— — — THE NEWBERRY LIBRARY The Open Court A -WEEKLY JOURNAL Devoted to the "Work of Conciliating Religion with Science. Entered at the Chicago Post-Office as Second-Class Matter. -OFFICE, 169—175 LA SALLE STREET. ( Two Dollars per Yesr. No. 128. Vol. 111.-50 CHICAGO, FEBRUARY 6, 1890. ) Single Copies, 10 ctp. CONTENTS: THE REVISION OF A CREED 2075 THE ETHICS OF PARTY. Gen; M. M. Trumbull... 2083 THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE OXFORD MOVEMENT. THE THREE PHASES OF REFLEX MOTIONS. Editor. 2084 William R. Thayer. (Concluded.) 2076 BOOK REVIEWS. SHALL COLORED CITIZENS BE BANISHED ? Fred. Die Gesetze der Freiheit. Dr. Franz Staudinger. May Holland 2079 Psychology as a Natural Science, Applied to the Solution A DRAGON HUNT IN THE RIVIERA. Moncure D. of Occult Phenomena. Dr. C. G. Raue. Conway 2081 Geschichte der Ethik in der Neueren Philosophie. Dr. CORRESPONDENCE. Friedrich Jodl. "Miscegenation" not a Danger in the South. E. E. NOTES. MoisE 2086 Faith and Agnosticism. JUST PUBLISHED! Three Introductory Lectures THE PsjcMcLifeofMicro-Organisnis The Science" ol Thought, A Study in Experimental Psychology By ALFRED BINET. (First published in The Open Court of June, July, PsycliologyofAttention. and August, 1887.) Translated from the French with the Sanction ot BY F. MAX MULLER. By TH. RIBOT. the Author. Treating of the following subjects : 1. The Simplicity of Language; Professor of Comparative and Experimental 1. The Psychology 0/ the Cell—Introductory. a. The Identity of Language and Thought ; and 2. The Structural arid Physiological Character 0/ Psychology at College de France, and Simplicity the 3. The of Thought. Proto-Organisms : the Motory and Sensory Organs. The Psychology Nutrition : Holophytic, Sap- Editor of the " Revue Philosophique." With an Appendix which contains a Correspond 3. of rophytic, and Animal Nutrition : Predatory Habits ence on "Thought without Words," between F. of Certain Anitnalcula. Translated from the French fith the Sanction of Max MQller and Francis Gallon, the Duke of Ar 4. Colonies of Unicellular Organisms. 5. Fecundation of Proto-Organisms. the Authoi gyll, George J. Romanes and Others. 6. Fecundation of Higher Animals and Plants. Nucleus. Neatly Bound in Cloth. Price, js Cts. 7. The Physiological Function of the 8. Correspondence between Alfred Binet and CH. Trea ng of the following topics ; PRESS NOTICES. Kichet {Professor of Physiology in the Faculty of 1 SPONTANEOUS, OR NATURAL, ATTEN- Medicine at Paris) respecting Cellular Psychology. " They are the ripe expression of a life la- TION. long bor in the study of the science of language : a. Emotional States. To the student of the science of language the lec- * * * "The little book will be no less than fasci- b. Physical Manifestations. nating to all who are interested in the subject of tures open up a most suggestive and fascinating c. Surprise. comparative psychology." * * * Boston Beacon. prospect in the encouragement which they give for 2. * * * "We recommend the book to all earnest VOLUNTARY, OR ARTIFICIAL, ATTEN- its further perfection." Scotsman, Edinburgh. TION. students of the great problems of evolution, as be- "They are studded with luminous suggestions of ing unexcelled in the representation of modern bi- a. Its Mechanism. value to students of language, logic, and the allied ological investigations." * * * Reformed Quarterly Review. h. Inhibition. sciences." Art Amateur. c. The Feeling of Effort. * " No oiher writer concentrates so much in such N. Y. 3. THE MORBID STATES OF ATTENTION. simple language." — Baltimore Sunday News. a. Distraction. " Max Miiller's supremely simple theory is holly * * * "A very remarkable book." * * * Health and Home. b. Hypochondria. disputed ; but it is easily vindicated, provided one c. Fixed Ideas and Ecstasy. is not a dualist on principle." —Boston Beacon. lb mo, 135 pages. Cloth, 75 Cts, Paper, jo as. d. Idiocy. " The lecturer stales his position with great clear- CO.. e. Attention in Sleep and Hypnosis. ness and cogency and comes out of the correspond- THE OPEN COURT PUB. ence with his critics with credit and with his rea- i6g— 175 La Salle St., CHICAGO, ILL. Cloth, ys Cents. soning unshake -Chicago Times. W. SAYLER, LAWYER, Room 34. 116 La Salle OPEN COURT PUB. CO., OPEN COURT PUBLISHING COMPANY, Street, Chicago. Abstracts Examined. Advice free.- 169-175 La Salle Street, CHICAGO, ILL. P. O. Drawer P., Chicago, IlUoois. THE OPEN COURT. THE PSYCHIC LIFE OF MICRO-ORGAN- ISMS. A Reply to Mr. G. Romanes. By Binet. No. THE OPEN COURT. J. A. ri6. [.\'. B. / /u- controversy is further continued.'\ Price, ioc PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BV PUBLISHING CO. ON RETROGRESSION IN ANIMAL AND THE OPEN COURT VEGETABLE LIFE. (From the German.) Prof. August Weismann, of Freiburg- No. 105. (Also in Nos. 107, 108, Edit EDWARD C. HEGELER, Presid DR. PAUL CARUS, and 109. ) Price 30c HYPNOTISM AND MODERN PSYCHOLOGY. TERMS THROUGHOUT THE POSTAL UNION : By Dr. J. Luys, Physician at the Charity Hospital, Paris. No. 108. Price ioc $a.oo PER YEAR. $1.00 FOR SIX MONTHS. FOR THREE MONTHS. SINGLE COPIES, 10 CTS. $0.50 MAN AS A MICROCOSM. By Carus Sterne, of Berlin. Nos. 109 and i to. Price 15c All communications should be addressed to GUSTAV ROBERT KIRCHHOFF. By R. von Helmholtz. No. 27. Price 15c (Nixon Building, 175 La Salle Street,) THE RELIGION OF GEORGE WASHING- P. O. drawer' F. CHICAGO, ILL. TON. From Unpublished Manuscripts. Moncure.D. Con- way. No. 113. Price ioc Reminiscen- The current numbers of The Open Court contain valuable CARLYLE'S RELIGION. Personal ces. MoNcuRE D. Conway. No. 98. Price ioc original articles from the pens of distinguished investigators and litterateurs. Accurate and authorised translations are made in SEXUAL CHARACTERISTICS. By Felix L. Philosophy, Science, and Criticism from the periodical literature Oswald, M. D. Nos. io6 and 1 15. Price 15c of Continental Europe, and reviews of all noteworthy recent in- THE DOUBLE PERSONALITY AND DOUBLE vestigations are presented. It is the pronounced object of The CONSCIOUSNESS OF HYSTERICAL INDIVIDUALS. phi- Original Psychological Studies. [Appearing only in The Open Court to harmonise Religion with Science ; and the Open Court ] Alfred Binet, of Paris. Nos. 100, loi, and problems that bear upon this important question are . losophical 102, et seqq. Price 60c editorially treated in its columns. A wide range of discussion is By Th. allowed all who will participate. The Open Court is neither ex- THE PSYCHOLOGY OF ATTENTION. Rtbot. Authorised translation. [Now published in book- it aid the efforts of all clusive nor sectarian, but liberal ; seeks to form.] Price 75c scientific and progressive people in the churches and out of them, Prof. H. Olden- towards greater knowledge of the world in which we live, and the THE STUDY OF SANSKRIT. BERG, of Berlin. Nos. 79, 84, 85, and 86. Price 30c moral and practical duties it requires. BEETHOVENIANA. By Philipp Spitta. [From ARTICLES OF NOTE the German.] Nos in and 113. Price 15c ASPECTS OF MODERN PSYCHOLOGY. By Joseph Jastrow, Ph D. A series, including "Psychology in SCIENCE, LITERATURE, CRITICISM, AND PHILOSOPHY Germany," "Psychology inFrance, Iialy, Belgium, and Switz- erland," and "Psychology in England and the United that have previously appeared in States " 35c THE OPEN COURT. THE SPECIFIC ENERGIES OF THE NERV- OUS SYSTEM. By Prof. Ewald Hering, of the University MEMORY AS A GENERAL FUNCTION OF of Prague. Nos. 22 and 23. Price 25c ORGANIZED MATTER. Prof. Ewald Hering, of the University of Prague. Nos. 6 and 7. Price 25c PUBLICATIONS OF "THE OPEN COURT." PERSONA. A Study in Philology. Prof. Max Mul- England. Nos. ig and 20. Price 25c LER, of Oxford, MAKING BKEAD DEAR. THE ORIGIN OF REASON. Ludwig Noire, ioc .\n Economical Controversy between Wheelbarrow and ioc WHAT MIND IS. Prof. E. D. Cope. No. 40. Sympathizer. In pamphlet form. Price, 10 Cents. TRANSFORMATION AND ADAPTATION IN This little pamphlet is a reprint from the columns of The SCIENTIFIC THOUGHT. Prof. Ernst Mack, of the Uni- Open Court of an able and spirited controversy between versity of Prague. Nos. 46 and 48. Price 15c "Wheelbarrow" and a prominent Chicago financier. A FLAW IN THE FOUNDATION OF GEOM- The title indicates the subject. ETRY. Translated from the German of Hermann Grass- mann. No. 77. Price ioc THE MARRIAGE PROBLEM. M. GUYAU'S FAITH. Alfred Fouillee. No. 89. Discussed from a Scientific and Ethical Standpoint, By Price IOC Prof. E. D. COPE. In pamphlet form. Price, 15 Cents. RISE OF THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL. An his- torical Sketch. Dr. Cari. Heinrich Cornill, of Kiel. Nos. THE IDEA OF GOD. go. gi, and g2. Price 30c By Dr. PAUL CARUS. Being a disquisition upon the de- THE ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTS OF velopment of the Idea of God in human thought and his- PROF. HERTZ. The Identity of the laws of Light and tory. Electricity. Nos. 95 and 97. Price 15c In pamphlet form (second edition). Price, 15 Cents. THE PSYCHIC LIFE OF MICRO-ORGAN- ISMS. An answer to the criticism in M. A. Binet's work cf THE OPEN COURT- PUB. CO., that name. G. ]. Roihanes, LL. D., F. R. S. No. 98.. ioc 169-175 La Salle Street, CHICAGO, ILL. The Open Court A. WEEKLY JOURNAL Devoted to the Work of Conciliating Religion with Science. Two Dollars per Yea No. 128. (Vol. 111.-50.) CHICAGO, FEBRUARY 6, 1890. J / Single Copies, lo Ctf THE REVISION OF A CREED. Reverence is a good thing ; but all reverence toward We have at present the strange spectacle that in men, be they ever so venerable, must be controlled by one of our churches the proposition is discussed to the reverence for truth. And this is the worst part of change some grave particulars of creed. The old the change of the Confession. The change, it appears, doctrines have become "unpreachable," as it is ex- is not made because the objectionable doctrines are pressed, either because the ministers no longer be- recognized as errors ; but simply because they are at lieve them, or because people are loath to listen to the present time too repulsive for popular acceptance.
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