IVth CAPABLANCA MEMORIAL Players' Names 1 1 ~ 4 5 6 7 • " 0 11 12 13 14 15 '6 17 18 ., 20 21 22 5,ot . I. Smysla" (USSR) .............. X 0 I 0 I ! 1 I 1 I I I I 1 0 I I T il I , 151 ' 51 2. Iy k av (Yugosl .... ;.) ........ 1 x l I 0 I 1 0 1 I I I 1 I I I I 1 1 I I 0 15 · . 3. Geller (USSR) .................. 1 ! x 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 15· ' 4. Fischer (USA) ....... "." ... ,1 0 0 x 0 I I 1 1 I 1 1 I I I ! II i I I 1 15 · , 5. Kholmov (USSR) ............ 1 ' ). 1 x I I I i I J I I 1 1 1 I 1 I I I 1 141' 61 6. P~chman (czecha.) ", ... .. , I I 1 1 x 1 0 I I I I j I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 Il · I 7. Oonner (Holland) .......... 0 0 1 0 l Ox 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 121' 81 8. Robatsch (Austr l.) .. ..... ,1 1 I G 1 lO x I I 1 0 I 1 I 1 I I .I 1 I 1 12 · , , . Bilek (Hu ngary) .............. 0 0 0 0 I I 0 ! X I I J I I ! 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 11 1- 'I 10. P ~ rm . (YugoSI. vla) ...... , I 0 i 1 J I I I x 0 1 il l I I I 1 I I I 11 _10 11. Szabo (Hungary) ............ 0 I I 0 I 1 0 0 I 1 lI: 1 I I j 1 0 I 1 I 0 1 101-101 12. Pielnch {E. Germ~ny ) ....O I I 0 ~ I a 1 J 0 a " I I I I J I I I I 1 101-101 13. O' Kelly (&elgium ) .•... _... 0 0 I I I I 0 I I I I 1 lI: I I 0 1 I I I I I 10_11 14. Tringov (&ulguia) ........0 0 I 0 0 I I I I I I 0 I lI: 0 1 I I I I I I 10 ·11 15. J im inez (Cub.) .•.•...•....•... 1 0 0 I 0 I 0 I I 0 I 1 I 1 " I I I I I I I ' 1·11 1 16. Cioc;llt ea {Ruman I., .... ..0 I I I 0 1 I I 0 I 0 I I I " lI: I 0 1 g i l ' -12 11. Dod. (Po land) .. ............... .0 0 0 0 I 0 I 1 0 1 1 I 0 0 I I " I 0 I I I 8-U la. Lehm.nn (W. Germ.) .... 0 0 0 0 1 I I I 0 10 I I 1 0 I lOx 1 , , 0 71-131 19. Wade (England ) .. ............ 0 0 I I I 0 I 1 0 0 0 10 I 0 I 0 I 0 " J 1 1 71·lll 20. Cobo (C uba) .... .................. 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 1 0 0 I 0 10 1 0 I I lI: 1 I. 51-1$1 21. Perez (Cuba, .. .... .. .... ........ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I I 0 0 I I I 1 1 0 0 x 0 4 _17 22 . Garcia (Cuba) •... ..............0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 , 1 )Ii 4.17 Ivkov Gelle r Fischer Former World Champion Vanily Smys lov won the Capablanca Memorial Tourna me nt in Havana, finishing a half-point ahead of Borisi.1IV Ivkov, Ewfim Ge lle r and U.S. Champion Robert Fische r. Games & Photo~ Ivkov, who seemed to have the tournament dearly won, falte red toward from the end ,md lost his last two games. A time·pressure blunde r against last-place Gilberto Garcia in Round 20 provided the tournament's biggest upset. Ivkov Capobianco Memorial lost his final game against Karl Robatsch as well, allowing Smyslov_in spite of three loues-to edge into first place. Start on P. 211 Fischer, who played in th e tournament by teletype from the Marshall Chess Club in New York City, produced some good game5--lnduding a victory over the tournament winner_but was de.arly not in hi s best form. UNITED STATES Volume XX Number 10 Qelober. 1965 EDITOR: J . F . Reinhardt CONTENTS PRESIDENT Capobianco Mem:lriol .................................................. ............... " ....... .. 211 Lt. Col. E. B. Edmondso n A Triple Enigma, by Robert Byrne .. , ....................... ............................. 216 VICE·PRESIDENT David Hoffmann Breaking a Ji nx, by Dr. Anthony Saidy ................................................ 21 8 REGIONAL VICE·PRESIDENTS HEW ENGLAND Stanley KinK" Hlrold Oondls College Chess, by Pau l C. Joss .. ... .. .. ....................................................... 219 Ell S ourdon IAITIRN Don.ald Schultz lAwt. E. Wood Games by USCF Members, by John W. Co ll in s ........................ ............ 220 Robert Lanelle MID-ATLANTIC WIlliam Bragg .Earl Clary Chess life Here & There .. ,', ................... ........... .... .. .. .. ... ................. ...... 221 Edwud O. Strehle IOUTHIRN Dr. Robert Froemke Peter Lande Tournament Life .......................................................... .......................... 225 Carroll M. Crull Norbert M .Ubeoq Donald W. Hildine U. S. Open Crosstoble ............................................................................ 227 Dr. H.rvey McClellan NOItTH CENTItAL Robert Lerll(!l' J obn OIne.. Xen R.Ykken SOUTHWEITI RN W. W. Crew X enndh SmJt.h * * * Jo ark Bllhop PACIFIC Kenneth J ones Gordon B. 1T<l1t Col. P. ul L. We bb SECRETARY THERE'S A USCF TOURNAMENT Marshall Rohland NATIONAL CHAIRMEN and OFFICERS IN YOUR AREA - ARMED FOlleliS CH... ..... M... M.M.Robert Kuc:h aUSINESS MANAGER ........ M.M • • J . F. Remhardt SEE THE "TOURNAMENT LIFE" LISTINGS! COLLEGE CHESS __ .•.. __ ...••. __ •__ ••.P. ul C • .Iou INDUSTRIAL CHE.S __ ....•.•S uoley W . D. Kina INTE RNATIONAL AF I" AIAS __ .•.laue Kalhd.n WarneD', lntuD.t1on.L........ Kathryn 51.tar JUN IO R CHESS..... .. ....... Mordeeal D. Treblo... MASTERS A FFAIRI .......................... Robort ByrDe MEMBERSHIP H.............. ................ Donald Schulu MEMBE RSHIP I ECItITA RY ...... .. .. .... Gnt. Fuchl JOIN THE UNITED STATES CHESS FEDERATION NAT IO NAL O .. I N. ............. H........ Hermsn Ee;trada NOMI NATIONS.MM.MM.H.Dr. Alex J.nlllllkowtk,y USCP a • non·prefit democrallc orl. nl.utlon, the otfldal ,overrun, body .nd FIDE unit f or PRESIDENTIAL ASSIST ... NT __ .. __ Fred Cr. mer ch.u la the USA. Anyone Inleru ted In ;o.dvudnl Amerioan chUI Is eutlble lor lIlembenhlp. RATINGS .......' ..INO S .... __....... Arp.d E. 1'.10 RATING STATISTICIAN... _ ...... Wm. Cok bber, Mambership, Includlq CIIESS LIFE AlWerlptloll, IBI1r lbWty fer USCF·r;o.t1nr, &ad. all TAX DEDUCTIBILITY ........ _ ........ ..Karol4 DoDdb prl.,l1eru: 1 yr.: 5.00; 2 y ..... : $9.50; 3 )'n.: 113.50; SuaWnln,: 110.00 (beeom1aa" W. MemtM-nhlp TOURNAME NT ... OM-.. MGeorre Koltano... ti after 10 p.,-meats); W e: 1100.00. F.mlly Mambentllp (two Or more hmll,. melIlben ;o.t _ TOU RNAMENT RULES 11Jl1.etI Sherwin addxus. only Onl CHESS LIFE .ubaerlptrozr.): n.t~ .. above 101' l1nt famll,. member. plUl TREASURIR MH.M. ______JIIllton Ih"kln followln, for e.ch ;o.ddlUon;o.l member: I yr.: 12.so; % yn.: $4.75; 3 yfS.: $6.15. U. S. CHAM .. IONSHIP. •M_ ... ___ M.uriee Kuper u. S. O ..IN _______• __ Fred Cr&IUe r WOMEN 'S CHliSS._. __________ E .... Aronson CHESS LIFE 1. published monthlJl hy user and entered AI Rcoa d-cl.u matter .t Eut Dubuque, DllDols. NOIHD IB m oor I.yr • • ubtcrlpUOD: U.oo /15.00 out.slde USA); .lD.CIe eop,.: -lOt ($Oj! • WORLD CHESS FEDERATION ou Wd. USA). Ch.n,. of ..:Idr.s.: Allow four ... eekl no~ ; plene a:tve UI beth the ne" address (F.l.D.E.) .nd the old ;o.ddre55, lncilldlnl the numbers .nd date. on the top line of your stencil. Fred Cramer Vice-President, Zone 15 (U.S.A.) Addrt!., all eommul11c.Uon••• M m.ke .11 checJr.a payable to: ------- UNITED IiT... TES CHI!SS FEDERATION, .. III' 11'11 St r .... NEW YORK 3, N. Y. 210 CHESS LIFE Games fram the CAPABLANCA MEMORIAL TOURNAMENT KING'S INDIAN QUEEN'S GAMBIT ACCEPTED CONNER BILEK DONNER SZABO 8 , 4K8 P·Q4 22 . N-Q3 KR.QBI •• ' "'·Kal 25. ax'" •• ' ,. P.gR4... p.I(N3 26. RxR ." ,. P·QR4 ,.,... 23. Rx R ". ,. P-KN) 8 · N1- 27. axa •• N·KBl N-KBl 24. R-QBI ." •• a·pn 0 ·0 28. KxB K-81". •• P-K3 1'·1(3 25. NlIft K-Q3 ,. N-g83 P·Q3 '1'. P·86 K·tel •• 1'·84 U . I(·Q4 P· B3 •• N·B3 QN-Q2 30 . B' N6 P_84 •• 0'"·0 P·QR] 21. H,Q3 P.QN3 ,. ~o P _I(4 31 . B·BS ,. P·QR4 "'-83 28. P· KSc.h PlIPch .... ~., •• p· K4 11:-10 32. 8-Q6 .... •• ..., 29. "' xP 1(·82 •• P-KR) 1'·8 3 33. K-83 1(· 81 •• ,.. Q-82 30. H/ S-B4 N-N2 10. 8 ·K3 .. , 34. P-N4 B· N3 10. P·K4 N ·KN5 31. N·K4 .... 11. NxP N·84 35. K·K' .... I'. B·1(3 ••• 32. "'·83 ". 12. Q· 82 Q,I<2 36 . K-Q3 K· BI 11. QxN Q-R4 : 3. KIIB N_Kl 13. KR·I(1 II.Q2 37. K_K2 .... 13. R· BT Q>tBP 34 . N ·Q5ch K ·H2 K . 8 ~ 14. a.q P· R4 14. P·83 P · QR ~ 38, K·BI ". 35. K· N4 15. QR.Ql P-QN4 :no. PlIP .. , 15. BxRP BxPc h :W. P ·RS PxPch I'.

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