Direct Billing Providers List 直付医院列表 Please Make Appointments 请事先预约 Pre-Authorization is required for 需要事先授权的项目: According to the policy, below items should get the written approval from the Insurer if you have this kind of benefit according to your contract. For more details, your contract shall prevail: 根据条款,若您合同上列明享有以下福利,均需得到保险人事先书面同意。具体事先授权事宜请以您的合同为准: 1. Artificial limb; 义肢费; 2. Organ Transplant Surgery; 器官移植手术费(未经事先授权不予理赔); 3. Psychiatric Treatment; 精神病治疗费(住院、门急诊)(未经事先授权不予理赔); 4. Purchase or rental of Durable Medical Equipment; 耐用医疗设备购买或租赁费; 5. Diabetes Supplies; 糖尿病治疗用品费; 6. Hospice Care; 临终关怀费; 7. Skilled Nursing Facility; 专业护理机构护理费; 8. Medical Repatriation Companion; 紧急转运陪同费; Apart from the above items, the following items need pre-authorization before any treatment, or the claim will be delayed even be denied. 除以上特别列明外,下述所有治 疗前均需取得保险人的预先授权。否则将可能造成理赔延迟或拒付。 1. Hospitalization and Outpatient Surgery requiring general anesthesia; 每次住院或接受门诊全麻手术; 2. Cancer Chemotherapy and Radiation treatments; Kidney Hemodialysis & Peritoneal dialysis treatment; 癌症化学治疗,放射治疗,肾脏血液透析,腹膜透析; 3. Purchase or rental of Durable Medical Equipment including but not limited to Insulin Pumps and Supplies; 购买或租用非一次性耐用医疗设备,包括但不限于胰岛素 泵及其配套器械; 4. Emergency Medical Evacuation and Repatriation of Mortal Remains or Local Burial (Will not be covered if without pre­authorization); 全球医疗紧急救援(未经事先 授权不予理赔); 5. Medications in excess of RMB 7,000 per refill; 每剂超过人民币 7000 元的处方药; 6. Rehabilitation, Home Nursing Care, Hospice; 康复治疗,专职护士家庭护理,临终关怀; 7. Any treatment for any condition expected to accumulate over RMB 40,000 per policy year. 不符合上述条件但保险期间内预计累计医疗费用超过人民币 40,000 元的任 何治疗。 Direct Billing Guidelines 直付服务注意事项 1. Please bring your insurance card along with a valid photo ID. Photocopies will not be accepted. 直付时请出示保险卡和有效身份证件原件。 2. Please make an appointment in advance and inform that you are a client with MSH China. 请事先预约并告知医院您是 MSH China 的客户。 3. Prescription drugs must be picked up in person. Dependents/Relatives/Friends may not pick up your prescription drugs on your behalf. 请注意不能代购药。 4. Please remember to sign the claim form and receipt to confirm medical expenses after your treatment is finished. 请在就诊结束后签署理赔申请表及发票/收据确认就诊 金额。 5. We have noted the open time, specialty areas and reminders of some providers for your reference.The actual working hours and departments might change according to provider's announcements. If you encounter any problems during your visit at a direct billing hospital, please call our Service Center at: 400 636 1256/+86-21-6187- 159 6. 根据医院的通知,我们在直付医院列表上为您注明了医院的开放时间,擅长的科室,以及其他注意事项,请注意医院的具体开放时间等是以医院的安排为准的。若您在 直付时遇到任何问题,请拨打我们的咨询电话:400 636 1256/+86-21-6187-1593。 7. For members holding dental benefits, direct billing for dental treatment is only available at clinics listed with "Dental" in the City column. Please make appointments at least 2 days in advance. 对于享有牙科福利的被保险人请注意只有在城市一栏注明牙科的诊所才能享受牙科就诊直付。此外,请提前两天预约。 Others 其他 1. For your reference, we have noted the specialty areas of some providers. 为了方便您的查询,我们为您标注了部分医院专科项目。 2. We have also identified if the provider is an Out-patient (OP) facility or has both Out-Patient and In-Patient (IP) facilities. 同时,我们也为您标注了除了门诊部,该医院 是否包含住院部。 3. Our direct billing providers are not representatives of Metlife/MSH China. Direct billing providers merely provide a convenient service for members by sending bills to us for direct settlement. It is not their responsibility to determine whether or not certain treatments are covered under your health plan. If you have questions about coverage/benefits, please call MSH China at 400 636 1256/+86-21-6187-159 4. In some cases, a direct billing claim may not be fully covered, due to reasons such as: the treatment is excluded under your policy, or you have exceeded the maximum benefit for the policy year. In such a case, our Collections department / CS will contact you to ask that you reimburse us for the expenses if we have already paid the hospital on your behalf. 所谓直付,是我们为您提供的便捷服务,让您在就诊时不用直接付钱。网络直付医院并不代表大都会人寿和 MSH China,也无权决定 您的保险计划可以赔付哪些治疗项目。因此,如果您有任何疑问,请拨打我们的咨询电话 400 636 1256/+86-21-6187-1593。当出现以下情况且我们已向医院付款时, 我们的客服会联系您,希望您配合偿还我们为您垫付的费用:您的治疗不在赔付范围之内,或者您的赔款已超出您的福利计划。 5. We are always updating our Direct Billing Providers List at regular intervals. If you have any question about our network, please feel free to contact us. 我们会定期地 更新我们的直接付费医院列表,若您在实际使用中有任何问题,欢迎直接与我们联系。 北京地区网络医院 Notes: 1. For all members, the Insurer will not accept claims for treatment received at the following providers, or from physicians affiliated with such providers: Asia Sports / Asia Medical Specialists / Sportsphysicians (Sportsperformance Ltd.) 对于在 亚洲专科医生/运动内科医生发生的理赔,或由该医疗机构的医护人员提供的医疗服务,本保险计划 将不予理赔。 2. Please refer to the Policy for your exact geographic coverage and insurance benefit. 具体涵盖医院及理赔范围,请查阅您的保险条款。 3. For different plan, there's a different luxury provider copay, please refer to your benefit schedule for more details. 针对不同计划,昂贵医院自付比例不同,请参考您的福利计 划表。 Beijing 中日友好医院国际医疗部 China-Japan Friendship Hospital International Medical Center 地址 北京市朝阳区和平里樱花东路 2 号 100029 No. 2, East Yinghua Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100029 电话 010-64282297 营业时间 周一至周五: 8:00am-4:00pm 周六: 急诊 (Emergency Only) 周日和法定节假日: 急诊 (Emergency Only) 注意事项 1. Emergency treatment provided by English-speaking doctors is available at night. 提供夜间英文急诊服务 2. Beijing Children hospital is recommeded for the Paediatric Surgery for the Child under 1 3. 16 岁以下儿童外科建议去儿童医院 4. Service in different languages including Mandarin,English, Korean, Japanese, German. 提供 中、日、英、韩、德语服务 医疗服务 中医肿瘤科、神经内科、骨科、肾内科 Traditional medicine treatment for tumours, Neurology, Orthopaedics, Kidney diseases. 北京协和医院国际医疗部 Peking Union Medical College Hospital International Medical Services 地址 北京市东城区东单北大街 53 号国际医疗部 2 楼 1007302F, International Medical center, No.53 North Dong Dan Road, Dong Cheng District, Beijing 100730 电话 010-69156699 010-69159180(for emergency 急诊电话) 营业时间 周一至周五: 8:00am-4:00pm 周六: 24h/7; For emergency please go to 3F of Emergency Building (to the north of Outpatient Building) 急诊请直接前往急诊楼 3 楼,挨着门诊 楼北座 周日和法定节假日: 注意事项 1. Pediatrics is available. 有儿科 2. English service is available. 可提供英语服务 医疗服务 皮肤科、骨科、泌尿外科、儿科、妇产科 Dermatology, Urinary surgery, Paediatrics, Gynaecology and Obstetrics department, Othopaedics. 中国人民解放军北京军区总医院特需部 The Military General Hospital of Beijing PLA, VIP Department 地址 北京市东城区东四十条南门仓 5 号 4 楼 1000074F, No. 5, Nan Men Cang, Dong Si Shi Tiao, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100007 电话 010-66721960 (李医生 Dr. Li) 营业时间 周一至周五: 8:00am-11:30am; 2:00pm-5:00pm 周六: Closed 关闭 周日和法定节假日: Closed 关闭 注意事项 1. English service is available. 可提供英语服务 2. No Pediatrics at VIP Dept. 特需部无儿科 医疗服务 创伤骨科、心血管内外科、神经内外科、眼科、内分泌、普通外科、肝病、肿瘤内科、儿科、移植 Orthopedics, Cardiovascular internal medicine and surgery, Neurology and Neurosurgery, Ophthalmology, Endocrinology, General surgery, Hepatopathy, Tumor treatment, Paediatricis, Transplantation, 首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院国际医疗部 Beijing Friendship Hospital International Medical Center 地址 北京市西城区(原宣武区)永安路 95 号 100050No 95 Yong'An Road, XiCheng Area, Beijing 100050 电话 010-63137608 营业时间 周一至周五: 8:00am-5:00pm 周六: Closed 关闭 周日和法定节假日: Closed 关闭 注意事项 1. Please make appointments. 需预约 2. English service. 可提供英语服务 医疗服务 消化内科、 泌尿系统疾病诊治和肾移植、热带病和寄生虫病、中西医结合 Gastroenterology, Nephrology & Renal Transplantation, Tropical Disease, Parasitic Disease, Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine. 北京普华门诊部 Puhua Outpatient Clinic 地址 北京市朝阳区武圣北路 54 号劲松华腾园乙 7 号 100022B-7 Huatengyuan, No.54 North Wusheng Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100022 电话 010-87735522 ext. 8103/8132 营业时间 周一至周五: 9:00 am-6:00pm 周六: 9:00 am-6:00pm 周日和法定节假日: Closed 关闭 注意事项 1. Pediatrics is available. 有儿科 2. English is available. 可提供英文服务 医疗服务 神经内外科、康复诊疗 Neurology and Neurosurgery, Rehabilitation. 阜外心血管病医院特需门诊 Fu Wai Hospital VIP Department 地址 北京市西城区北礼士路 167 号北楼 1 楼 1000371F, North building, No. 167, North Lishi Road, Xicheng District, Beijing 100037 电话 010-88398208 (8:00am-3:00pm For Appointment 预约) 13811956642(From MSH) 营业时间 周一至周五: 8:00am-12:00pm; 1:00pm-4:00pm 周六: Closed 关闭 周日和法定节假日: Closed 关闭 注意事项 1. Please make appointments. 请预约 2. English is available. 可提供英语服务 3. Nurse Escort for Non-Chinese Speaker. 对外国人可以陪诊 医疗服务 心内科、心外科、儿童心外科、内分泌科 Cadiovascular Disease internal and cardia surgery(adult and children),Endocrinology Dept. 首都医科大学附属北京地坛医院特需门诊 Beijing Ditan Hospital Capital Medical University VIP Department 地址 北京市朝阳区京顺东街 8 号 3 楼 1000153F, No.8, Jingshun Dongjie, Chaoyang District Beijing 100015 电话 010-84322327 营业时间 周一至周五: 8:30am-4:00pm 周六: Closed 关闭 周日和法定节假日: Closed 关闭 注意事项 1. Please make appointments. 请预约 2. Please bring copies of Insurance card and ID. 请自带保险卡及身份证件的复印件 3. English is not available. 不提供英语服务 4. Nurse Escort for Non-Chinese Speaker. 对外国人可以陪诊 医疗服务 传染病、肝病、肝移植、艾滋病 Infectious Diesease, hepatic disease, liver transplantation, HIV/AIDS treatment . 北京新世纪国际儿童医院 New Century International Children's Hospital 地址 北京市西城区南礼士路 56 号 100045No. 56 Nan Lishi Road, Beijing 100045 电话 010-68025588 ext. 8000 010-88046100 (24-hours / 24 小时电话) 营业时间 周一至周五: Out-patient 门诊: 8:00am-5:00pm; Emergency 急诊: 5:00pm-8:00am 周六: Out-patient 门诊: 8:00am-5:00pm; Emergency 急诊: 5:00pm-8:00am 周日和法定节假日: Out-patient 门诊: 8:00am-5:00pm; Emergency 急诊: 5:00pm-8:00am 注意事项 English service is available. 可提供英语服务 医疗服务 小儿内科、小儿外科、泌尿科、神经科、五官科 Internal Medicine, Pediatric Surgery, Urology, Neurology, ENT. 北京新世纪荣和儿科门诊部 Beijing New Century Harmony Pediatric Clinic 地址 北京市顺义区天竺镇丽苑街荣和商业中心 19 号楼 K-01 101310K-01 Building No. 19, Harmony Business Center, Li Yuan Street, Tian Zhu, Shun Yi District, Beijing 101310 电话 010-64562599 营业时间 周一至周五: 9:00am-9:00pm 周六:
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