“I urge you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, your spiritual worship.” Rm 12:1 THE NATIONAL SHRINE OF Out of respect for Our Lord Jesus Christ and for For gentlemen and lads: Neither shorts, T-shirts T HILOMENA the edification of our neighbor, we beg all to ap- nor sneakers meet the norms of modesty. S . P pear in Church decent in deportment and modest For ladies and girls: Neither shorts, slacks, in dress. sleeveless, short nor low-cut dresses meet the THE SOCIETY OF SAINT PIUS X norms of modesty. th However, no one has the right to question others, Furthermore, according to apostolic custom or February 17 , 2019 A.D. – Septuagesima Sunday especially visitors. It belongs to the parish priest Church law, gentlemen are bareheaded in church; Welcome Visitors! alone to instruct the laity when they repeatedly and ladies are requested to cover their heads. The National Shrine of St. Philomena is part of dress or deport below expectation. Thank you for your charity. the apostolate of The Society of Saint Pius X. The Shrine is maintained by an Association of Mass Times and Feasts from February 17th to February 25th Catholics known as “The Friends of St. Philo- mena, Inc.” (Code of Canon Law, N. 215). We teach the full Christian Faith and Morality. We adhere to the Traditional Roman Rites and Date Time Devotion Chapel Feast Day follow the 1962 Roman Missal. The National Shrine of St. Philomena was 7:30 am Holy Mass Davie founded in 1988 by Father Timothy Hopkins, Sunday, 17th 10:30 am Holy Mass Miami SEPTUAGESIMA SUNDAY R.I.P. 12:30 pm Holy Mass W Palm Bch He was a priest of the Diocese of Marsi, Italy, FERIA Monday, 18th ——— ——— ——— ordained by Mgr. Biaggio Terrinoni, O.F.M. St. Simeon, Bishop & martyr (Comm.) (Cap.), R.I.P, on December 8th, 1984. Father Hopkins was privileged to have been Tuesday, 19th ——— ——— ——— FERIA Gregorian Latin liturgy associated with the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X for more than 23 years. Until 1969, the various Catholic liturgies were th While obedient to the One True Church, and Wednesday, 20 ——— ——— ——— FERIA all of apostolic origin. The Gregorian Latin acknowledging and praying at each Mass for liturgy, celebrated in this church, follows the His Holiness Pope Francis, and the Most Rever- st tradition of Saint Peter, the first Pope, and has Thursday, 21 ——— ——— ——— FERIA end Thomas Wenski, Archbishop of Miami, the never undergone any essential change till the Shrine is not affiliated with the Archdiocese of present time. Every gesture, every word has nd Chair of St. Peter, Apostle Miami and receives no financial or other sup- Friday, 22 ——— No Mass ——— been weighed and measured with the assis- Commemoration of St. Paul, Apostle port from it. tance of the Holy Ghost for the greatest glory Saturday, 23rd ——— No Mass ——— St. Peter Damian, Bp., conf. & doctor of God and the salvation of souls. 1621 SW 6th St. Miami, FL 33135 - (305) 758-7724 7:30 am Holy Mass Davie SEXAGESIMA SUNDAY Websites: shrineofstphilomena.com Sunday, 24th 10:30 am Holy Mass Miami St. Matthias, Apostle (Comm.) E-mail: [email protected] 12:30 pm Holy Mass W Palm Bch Founder: The Reverend Father Timothy Hopkins, R.I.P. Monday, 25th ——— ——— ——— FERIA Prior: The Reverend Father Marc Vernoy, F.S.S.P.X. Chaplain: The Reverend Father Samuel Fabula, F.S.S.P.X. Mailing Addr: P.O. Box 530157, Miami Shores, FL 33153-0157 News and Announcements St. Ambrose’s sermons. Chapter XIII (Number 2) You may dedicate the Sanctuary Lamp for your intentions. The price is $15. It lasts 7 days. The Apostle was not dull to understand the rebuke; he fell on his face brought low by the Fa- Speak to Mrs. Myrna Mendez if you are interested. ther's voice and the glorious beauty of the Son, but he was raised up by the Son, Whose wont **** it is to raise up them that are fallen. Then he saw one only, the Son of God alone, for the serv- Today’s second collection will be taken up for the Priory in Sanford. ants had withdrawn, that He might be seen to be Lord alone, Who alone was entitled Son. **** What, then, was the purpose of that vision, which signified not that Christ and His servants Today is Septuagesima Sunday (70 days before Easter). It is a time of preparation for Lent. The were equal, but betokened a mystery, save that it should be made plain to us that the Law and 17-day period beginning on Septuagesima Sunday and ending on Ash Wednesday was intended to the Prophets, in agreement with the Gospel, revealed as eternal the Son of God, Whom they be observed as a preparation for the season of Lent, which is itself a period of spiritual preparation had heralded. When we, therefore, hear of the Son coming forth of the womb, the Word from for Easter. The Alleluia is omitted during the liturgy. Likewise, violet vestments are worn, except the heart, let us believe that the Son was not fashioned-with hands but begotten of the Father, on feast days, from Septuagesima Sunday until Holy Thursday. not the work of a craftsman but the offspring of a parent. **** We are honored to announce the wedding banns of Mr. Brent McDonald and Ms. Laura Ravelo, He, therefore, Who said, "This is My Son," said not, "This is a creature of time," nor "This who intend to be bound in holy matrimony on February 23rd. If anyone has any objections to this being is of My creation, My making, My servant," but "This is My Son, Whom ye see glori- marriage they are morally obliged to communicate them to Fr. Fabula as soon as possible. Thank fied." This is the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, Who appeared to Mo- you very much for your cooperation in this matter. ses in the bush, concerning Whom Moses **** saith, "He Who is hath sent me." It was not The St. Thomas More Academy is hosting their annual JOG-A-THON. The goal is to raise the Father Who spake to Moses in the bush or $35,000.00. It will be held on March 5th, 2019. Please see the poster in the vestibule and sponsor in the desert, but the Son. It was of this Mo- one of the priests, or any other member of St Thomas More Priory staff . Everyone will be jogging! ses-that Stephen said, "This is He Who was in **** the church, in the wilderness, with the An- The Feast of the Chair of St. Peter (Cathedra Petri) is a solemn occasion dating from the 4th gel." This, then, is He Who gave the Law, century. It gives homage to and celebrates St. Peter’s primacy and authority. “Simon Peter Who spake with Moses, saying, "I am the answered and said: Thou art Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answering, said to him: God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Jona: because flesh and blood hath not revealed it to thee, but my of Jacob." This, then, is the God of the patri- Father who is in heaven. And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my archs; this is the God of the prophets. church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: OF YOUR CHARITY, PLEASE PRAY FOR: Pope Francis, Archbishop Thomas Wenski, Fr. and whatsoever thou shalt loose upon earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven (Matthew 16:16-19).” Davide Pagliarani and the Society of St. Pius X, vocations to the priesthood and religious life. **** The Sick: Gordon Pennington, Geraldine Wilson, Lorenzo Valdivia, Nelly Pérez, Melba Pérez, Luz St. Peter Damian was born at Ravenna. After losing both his parents, he was under the care of his Marina López, Maura Laguna, Santos Chong, Adilia Varela, Toña Villamizar, Beatriz Contreras, brother Damian and was educated in the liberal arts and sciences. In order to lead a more perfect Dulce Mª Soler, Damaris Sarduy, Lenore Crewe-Jones, Zoila Arroyo, Ruth Martínez, Néstor & life, he joined the monastery of the Holy Cross Order of Fonte Avellana, founded by a disciple of Blanca Seda, María del Carmen Alvarado, Daniel Robles-Smithson, Sheila Tiernan, Deirde Tiernan St. Romuald. Later on, St. Peter governed that monastery and developed it in such a way that he The Faithful Departed: Fr. Timothy A. Hopkins, Fr. Enrique Rueda, Fr. Sergio Heredia, Peter was rightly considered another founder of his Order. Pope Stephen IX made him a Cardinal and Steeger, Carlos Valdes, Guillermo Alonso, Orestes Isa, Henry Pérez, José A. Puentes, Ricardo Bishop of Ostia, although he was unwilling and opposed to the appointment. At a very difficult Varela, Martha Arrazola, Ada Velazquez, Eva Velazquez, Nancy Zaldivar, Estela Guilarte, Josefa period, he was a wonderful help to the Popes by his teaching and by the many missions and other Leon, Rita Marvez, Nilda Padrón, Elsa Albuerne, Joe Katz, Arthur Neri, Francisco Pérez, Mariana labors he undertook. He deterred Henry IV, king of Germany, from the evil deed of divorcing his nd Lam-Leo, Gladys Marín, Santiago Miranda, Isabel Delgado de Robles Edward Orlowski, Margaret wife. As he was returning from a mission at Ravenna, he died at Faenza on February 22 , 1072, Doswell, Antolín Reyes, Geraldine Graves, Gerardo Guzmán Alvergue, Charles Mauro, Margarita famous for his holy works.
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