13510 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 21, 2005 And in Congress, we have ignored our fun- went to The Mountain State to personally de- The Kilby Awards Foundation, which com- damental constitutional responsibility to inves- liver the items. She also spent one week in memorates ‘‘the power of one individual to tigate. each of the past three summers remodeling make a significant impact on society.’’ In addi- When the Abu Ghraib photos surfaced, the and rebuilding homes in poor communities tion to the Nobel Prize, Kilby received numer- House held a mere five hours of public hear- closer to home. ous honors and awards for his contributions to ings. The Senate review was more extensive When not helping others, Maggie has de- science, technology and the electronics indus- but stopped far short of assessing individual voted time to improving her public speaking try. accountability up the chain of command. and musical abilities. In addition, she has un- It has been said that the ultimate measure Our troops deserve better. Our nation de- dertaken intense training in Tae Kwan Do, of a person’s life is the extent to which they serves better. swimming, and cross training. She undertook made the world a better place. If this is the Some of the allegations that have been re- a three year study of the German language measure of worth in life, Dr. Kilby’s family, col- played repeatedly around the world may not and culture, which included three weeks living leagues and friends can attest to the success be true. President Bush calls them ‘‘absurd.’’ abroad with a German family. She could have of the life he led. But we won’t know what’s true and what’s spent this time with friends or working in a Mr. Speaker, I ask all the Members of the not true unless we investigate. And when we local business. But instead, she sought to House to join me in paying tribute to the life refuse to conduct thorough, independent in- broaden her horizons while helping others. of Dr. Kilby. He touched our lives and our vestigations, the rest of the world thinks we Mr. Speaker, it is clear that Margaret Ellor is hearts, and he will be greatly missed. have something to hide. an exceptional young woman. Her warm heart f The independent commission established by and sharp mind have proven, at her young the bill we are introducing today would ad- age, to be of great value to her fellow citizens. CONGRATULATING MRS. DEBORAH dress this huge oversight gap. It would estab- Her good deeds in her home town are the BENJAMIN ON HER 50TH BIRTH- lish a 10-member bipartisan commission mod- sign of a good spirit and an even better soul. DAY eled on the successful 9–11 Commission. As the late tennis champion Arthur Ashe once The Commission would conduct a thorough said, ‘‘True heroism is remarkably sober, very HON. GARY L. ACKERMAN review of the extent of the abuses, what indi- undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all OF NEW YORK viduals are responsible for the abuses, and others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES what policies facilitated the abuses. The Com- others, at whatever cost.’’ I can think of no Tuesday, June 21, 2005 mission would also make recommendations on better example of that heroic ideal than Ms. legislative and executive actions necessary to Margaret Ellor of Aurora, Illinois. I congratulate Mr. ACKERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today prevent future abuses. her on receiving The Congressional Award to join the Benjamin family of Glen Head, New The bill already has 172 cosponsors, and it Gold Medal and I look forward to watching York in celebration of the 50th birthday of Mrs. has the support of key leaders in Congress where her career takes her in the months and Deborah Benjamin, which will be commemo- like NANCY PELOSI, the Minority Leader; STENY years to come. rated this Saturday, June 25th, 2005 at HOYER, the Minority Whip; IKE SKELTON, the f Gotham Hall in Manhattan. ranking Democrat on Armed Services; and Deborah Ann Coyle Benjamin was born on JANE HARMAN, the ranking Democrat on Intel- TRIBUTE TO RENOWNED June 28, 1955, in Peninsula Hospital in Rock- ligence. I commend these senior members for SCIENTIST JACK ST. CLAIR KILBY away Beach, New York. Deborah is the eldest their leadership. of Ken and Gladys Coyle’s three children. Her And I urge my other colleagues to join us in HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON sister, Denise DeVita, and brother, Ken Coyle, demonstrating that our system of checks and OF TEXAS Jr., both live on Long Island in New York. balances still works and that we are a nation IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Deborah spent her childhood and early committed to respect for human rights. adulthood in Rockville Centre, New York, Tuesday, June 21, 2005 f where she attended Hewitt Grammar School, Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. and graduated from South Side High School. CONGRATULATING MARGARET Mr. Speaker, it is with great honor and pro- After high school she attended Elizabeth ELLOR ON RECEIVING THE CON- found sadness that I rise to pay tribute to the Seton College in Westchester, New York. GRESSIONAL AWARD GOLD life of Jack St. Clair Kilby of Dallas, Texas. In the years after college, Deborah worked MEDAL After living a remarkably accomplished life that for her father’s insurance company, the spanned 81 years, Dr. Kilby passed away on Wheatley Agency, for 20 years and retired in HON. JUDY BIGGERT June 20, 2005. 2000 as Vice President of Group Insurance OF ILLINOIS Nobel laureate Jack St. Clair Kilby who set Sales. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES off the high-tech revolution with his invention In 2000, Deborah married her long-time best of the semiconductor chip in 1958, graduated friend, Alvin Benjamin of Glen Head, New Tuesday, June 21, 2005 from University of Illinois at Urbana Cham- York. Alvin is the Owner/President of Ben- Mrs. BIGGERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to paign in 1947 with a bachelor’s degree in jamin Development in Garden City, New York. honor Margaret Ellor, who has earned The Electrical Engineering. They currently reside in Glen Head, Manhat- Congressional Award Gold Medal. On June Kilby joined Texas Instruments in 1958. tan, and Highland Beach, Florida. 22, 2005, Ms. Ellor will receive the award, That summer, the idea for the integrated cir- Since her retirement, Mrs. Benjamin has de- which honors individuals who have completed cuit first came to him. Kilby and fellow TI offi- voted much of her time to charitable organiza- over 400 hours of community service in a two cials put the first circuit to the test on Sep- tions dedicated to improving the lives of chil- year span, 200 hours of both personal devel- tember 12, 1958, marking the invention that dren. She is most actively involved with the opment and physical fitness activities, and a transformed the industry. Fanconi Anemia Research Fund, which is four-night expedition or exploration. This Dr. Kilby held several engineering manage- dedicated to finding a cure for this rare, but award is bestowed upon only the most deserv- ment positions at TI between 1960 and 1968 serious blood disease. Additionally, Mrs. Ben- ing of America’s youth. Based on her record of when he was named assistant Vice President. jamin has lent her support to Palm Beach personal and community service, Ms. Ellor In 1970, he became Director of Engineering County-based Kids In New Directions, which certainly deserves this honor. and Technology for the components group, assists children in making positive life choices Eighteen-year-old Margaret began volun- before taking a leave of absence to become and developing leadership skills. Countless teering for the Girl Scouts in Naperville, Illinois an independent consultant. Kilby officially re- children in New York, Florida, and throughout when she was five years old. Motivated by a tired from TI in 1983, but continued to do con- our nation have benefited from Deborah Ben- desire to aid her fellow Americans living in sulting work with the company. jamin’s philanthropy and her generosity of time rural West Virginia, she led a thirty-person In addition to his TI career, Kilby held the and spirt. crew into her community to collect donations, rank of Distinguished Professor of Electrical Al and Deborah Benjamin enjoy spending clothing, books, sporting goods, and other Engineering at Texas A&M University from time with their families, friends, traveling, giv- items for West Virginians in need. She then 1978 to 1984. In 1990, he lent his name to ing to charities in the New York and Florida VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:18 Feb 03, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00217 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\2005BOUNDRECORD\BOOK10\NO_SSN\BR21JN05.DAT BR21JN05 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE June 21, 2005 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 13511 area, and remain lovingly devoted to one an- dent committed us to doing in January. The and Operation Bluestar was a black chapter other after 5 years of marriage. time has come to stop all our aid and trade in the history of Independent India. The Mr. Speaker, I ask the entire House of Rep- with India, to end our burgeoning military co- Sikhs had laid down their lives under the resentatives to join me now in thanking Debo- aegis of Sant Jarnail Singh Bhinderanwalae operation, and to demand the peaceful resolu- to protect the sanctity of gurdhams. rah Benjamin for her selfless contributions to tion of the situation in South Asia through a Meanwhile Damdami Taksal presented society, in congratulating her on her 50th birth- free and fair plebiscite for all the national photographs of Jarnail Singh, Amrik Singh, day, and in extending our best wishes for her groups there.
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