A new species of Thecotheus (Pezizales) from the Western Himalayas S. C. KAUSHAL Kaushal, S. C. 1980 09 18: A new species of Thecotheus (Pezizales) from the Western Himalayas. Boi. Notiser 133: 319-321. Stockholm. ISSN 0006-8195. A new species, Thecotheus himalayensis Kaushal, is described. It is characterized by additional interascal elements in the hymenium and minutely warted ascospores. Anatomi• cal features of T. cinereus (Cr. & Cr.) Chen., based on Indian collections are given. Ascospores of T. pelletieri (Cr. & Cr.) Boud. are found to be smaller than in American and Canadian collections. 5. C. Kaushal, Department of Botany, Panjab University, Chandigarh-160014, India I agree with Korf (1972) in including Thecotheus here (Fig. 1 A): ectal excipulum up to 85 //m Boud. in the tribe Iodophaneae of the family thick, a textura angularis, cells up to 25 x 16/<m. Ascobolaceae. In my opinion, the presence of with their longitudinal axis somewhat perpen- ~ amyloid asci, the simple excipular structure and dicular to the surface, outer few layers with small apothecia in Thecotheus point to its dose smaller cells; medullary excipulum 100-125//m relationship with Ascobolaceae and justify its thick, a textura globulosa-angularis, cells often inclusion in this family. hyphoid, up to 8 //m wide; hypothecium very Three species, T. himalayensis Kaushal, T. much reduced, textura intricata. cinereus (Cr. & Cr.) Chen. and T. pelletieri (Cr. T. pelletieri is a rare species in India. Two & Cr.) Boud. were examined during the course collections from the Western Himalayas (Batra of the present investigations. s.n. and Waraitch 2166 at PAN) have greyish T. cinereus was listed by Batra & Batra (1963) apothecia and smaller ascospores (28-32 x 14-17 in their checklist of Indian Discomycetes as ^m) than those reported from the American and Ascophanus holmskjoldii Hans. The Indian col• Canadian collections (32-40 x 20-24 /<m) by lections of this species by Batra (PAN s.n.) and Kimbrough (1969). Waraitch (PAN 2094) contain clearly warted and 7. himalayensis was collected in the late au- prominently apiculate ascospores. According to tumn of 1971 and 1974. Usuai fungal stain have Eckblad (1968), these collections should be been used to study the microfeatures in the field treated under Thecotheus holmskjoldii (Hans.) and in the laboratory. The collections are de- iickbl. As Brummelen (1967) found the spores of posited at PAN. 7". cinereus to be completely smooth, Eckblad (1968) accepted it as a species distinct from T. Thecotheus himalayensis Kaushal sp. nov., Fig. 1 holmskjoldii. However, studies by Le Gal (1960, B-D 1963) and Kimbrough (1969) amply indicate that 7\ is conspecific with/L cinereus. Holotypus: India, Dalhousie, Panjpula, in stercore This view is accepted in this work and the Indian caprarum, 28.8.1974, S. C. Kaushal 2625 (PAN). Para- typi: Dalhousie, Jandri Ghat, in stercore caprarum. collections are placed accordingly under T. cine• 29.8.74, S. C. Kaushal 2632 (PAN) — Simla, Narkan- reus. da, 18.8.71. S. C. Kaushal 2412 (PAN). Observations regarding anatomical features of Apothecia ad 2.5 mm diam., solitaria vel aggregata, he Indian collections of 7. cinereus are added sessilia vel brevistipitata, cupulata vel turbinata et raro 320 5. C. Kaushal BOT. NOTISER 133 (1980) IO f, , 5Q Aim Fig. 1. A: Thecotheus cinereus. — B-D: T. himalayensis. — A, B: V.S. of the apothecium passing through its margin. — C: V.S. of the apothecium passing through its centre. — D: Ascospores. — Arrows in B and C show additional interascal elements. conoidea, carnosa, alba, margine integro; hymenium gradually reduced towards margin, with up to 6 album, asperum propter apices prominentes ascorum. firn broad hyphae; hypothecium indistinct. Asci Excipulum externum e textura angulari, ad 65,wm cras- sum, cellulis ad 24 x 17 [tm, parum crassitunicatis; (120-)160-175(-186) x 11-14 ^m, 8-spored, excipulum medullosum e textura intricata densa, ad 85 cylindrical, apex rounded, base long and narrow, um crassum, tenuis ad marginerò, hyphis ad 6//m latis; intensely J+ in fresh material (specially the hypothecium indistinctum. Asci (120-) 160-175(-186) x young asci), slightly less in dry material. Asco• ll-14//m, octospori, cylindrici, apice rotundo, longe stipitati, J +. Ascosporae 12,0-15,5 x 6-7 um. uni- spores 12.0-15.5 x 6-7 jum, uniseriate, some- seriatae, aliquando ad apicem congestae, ellipsoideae, times a few spores crowded near apex, ellipsoid, subhyalinae, verruculosae. Paraphyses filiformes, subhyaline, verruculose. Paraphyses up to 1.5 septatae, ramosae, ± rectae, deorsum ad l,5«m cras- jum wide below, very slightly enlarged above or sae. Filamenta simplicia, robusta, ± recta vel sursum paullo curvata, subhyalina, ad 5 um crassa ascis et not at ali, thin-walled, filiform, septate, freely paraphysibus immixta. branched at various levels, straight or slightly bent. Interspersed between asci and paraphyses Apothecia up to 2.5 mm in diameter, gregarious, are additional interascal elements which are single to crowded (only 2-3 cups placed togeth- erect, paraphyses-like, up to 5/um broad, slightK er), sessile or with a short thick stipe, shallow, narrow below, subhyaline, simple, stout, septate cupulate to turbinate or rarely obconical, regu- (septa at irregular intervals), straight or slightly lar, fleshy; external surface white, smooth; bent at top. margin entire; hymenium white, somewhat The additional interascal elements described roughened by protruding ascal tips. Ectal excipu• for the present species are not known anywhere lum a textura angularis. up to 65 ftm thick, with else in operculates except in Iodophanus kim- cells up to 24 x 17 ^m, usually more or less hroughii Thind & Kaushal (Thind & Kaushal hyphoid at margin with davate tips, slightly 1978). However, such elements have been re- thick-walled; medullary excipulum a dense tex• ported amongst inoperculates for Lambertclìa tura intricata, up to 85 um thick in the middle. acuminata and L. phaeoparaphysata by Dumont BOT. NOTISER 133 (1980) A new Thecotheus 321 (1971). T. himalayensis is distantly related to T. Dumont, K. P. 1971: Sclerotiniaceae. II. Lambertella. apiculatus Kimbr. but the latter has larger asci Meni. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 22: 1-178. Eckblad, F. E. 1968: The genera of Operculate Disco- and ascospores with very conspicuous apiculi. mycetes. A re-evaluation of their taxonomy, phylo- geny and nomenclature. Nytt Mag. Bot. 15: 1-192. Acknowledgements. The author is grateful to the Kimbrough, J. W. 1969: North American species of USDA for financial help under P. L. 480 programme Thecotheus (Pezizeae, Pezizaceae). Mvcologia 61: and to the U.G.C. New Delhi, India for a special grant 99-114. to support this study. He is indebted to Dr N. Lund- Korf, R. P. 1972: Synoptic key to the genera of the qvist, Uppsala, for his kind help in the Latin diagnosis Pezizales. Mycologia 64: 937-999. of the new species. Le Gal, M. 1960: Les Discomycètes de l'herbier Crouan. U.Ann. Sci. Nat. Sr. 12. Bot. 1: 441-467. Le Gal, M. 1963: Valeur taxonomique particulière de References certains charactères chez les Discomycètes supé- rieurs. Bull Soc. Mycol. France 79: 456-470. Batra, L. R. & Batra, S. W. T. 1963: Indian Discomy- Thind, K. S. & Kaushal, S. C. 1978: Three species of cetes. Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull. 44: 109-256. Iodophanus from Western Himalayas. Indian Brummelen, J. V. 1967: A world-monograph of the Phytopath. 31: 343-347. genera Ascobolus and Saccobolus (Ascomycetes, Pezizales). Persoonia Suppl. I. .
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