Page 2 Colby Free Press Wednesday, October 10, 2012 Area/State Weather Meeting Briefly Progress Center invites moves everyone to potato bar The Senior Progress Center does a great potato bar, and everyone is invited to come, enjoy and contribute to the members center’s fall fund raiser from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Thursday. There will be a coin raf- From “MEETING,” Page 1 fl e and a bake sale. For information, call Kaila DeBoer at 460-2901. ing the annual event. After the business portion of the meeting, three grant recipi- Colby library to hold ents expressed their thanks to ‘Game Night’ Thursday the foundation and explained Game Night is back at the Pioneer how the grants they received Memorial Library and everyone is invit- have impacted their programs. ed to join the group to play board games. Thomas County Health De- Come at 7 p.m. Thursday to the library’s partment Director Kasiah Roth- meeting room. For information, call Li- child, member of the Thomas brary Director Wilks at 460-4470. County Coalition, explained that the foundation has pro- vided oversight and has man- ‘Kids a Cookin’ classes aged funds for Colby’s Walking continue this month Trails. With help from the foun- Fall sessions of Kids-a-Cookin’, a dation, Rothchild said the trails hands-on food preparation and nutri- and the coalition’s efforts have tion class for third through fi fth graders, gained national recognition as continue Thursdays, this week and Nov. a success story, which has been 15. Sessions will start right after school, presented at conferences state- about 3:45 p.m., at the Colby Commu- wide. nity Building, sponsored by Thomas “We have a great working re- CHRISTINA BERINGER/Colby Free Press County Extension. Sign up by calling lationship with the foundation,” the Colby Recreation Department, 460- National Weather Service Thomas County Community Foundation Vice President Mark Wahlmeier welcomed people Tonight: Partly cloudy, with a said Rothchild. “They have a to the non-profi t organization’s annual meeting last Wednesday at the Colby United Method- 4440. low around 40. South wind 10 to community-minded director and ist Church. He announced the foundation has reconfi rmed their National Standards, validat- 15 mph. board that cares about Colby ing the credibility and good works of the organization. Sitting is President Kristina Hills. Thursday: Mostly sunny, with and Thomas County.” Colby senior, parent a high near 65. Southwest wind Rothchild said that because abuse, teen rebellion, depres- so that they can become produc- Kleinsorge said, have been pos- ceremony planned 5 to 10 mph becoming north 10 of the funds established at the sion and other obstacles thanks tive members of society. sible over the years because of Senior/Parent Recognition Night for to 15 mph in the morning. foundation, people have seen to the positive infl uences of the “By applying biblical princi- grants from the foundation. Colby High senior cheerleaders and Thursday Night: Partly the need to contribute to the academy, which is staffed by the ples, we endeavor to help young By the end of her program, cross country, dance, golf, football and cloudy, with a low around 36. Walking Trails and followed Revs. Charles and Vicky Taff. ladies become mentally sound, not only were a few audience tennis teams as well as trainers, manag- Northeast wind 10 to 15 mph. suit to donate. Their dramatic performance emotionally balanced, socially members wiping away tears, but ers and pep band, will be held at about Friday: A 40 percent chance However, she said an addi- was learned in just one week, adjusted, physically well and so was Kleinsorge. 6:30 p.m. Friday. The ceremony will of showers and thunderstorms, tional $65,000 is still needed to said Lorae, a native of Kansas. spiritually alive…” says Victory She explained how a mother take place at the beginning of the Col- mainly after 1 p.m. Mostly complete the 2.2 miles of trails, “Most of the girls come to us House in their missions state- contacted her after one such trip, by-Concordia football game. Parents cloudy, with a high near 61. which needs to be fi nished as a out of state and we don’t take ment. touched by the generosity other are asked to meet their student partici- Southeast wind 5 to 15 mph. stipulation to receive $35,000 local girls because of the high According to the foundation’s kids showed her son when he pants at 6:15 p.m. by the football clock Friday Night: A 50 percent from the Sunfl ower Foundation. risk that they’ll run away,” said 2011 annual report, the academy misspent his money and didn’t at the northeast corner of the track at chance of showers and thun- Next, six young women from Vicky Taff. “Their families send was given a $400 grant from the have enough left to pay for sup- Dennen Field. For information, call the derstorms, mainly before 5 a.m. the Victory House Christian them to us because they don’t foundation to help purchase two per. high school at 460-5300. Mostly cloudy, with a low around Academy in Brewster presented know what else to do to help computers, from contributions “It feels so good to provide 47. a memorized skit explaining them. So, they turn to (us).” received from the Jennings Fam- this program for kids who some- Saturday: A 10 percent what the academy is and how it Taff said Victory House is a ily Fund, Ziegler Family Fund, times don’t even have the oppor- Farewell reception set chance of showers and thun- has helped them overcome their Christian residential home, and Kansas Health Foundation Chil- tunity to get out of town,” said for Extension agent derstorms before 7 a.m. Mostly personal struggles. during their time at the acad- dren’s Fund and the Endowed Kleinsorge. “And, through your Everyone is invited to a farewell re- sunny, with a high near 71. They also gave a performance, emy, the girls are enrolled at the Youth Fund. support, you should feel good, ception for Clint Milliman, Thomas Saturday Night: Mostly clear, using sign language to con- Thomas County Learning Cen- The fi nal presentation was too, knowing that you helped County Extension Agriculture agent, with a low around 47. vey the lyrics to a song, which ter. given by Children’s Librarian make it possible.” from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday. For in- Sunday: Sunny, with a high touched many of the audience It was established about two Judy Kleinsorge of the Pioneer For information about the formation, call the Extension offi ce at near 73. members. years ago to provide guidance Memorial Library, who told a foundation, visit www.thomas- 460-4582. Sunday Night: Mostly clear, During their program, the and a loving, structured, family- story of a young boy who par- countycommunityfoundation. with a low around 47. girls explained they’ve over- like environment as a “…solu- ticipated in a Library in Motion com, call (785) 460-9152 or e- Monday: Sunny, with a high come battles with substance tion to life-controlling problems fi eld trip. Many of the trips, mail [email protected]. Independent Baptists near 75. plan free gospel concert Monday Night: Partly cloudy, The Colby Independent Baptist with a low around 49. Church plans a free gospel music con- Tuesday: Mostly sunny, with Menlo farmer visits Asia for mission cert with evangelist Greg Waggoner at 7 a high near 75. p.m. Saturday at the Colby Community From “FARMER,” Page 1 He still thinks the market for importing lots of meat is getting into the country. Building. For question, call Pastor Ber- Monday: High, 76; Low 32 food into China and other Asian countries “What gets in there goes through Viet- nard Heinz at 460-0313. Tuesday: High, 57; Low 28 man fi gured out that the area had received is strong, although it’s hard to know exactly nam, other third-party countries,” Baalman Precip: Monday 0.None 30 inches of rain. what’s going on. said. Tuesday 0.None Baalman said that when he asked one “It’s hard to know what they’re doing,” At one point, Baalman said he remembers Once a Month Lunch Month: 0.28 inches farmer about the weather, “he said to me, he said, “they don’t let out solid facts, re- a meat freezer with boxes of meat from all coming up on Saturday Year: 11.19 inches ‘we got your rain.’” ally, but you just get an idea by looking over the world, including several boxes of Once a Month Lunch will be served Normal: 19.29 inches Every time he spoke with Chinese farm- around.” Tyson meat. He constantly watched meat from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday (K-State Experiment Station) ers, a government offi cial was listening in One food that Chinese consumers are being delivered, unrefrigerated, to restau- in the basement of the Colby Presbyte- Sunrise and Sunset on the conversation. starting to want is beef, Baalman said. The rants in carts, wheelbarrows, cars and mini- rian Church, 515 W. Fourth St. No res- Thursday 7:51 a.m. 7:10 p.m. “We tried to ask questions of the farmer, Chinese government is currently refusing to vans. ervation is needed, and the meal, held Moon: waning, 18 percent and the farmer had to look at the state guy import beef due to fears of mad cow disease “I can’t believe they’re worried about our the second Saturday of each month, is (U.S.
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