EXTRA EXTRA I .pE(:IAL ELECTION EDITION SPECIAL ELECTION EDITION WOODRRIDGE, N .J.( WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1934 [FROM OUR FRONT WINDOW FOUR DEMOCRATS WIN HERE SWEEP; i/t] sevnral Hudson County .j',,,-1, still to be heard from, n,,l improbable that Mr. ,1ml-"in »" lhc f'y'nf! Trap- ; After nil, the electorate of i Inrspy I"1*nat ' enou8n °f | arson, Hanton and Hoff- klo- • inifit nnd it looks as though JjIKIll 6.O.P. LOSES COUNTY; DILL CLIMBING Itl.'V may iret the drubbing they deserve. |n he expected that the ,: ; Mt'Culehcon, Yatcs •ind the failure of the Victorious In Township Balloting iii Iiivosliifators to do any ,|,.|initr iiivostiRntiriK would ',.,, iinicli of n handicap for TRAM, FOERCH, BERGEN II. P. to overcome. Kx- KEAN 11 (,i Si"!;" *' npprovnl of the pl;in wns not the lenst of •|. an ilisii.sUu'd. For Mr. ;, i, In'i'ii one »f thi1 Stilted ALEXANDER, VICTORS HERE ;m sa(fes for thirty years. HAS 20,000 LEAD N doubt the Republican Ojmmittee will now renl- ,. ih.il the local electorate ex- AS VOTERS LASH 3 BOSSES ,, id ,i bit more intelligent ac- AS HUDSON VOTE SLOWS UP ,,n .mil will look about for n „], i lo steer them into infer But for allowing them* lir kidded into foozling South Amboy Candidate Builds Up Early Margin Over Electorate Repudiates The Discredited Triumvirate of n (general, for the take nring the hangers'on, Dill; Hague Seen Holding Back Jersey City Harris-Wight-Mosher With Stinging Rebuke To I i ;lit have been even more i-,,ly entrenched in the mu- Pluralities; 75,000 Set As Probable Young Administration; Zullo's Defeat By ,.il government, initead of Margin of Senatorial Victory iiiiin; in the light only a Foerch Wide; Madison Loss Close )r unproductive year. Per- ilion' left in office will ' tip to their reiponiibility INDEPENDENT OBSERVERS PLACE FINAL EDGE i;i-t on the job. TRAINER OUSTS LARSON AS TAX COLLECTOR; FOR DILL AT ABOUT 20,000 IN STATE RACE MARGIN OF VICTORY IN ALL WARDS IS 111 ,!; itcly for the voter:), they FRED FOERCH CHARLES ALEXANDER i .-;>i informed throughout JOHN BERGEN :|iiiinii cciiicerninjr the lit- At 6 o'clock this morning, Harold G. Hoffman of Mid- "ihcrwise, of the varioiiF Battering down all odds, the four Democratic qandi- ,iv- and, in the end, formed dlesex County was .still leading William L. Dill, the Dem- 1 datea for Township offices won a sweeping victory at the .', ii opinions of whom to •icratic aspirant for Governor, by a sight margin, but poli- Here are the four local :. Thus it was not so imii'h 1 polls yesterday. :•• i unity of untried mnteria] tical wiseacres insisted Frank Hague's candidate stil Democrats who swept to : i he fiirice-sookers, us tli would come out of the contest with a sizeable margin. conclusive victories yes- The successful candidates were: unit ness of those who had terday in the balloting for , „,! ^nil.,,1 i „ -I*,,,,,.I Hoffman's margin ranged in estimates late this morn Ta Collector and three For Township Committee: _ .• lui'ily. iiiK at from 20,000 to 40,000. But the tremendous vote posts on the Township John Bergen, First Ward. • 0 from Hudson County, always Democratic by huge plural- Committee, together with r tlic benefit of ihouc per- Charles Alexander, Second Ward. $ in the Township who, for ities, was merely trickling in and the wise boys insisted A. Harry Moore, who led the party ticket to victory rason or another, got a no- Mayor Hague and his Jersey City colleagues were deliber- Fred Foerch, Third Ward. " ^ that The Independent throughout the State. |ii turned Democratic, we hcre- ately withholding release of their pluralities until they For Tax Collector: $ n.iffirm, in face of a leem- Governor Moore carried victory, our absolute free- loarnod precisey what Judge Dill needed to win. the township by an esti- Michael J. Trainer. ,!i II frum the clutches of either There was, however, no question as to the outcome of mated 1,778, while the lo- ty ind shall continue to I lie Senatorial battle between Governor A. Harry Moore cal margins ranged down Fighting against the organization the Republicans | nil i,ut the • hortcomingi of to the 66 yotes by which had built up during their year of dominance in the Town- ,*fl i happens to be in office; and Hamilton Fish Kean of Union County. Governor ;imrtmc: in future, as hereto- 'Charles J, Alexander de- ship Committee and against the nine-year reign of Repub- Moore, the most able vote-getter in New Jersey's political mily those who prove them- feated Howard Madison, lican power in the Tax Collector's office, the Democratic s wui-ihy of popular ap- history within the memory of the present generation, was incumbent, as the Second ,il. candidates won with comparative ease. The results were conceded by all hands to be the winner in an overwhelm- Ward Committeeman. considered a direct repudiation of the practices and tac- • ::•• i>f thi1 ui/mv "f Hold ing landslide. Estimates as to his eventual margin ranged y.. and all the low license tics of the Republican incumbents. iti \V(p(idbri<l(fi'. til*' Coin- from 75,000 to 150,000. MICHAEL J. TRAINER ! i.|' .Motor Vehicles failed Contest The Same Although the odds before election favored Trainer • niiV "(trvilt shjikiss" of ix and Bergen over their respective opponents, J. Albert bar- ,n iiiis district—winning Tin; Gubernatorial battle remained "a-contest between" v, iirrciiliouts, by what I ho toothsome smile of the Republican Hoffman and theSmooth Work By Trained Organization son and Harry M. Gerns, the victories of Alexander and 1 :• is writing, like less thuii Foerch in the Second and Third Wards over Howard Madi- s!.•!i't-il votes. earnest attempt Judge Dill had made to convince the elec- torate he would make a sincere effort to reduce the tax Sweeps Democrats To County Triumph son and Carmen J. Zullo came unexpectedly. |\\V welcome the election of burden on real estate if elected. Madison's Defeat Significant ML BefHfn, Foerch and Three Freeholders Elected \inuler, [toping and feeling The Newark News, most able politically of the State's Hafferty, Burke, McKinstry Madison's defeat was particularly significant in view 1 I rum tliis trio the Tnxpay- In Large Victory For iii.iy .it least look for a sub- newspapers, was still withholding announcement of the Return To Assembly; of the fact that he had been in office for two years, during nti.il improvement in the result at T> o'clock this morning. And capable observers Middlesex Machine the latter of.which he was chairman of the Township Road luin'im- nt of Township nf- Cathers Wins in Trenton argued heatedly that Dill would win. Department and had virtual control over the expenditure .Wm-kng with rare precision, the the county functioned with per- They pointed out that 100 districts in Hudson still are Democratic machinery in Middle- fect co-ordination. of the $40,000 appropriation allotted to road repair and i only won otir First In Woodbridge Township, all fiiilr viites, ill spite of missing from the official tabulations and that even without sex County swept a complete maintenance. His thoroughly autocratic and arbitrary ticket into office yesterday. the candidates for Freeholders, i-iids IK- was supposed to thesu, Judge Dill still has amassed a lead up there of Kalteissen, Hale and Wiley won, manner in the distribution of the patronage alienated a sub- 'at .-ection, not to men- Under the guidance of State Senator John Toolun, the county with unusual majorities as did rio of (,'heerers who've 09,000. In Essex, the Democratic candidate led by 10,000 stantial share of the normal Republican vote in the Second gave impressive pluralities to all George Cathers, Democratic can- !,'.•• ;is lenders of the Ci. with -17 precincts still to be heard from. the party candidates for the Board didate for County Clerk. Ward and probably was responsible for his defeat. Mil hailiwick. '1 As for Mr. Hoffman, it was improbable that he would of Ohosen Freeholders and also In addition, the county was safe In the Third Ward, the strength of the entire local Re- for the County Clerk. Much of for William L. Dill, Democratic INl.t y voters were doubtless add to the lead already accorded him. In Camden County, the credit, however, must go to candidate for Governor, and A. publican machinery was thrown into high gear to elect li'd in the recent an- John J. Rafferty, the county chair- Harry Moore, candidate for the -nil-nt (one day last week, he had an edge of 6,000 with approximately half the vote Zullo, the protege of j'amea S. Wight, Assistant Prosecutor, man. United States. Senate against Ham- t v;ict) that the Nauright already registered in the books.; ilton F. Kean, Republican incum- But his defeat was as notable and decisive as any in the tter, charged with inquir- Three Democratic assemblymen bent. , t<> political crookedness in Remarkable Run were elected from the county. election. • Answering the plea of Judge -mus counties of.thp State, Although Toolan took personal Whatever the eventual result, impartial political spe- Dill for a Democratic majority in. Failure of the present organization head to carry the il'Hirned until after elec- charge of the election day acti- cialists were willing to, concede that Mr. Hoffman'had vities, there remained in evidence the House of Assembly, the coun- 1 his, -immediately follow- ty elected three members of tho Township for the Republicans indicates lack of intelligent 1" examination of half a the efficiency of the machinery made a remirkable run'in the face of innumerable' handi- assmbled by David T, Wilentz of party, Rafferty, Burke and Mc-leadership and probably will point to the ultimate disposl Monniouth County liquor y q Perth Amboy before he became Kinstry, to represent the county who were d caps The Republican nominee entered the primary cam- tion of Wight, Merrill Mosher and Robert W.
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