656 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE January 29, 1990 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Monday, January 29, 1990 The House met at 12 noon. pass, two-thirds of the Senators The State in 1989 passed a memorial The Chaplain, Rev. James David present not having voted in the af­ disagreeing with the 1986 Federal law Ford, D.D., offered the following firmative. and asking that the State be allowed prayer: The message also announced that to sell all the assets, reserving no equi­ You have promised, 0 gracious God, the Senate had passed bills of the fol­ ties for the Federal contributions. My that Your words are new every morn­ lowing titles, in which the concurrence proposal also would not protect the ing and Your presence is with us all of the House is requested: Federal investments-except for a re­ the day through. We humbly pray S. 247. An act to amend the Energy Policy verter clause-would require the State that You increase in us the gift of and Conservation Act to increase the effi­ to pay the counties at least the $32 hope that any dark cloud of illness or ciency and effectiveness of State energy million out of the sale of outparcels­ pain will be eased by the power of conservation programs carried out pursuant noncontiguous . parcels-and would Your good spirit. Teach us, 0 God, to such act, and for other purposes; provide for a reverter of the contigu­ never to lose that gift of hope so that S. 286. An act to establish the Petroglyph ous lands to the Federal Government our lives will not be governed by de­ National Monument in the State of New if the State ever seeks to use the lands spair, but will be nurtured and bright­ Mexico, and for other purposes; and S. 555. An act to establish in the Depart­ for other than ecological conservation ened by Your work in our hearts and ment of the Interior the De Soto Expedition purposes. This proposal requests the souls. Bless us this day and every day. Trail Commission, and for other purposes. State to use the surplus funds from Amen. The message also announced that noncontiguous land sales to acquire pursuant to Public Law 96-114, as additional lands needed in the land THE JOURNAL amended by Public Laws 98-33, 99-161, route from the St. Johns River in the and 100-674, the Republican leader ap­ Gulf of Mexico. The Federal Govern­ The SPEAKER. The Chair has ex­ ment would be freed from its responsi­ amined the Journal of the last day's pointed William Russell King, Virgin­ ia, and Michael L. Lunceford, Texas, bilities to maintain the lands and proceeding and announces to the other assets, which now cost the Fed­ House his approval thereof. as members of the Congressional Awards Board. eral Government about $2 million Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the each year. Journal stands approved. Beginning in June 1989 I sugges.ted THE CROSS FLORIDA PARK TO to State officials a State park or State PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE SUCCEED THE CROSS FLORIDA conservation use of these lands; and I The SPEAKER. The Chair will ask BARGE CANAL believe the State now approves. Now if the State legislature repeals the gentleman from Arizona [Mr. <Mr. BENNETT asked and was given KYL] if he would come forward and its 1989 memorial and expresses agree­ permission to address the House for 1 ment with this bill I have introduced, lead the membership in the Pledge of minute and to revise and extend his Allegiance. or some amendment of it, I believe remarks and include extraneous this matter can be quickly resolved. Mr. KYL led the Pledge of Alle­ matter.> giance as follows: With such official assurance from the Mr. BENNETT. Mr. Speaker, in this State, I anticipate I can pass the law I I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the world of change, nothing is so change­ United States of America, and to the Repub­ have introduced, even though it repre­ less as change itself. What was wise sents a very generous attitude on the lic for which it stands, one nation under and doable yesterday may not be wise God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for part of the Federal Government, all. and doable today. There was nothing losing, as it will, $73 million it invested wrong with the concept of this canal, at the request of the State. which was based on documented posi­ Mr. Speaker, I am including in the MESSAGE FROM THE tive commercial and defense values. RECORD a copy of the bill, as follows: PRESIDENT But today, since the government of A message in writing from the Presi­ Florida has changed its mind about H.R. 3905 dent of the United States was commu­ this project, the project now lacks the A bill to deauthorize the Cross Florida nicated to the House by Mr. Kal­ required non-Federal sponsorship. Barge Canal and to assist the State of Even the local chambers of commerce Florida in establishing a Cross Florida baugh, one of his secretaries. State Park or conservation area, and for and the Pentagon have abandoned other purposes their support. The most acceptable so­ MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Be it enacted by the Senate and House of lution is to create a State park or Representatives of the United States of A message from the Senate by Mr. State conservation area, and that is America in Congress assembled, Hallen, one of its clerks, announced what my legislation will accomplish. Section 1114 of the Water Resources De­ that the Senate having proceeded to The State park or State conserva­ velopment Act of 1986 is amended to read as reconsider the bill <H.R. 2712> entitled tion area would be like a phoenix bird follows: "An act to facilitate the adjustment or arising from the ashes of yesterday's "SEC. 1114. CROSS FLORIDA BARGE CANAL. change of status of Chinese nationals idea. "(a) The Cross Florida Barge Canal is in the United States by waiving the 2- In 1986 Congress passed a law that deauthorized immediately upon the trans­ year foreign residence requirement for deauthorized the canal, but only on fer, by quitclaim or otherwise, to the United "J" nonimmigrants," returned by the condition that the Federal Govern­ States of all lands and interests therein held President of the United States with ment would continue to protect its $73 by the State of Florida and its Canal Au­ thority for the Cross Florida Barge Canal his objections, to the House of Repre­ million investment in the project, all project, except for parcels of land that are sentatives, in which it originated, and made at the request of the State of not contiguous, adjoining or otherwise phys­ passed by the House of Representa­ Florida. The State contributed less ically connected to the canal corridor (here­ tives on reconsideration of the same, it than $10 million and counties along inafter referred to as 'noncontiguous par­ was resolved that the said bill do not the route contributed $32 million. cels'). 0 This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., 0 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. January 29, 1990 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 657 "Cb> The State of Florida shall reimburse Mr. MAZZOLI. Mr. Speaker, the In the science budget, the President the counties of Duval, Clay, Putnam, President and his budget chief say the moves ahead in the areas of research Marion, Levy, and Citrus at least $32,000,000, in the aggregate, for their in­ defense cuts announced today and af­ and development, making certain that vestment in the canal project. The State of fecting places like Naval Ordnance on we continue to double the moneys for Florida may use proceeds from any sale of Southside Drive in Louisville are fair. I the National Science Foundation or the noncontiguous parcels referred to in say they are not fair. move toward doubling those funds. subsection <a> as a source of funding for this What is fair about spending defense That is exactly the right direction. reimbursement. dollars for star wars, a system defend­ Even in defense, where he is cutting "<c> If the State of Florida requests the ing against missiles which are even the budget overall, he has maintained return of the lands transferred to the United States as prescribed in subsection <a> today being dismantled by both the the research and development budget for the purpose of establishing a State park superpowers, while cutting the flesh, and, in fact, has increased it. That or State conservation area, the United muscle, arid bone of America's conven­ makes certain that in the future we States shall immediately transfer to the tional defense capability? What is fair, will have the technological base in this State of Florida said lands, along with any Mr. Speaker, about adding defense country for defending the Nation. other lands, including physical structures, dollars for the Stealth bomber, which Those are the right kinds of prior­ held by the United States for the canal can hardly fly, much less fly stealth­ ities, and the President's budget in project: Provided, however, That if the State of Florida ever attempts to sell any of ily, while cutting the maintenance, those categories deserves our full sup­ such lands or any interest therein, or to use repair, and modernization of conven­ port. any parcel or portion of such lands for tional weapons which is being done at other than park or conservation purposes, Naval Ordnance? Simply stated, there the title to all the lands transferred under is nothing fair about it.
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