THE MILK RIVER REVIEW MilkRiver,Alberta November 27,1952 Neal's Sporting News GOLD-HORVATH A very lovely wedding was Happenings sol- Tbe following Btory actually ball with Taber and is now em- Local emnized at the CalgaryHungarian happened and entitled ployed at Cody's 99 as a body mail. could be Church on Wednesday November Members of- the Century Lodgei Joan,small daughterof Mr. and "Mama Missed the Goose", or May we, on behalf of of the cltiz- ' 26 at , 11.30 when Misei No. 100 attended services at tbei Mrs: Norman Arnold, has Up Daddy." ens and sport fans, welcome these a.m. return- "Next Time Wake Elizabeth Horvat'h, eldest;daugh-" United Church Milk River ou ed home after spending the Seems two Canada geese landed three men to ourcommunity. m oast ter of Mr.and Julius Horvathi Sunday November 23. The ser- two weeks m a Lethbridge hos- Codys Gene, as the On Friday, November 21 three Mrs! . en Gene dam. of Milk River became tbe bride of: mon Subjecton this occasion was pital. goes, taking after- teams from Milk River School story was his the Mr.Karl Gold of Lethbridge.Rev. "The Fatherhood of God and the " " " noon nap and Alice, vizuallzing tourneyed to Coutts to engage . Kalman Toth performed the cer- Brotherhood of Man." The Choir, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Cody were roast goose, loaded the family 22 the Coutts school ma game called emony and many guests were witb Mrs. McKelvey at the piano, Edmonton visitors last week att> and slipped quietly out to stalk basketball. Each local team was present. sang a special anthem. ending the Alberta Assoc- and kill the unsuspecting birds. soundly trounced by what we Motor The bride carried a bouquet of »" iation Convention. By all accounts, tl,e stalk wasper- thought were greatly superior white roses and v red carnations District Nurse Theresa Lynch it--1 and would have put an teams. A few of the local juniors ' and wore v gown of blue taffeta. has now taken up residence mthe Secretary Treasurer Jim Clark Apache to Taking on looked like coming players, es- shame. head The matron of honor was Mrs. Merman Thomson house m Milk has been a business visitor m Ed- a goose Alice pulled the trigger pecially Norman Kihn, who out- Lillian Wieland and best man was River Is monton the past week. and lo and beheld missed. Still shone the seniors m tbe foul shot wblcb located three doors Mr. Gene Liptnk and Maxv Kerrs west ot the school. * the birds sat unperturbedand so bracket. was usher, A meeting of the Milk River taking even a,better aim,- she The high school girls posed c ■ Following the ceremony a lovely Business Mens Association will be again pulled trigger and again beautifully m the first halt and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Osing left the dinner was enjoyed at held on Mondap evening. Decem- registered. not Coutts led by roughly 50 the borne recently to spend some time at a miss was This same until of.Mr. and Mrs. Gene Liptak m ber Ist at 8.00 p.m. at the Motor proceedure repeated points did they seem to come to, Helena, Montana.. was until Calgary. "" " " Inn. This will be an important gun life. Once they did get rolling the was empty and still the On their return couple will meeting for'all businessmen and was late m the second he.i. the On Monday, November 24th a birds sat undisturbed. At this which .reside m Lethbridge. it will be to their advantage to point, Alice, m desperation, de- iLey didn't do too bad. but except. meeting was held at the town attend. for " cidel to call Gene into the picture a few players, they seemed to.' office to discuss the Agricultural ■" lack aggressiveness and the will SPECIAL FILM TO BE SHOWN and so sneaking back to the house Short Course for Milk River. The Sermon Subject at St. sheawakened the lord andmaster' to win. Something new will be present- Those present included Paul's Unltel Church on Sunday who snatched up his trusty shot- The River boys tried hard■ ed on Monday, December Ist at District Milk Agriculturist Peter Jamieson, Dis- evening will be "The Bible Speaks gun and headed for the.dani. hut were,at this point the seas- i theUnited Church when St.MAth- m ' trict. Home Economist, Lila to Our Day." A cordial invitation on, definetely outclassed. The ews Lutheran Church presents a En- the sight of Gene and sens- is extended to you. At Coutts hoys were and fast !preview of a religious telecast berg and Assistant .District Agri- ing that if they tarried they smooth culturist, Would and made practically every move < currently beingviewed m the U.S., C. Yaucli. all of Leth- be cooked meat, the geese took A graduation party was held oa count, Boys like Theodore, Astel Iknown us "This is the Life." The bridge: Mrs. Arnold and Mrs. to the air and are now likely Tuesday eveningat the Paramount nnd Homer are, our opinion lprogram Is beingsponsored by the Gilchrist of Milk River; Fred basking m the Florida sun. m - Acadnniy when five girls, includ- . gping to take a lot of beating. Lutheran Church over a' Const to Scliulz and.Norman Thompson of ' ing Miss Susan Horvnth of Milk The' stock of the Milk River They're plenty smooth. Coast network and Is one of the Coutts; Ken Welsh and Karl River graduated from the Combines rose considerably when We understand that Dick Sabey :most popular Sunday programs Berg representing Masinasin and School they acquired the services of of Beauty Culture at Lethbridge. Dick has taken o\v»r the job of coach- :now on the nir In the U.S. Paul Madge and Hugh Kerr rep- Miss Elsie Madson presented the Sabey. Jim Matkin and Bob Laurie Ing the local high Itoys :and If irenenting the Milk, River Busin- Dick, prop, .The picture (of which two ep, graduates with rose corsages „aud the new of the Milk -Lick can,get his ,; Association, " basketball.know? ife.odes will be-shown "por's..mens group .pictures..were taken. River Pool Hall <« lid -formerly of" across tliem they locall/f how to will be , trays practical Christianity In the It to hold a Magrath. has accepted the position tough beat m the , was decided short' a team to not every day. work a day lire of the Course at the Elks Hall here on BOWLING of playingcoach and according to too distant future. looking - We're Fisher family with drama, enter- March 11, 1953. A tentative pro- the boys on tbe team, has plenty forward to seeing a greatly im- , tainment and education for all. gram was up, to be con- of basketball know how. Dick proved the time they drawn team next Uthough there is no admission firmed later and will be publicized was formerly a member of the take the floor. Magrath Rockets, Jim Matkin,an- c ..large a free will offering will be when it is completed. On Monday last the Milk River'; other Rocket, taken to cover expenses both of former also hails Combines journeyed to Coutts , Tbe Milk River Business Mens fram Magrath and is at present the showing and the production. and stopped the undefeated Coutts All welcome Association is again sponsoring employed on the Harold Anderson are and cordially in- Blazers by a 41-35 count In tut . vited. the Short Course. farm. exhibition basketball game that Bob Laurie played his basket- CONTINUED ON BACK PAGE THEY'RE CALLED "SMUGGIES" MASINASIN NEWS The Writing On Stone W.L held Hies at the Masinasin Hall. ' MEN its regular meetingat the home of At the end of the meeting the Mrs. L. C. Halmrast. There were hostess, Mrs. L. C. Halmrast serv- Quinn Motors 40 nine members and four visitors, ed the j»ot-luck lunch. Sunland 36 namely.Mrs. Elmer Brownlee,Mrs On Wednesday evening.Novem- Ink Spots 28 Joe Sisko. Mrs. S. Halmrast and ber 26 theF.U.A. held its meeting Mustangs 30 Mrs. Searle, present. at the Masinasin School. The del- N'eals 24 The meeting opened fti the usual egation going to Edmonton Con- Pontiafs 22 manner with singing O Canada, vention are Carl Berg, Chris Woodpeckers 22 and repeating the Creed. The Hansen and possibly H. Audet. Dreamers 12 roll call was answered with each Carl Berg and Elmer Brownlee Individual Single Gnino/High ntenilie.' giving nnd idea about ti reported on the delegation m re- Albert Kihn 318 home-made Christmas gift. gards to the road question. ."■-■ Individual Three Game High The Fair lists were handed out" A sum of $20.00 was voted for BohHummel 817 nnd discussed. The sum of $10.00 the Intermediate Basketball Club. Team Single(iaincHigh was alloted to the Intermediate Mrs. J. O'Hara reecntly spent10 Sunland 1205 Basketball Team. Mrs. Joe Sisko days with her sister I-uelia m Team Three Game High gave n report on the Junior W.L Lethbridge. Sunland 3155 Girls Club following which names Mrs. Ed Dittman was hostess to were drawn for the 1053 Mystery a dinner party In honor of Ed LADIES Pals arod the 1052 secret pals were JJlttmnn's birthday on November Bonnie Belles 34 revealed. Mrs. H. Leslie gave a 20th. Snssie Lassies 28 report on the Fair Meeting that Sergeant Slatter of the U.S. Texaco Stars 28 was held m New Dayton In Sept- Army at Great Falls was a recent Little Canucks 26 < visitor the Ed Dittman home.
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