' ) ■W . -' . ■ V t -7 ■ X ' A ' ‘ ^ /I'-v THURSDAY, MARCH /28, 1957 PAGE TWENTT-FOUR A - iianrIfyater'IEiiftttttg 1|eralJi i , 868 Wood- only half live beyond their fifth Mias Barbara A. Field, daughter Mra. Edwin D. roster, League to Study bridgb St,, %ea a recentI vintor at JarViiv^ppeals birthday, end only 10 per cent o f Ph. and M ra W . John Field, 811 beyond, their tenth,” Abput To w : Boulder Rd.. has been named to ^je Cterhiont Citrus 'lower, Cler monL FIa. W ith .her were her p w - Foi* $tigpOTt”or Far from being a rare disease. Martin’s ^ ’ w^' * > ,. ■,,.■■, —^ • * ■» the dean’s Hat at Cplby College, Dr. Tappan points ^ out. Cystic Fi­ X i Watervllle, Maine. She la .a Junior. ent^ Mr. and' Mrs. Wijllam R. tWtonMH a t tht Bucklnrh*™ Oo"’ jdcMphen, 11 Edmund St. They brosis .affects one ’ put of every A meeting ot-the.bujl^t^udy STYLE Junior. , ' ■ . < F lind Qunpaign p ^ U o n a ) <3ni<^ wllk aerv* » are-spendinif 10 day* in Ftorldn. 600'babies born. Medical author­ n^iiol^'*uj>p«r ton^orrow at 6:S0 ities rate the' dise'ase as the sec­ committee of the pay era' li.m. for aJl famUiM ^of the con- John-FSABeasar, a ^ o f Dr. .ai^ Robert G. J a ^ ls o f 2,81'W. Cen- ond greatest killer among child­ League will be he^^at 8 p.m. to­ grogatton. At 8 p.rt ,; the Rev. Mra.'Edward, U Beaaef,\114 Adtl- ‘ i>r!‘ Joeeph Maiaaro Is In S t ior SJ., chairman of the MalK^es- hood diseases, surpassed only by morrow in the W aW g room of the Baldwin IVrfy, Briniater o f educa-, -fiide Rd„ has won academic' hon­ Louis, Mo., attending th^e Am w- ter area Cystic Fibrosis. fund-«U- cancer.^ . _ ■ . y-'.., ors at Mt. Hermon School, East Municipal Building for discussion tlon at the West H a i^ r d Goh- ican'Academy bf Generiu Practice ing drive, today kt>pealed fot s u ^ Jarvis and hla wife, 'Violet, have of Genera! liana**'' l^'chard Northfield, Maas., for the third Ninth annual •.Scientific Assembly. port of the mail solicitation cam­ SUPPER gregational Church. w}U ah?w pic- d\yUal In^ereaMn the aucceaa of Un'-a biidgin recommendation. marking, ^riod. ending M*rch 15, More than 6,000 family doctors paign which will continue through turea taken v ^ la he^WM touring th ^ rive to. faiae funds for-' Cystic W aiter VPh Hone, chalrmarf.jof Sponsored By The French Club of MtAcIlieBltef X «; the Holy la n d laatafiinmer, and of f'rOm every part of the country ere the first week In.April. research, ^hich has already shown imtttee, said he'experts to, fi Turiddh mlaaiofi*. "One JGlreat Klng.Davld Lodge, Np. 31, lOOF; attending the affair. Jaiwis said funds are needed to ^ at - the disease Is' hereditary. Martin's recommendaUorf Hour o< Sharing Banka” paay be will meet tomoriow night at 7:30 enable the Children’s Cyatic Fi­ 'Their on^Njihlld,-'Thomas Martin in Odd, FelWwa Hall.^ Veteran ap^time today. SATURDAY, MARCH 30 returned at this meeting. x-- , Peter Stevenaoh; 162 Birch St., brosis Association of GonnecUcut Jarvis, age 1* afflicted with / 'V a n Hone requested all members membership pins will be presented will conduct the midweek service to continue a research program CysUc Ftb^osli^^.The'i•e are rtiany to all members'Who have atUined of- the committee to attend, aijd Continuous Servings From 4 r; Myj to .T F. M.- llerribera of Andenwn-Shea'Aux- this evening at the Salvitlon Arrtiy now being conducted at Uie Yale other cases In Hhe Manchei ' welcomes any Laague members lb lUaiy, VFW, aponaored a Bingo t15 or more. years of continuous Citadel, as Major John Pickup is University School of Mtidieine un­ area,. Jaryl* e^'d. the meeting. party for the veterans confined In membership. Preceding the meet­ suffering from laryngitis der its s^nsorshlp. ing. a, supper will be served at Aaalating Jarvis In th^ drive ai’e ■ The taxpayers! league, whose HALL EAST O E I^ ST.- Middletown StaU Hospital yester­ The research ia beln|r conducted 6:30. Movies will be shown after members of the Center Church purpose is to reduce taxes; ex­ day aftemodn. In the group was by Dr, Vlvlin Tappan, a noted the meeting. Miss Mildred Bowers of French Mothers Club, who. Addressed and pects to go over the budget with ‘ A D l ^ $1.00— CHILDREN UNDER\2, 50e Mra Laura Bcabert, hosplUl chair­ Rd.. iBolton, viAho will be guest authority on Cystic Fibrosis, a a view toward opposing -What it man; Mrs. Muriel Auden, Mrs. placed contribution appeals in Tickets are available from Mrs. speaker at the monthly meeting baffling childhood disease which envelopes for^the ma>l campaign. decides are non-essential expenses. Marthk Mansfield, Mrs. Inez Ma­ attacka the lungs and pancreas Eric Anderson or Edsel Isaacson of the Ladies o f the Assumption ^ X . honey, Mrs. Mary McCarthy. Mrs. eventually causing death by suf­ Violet Yurkshot, Mra Gertrude of Emanuel Lutheran (%UKh for Monday was formerly a mission­ the Upsala College Choir concert ary in China. She will take 'for focation. Buchanan. Mrs.' Helen Beebe and Dr. Tappan aaid the cause Is at Bushnell Memorial. Sunday af­ her subject ’“nie Disciples." Mrs, Mrs. Lucille'Hirth, president-of the unknown and there ia .nO known X- local Auxfll^. ternoon, at 3:30. Mias Mona Mo- Robert Cslnem-ls chairman of the dean. 39 Cambridge St., is among program, Coffee will be served cure. Statistics offered by Dr, Tappan show-that ” 9t) per cent Of - Ytoe WBA Guard Club will meet the ConriecUcut aingeri in the 60- and every lady o f the parish is in­ volce choir which is now touring vited. The meeting will open Cystic children die in infancy and /'With Mrs. Hazel Fahey, 709 Main chllffiodd, and of the 90 per cent, > St.< tomowow_at 8 p-rn-------- thS’ New E ngland promptly -at 8 p.m. B y P rob er Jeychelle lalands, 29 (fP)— Archbishop Wasliin*ton, March 29 (/P) W ashin^n, Mardh^^d (fP ) .^pringtlme inspiration yes­ Mfikarios told a news confer-1 •—Presidfent Eisenhower pro- ■ J U 4. ji — The AFL-GIO Executive terday for a group of Des ence today he is not prepared ! j, , foday. sus^nded PINEHURST IKJsed today that the Cabinet, Moines High School youths to to take part m any pohtulal ^ ‘ “ A ■ . .rx. Americatt Youths with Quhah Rebels shave thel? heads. Teamsters’ bqs* Dave Btekaa be authorized to decide talJtS with Britain until he H A I £ * S Three Amertcih teenagera who dlaappeared from their homes at the.n.Si^Naval Baas at Ouaritana-■ whether a President is tenir B\it to 'Principal Dewitt an AFL-CJ0 officer and or­ Williams It wba "shear mad­ ia allowed to return to Cyprus. mo, Cuba, laatF eb. 17, are shown carrying w-eapons. Left to right are Chkrlea ,E. Ryan Jr., porarily disabled, so that the dered air inquiry into the Michael L. Oarvey^«l victor J. Buelhain. They ere wearing uniforms with arm bands of "26'of ness" lind he suspended 11 The black-bearded Greek Ortho­ 9 July” movement h a a ^ by rebel leader Fidel Castor who la reported hiding -in Sierra Maeatra in Vice President can take oyer. boys until at least Monday. dox Patriarch said the question of entire^'teamsters’ union. , ROUND BEEF Under Elsenhower’s plan . that ^ e youths used i.^barber Cyprus was not simply one of Beck’s suspehsimi as an A FL- Cuba'^ Oriente proving Whiw^e eelVniany pounds of freshly chopped 39c ground action would be taken if the Chief shop across the street .from ^ Enosi.4 (union with Greece) but vice president and council mehi^r ia effective immediately, AT PINEHURST . A SPECIAL VACUE IN beef and fuM y lbs. of Round Ground at 79c lb. .- . our Lean eat Executive, himself is unable o r un­ the school during the t^opri ' of the self-determination of the __________ ERVE and M DEPT. Chuck whlch^s regularly sold at 55c a lb. is the really "hot willing to make the decision him-;- hour. CjTJriot people. , and uqUl the outcome o f charges SWIFTS fREMIUM "BUnERBW ” number” wWdtKkeepa Alfred or Tony grinding houra on eiul self. They said the barbers, who He told newsmen he was will-. being bisought against him b y the every Friday arnkSaTurday. You don’t ae« them doing tWa Martin Urges $5,733^46 EisehhOwei's suggestion that were eating luncli at a nearby ing to give guarantees of minority execiitiveNmunctl. , SMALL GROWN, READY TO ROAST work, for they doXunder refrigeration in our large refri|;bra- DOUBLE $ & H GREEN STAM>S TO DAY ONLY W ITH C^SH SAuis the Cabinet decide by a majority drug store, gave them permis­ rights to the Turkish {people on The actions were announced by sion to use the clippers. Geoege MeanyvAFL-CIO president tor. \ / vote ran into opposition Imme­ Cjyprus. RALE'S IWU WUNI) , ""JAcK FROST diately at an Eisenhower confer­ British colonial Secretary Alan after a 2-hour'WmcU meeUng. OONFECnONERY or BROWN 33- ence with Congressional leaders of Lennox-Boyd announced yesterday Meany.^d will be i^ed Tr^sa pound or two of^NPs both parties." ■ ' that Makarios, who has been ac­ to come,.before the ^uncil 20 PLUMP HEN TURKEYS Some of the leaders ibid news­ X and an^’er formal cntMeawbich LEAKCHUCK FRESHLl SUGAR Hoffa, Lawyer cused of leading the campaign of COFFEE A $5 735,046 general fund budg-*the Board of Education’s $3,027,710is>not yet specifically allocalallocated, men they feel there is no need violence on Cyprus against Brit­ wlij^be drawn up and p f^ n t e d to GROUNl^v.
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