The Templars and Their Sources Even 700 years after the suppression of the Order of the Temple and the execution of the last grandmaster, Jacques de Molay, there is no shortage of publications on this influential military order. Yet unlike other medieval institutions the Templars are subject to specula- tive fiction and popular myth which threaten to swamp the fruits of scholarly endeavour. Fortunately, recent years have produced a thriving academic scholarship which is chal- lenging these myths. More and more sources are currently being edited, particularly those for the trial of the Templars (1307–1312). Others are still awaiting in-depth study, among them, surprisingly, the greater part of the charters that cover more than 150 years of the Order’s history. The papers in this volume step into this gap and critically evaluate new directions in Templar studies on the basis of as-yet unedited source material. Open issues and desiderata regarding the sources are discussed and from a range of inspiring results a new status quaestionis is proposed that will not only provide a better understanding of the Order’s archaeological, economical, religious, administrative and military history, but also set new points of departure for the editing of charters and administrative documents. The papers here are grouped into six sections, focusing on the headquarters of the Order, its charters, manpower and finance, religious life and finally the suppression and the Order’s afterlife. Karl Borchardt is working as a Senior Researcher at Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Munich, and teaches Medieval History at Universität Würzburg. He has published numer- ous articles and edited volumes on the Knights Hospitaller and Knights Templar including Comptes de la commanderie de l’Hôpital de Manosque pour les années 1283 à 1290 (2015 with D. Carraz and A. Venturini), Documents concerning Cyprus from the Hospital’s Rho- dian Archives: 1409–1459 (2011 with A. Luttrell and E. Schöffer) and The Hospitallers, the Mediterranean and Europe (2007 with H. Nicholson and N. Jaspert). Karoline Döring is working as a postdoctoral researcher at the Ludwig-Maximilians- Universität in Munich on the networks of the military orders at the papal curia in the thir- teenth century. Her PhD was entitled Türkenkrieg und Medienwandel im 15. Jahrhundert (2013), and she has recently finished another monograph on fictitious correspondences between Ottoman sultans and Christian princes from the fourteenth to the sixteenth centuries. Philippe Josserand is a Senior Researcher in medieval history at the Université de Nantes. He has published various studies on the Iberian Templars and other Spanish brethren such as Église et pouvoir dans la péninsule Ibérique. Les ordres militaires dans le royaume de Castille (1252–1369) (2004), and co-edited the reference work Prier et combattre. Diction- naire européen des ordres militaires au Moyen Âge (2009) and Élites et ordres militaires au Moyen Âge. Rencontre autour d’Alain Demurger (2015). Helen Nicholson is a Professor of Medieval History at the School of History, Archaeology and Religion at Cardiff University. Her publications on the Templars include The Proceed- ings against the Templars in the British Isles (2011), The Debate on the Trial of the Tem- plars (1307–1314) (2010 with J. Burgtorf and P.F. Crawford) and The Knights Templar: A New History (2001). Crusades - Subsidia Series Editor: Christoph T. Maier University of Zurich, for The Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East This series of ‘Subsidia’ to the journal ‘Crusades’ is designed to include publi- cations deriving from the conferences held by the Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East along with other volumes associated with the society. The scope of the series parallels that of the journal itself: Crusades covers seven hundred years from the First Crusade (1095–1102) to the fall of Malta (1798) and draws together scholars working on theatres of war, their home fronts and set- tlements from the Baltic to Africa and from Spain to the Near East and on theol- ogy, law, literature, art, numismatics and economic, social, political and military history. Recent titles in the series: La Papauté et les croisades / The Papacy and the Crusades Michel Balard On the Margins of Crusading Helen J. Nicholson Contact and Conflict in Frankish Greece and the Aegean, 1204–1453 Nikolaos G. Chrissis and Mike Carr Deeds Done Beyond the Sea Susan B. Edgington and Helen J. Nicholson Crusading and Warfare in the Middle Ages Simon John and Nicholas Morton The Crusade in the Fifteenth Century Norman Housley The Fifth Crusade in Context E.J. Mylod, Guy Perry, Thomas W. Smith, and Jan Vandeburie The Templars and their Sources Karl Borchardt, Karoline Döring, Philippe Josserand, and Helen Nicholson The Templars and Their Sources Edited by Karl Borchardt, Karoline Döring, Philippe Josserand and Helen Nicholson First published 2017 by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN and by Routledge 711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017 Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business © 2017 selection and editorial matter, Karl Borchardt, Karoline Döring, Philippe Josserand and Helen Nicholson; individual chapters, the contributors The right of Karl Borchardt, Karoline Döring, Philippe Josserand and Helen Nicholson to be identified as the authors of the editorial material, and of the authors for their individual chapters, has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. Trademark notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe. British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book has been requested ISBN: 978-1-138-20190-3 (hbk) ISBN: 978-1-315-47529-5 (ebk) Typeset in Times New Roman by Apex CoVantage, LLC Contents List of plates viii List of figures ix Contributors x Preface xiii List of abbreviations xvi SECTION I Headquarters 1 1 Vestiges of Templar presence in the Aqsa Mosque 3 BENJAMIN Z. KEDAR 2 The Templars and the kings of Jerusalem 25 JOCHEN BURGTORF 3 The Templars’ archives in Syria and Cyprus 38 ANTHONY LUTTRELL SECTION II Charters 47 4 Templar charters and charters for the Templars: self- promotion versus the image of the Order 49 KARL BORCHARDT 5 Copies and cartularies: modernizing Templar documents in mid-thirteenth-century Champagne 64 MICHAEL J. PEIXOTO vi Contents 6 Private charters and other family documents in the Templar archives: commanderies in southern France 78 DAMIEN CARRAZ 7 Editing Templar charters in the Iberian Peninsula at the beginning of the twenty-first century 96 PHILIPPE JOSSERAND 8 The Marquis d’Albon, Carl Erdmann and the Templar sources in Portugal 106 KRISTJAN TOOMASPOEG SECTION III Constitution, structure and finance 123 9 The office of master deça mer in military orders 125 ALAN FOREY 10 Die Prokuratoren der Templer: Diplomatische und rechtliche Aspekte ihrer Einsetzung und ihrer Aufgaben 133 CHRISTIAN VOGEL 11 Templar tactics: the Order on the battlefield 156 JOHN FRANCE 12 Les ordres religieux-militaires et l’argent: sources et pratiques 166 ALAIN DEMURGER SECTION IV Spiritual character 185 13 Les Templiers et le progressif évanouissement de leur règle 187 SIMONETTA CERRINI 14 The documentary evidence for Templar religion 199 JOCHEN SCHENK 15 Gab es eine Spiritualität der Templer? 212 ARNO MENTZEL-REUTERS Contents vii SECTION V Suppression and its consequences 235 16 ‘The real Da Vinci Code’: the accounts of Templars’ estates in England and Wales during the suppression of the Order 237 HELEN NICHOLSON AND PHILIP SLAVIN 17 Fratres quondam Templi: per i Templari in Italia dopo il concilio di Vienne e il destino di Pietro da Bologna 248 FRANCESCO TOMMASI 18 Notaries in inquisitorial trials: the evidence from the Templars’ inquiry in North Italy 307 ELENA BELLOMO SECTION VI After-history 321 19 Die Templer und das Turiner Grabtuch 323 KARLHEINZ DIETZ 20 Sources for the Templar myth 360 JOHN WALKER Index 372 KAROLINE DÖRING Plates 1a The Great Hall from the south; note the difference between the upper, bossed Templar masonry and the lower, Umayyad and ‘Abbasid, layers 1b The Great Hall from the west 2a The Great Hall from the north with its springers 2b A close-up of a pair of springers 3a Gérard de Ridefort’s letter 3b The letter’s reverse side 4 The northern porch from the east: the transverse arches are supported on each side by double elbow corbels 5 The southern part of the Aqsa Mosque’s eastern wall: the Mosque of ‘Umar, the Mosque of the Forty, and Mihrāb Zakarīya 6a The rose window, c. 1940 6b The rose window today 7a The Single Gate (now blocked, underneath the window) 7b The northern arches of Solomon’s Stables / Marwānī Mosque with the staircase leading down to them 8a–b The two fragments of the Templar inscription 9 The Haram in the 1930s 10 The Aqsa Mosque from the top of the Russian Tower on the Mount of Olives, 1917 11 The Aqsa Mosque from the top of the Russian
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