subject to the jurisdiction of the crabs, barnacles, and some terrestrial United States, whether or not such forms; including any part, product, landing, bringing, or introduction con- egg, or offspring thereof, or the dead stitutes an importation within the body or parts thereof (excluding fos- meaning of the tariff laws of the sils), whether or not included in a man- United States. 9 VerDate Sep<11>2014 08:39 Jun 25, 2021 Jkt 250235 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\250235.XXX 250235 rmajette on DSKBCKNHB2PROD with CFR § 10.12 50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–20 Edition) Injurious Wildlife means any wildlife possessing and that condition of facts for which a permit is required under under which one can exercise his power subpart B of part 16 of this subchapter over a corporeal thing at his pleasure before being imported into or shipped to the exclusion of all other persons. between the continental United States, Possession includes constructive pos- the District of Columbia, Hawaii, the session which means not actual but as- Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or any sumed to exist, where one claims to possession of the United States. hold by virtue of some title, without Mammal means a member of the having actual custody. class, Mammalia; including any part, Public as used in referring to muse- product, egg, or offspring, or the dead ums, zoological parks, and scientific or body or parts thereof (excluding fos- educational institutions, refers to such sils), whether or not included in a man- as are open to the general public and ufactured product or in a processed are either established, maintained, and food product. operated as a governmental service or Migratory bird means any bird, what- are privately endowed and organized ever its origin and whether or not but not operated for profit. raised in captivity, which belongs to a Reptile means a member of the class, species listed in § 10.13, or which is a Reptilia, including but not limited to, mutation or a hybrid of any such spe- turtles, snakes, lizards, crocodiles, and cies, including any part, nest, or egg of alligators; including any part, product, any such bird, or any product, whether egg, or offspring thereof, or the dead or not manufactured, which consists, body or parts thereof, whether or not or is composed in whole or part, of any included in a manufactured product or such bird or any part, nest, or egg in a processed food product. thereof. Secretary means the Secretary of the Migratory game birds: See § 20.11 of Interior or his authorized representa- this subchapter. tive. Mollusk means a member of the phy- Service means the United States Fish lum, Mollusca, including but not lim- and Wildlife Service, Department of ited to, snails, mussels, clams, oysters, the Interior.
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