St Edmundsbury Cathedral CHAPTER MINUTES Minutes of the 198th Chapter Meeting Chapter Room Wednesday 8th January 2020 at 10:30 am Present: The Very Revd Joe Hawes (Chair) Stewart Alderman (SA) Canon Tim Allen (TA) Sarah-Jane Allison (SJA) The Revd Canon Philip Banks (PB) Dominic Holmes (DH) Mrs Barbara Pycraft (BP) Elizabeth Steele (ES) The Revd Canon Matthew Vernon In Attendance: The Revd Sarah Geileskey (SGY) (Cathedral Curate) Erin Seligman (Minute Taker) 1. Prayers and Welcome The Dean opened the meeting with a prayer. 2. Apologies for Absence The Revd Canon Charles Jenkin (CJ) The Venerable Sally Gaze (SG) Michael Shallow (MS) 3. Conflicts of Interest A potential conflict of interest was noted between discussion of uplifting the land caution at the KE VI site and the Dean’s and SG’s ties to the Diocese. 4. Notification of AOB 5. Correspondence • None received. • Chapter agreed to ask the Bishop to write a thank you note to CJ for his service to Chapter. Chapter signed a thank you card for CJ, which will be presented at his farewell luncheon 15 January. • It was agreed a request to nominate Revd Michael Robinson to Chapter would be forwarded to the Bishop. • Chapter signed and mailed a condolence card to the family of Karen Simpson, artistic director and CEO of Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds. • The Dean acknowledged the notes of appreciation he received from those who attended Mince Pies and Prosecco With The Dean on 23rd December 2019. • Likewise, MV and ES noted the nice responses they heard regarding the Gala dinner and Christmas services. 6. Minutes and Reports a) Review the Action Points from Chapter 11/12/2019 • The Actions log was reviewed and updated. b) Approve the Chapter minutes and Confidential Chapter minutes from 11/12/2019 • Amendments were made and the minutes were approved. c) Matters arising from the Chapter minutes and Action Points 11/12/2019 • SJA reported a plan is in place to remove the old Legacy Leaflets when the new version is delivered to local solicitors. • MV said Lucinda Hutson has agreed to chair the Foundation of St Edmund. The Dean said this was very good news and noted her ties to the farming community. ES moved to accept a proposal to appoint Mrs Hutson as chair. TA seconded the motion. Chapter unanimously agreed to appoint Mrs Hutson as chair of the Foundation. • The Service Level Agreement report has been received from the Diocese. A minor spelling correction will be amended before signing. • The Dean has drafted a letter for those who enquire about legacies. Although originally scheduled to be sent in December, those letters will now be mailed during Lent. • MV said efforts to identify and fill funding gaps for 2020 events continues. • Interviews for a new archaeologist will be held 19 February 2020. The interview panel will include PB, David Baker, John Burton, Jackie Hall and Sue Cockram. • The Dean updated Chapter on the Beaumont Review of our four charity organizations supporting the Cathedral. The charities will be reviewed on the 13th and 16th of January 2020. • TA said the Action Log should also include seeking solicitor’s advice on Chapter’s ability to make changes to the appointment and terms of Chapter members to ensure a proper skill set remains intact. d) Receive Gala Dinner Review • Chapter received a report reviewing the income, benefits, costs, impact and learning points of the 28 November Gala dinner. MV noted some figures were clearly defined, while other areas were difficult to put a value to. • MV reported the Gala raised more than £55k of which the Cathedral will receive approximately £12,500. SA asked if a portion of the Cathedral’s share will be used to reimburse Pilgrims’ Kitchen for the £300 in reported losses incurred when the café was closed the day of the event. Action: MV will direct Andy Thompson to reimburse Pilgrims’ Kitchen. • SA noted any financial repercussions the Gala may have had on the Cathedral Shop will be small given the Shop reported good sales numbers for the month of December. • TA noted the weeklong impact the Gala had on the Cathedral and questioned if Chapter should be more informed of these types of events so members may brainstorm about potential issues. JH said the Gala did have an impact, however services were not affected and visitors could still access most of the Cathedral in the days leading up to the Gala. PB said when the Gala was first presented to Chapter, staff anticipated only one day would be needed to set up for the event. But the project did morph into a more complicated and time-consuming affair over the months that followed. TA said perhaps the event should have been brought up at Chapter again once staff realized the impact would be greater than planned. He added the Gala was a huge success with a small disadvantage. • MV said a Wash Up meeting for the Gala will be held 14 January and discussions about how to handle similar events in the future will continue and perhaps policies will need to be put in place. e) Receive Heritage Partnership Core Group minutes from meeting held 10/12/19 • A draft of the minutes was received. • MV reported progress with the Heritage Partnership has been slowed due to the committee focusing on 2020 funding applications. But now that those applications have been submitted, hopefully the Partnership will get back up to speed. • The next action is for Sue Warren to produce a brochure detailing 2020 events. f) through l) Receive Policies • Chapter received the following: Policy Index, Procurement Policy, Volunteer Policy, Whistleblowing Policy, Safeguarding Policy, Safeguarding Privacy Notice, and Safeguarding Service Level of Agreement. 7. The Dean a) Dean’s Report • The Dean’s Briefing for January was presented to Chapter. • The Dean discussed suggestions made by the Association of English Cathedral peer reviewers in regard to renovating and maximizing the potential of the Deanery and other properties. Greg Hudson, principal property adviser to the Church Commissioners, reviewed our properties on 6 January and discussed funding options with the Dean. Building plans for the Deanery have since been forwarded to Mr Hudson for further advice. • The Dean said SGY will present a full report to Chapter in the coming months on the Discovery Centre and programs for children and young families. SGY reported an interest to establish a youth group for teens in school years 7 to 10 and efforts are being made to clear out a space in the basement for this group to meet on a regular basis. SGY reported the Discovery Centre is operating well, volunteers are settled and a meeting to discuss 2020 plans will be held with Kim Judge later this month. b) Finance • SJA reported Cathedral finances are good at the moment, but that does not give us leave to be complacent. She added that staff will be made aware of why the budget came out so positively with regards to capitalised projects and we must be mindful how that good standing is communicated with the public. • The annual audit will begin 29th January. • Chapter reviewed the Period to 31 December 2019 accounting results. A £4k reduction within the Events budgetary line was noted and JH said he will be meeting with the events manager to look at priorities. SA noted the £31k net Enterprises result. He added the Cathedral Shop did better than expected, while Pilgrims’ Kitchen’s profits were slightly down due to extra staff costs whilst a member of staff is on maternity leave. • JH congratulated department heads on maintaining a strong hold on their budgets and noted the Parish Giving scheme continues to move in a positive direction. ES said there have been some hiccups regarding the electronic donation box which will be ironed out before the Cathedral receives a handheld device. 8. The Administrator a) Safeguarding and b) Policies • SJA said the Procurement Policy came to be at the suggestion of the Peer Review team. Chapter approved the policy. Two additional policies may also be added to the Policy Index following a Data Protection meeting SJA recently attended in Ipswich. SJA said these policies were provided by the Diocese and of which we will review for our own needs. • SJA noted amendments to the Whistleblowing Policy on recommendations from the SCIE audit. Chapter approved this policy. • In regards to the language within the Safeguarding Policy Notice, which Chapter felt was too harsh and off-putting, SJA said she tried to soften the wording used. She also contacted two other cathedrals and both have similar policies in place. Chapter requested additional amendments be made to clarify what types of personal information will be collected and how. Action: SJA agreed to make further changes. • SJA noted the Arts Policy dates back to February 2011 and is now null and void. Action: PB was tasked with reviewing and updating that policy. • ES noted policies are only good if enforced. Action: JH requested SJA add a third column to the Policy Index noting the member of staff/Chapter responsible for each policy. • SJA said the Peer Review will be presented at the Full Staff Meeting scheduled for 22 January and actions raised from that review will be dispensed to staff members. 9. Canon Precentor a) Liturgy Update • PB reported services at Advent and Christmas were fantastic and he congratulated all those involved. • Five schools are expected to attend the Christingle on 28th January and PB said efforts are being made to make this service work better in the future. • Revd Michael Robinson and Archdeacon Jeanette Gosney have requested invitations to their installation ceremony on 2nd February be sent out via email.
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