Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1968-1969 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1968 Eastern Progress - 07 Nov 1968 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1968-69/8 ■f. Homecoming 128 Days Photos In A Sloop Hie Eastern Brogress Pige 7 / Sitting The Pace In A Progressive l7a~\ M*~ ^T Student Publication of laetorn Kentucky University, Richmond, Ky. Ten Pages Thursday, November 7, 1968 46th Year, Number 8 ■ ■■ Council To Put Funds Into University Account By JOE EDWARDS The two Jim Scaggs and Joe the bests on which Wesley Foun- A five-member committee was ijl~ -~«M"M.1- Balmos, contended that the entry dation was declared winner In named to study the structure Of did not have to apply or pay the decorating contest. the Council to see if It could A resolution putting pro- a fee because the entry was not a The two, who engaged in splr- be made more representative of ceeds from the sale of stu- float and the rules did not indi- ited and sarcastic discussion the student body. The commlt- dent discount cards into a cate that residence halls had to with Wilborn, could not make a tee includes Pellegrlnon, chair- University account was con- apply or pay a fee to be Judged, motion because they are not man; Dennis Day; Chris Shafer; ditionally approved Tues- The men also contended that the Council members. Mary Jo Thornton and Mark day by the Student Council. rules were not distributed to the In other Council business, a Upton. Wilborn and Neill Day The resolution^ approved un- residence halls. committee was formed and a mo- vice-president of the Council, animously, "releases" to an The protestors also questioned tton was defeated. are ex officio members of the Eastern account $882.31 earned committee. A motion was defeated to pro- from the cards with the stipula- hibit the sale of Playboy Maga- tion ' that a counter signature by an administrator need not be zine in the Campus Bookstore* In remarks to the Council about required to draw from the ac- Homecoming, WUborn termed the count. dance with B. J. Thomas "re- A second stipulation of the res- latively successful." olution states that the admin- "1 would not envisage mone- istration "shall neither intimi- tary problems for next year's date nor harass" Council mem- dance," he said. bers "to obtain Just ends" and WUborn also told the Council that the administration should that he is awaiting reply from "go through proper channels in President Robert Martin about the Student Government Associ- a motion passed October 22 ation," stating that campus buildings The resolution stemmed from can be utilized for dances at the placing of the proceeds in a the cost of Janitorial and elec- local bank under the name of trical fees only. Jim Pellegrlnon, a Council mem- In another matter. Dr. Henry ber. Martin, vice president for stu- Pellegrlnon, reporting to the dent affairs, said'the he will Council about the incident, said report soon after meeting with that he was told last Saturday Dean of Worn en, Mary Ingels, on "in a round about way* ' by an a motion passed by the Council "administrative official" to permitting dances on Thursday Eastern President Robert Martin seems to hand. Parade members threw candy to the withdraw the money from the / Love be enjoying himself at last Saturday's Home- crowd lined along the parade route. bank and place in it an Eastern nights. coming Parade. He holds a sucker in his (Staff Photo by John Gravee) The Council is scheduled to A Parade account. meet again next Tuesday at 5:15 Pellegrlnon said l» was not p.m. in the Giise Room, Combs told why to do so. He declined Building. Any student or fac- to reveal ter publication, who ulty member may attend. He's The One! the administrator was. Steve 'Wilborn. president of the Council, said that he origin- ally requested Pellegrlnon to First Draft place the money off-campus. Wil- 'Forgotten MmC Boosts Nixon born emphasised thafthe money would not be placed In account Of Report rine a B« TAUVT rWAKV Peden by margin of 88,- "I think the people were mail* Crum was very pleased with here unless the conditions were m7e*w-fi. °°° votes- Coo* is tne first zing up to Tuesday that the the outcome of the election. met. 0 Even Also regarding the topic, Xtf P*n*«TfHnti. a member of "**** _V*?* * „ Catholic to be elected to the Nixon campaign was based on though the Senate and the th<> Student Council discusses Near: Powell TOl'fOttall man Senate from Kentucky. All silence, rather than conviction. House are controlled by the a committee was formed to in- vestigate the feasibility of per- » resolution which the Council By JOE EDWARDS Went to the polls, Tuesday, seven of the incumbent repre- I think the campaign would Democrats, he felt that "a Council »nnroved Tuesdav. The resolu- News Editor Nov. 5, and gave Richard sentatives were returned for have peaked in the next few Democratic House won't cause mitting campus groups to keep a deal of tion place* Into a University ac- The Committee on Stu- M. Nixon the presidency, two more years. days. The fact that we came so S ' trouble. Of funds in non-University accounts. ™ Committee members include count funds from the sale of dent Affairs hoped to com- tal Kent Mason, chairman; Rich- Discussion student discount cards. Slete the first draft of the JhaaSBt j&ssu& *sz as AAISEM? ----- ^^ ard Bredenberg; Rita Lawrence; (Staff Photo by Mike Hack) tudent Affairs Report at Gary Lightener, a meeting: today, according allUM. the way,K w„. a race *» reminis- „. elated^ at^-^.v* the latest tabulation. student Group To Deal to Executive Dean J. C. cent Of the 1960 President- New York is the one we had Also at the meeting, two non- Council members representing Funds For Chapel Powell, chairman of the ial election in which John to have to stop Nixon." crum -—-. J A - • T-m 11 Palmer Hall voiced a protest committee. *«*««* defe.ua s^siSi^^sshad carried Kentucky and Cook With Academic Problems about the handling of the Judg- Dean Powell declined to esti- , had won. I had hoped Rusa ing of Homecoming decorations. mate when the report might be BY PATTIE SMITH These are the student spokes- Now Total $196,550 The Harris poll had indicated M would have „££ a JJ Informed by Wilborn that Pal- ready for presentation to the men for campus academic pro- A successful Homecoming Day V*l, officials said today, earlier this week that It would ter 8howlng. But I am still op- ACADEMICS EDITOR mer Hall was not Judged because Faculty Senate. blems. lifted Eastern's Century Fund ., . .,_ , „ _ be a tight race primarily be- timistic." Mobley, a school- The Student Advisory Commit- „ "Feel free to contact.them/' it submitted no application or The committee last Wednesday cause of the Paris Peace Con- teacher was defeated by John tee to Academics Affairs has Dr. Stovall said.. "Don't expect fee, the two contended that there drive to finance construcUon of Jff^SS wto have SSS "nlshed the writing of two ad- ference. / Watts in his bid for a House again been organised this fall, miracles to happen from one " a. foul-up in communlca- a non- denominational Meditation gg Qr ES-_ ^total!, fie! <"tlonal sections of the report, he Lynn Brothers, the Young geat 1 1 The first meeting was held on meeting to w^her, but you are tion caused by poor organ!- Chapel on the campus to 8196,- Th9 g^ ^ 400 mtmbers bv »*ld, a * developed topics to be Democrats' president, and Dan 550, Just $3,500 Crum, the Young Republicans' The American Independent October 31, in the office of the asanred of being heard. ration." Jan. 1, which if reached, will considered for another report bring the fund total to approx - aactlon. president, were optimistic as Party, with George Wallace Vice President of Academic Dean Powell said that after the the early votes were being tab- heading the ticket, received a- Affairs., , Dr. Thomas Stovall. lmately $228,000. The goal by Homecoming was $200,000. first draft Is done, the committee ulated. bout 14 % of the vote. He re- This organization of students will "reconsider, thoroughly re- With a scattering of the vote ceived 45 electoral votes. Crum, selected from the campus to re- Ground was broken for the view, perhaps reorganize, and in, Brothers said, "I can't tell when asked who Wallace was present a cross-section acts as Meditation Chapel by Dr. Robert look for gaps which need to be much with only 4 % of the hurting, replied "Wallace is a spokesman for the student R. Martin, Easterns president, filled In the report." vote In at this time. It depends hurting both candidates. A ^ concerning academic prob- and leaders of the drive, Then, after a second draft is on where the votes are coming third party hurts both the ma- lem^ at half time of the Eastern-Mur- written, he said, the committee from. I am cautiously optimis- jor parties." ray homecoming football game will "redraft, edit, and make other tic. Cram's terse statement was At 10:30 a.m., Wednesday. This Is a plan for two-way on the site In Hanger Stadium such steps the committee deems "very pleased." the election was still undecided, communications between theac- where the chapel will stand. Dr. necessary for toe final form." By 10:30 Tuesday, the elec- Nixon had 261 electoral votes, ademic office and the students, Martin shoveled dirt in a wheel- The committee gave fir st read- tion results had assumed the 0 short of the number needed.
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