17 18th AND EARLY 19th CENTURIES Continued 435 SCOTT (W.S.) The Georgian Theatre.Lond.1946.138pp.31plates(27 in col) $ 3.00 435 SHIRLEY (ism) Edward the Black Prince;or, The Battle of Poictiers: an Historical Tragedy.2nd ed.Lond.Tonson 1760.Nbdern wrapps.Ppxvi,72 $ 7.50 437 SINGLETON (Esther) Social New York Under the Georges 1714-1776.N.Y.1902.Ppxix 419.Plates,illus(few pp.sl.stained) $10.00 437a SLAVERY See Nos.367,379,381,401 438 SLOANE (Wm M.) Life of Napoleon Bonaparte.Revised & enlarged.4 vols.Lond.1911. Ppxiii,457;vii,467;vii,425;vii,527.Ports,maps,bibl $12.50 439 SMOLLETT (Tobias) Sir Launcelot Greaves (&) History & Adventures of an Atom. Lond.n.d.382pp.Port(excellent large Svo.edn) $ 4.50 440 SOMERVILLE (E.Oe.) & ROSS(Martin) An Incorruptible Irishman .. Chief Justice Kendal Bushe(etc)1767-1843.Lond.1932.265pp.Plates(covers sl.faded) $ 4.00 441 -STUART (Dorothy M.) Dearest Bess:Life & Times of Lady Eliz.Taylor,afterwards Duchess of Devonshire.Lond.1955.Ppxiii,266.Plates $ 3.00 442 SWIFT (Jonathan) Gulliver's Travels & Selected Writings in Prose & Verse. Ed.John Hayward.Lond.Nonesuch Press,1946.Ppxviii, 8 68 $ 4.50 443 TAYLOR (Arthur) The Glory of Regality: an Historical Treatise of the Anointing & Crowning of the Kings & Queens of England.Lond.1820.Sm.4to.Orig.bds(worn, needs rebacking)Ppxvi,242.Vignettes $10.00 444 THADDEUS (Victor) Voltaire,Genius of Mockery.N.Y.1928.291pp.Port $ 3.50 445 THc2APSON (Grace E.) The Patriot King:Life of William IV.N.Y.1933.282pp.Plates bible $ 3.50 446 TREVELYAN (Geo.M.) England Under Queen Anne: Blenheim.Lond.1930.Ppxii,477.Maps tables $ 4.50 447 TRISTRAM(W. 0.) Coaching Days & Coaching Ways.Illus.H.Railton & Hugh Thomson. 1st ed.Lond.1888.Folio.Dec.cloth,gt.Uncut.Ppxiii,367.213 b. & w.plates & illus (Armorial bkplate of Lord Dunsany) $25.00 448 (VOLTAIRE, F. M. A. de) Histoire du Parlement de Paris.Par M.l'Abbe BIG...2e ed.revuecorrigee & augmentee par 1'Auteur.2 vols.Amsterdam,Du Fay,1769.Orig pink bds(faded)Uncut.Ppviii,235;viii,235.Engr.headpiece by Vincent Le Sieur (few pp.in Vol.1 sl.stained) $17.50 449 VOLTAIRE (F.M.A. de) The Odalisque.Transl.M.Clyboret.Voltaire Soc.,priv.printed 1928(Ltd to 500 numbered copies)Dec.bds,cloth back.Uncut.89pp $ 8.50 450 VOLTAIRE (F.M.A. ) Le Siecle de Louis XIV.Paris,Garnier n.d.6llpp.(good edn) $ 3.00 451 WALLER (Edmund) Poems On Several Occasions.Glasgow,Foulis 1770.12mo.calf(rubbed, split spine repaired)Ppx,264 $ 5,00 452 WATSON (E.H. Lacon) Contemporary Corments: Writers of the Early 19th Century as They Appeared to Each Other.Lond.1931.356pp.8 ports $ 4.50 453 WEBSTER (C.K.) The Foreign Policy of Castlereagh.2 vols.Lond.1925-31.Ppxvi, 589;xv,598.Plates $25.00 454 WESLEYAN TAKINGS: Centenary Sketches of Ministerial Character as Exhibited... During the First 100 Years.Lond.1840.Hf.calf.gilt.394pp Facs$ 4.50 455 WHALLEY (George) Coleridge & Sara.Hutchinson-& the Asa Poems.Tor.1955.ll8pp. $ 3.00 456 WHARTON (Anne H.) English Ancestral Homes of Noted Americans.Phila.1915.314pp 29 plates $ 5.00 457 WHARTON (Anne H.) Social Life in the Early Republic.Phila.1902.346pp.Col.fron- tis,33 plates $ 4.50 458 WHIBLEY (Chas) A Book of Scoundrels.Lond.1921.287pp(fine 18th century assort- ment) $ 4.50 459 WHITE (Gilbert) The Natural History of Selborne,Arranged for Young Persons. S.P.C.K.1842.8vo. cloth,gt.328pp.Engr.illus $ 5.00 460 WHITLOCK (Brand) Lafayette.2 vols.N.Y.1929.Ports,facs,bibl(covers sl.spotted) $ 4.50 461 WILLIAMS (H.Noel) Madame Recamier & Her Friends.Lond.1906.350pp.Frontis $ 3.50 462 WILSON (P.W.) William Pitt, the Younger.N.Y.1933 .347pp $ 3.00 18 18TH AND EARLY 19TH CENTURIES Continued 463 WINDHAM (Wn.) The Windham Papers...1750-1810.Ed.Earl of Rosebery.2 vols.Lond. 1913.Ppxl,330;xii,403.Ports(Incl.hitherto unpublished letters by Geo.III,Pitt Fox,Burke,Dr.Johnson,Dr.Burney,etc) $10.00 464 WOODWARD (W.E.) Tom Paine: America's Godfather,1737-1809.N.Y.1945.359pp.Plates bible $ 3.00 465 WRIGHT (Louis B.) Colonial Civilization of North America,1607-1763.Lond.1949. 303pp.Bibl. $ 3.50 PART IV 20TH CENTURY CHILDREN'S BOOKS (Unless otherwise described, these are fine or mint copies. Many are in the original dust wrappers. Seals Part II of this catalogue, consisting entirely of modern Canadian children's books). 466 ADAMS (Kathleen) & ATCHINSON (F.E.) A Book of Enchantment.Illus Lois Lonski.lst ed.N.Y.1928.4to.230pp $ 4.50 467 ARIS (Ernest, Illustrator) The Story of a Ginger Hare.lst ed.Lond(c.1920) Sq.8vo.35pp.6 col.plates, b. and w. illus $ 2.00 468 ARTZYBASHEFF (Boris) Poor Shaydullah.lst ed.N.Y.1931.Sm.4to.(38)pp.10 b. & w. plates $ 4.50 469 ASQUITH (Lady Cynthia) & BIGLAND (Eileen) eds.The Princess Elizabeth Gift etc) Book...Lond.n.d.4to.224pp.Plates(some col)illus.(Barrie,De La Mare,Kipling $3.50 470 BAKER (Margaret) The Lost Merbaby.Illus.Mary Baker.2nd ed.N.Y.1928.Sq.8vo. 76pp.Silhouettes $ 2.75 471 (BANNERMAN, Helen) Little Black Sambo.Revised ed.with new illus.N.Y.1948.4to 16pp.each with col.illus,printed on linen(covers sl.worn) $ 3.50 472 BARRIE (Sir Jas.M.) Peter & Wndy.Illus.F.D.Bedford.N.Y.1911.8vo.267pp13 plates$3.50 473 BARRIE (Sir Jas.M.) Peter & Wendy.Illus.Edmugd Blam i.N.Y.1940.4to.Ppviii, 216.12 col.plates 17 b. and w. plates $ 5.00 474 BARRIE (Sir Jas.M.) Peter Pan...lst ed(of the play)Lond.1928.Sm.8vo.Ppxxxiii 160.(a cloth edn was issued but this is the De Luxe edn in publisher's leather$8.50 475 BAUM (L. Frank) The Emerald City of Oz.Adapted by Peter Archer,Pictures by Harry McNaught.N.Y.Little Golden fBooks(1952)Sq.8vo.26pp.Col.illus(prepared specially for this version) $ 2.50 476 BAUM (L. Frank) Magical Monarch of Mo.Illus.F.Verbeck.Chicago,n.d.4to. 2 37pp Col.plates,b. and w. illus(covers sl.worn) $ 4.50 477 BAUM (L. Frank) The Master Key: an Electrical Fairy Tale.Illus.F..Cor.lst ed.Indianapolis 1901.Pp(xiv)245.Col.plates, b.& w.illus.(covers sl.worn) $15.00 478 BAUM (L. Frank) The New Wizard of Oz.Illus.vgjvQiCoglgnj.lst ed.Indianapolis 1944.45o.209pp.Col.plates,vignettes $ 3.50 479 BAUM (L. Frank) The Road to Oz, Adapted by Peter Archer.N.Y.(1951)Sq.8v0. 28pp.Col.illus(Little Golden Books) $ 2.50 480 BEAUNONT (Cyril W.) The Mysterious Toyshops a Fairy Tale.Decorations by Wvndham Payne lst ed.Lond.1924.8vo.32pp.3 col.plates,col.vignettes $ 3.50 481 BEAUMONT (Cyril W.) Sea Magic: a story of Adventure.Illus.WvndhamLPayne.Lond. 1928.8vo.120pp.Col.frontis,col.illus,b. & w.illus $ 4.50 482 BELL (R.S. Warren) J.O.Jones & How He Earned His Living.Illus.B 1st ed.Lond.1903.8vo.344pp.12 plates(1st publ.in Te Catain as a serial) $ 4.50 483 BELL. Another end of above.1907.Similar format $ 3.00 484 BELLOC (Hilaire) New Cautionary Tales.Pictures by N.Bentley.lst ed.Lond.1930. Sq.8vo.79pp.B. and w. illus $ 5.00 485 BEMELMANS (Ludwig) Madeline.lst ed.N.Y.1939.4to.44pp.Col. & tinted illus $ 4.50 486 BERTELLI (Luigi) The Prince & His Ants (Ciondolino)By Vamba.Transl.by S.F. Woodruff.Ed.V.L.Kellogg.lst ed.N.Y.1910.Bvo.275pp.B.&w.illus(Lettering sl. rubbed) $ 3.50 487 BLYTON (Enid) Plays for Older Children.Music by AlecR .Illus.A s Lond.n.d .Sq.8vo.173pp.Plates $ 3.50 19 20TH CENTURY CHILDREN'S BOOKS Continued 488 BONSELS (Waldemar) The Adventures of Mario.Transl.Whittaker Chambers.Illus. Kurt Wiese.N.Y.1930.8vo.24pp.9 plates $ 3.50 489 BONSELS (Waldemar) Maya: the Adventures of a Little Bee.Lond.n.d.Sq.8vo.259pp Col.frontis.b. & w.illus(cover sl.stained at foot) $ 3.00 490 BOYLE (Kay) The Youngest Camel.Illus.. 1.1st ed.Boston 1939.Sq.Bvo. 96pp.6 tinted plates $ 4.00 491 BONE (Stephen ) & ADSEHEAD (Mary) The Silly Snail & Other Stories Lond.1942 Cblong l2mo.47pp.Tinted illus $ 2.50 492 BOYD (Eliz.M.) All About David.Illus.Tony Sara.Phila 1940.Svo.ll7pp.B&w.illus $ 3.00 493 BRINK (Carol R.) Caddie Woodlawn.Illus.K.Seredy.N.Y.1936.(6th ed)8vo.270pp 1936 Plates( * with inscript.on inserted slip.Newbery Medal 9 $4.50 494 BROUTY (Texte et Images)Aicha & le Petit Mouton.Algiers,n.d.4to.36pp.4 col. plates,b. & w.illus & decorations surrounding each page of text $ 3.50 495 BRUNHOFF (J.de ) Koning Babar.Den Haag,n.d.Lge 8vo.48pp.B.& w.illus(attrac- tive Dutch ed.of King Babar) $ 3.50 496 'BUNNY'.Merry Pranks of Foxy Grandpa.lst collected ed.Chicago 1905.Oblong 4to 23pp.of col.illus,each complete in 6 panels(lst publ.in N.Y.Herald & a huge success) $ 7.50 497 'BUNNY' Foxy Grandpa Flip-Flaps.Chicago 1905(Uniform with above) $ 7.50 498 'CARMEN SYLVA' (i.e. Elizabeth of Roumania) The Lily of Life: a Fairy Story. Illus.H n St on.Lond~n.d.4to.146pp.18 mounted col.plates $ 5.00 499 CAVANAH (Frances ) Our Country's Story.Illus.Janice Hollan.Chicago 1946.4to 72pp.Col.& b.
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