4 wp u;ua~ ,# ..... 4W • W ..... .. $ • • sq Q - - . _~- c. '1 All the News of All the Pointes Every Thursday Morning rosse ews Complete Netvs Coverage of All the Pointes Home of the News VOL. 25-NO. 27 Entered as Second Class Matter a, GROSSE POINTE MICHIGAN JULY 964 $5.00 Per Year --~--------------------_.~-------_._------------------_'the Post Office at Deti"oit, Mich. I, 2, 1 ..__._------------------.:=--_._---------._----HIe Per Copy 16 Pages-Two Sections-Section HEADLINES Explanation of the "", ~otarr,~~~~;:~~!!,;!?,c~~,~=~~~~;~,i~~!.""~~;~,~IPreserving Pointe :':.:'i:)'i':::n:,t.:,,{: . ~'i" ..}\::::.) . ~ .' .:\}",,\:: .:' \VEEK ....:.::~.:.::.~ ".::,,":" ' ..::: ~ ; ;.:':":". i'l::.:::.::::::}\ ....:>=::l::.}.:: :':.' ~. '::;/:)r:::: ;~ F Id l L. Of Problem ::\:.. >;::.::: . ;:: . : ~: '.. /.. .r;:':': ..:;:.:::::,::" .': . :....:... or ea · As Compiled by the :•.)/. :, ...::::: •. ::.: .. '>::~>: '. ."', .. :~~:' ... ',:.::':::'i:: .........: .' : ' .. IVlng s:') ,. < '.; ':::<':.:: .'.:' : .::.:. ()1.::: '::::::: '.. '.'.,' : Fully Aired Grosse Pointe News ..~l\t::;~.....: (\::':'.lr .'. ,.,j':::"':::: . ,". :'.: .}it: .':.:i;::::: .•...:. .'. .~ C II f Pl J. Harold Husband Pre- Thmsday. Jun. 25 ~ '";;"~i+,,;i ,';p ','::1}:;',',)JI' '.' .':*IM~ a s or anning sents lengthy Report on HI G H ADMINISTRATION ;:/i~!';;"':::::.: '::T;:i"i::'SW :.. ':.. :." }: .>% .':.i;:.:.:;r.:j::;;'::::';:;':::";-' , .::At;-::: .::::::::; Causes for Needed Added Facilities ;!f~~:~l~~F-~~;:b~i.~:r~~;if[l':;0;' . :r;~fg;n"~:~ll,:¥d;~, ~"h,' Planners' Report to City Follows Lengthy Study of the Communists in Laos unless : di$':":f:. ~:.::: i.;::!:::t::::::::Y: ",...,' ;' ~....':.:..:, :.:::,' ...: O":{:.' Necessary Steps to Guard Against A Citizens' Advisory Com- E:i~~~I~:~~rm::~::~~{'Yf ;. ,;.';,". .':?:;~;I;:", ~~LJr''*'KC Thiill! (Edito~. Note:D::ri::~joo: ~~:apr..ared by Scott ~~~~~p~n:~~~~~~~~;~3 Vietnam pilots would bomb thE' .j:j:'. :-::1':/:.~..:. .' :.:.; . :':~i\~..~"" .': .:'. .iii,::::~:;::?p '. .: ~,::'" <.:,::~,:%:,::::':'}::::,:':::[;I;:j':::::;':' -) Bagby and Assvciates of Grand Rapids, City Planners is con. the reasons why further ex- O :~~aSth ;i :u:~~~~aci~~~trI~ti~~ '.: :~':: :";:~' ~::::::::.., :. <>' ...'.. ::::-:.{i>;:.'.:':j:! ~~:~n~n~~s~s:;eth~f ::;ir~G'::;S;~eOi~~~o:~~~:, ~n:: ;~~~~1~so~~~~!e~~~e~~~~~ South Vietnamese fail to deter ~. .,,; ':::. ::.::::... .. ,: r.'/1 ~ nge glUt'de t~(}r Pfrethsentpltlnd.future community acUon. by Board of Education offi- r: on the Communist drive, American' It.....: .....:.. ....: Th a M rnua Ion 0 e annmg Program.) cials. pilots would t a k e over with < y.:. f .•' ........ e aster Plan: The planning proposals are shown The group has been formed higher-speed jets when help was .f .....:/: ?n a ~ap, prepared by Scott Bagby and Associates, which to study the Board of Educa. a.~ked.And finally, a 500-member(. ~ desIgned ~o be a continuous, long range guide for con- tion's proposal to construct a Special Forces team would be :'.>~""w."'. .'. .. : .:i ~~: tinuous actIon. (The map, which combines all of tne second high school for the sent to South Viet Nam to ....;..: :..r ..) '''''0'''.)' .•.. physical planning aspects recommended to the City of Pointe community. They met strengthen the 16,000 Ameri. .' .,:.,q:~. ~,~~~'., ...:"ox'.',.~~ .:. Grosse Pointe, .is printed in prospectus, in looseleaf for the first time Monday night cans aheady there. .. .r ...... ~ .. form, and submItted to the Grosse Pointe City council). in the schools' administration HOPE FA~E~ ;EDNESuAY t'~i .:: ;::.ii!.;[~.~!(~Wt:~.. d::: ::, :::p.;.,.«::,., " .. ;" .Ai>.::: . '.:". fO;~aj~a~~::~~ .i~et~~si~~a~ ------------ bUi~d:~ ~~:~~~.t~~i~a:~~~:: ~~: ~~eo~~~~eb~~~l~;:~~g ;~::~: "I.:.;}:":O::i',:;.::::;~:;:::f ::.~~! ~:.;:.~,':';:..::.r~",;;:<,..:;.. \:::t~.:- ~ $:." :.;:l.:.~.~ arpr~apsos~~:~=igbn~s~net~SmPaal.rnkita'nI'ngSchool Board ~~~~~d Ci~~~~ f~~uiea~:~s:~ Ii ..:..':.'.:.'"""''''''.::.:.'. -» . 'x.:.:::' ~ :. ""i"':: i:::'~:':: "'. ~~~=. ..::.,... :.... - . :.~ ~ .:,::::,.. f h' K th K . ~!~~~;:iir:t~E:~!~~F:~;11JJ ';•.' .~~~+.( '.'~T';': <.\~:;,.,'. r ,i AX '~~::J !~~~;:fo:~~:'~:~l:~~Pays Tribute :~e'in~~~~~:or::;a::;.yi!:c~i ~5~~~!lgaf1f~r~;~~~:l~ k~:;II "....~~'s ,,;1:L£.~:2:l::~;:,!fi~t~j~?~~:n;~~~~:'d~:~;~:h~:-u-RS-et-~:':Afterli~tr¥:~~~~~~~;~~ fi~;:e: ;ork. The!r cd'hathrredsta- The GrDsse Pointe Rotary Club Foundation re~ Foundation secretary; EDWARDtJ.bpONGRACZ,~r~~i- design fOf local neighborhood 17 Years of Devoted tion. Because the Board of Edu- aoon remame e only ceontly presented Bon Secours Hospital with a $1,000 d f h l" streets or maximum protection S . t Y hAd cation cannot delegate its auth- clue to the disappearance. The ent 0 t e Foundation; SISTER MAlty GERTRUDE, from further traffic damage is ervlce 0 out. n ority, this is strictly an advisory c.ar was found following a phone gIft for the purchase of two intensive treatment beds. CBS; and SISTER FRANCIS HELEN. suggested. In addition, the map School System committee." tiP to the FBI office at Meridian. Shown above from left to right: JOHN A. HAMMEL, shows the suggested redesign of -_ ''The committee of leading ... ... ... I estate properties into fine new At its last meeting of the citizens is a broadl3 represen- SPEAKING BEFOR8 DELE. K. · Cl b A f J -I P p. F- d subdivisions. New streets to tap 1963-64 year the Grosse tative cross-section of the COIll- GEATESto the American Home t'lVanlS U rrest 0 'oVenles oses Otnte' "n . S ufnusable property north of Jef- Pointe Board' of Education munity's civic, religious and conomist Association in Ford erson. near Notre Dame, are passed a resolution honor- educa.tional in t ere s t s:' M~. Auditorium, Wednesday night, F:rell~~ork B- P hI f P I- M W also shown. t. ~ Koppm stated. "Our purpose us ~Irs. Lyndon B. Johnsop said ~ v S 19 ro em or 0 Ice; any ays Acquisition by City I~g re IrIng hustee Frank- to evaluate the need for a sec- "American women hold a tre. D- 1 S M h 'R d ' In a few cases. the Associ- line D. Dougherty. Dough- ond high school, and 1f such mendous potential of strength lS_p ay et DC e Tape Involved To Beat Heat ate~ stated, the best interests erty, of 1851 Country Club, need is established, we shall for good. I do not refer to the .._ of the City will require acquisi- is a long-time resident of consider the sui,tability of sites sense of power that comes from T -------- tion of developed property, but Grosse Pointe Woods and for a school," he added. flicking a switch or turning an Annual Event to Boost ime-Consuming Investigation of Each Youth Atid Lakefront Parks Attract such acquisition is only pro- Only Joint Session ignition key. But to the force Pro:.eets Scheduled For Lengthy Reports Must Be Made Before Thousands; Boats, Air posed when the needs of the In his welcoming remarks, we exert when we mark a bal- Youngster's Court Appearance C d I entire City requires it. In such Dr. Robert K. Whiteley. presl- lot, teach our children, or work Night of July 4 At on itioners He p As cases, the City will pay a fair dent of the Grosse Pointe for a better community." Parcells School Errant juveniles (boys and girls under 16 years of Mercury Soars price for property, su1ficient Board of Education said, "This • • • age) are bigger problems than adults accused of break- to enable the owner to buy a is the only time that the Board Friday. June 26 '\ A . th-'-- th K' ing the law, it is the consensus of policemen from the By Bob Wells comparable house in a compar- will meet with you. This is a THE UNITED STATES SEN- ~am IS year e. 1- five Pointe law enforcement agencies. No, life didn't come to a a?le n~igh.borhood, ~nd in many Citizens' Committee. We of the ATE, in an obvious effort to i wa.ms Club 0.£ Grosse Pam.te When an adult I'S arrested . I grinding halt But as one of cases, It Will be possI~le to move Board are hbere tonight to as- II t t A IF' . 'homes to other lots Without tear- sist you to eg in your work." impress November voters eli- I WI presen 1 S nnua Ire- for a minor, or serious violation thorough investiga~ion must be the hottest weekends In ing down existing buildings. Following the introdlidory minated and reduced F~derall works Display on Saturday of the law, he is booked, charg- made," he said. "The invest~ga- ye~rs descended on the The Master Pian map is not a remarks, J. Harold Husband. taxes on everything frOm ping I evening, July 4, at Parcells ed and tried in court, and eith. tion involves each juvenile sep- Pomte, people slowed down statistic document. It represents Assistant Superintendent - Ad- pong balls to furs by a vote of S c h 0 0 I playground, Mack er pays a fine or serves a jail arately. We have to dig into his considerably, and fled the ideas, all aimed at the basic ministra1:ive Services for the 77 to 2 The House, however, is avenue at Vernier road. term, or mayb~ given a sus, home life, his private life, and heat any way they could: in go~ o~ insuring that .the City Grosse Pointe Public School not expected to go along with R' h d H h h' pended sentence, if found guilty. so on, to try to arrive at an sailboats, public and pn'- m.amtams and .even mcrea.ses System, presented a lengthy re- the t'uts. Before passI'ng the ex- IC ar .. Beae , c a.•rman t h th h'ld port 0 the background of the f th tt But the arrest of a juvenile answer as 0 w y e c I com- vate pools, open converti- Its character m the comIng n cise tax cut bill. the Senate did 0 e com~1 ee. promIses. a accused of a crime is another mitted the crime for which he bl . dit. d Ii years. need for additional school facio extend $1.9 billion in Feder1al ~ore. colorfUL.and more exclt. story,. one involving plenty of has been apprehended. es or aIr con lOne v- This map and its ideas, the IliHes.
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