r , , I ~ • , T ~ + r"t .,.T I r QAS;'",- ,+ • , + 'I' + + ... < + .,. on - .. I,.....,. • ARAI.L 1 '.'fm;"l+ '0" rl .A uNO" MO• QI'o4 ',J.ltI · K) l' CJ • PI b ...• 00• . ~ ... an • YINI .. 1L...-_...l1 ft . .,. • .. • , .--- . ~ ~ . S1 UO't' An Excellent r' X.1J11plr • • - .- - - of Domestic Architccture in the • ~I • Conttmporarr l\hnncr. / .,"),,.. r N;- • I I I . A Home at Killara. Sydney. luhich won for its Architect. SYDNEY E. ANCHER. A. R. A.I. A .. The Sir John Sulman Medal. Details of Dwelling and Medal Prcscntat ion Page 7 f r 1 ", I M OLJ'flJ A A Presented at MEMORIAL 1 he \\ Innln' c:', I r. fer II Architects' Gathering Gcor~ \' M m C' I '» I I the Botamc.11 G rd r . IT. b ing of five arc!lItedS on~ painter and bel'n ~nnollnccd .1$ follow~ Ir J hn ulm,lO. i d.ll for • ~ pr< ,nhd to ~ir. ydney l~. one art crttlc. hrH PII1l' (£200) Dr. II j p IQ~ \I~1\ R .1/\. for .1 r Idcn,c dt rhe donor, Sir John Sulm,ln, was stein ,Ind L R. I) D.ld$well. An hr. A\'~nuc Klll.ua Sydney. by born in r;ngbnd in 1849 lie c,lmr to Second Pnu (i 100) , A. ~bvtpnt'd nt of thc • '.S.\\' Chaptcr ,\ustr.llia in 1885 and practised as .1 b.! r, I , I I' f l\lurch .Ind j •• Ii Molonv. t b' Royal Austra Ian nstllute 0 consulting architect .Ind town planner ot ~ , tS tMr r· \\'. Turner) at a From 1887 to 1912 he was the Peter Third PrIZe (£75). A. H. M ,k Arc .ltCC 5 she;ry 'party held at the ~icol Russell lecturer in Architecture and A. P. Leary. Chn5tma . Cnll'mity Umon. at Sydney Uni\'Crsity. and from 1916 The adjudicators were Messrs. The bousc is 1.250 squMe feet m to 1927 was the Vernon lecturer In Cobden Parkes Hal \1!sSlngh,lm J. mJximum size which mJY Town Planning. He was President of D Moore, and the lord ,\llayor. Ald. area. thc . r' f be built without .a pcrmlt. " t I~ 0 the Town Planning Association of R. J. Bartley. ick pamted a gre} Ish pmk, N.S,W. from 1913 to 1925. He died commo n br ' . I' A The award of the King George V 'h 'mple unpretentIOUS meso n in 1934. Wit 51 ' d memorial competition pnze to 1 R. unobtrusi\'C grey slate bIen s ro~f The late Sir John's grand.daughter Dadswell and H Epstein's monolttb quietly into the surrounding gums is at present a third year architectural design suggests that the era .of frock~ and rocks, , . student at Sydney University. coated gentlemen fa\,ourlng bad Thc main structure IS approxlm~ baths has ended, comments the t\rt ately 60 feet deep by 21 feet. but See this Month's Plan-A Home at Critic of the . Sydney Morning the roof continues unbroken over a Killara, Sydney Page 9. flagged I'erand~h and then over the Herald. " ~mge. which IS bUilt at an. a,ngle to Of the three placed designs. only rclicl'e the seventy of the budding. ----------*,---------- one sports a royal motive. This change Controversial Design in official attitude is a refreshing sign. Although small. the dwelling has \Ve are not likely to regret that the , purely abstract shape has at last been liS t ... exceptional storage space. Between the two bcdrooms on the eastern side there UNIVERSITY COURSE elevated to the rank of public orna­ b PC' .. is no wall in the conventional sense, FOR ARCHITECTURE ment, a position it has held elsewhere true 'hi. since time began. the entire space being occupied by a A course in architecture leading to We t. cupboard wall. The glassed verandah the Degree B,Arch. was instituted .at Sydney's memorials, with the excep~ looks out on to a flagged terrace. ,.p! V"I ' the beginning of the academic year In tion of the Archibald Fountain. arc pn:nt' • Mr. r. W. Turner, in making the blots on the landscape presentation. in addition to paying 1947. .I ~;! gc~t' The winning monolith should be tribute to the design which he men~ The course is of six year's dura~ most effective in its simplicity. One to hm: tioned was of a controversial character tion; the first three years being spent dou bts the wisdom of the engra\'Cd -made special reference to the splendid in full-time study. The fourth, fifth aboriginal motives. It would be bet~ , • workmanship which had been put and sixth years are to be conducted as ter to retain a smooth surface than into the building by Mr. Max Cooper. evening classes. It is considered th~t the builder, who also was presen t at to disfigure the monolith's sleek this arrangement of the course wdl beauty with a crowded o\'Crall pattern ~~\X the function. enable students to gain essential prac~ The C ' which can only be described as squig~ The Archi teet tical experience at a most advantage­ gly. An austere and straight linear r The successful architect, Mr. ous period in their training. An actual engraving would enhance its beauty, Ancher, won the travelling scholarship requirement of the course is that but a nursery decoration would not. of the N,S.W. Board of Architects at students be associated with the practice t Sydney University in 1930 and spent of architecture by the beginning of the SIX years in England. He returned to fou rth year. ---------*---------- Sydney for about two years, had an­ for matriculation purposes candi~ Other nine months in England and re~ dates shall pass in five subjects at LAND FOR BUILDING turned to Australia shortly before the Senior Standard, including English, outbreak of war in 1939. SITES Mathematics 1., Physics, and one of A fund provided by the bte Sir rhe following;- Brisbane home building de\'clop' John Sulman. architect and pioneer ments include the acquisition of 10 town planner, with a view to encour~ (i) Art (both papers) ; acres of land at Se\'ille Road. Holland agmg excellent street design enables an (ii) Chemistry. Park. at a cost of £ 1.100. The a,ward to hf made each yea'r for a de~ land is near the Holland Park Mih~ +R~ of a ,building of exceptional merit. Should chemistry not be taken to tary Hospit.l\. Allow! ng for a new . uchltect for the selected huilding Senior Standard. a pass in thi~ sub~ street, it \"ould pro\'ide 48 building feCtlve a bronze medal and a diploma. ject must ha\'e been obtained .11 Junior sites, This \\'.IS announced by the S.h.a. Fand Standard. Should the full subject .Ht Housing l\linistcr. l\lr. Bruce. not be taken a pass in the sCC0nd Ih ;ht SUI!"a.n Fund is so constituled He .1150 said th.1t approval had been I a all bUildings are divided inlo five paper of the subject must he oht.lined. obtained for the purchase of 16,017 :;~ tD~ the ~ward is made to The present Diploma Course in clinker bricks at £62 L for home for lhe d. In rotation. The class for architecture will cease to function letting in I loyd treet. Trainee hrick­ • ..1 year was domestic build~ when students already committed to layers, under the rehabilitation heme, 1 _ _ II made by a jury consist- that cour,e have been fully trained. would do the constructi n. .
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