Bishop Stuart University Our God Reigns JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT ISSUES Volume 3 j Number 1 & 2 I December 2011 F.ditor Elijah Dickens Mushemeza Bishop Swart Univer:rity "e;,hop Stuart Un;venity Bishop Stuart University Our God Reigns Faculry of Business and Development Studies Bishop Scuan Univcrsiry l~O . Box 9 Mbarara, Uganda Tel: 0485 433 468 Email: [email protected] Website: www.bsu.ac.ug © l'aculry of Business and Devdopmcm Srudic$. 201 l All righu reserved. No pare ofthis public uion may be reproduced. sior<d in • mricval sysccm or cransmiucd in any form or by a.ny electronic means. mechanical. photocopying. recording or otherwise withour the prior wriuen permission of the publisher ISSN 2077-4354 Editor Elijah Dickens Mushcmeu 8i1hop Stuart U11ivrr'liry Edilorial Assistants Alice Jossy Kyobutungi 1Unt\\'CSigyc George Muganga lab•n Erapu ln1ema1ional Eailorial Advisory Board Asiimwe, Godfrey - Mal«rcre Univtrsir:y Nuwagaba, Augustus - Makcrcrc Unl\·crsiry Mbabui, P•mela - Mbarara Universir:y of Science: and Technology Gingyera ~ Pinycwa. A<.-;G - Kampala lnte:rnarional University Omer, Hawi Hamed - Univmir:y of Juba-Sudan Pule.ng, l.enkaBula - Universit:y of South Africa Murunga. Edwin - Kcnyacta University Muri nd¥.·a~Ruranga - Makcrcrc Unh·e:rsity Gcmandzc. John Bobuin - Univmity of Buca Buca. Cameroon Newbury. Mary Carhorinc - Five College. Mass;ichums. USA Bishop Stuart University Our God Reigns JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT ISSUES Volume 31 Number 1 & 2 I December 2011 Ediwrs Nme .. ................. ..... ................ ................. ............... ..... .......... iv Elections. Democracy Challenge and Development in Africa Elijah Dickew Mushemeza. Bi!hop Swart Univmiry ............................ I Non-state Actor~, Elections and Developrnenc in 1\frica }a11e K. Bib1mg.u11bah, Bi1hop StutJrt U11i11ersil)'-·· --···· ......................... 22 l'os1-Election Conflicts and Conflict Resolurion: Africa's Democratic Impasse of rhc 21st Century Anthony• Mpairive. Bi!hop Stuart Uni,,ersity• ...................... ................. 41 Voters' Perception of rhc Conrribu1ion of Citizen Participarion in Local Council Elecrions in Uganda David .l'vfuMigwa, KampoLt /111emotior111/ U11i11miry ....... .... ...... ..... .... 67 Women and Elections in Uganda: Challenges and Opponuni1ies for C;c:ndt'r Equalit)' and. Ocvclopn1c:nt (,'mhom Atukunda, Llishop Stuart Univmiry.. .................................. .. 95 Bishop Stuart University Our God Reigns ./OIJm#I ol0. 1klp1•rt hwN I ~ l l Humbel' , & 21 09C I"* '°'' Editors Note This issue of the Journal of Development Issues is intended to open an intellectual debate on the nexus bccween elections. democracy and development in Afric:a. lhc authors argue that the desire to have free and fair elections is premised on chc undemand.ing that elections are one but critical .component of democracy and devclopmem. ln spite of the f.tllurcs or shortcomings in the electoral processes in majority of Afric:an States, the people still regard elections highly and will continue to participate in elections as an integral process of democratisation and development. This is possible through effective participation of various stakeholders - political parties. non-state actors like civil society organisations, women. and workers, persons with disabilities, youth and state/ government institutions encrusted with responsibilities o f management, arbiuation. and security. Editorial Policy The journal ofDevt:lopmmt /Jsues, ISSN 2077-4354. is published cwice annually by the FacultyofBusinessand Development Srudies. The theme for this December issue is: 'Elections and Dtwlopmtnt in Africa'. 7ht journal ofDtwlopmtnt lssutS welcomes research papers on devdopment issues from all Social Science disciplines and Business Studies. In this regard, prioriiy is given to articles which are inmdisciplinary. provide critical analysis and based o n empirical work and interT0g2tion of ideas using alrornative schools of thought or theorerical perspectives. Contributions for publia rions, therefor~, should be original Articles submirred should not be under consideration for any other publication at the same time. Notes for contributors ran bt doumloadtd from tht BSU wtbsitt: www.bnuc.ug iv Bishop Stuart University Our God Reigns JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT ISSUES Volume 3 j Number 1 & 2 I December 2011 Editor Elijah Dickens Mushcmeu Bishop Srunre University "B;sbop Stuut Univ"5ity Bishop Stuart University Our God Reigns Faculty of Business and Developmem Studies Bishop Stuart University P.O. Box 9 Mbarara, Uganda Tel: 0485 433 468 Email: [email protected] Website: www.bsu.ac.ug © Faculty of Business and Development Srudies. 2011 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmiue<l in any form or by any electronic means, mechanical, phorocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior wrinen permission of the publisher ISSN 2077-4354 Editor Elijah Dickens Mushemeza Bishop Stuart U11iv,,1iry EdiloriaJ Assistant$ AJicl" Jossy Kyobucungi +run\wesigye George Muganga Laban Erapu International Emtorial Advisory Board Asiimwc. Godfrey - 1\.1.akerere University Nuwagaba, Augustus - Makcrc:rc University Mhaba2.i, Pan1el:t - ~tb:arar.i University ofSc ience and Technology Gingycra-Pinycwa, AGG - Kampala lmernarional University Omer, Hawi Hamed - Univcrsil)' of Juba-Sudan Pulcng. l.enkaBula - University ofSourh Africa Murunga. Edwin - Kenyatta University Murindwa ~ Rucanga - ~·takcrere Universicy Gemandzc. John Bobuin - University of Buca Buca, Cameroon Newbury, Mary Catharine - Five College, Ma,..chums. USA Bishop Stuart University Our God Reigns JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT ISSUES Volume 31 Number 1 & 2 I December 2011 Editors Note ............................................... ................... ............. ....... iv Elections, Dernocrncy Challenge and Development in Africa Elijah Dickens Mmhtme:ur, Bishop Stuart U11iversity .............. .............. I Non.. s:tacc Actors~ Elections an<l Dtvelopment in Africa Jane K Bibangambah. Bishop Strum University ............................... ... 22 Posr-Election ConAicts and ConAicr Resolution: Africa's Democrnric Impasse of rhe 21sr Century Anthony Mpairwe, Bishop Stuart University ....... ................................ 41 Voters' Perceprion of rhe Contribution of Citizen Pa rticipation in Local Council Elections in Uganda David 111U1esigwa, Kampala International U11i11usiry ......................... 67 Women and Elections in Uganda: Challenges and Opportuni ties for Gender Equality and. Developme.nr Grrshom At11k1111da, Bishop Sttum University ............ .......................... 9) Bishop Stuart University Our God Reigns Editors Note 'lhis issue of the Journal of Development Issues is intended to open an ir11ellcctual debate on the nexus between elections, democracy and development in Africa. The authors argue that the desire co have free and fa ir eleccions is premised on che undrrstanding chat eleccions are one but cricic-JI componenc of democracy and development. In spice of the F.iilurcs or shoncomings in the electoral pmccsses in majoriry of African Sraces, che people still regard elections highly and will concinue to participace in elections a.~ an inccgral process of dcmocracisacion and development. This is possible through dfcccive panicipation of various scakeholders - political parries, non-state accors like dvil sociecy o rganisations. wo men, and workers. persons with disabilicies. youth and scace/governmeni institutions encrusced wirh responsibilicies of managemenc, arbitration. and securicy. Editorial Policy Thejo11mnl ofDrvr/qpmr111 lss11es, ISSN 2077-4354 . is published rwice annually by the Facul1yofHusinessand DevelopmcrH Srudies. The theme for chis Deccmhcr issue is: 'Elections ttntl Develop111r111 in Afiicn: The }oumnlof Devtlopmrnt lmw welcomes researd1 papers on development issues from all Socio.I Science disciplines and Business Srudit.s. In rhis reg-.ud, priori'}' is given 10 articb which are interdisciplinary, provide crirical analysis and b=d on empirical work 2nd interrogacion of ideas using altcrnarivc schools of thought or theomical perspccti"cs. Conrributions for publications, therefore, should be original. Articles submitted should not he under consideration for any ocher publicarion at tht.' Sarne time. Notes far co111ribu1ors Ct1n hr dow11loade1I from tht 85U 1wbsif(: 1v111111. bm.11t.11g iv Bishop Stuart University Our God Reigns Elections, Democracy Challenge and Development in Africa Elijah Dickens Atushen1cza1 0111,,-1' \111.ut I ·1111'!n111 Abstract ·r111 .. .n uck :\ r~\ll'' 1ha1 clcc:1o ral ,,·ork 1~ 1u'r unc t:( 11 nponcn1 cii dcnH.cr.lC\' hu1ldu1i.=. ft b lonJ? {t·nn h,· n.u urc :\nd rl'1..tt11 r~~ :- i.~n> tic :uu fi11.11h-:1.tl. p•,htical :ind ::ccunrr ~ u pp 11r 1. ·r 1ic .1 rt1ck· ,lt, (·u .. .,c.. 1h 1.· uc•o t' hct\\'1.'.t'.rl c.:h:cn•)fl', dc1nnc: r.u:r :111'1 ,i.._, .. 1. •pllh.·n1. I Jc.·<'1t< .,1.. hrinj: •>U C 11 npor1.,uu Jrsn•JCr.lcr 1 r• ,j, nu:lJ, p.1r11t ul.1rh con1t"~tiuc •n. p:1n1t ipouiun .tn1,_I rC'-..p1.."<'I nl Cl\,) hl>c-ntt' It '' .ln:ueJ th;a1 rhc \ i.:ry purpo.,1,.· nf t• lt·c.· 111111~ '' tu .lt·lu>t."\c. pJrtK'1fl.ltnn l!O\ crnancc \\11ho1n \ 1ok.nc1. rhr-x1l!h pohnc' r.nhc:r 1h.n1 ph~sical compt"••non • .anti 1hi~ h;ms 'U'-C~ t'.<li.:·1.I u1 l~ '' '\.\.ln,1, S1"\\lth .·\frica. ( ih.an:\ :\nd 'l.amb1.i. \\ h1k .ul<lly$IO~ rht· n ire principles for orJ:r-l!li:sin,e: and :ic:h1<.·v111)! fret: :u1d r:nr clct; 11c11l". tlH.· .lrtu;;lt: proposes a cnnccp1u.11
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