Due Diligence Report – Social Safeguards (Indigenous Peoples) Project number: 42486-016 August 2016 IND: Madhya Pradesh Urban Services Improvement Program – Water Supply Improvement in Nayagaon Package Number: MPUSIP-3A Prepared by the Government of Madhya Pradesh for the Asian Development Bank. This due diligence report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Indigenous People Screening and Due Diligence Report Document stage: Draft for consultation Project Number: 42486 Loan and/or Grant Number(s): {LXXXX; GXXXX; TAXXXX} August, 2016 IND: Madhya Pradesh Urban Services Improvement Program – Nayagaon Water Supply Scheme, District: Neemuch This due diligence report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. 1 DRA Consultants Private Limited, Nagpur CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of August 22, 2016) Currency unit – Conversion INR1.00 = $.0.0148 $1.00 = INR 67.02 ABBREVIATIONS ADB - Asian Development Bank CBO - Community Based Organization GOI - Government of India GOMP - Government of Madhya Pradesh IP - Indigenous People IPPF Indigenous People Planning Framework MPUDC - Madhya Pradesh Urban Development Company MPUSIP Madhya Pradesh Urban Services Improvement Program O&M - operation and maintenance PIU - Project Implementation Unit PMU - Program Management Unit SIA - Social Impact Assessment SPS - Safeguard Policy Statement ST - Schedule Tribe TP - Tribal People ULBs - Urban Local Bodies 2 DRA Consultants Private Limited, Nagpur TABLE OF CONTENTS A. Project DescriptionBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 8. Objective of the Report:BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. Error! Bookmark not defined. C. OverviewBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB D. Scope of Indigenous People Planning Framework (IPPF)000000 E. Distribution of Scheduled Tribes in M.P in Relation to India...................... 5 2. Identification of Indigenous People1 Tri2al People ....................................... 5 3. Preliminary Screening ...................................................................................... 6 . Mitigation Measures ............................................................................................ 6 5. STRATEGE FOR TRI8AL PEOPLEFs PARTICIPATIION .................................. 6 6.Monitoring .. 7. CONCL2SIONS ................................................................................................ 82 LIST O TABLES Table .:SC A ST Population of Na1agaon .......................................................................... 7 Table 2: Monitoring Indicators ............................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. Table 3: 8udgetar1 Provision .2 LIST O APPNEDI3 Appendi7 .: List of Tribal Communities in State of Madh1a Pradesh as Provided b1 Ministr1 of Tribal Affairs, Government of India .................................................................. .3 Appendi7 2: List of Schedule Areas in Madh1a Pradesh as Specified b1 the Scheduled Areas under the Si7th Schedule of Indian Constitutions ................................................... .5 Appendi7 3: Public consultation with IPs ........................................................................... .7 Appendi7 .Screening Huestions for Indigenous People Impact .................................... .I 3 DRA Consultants Private Limited, Nagpur 1. INTRODUCTION A. Project Description .. Government of Madh1a Pradesh (GoMP) with a sector project loan funding from Asian Development 8ank (AD8) has proposed to implement Madh1a Pradesh 2rban Services Improvement Project (MP2SIP), herein after referred as Jthe ProjectF. Madh1a Pradesh 2rban Development Compan1 Limited (MP2DC) shall be the Implementing Agenc1 (IA) and the State 2rban Development and Housing Department (2DHD) shall be the e7ecuting agenc1 for the Project. A project management unit (PM2) created under MP2DC is implementing MP2SIP. 2. MP2SIPFs ph1sical components include (a) improvements to water in 6 project towns* and (b) sewage and storm water collection and treatment services proposed in two (2) identified towns (Lhajuraho, and Rajnagar).. The project also includes an institutional strengthening component and a project management and administrative support component. 3. This Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework (IPPF) for MP2SIP outlines the objectives, polic1 principles and procedures for compensation and other assistance measures for tribal people who ma1 be displaced/ affected due to project implementation. A detailed description of each compensation measure and assistance is provided in the entitlement matri7. B. Overview . The state of Madh1a Pradesh counts for highest Schedule Tribe (ST) population in India2. However, desk review of the Census 20.. data of the .28 towns where the programme is proposed reveals that out of the total population in .28 towns (2,6I7,0I.) .7.85 percent ( 8.,700) belongs to Schedule Caste categor1 and 6..I percent (.67,066) is Schedule Tribe. To achieve the overall goal of the programme an understanding of how social elements influence povert1, ineMualit1, and vulnerabilit1 is important. C. Scope of Indigenous People Planning ramework .IPP / 6. The IPPF has been developed to manage and mitigate possible impacts to the indigenous people in the investment program area. 7. The IPPF sets out the polic1, principles, and implementation mechanisms to address such impacts according to AD8Fs Safeguard Polic1 Statement (SPS) reMuirement no. 3 on Indigenous People (IP). During course of project identification and social impact assessment, if an1 IPs are identified, the impacts (both positive and negative) of the subproject component on affected groups/ communities will be addressed according to the prepared framework. The 2 Statistical Profile of Scheduled Tribes in India, 20.3, a document published b1 the Ministr1 of Tribal Affairs, Statistics Division, Government of India reveals that the state of Madh1a Pradesh counts for highest Scheduled Tribe (ST) population in India (. .6I percent). 4 DRA Consultants Private Limited, Nagpur framework will address the development needs of indigenous people/ tribes as a distinct communit1 through a process of sustainable development. 8. Tribals constitute 8.6. percent to the total population of the India, with a total population .0 .28 million (Census 20..). In Madh1a Pradesh 6 tribal communities reside. Appendi7 . provide the list of tribal communities in the state of Madh1a Pradesh as provided b1 Ministr1 of Tribal Affairs, Government of India D. Distri2ution of Scheduled Tri2es in 8.P in Relation to India I. The tribal population of Madh1a Pradesh increased to .5,3.6,78 in 20.. from .2,233, 7 in 200.. The decadal growth rate during this period is 25.20 percent. Review of the Census 20.. data of the .28 towns of Madh1a Pradesh where the programme is proposed, reveals that out of the total population in .28 towns (2,6I7,0I.) .7.85 percent ( 8.,700) belongs to Schedule Caste categor1 and 6..I percent (.67,066) is Schedule Tribe. .0. The trends in the population of the Scheduled Tribes b1 residence (total, Rural and 2rban) for Census Eears .I6.N 20..shows that the percentage of Scheduled Tribes Population in the Rural Areas (...3 percent) much higher that 2rban Population (2.8 percent). In Madh1a Pradesh certain areas have been declared as scheduled area as Specified b1 the Scheduled Areas under the Si7th Schedule of Indian Constitutions. List of Schedule Areas in Madh1a Pradesh is provided in Appendi9 2. 2. Identification of Indigenous People1 Tri2al People ... AD8Fs Indigenous People Polic1 uses the following characteristics to define IP: (i) SelfNidentification as members of a distinct indigenous cultural group and recognition of this identit1 b1 others* (ii) Collective attachment to geographicall1 distinct habitats or ancestral territories in the project area and to the natural resources in these habitats and territories* (iii) Customar1 cultural, economic, social, or political institutions that are separate from those of the dominant societ1 and culture* and (iv) Distinct language, often different from the official language of the countr1 or region. .2. According to Census of India 20.., 8.6. percent of the Indian population is classified as ST. In comparison to the national figure, Madh1a Pradesh has . .7 percent of its populations classified as ST. The major tribes of Madh1a Pradesh are given in Appendi7 .. 3. Proposed components .3. The subproject component proposed for Athana water suppl1 will include 3 • Provision for suppl1 of ..5 MLD raw water from CCI Pond (Pondage at Limestone mine) to 4TP for Na1agaon town. • Submersible Pumps to be installed on Floating 8arrage / Contoon. This floating 8arrage / Contoon will float on the water in CCI Pond (Poundage at Limestone mine). • Design, suppl1, construction, installation, testing, commissioning of ..5 MLD 4TP. • Reconditioning of e7isting .00 LL OHT in new scheme. Construction of one number of 200 LL in 4ardN.2 5 DRA Consultants Private Limited, Nagpur • La1ing of Raw 4ater pumping/ Gravit1 main from CCI Pond (Poundage at Limestone
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