THE NAUTILUS Volume 115, Number 1 March 31, 2001 ISSN 0028-1344 A quarterly devoted to malacology. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Dr Douglas S. Jones Dr. Geerat J. Vermeij Dr. Jose H. Leal Florida Museum of Natural History Department of Geolog)' Universit)' of Florida The Bailey-Mattliews Shell Museum University- of California at Davis 3075 Sanibel-Captiva Road Gaine.sville, FL 32611-2035 Davis, CA 95616 Sanibel, FL 33957 Dr. Harry G. Lee Dr. G. Thomas Watters 1801 Barrs Street, Suite 500 MANAGING EDITOR Aquatic Ecology Laboratory Jacksonville, FL 32204 Christina Petrikas 1314 KinnearRoad The Bailey-Matthews Shell Museum Dr. Charles Lydeard Columbus, OH 43212-1194 3075 Sanibel-Captiva Road Biodiversity and Systematics Dr John B. Wise Sanibel, FL 33957 Department of Biological Sciences Houston Museum of Natural University of Alabama Science EDITOR EMERITUS Houston, 77030-1799 Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 TX Dr. M. G. Harasewych Department of Invertebrate Zoology Dr. James H. McLean SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION National Museum of Department of Malacology Natural History Los Angeles County Museum of The subscription rate per vohune is Smithsonian Institution Natural History US $35.00 for individuals, US $56.00 Washington, DC 20560 900 Exposition Boulevard for institutions. Postage outside the Los Angeles, CA 90007 United States is an additional US CONSULTING EDITORS $5.00 for surface and US $15.00 for Dr. Dr. Paula M.Mikkelsen Riidiger Bieler air mail. All orders should be Department of Invertebrates Department of Living Invertebrates accompanied bv pavment and sent to: Field Museum of The American Museum of Natural THE NAUTILUS.'PO. Box 1580, Natural History History- Sanibel, FL 33957, USA. New York, NY 10024 Chicago, I L 60605 Change address: Dr. Arthur E. Bogan Dr Diarmaid 6 Foighil of Please inform the publisher of North Carolina State Museum of Museum of Zoology and Department your new address at Natural Sciences of Biolog)' least 6 weeks in advance. All Raleigh, NC 27626 University of Michigan communications should include both Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1079 old and new addresses (with zip Dr Phihppe Bouchet codes) and state the effective date. Laboratoire de Biologie des Dr Gustav Paulay Invcrtebres Marins et Malacologie Florida Museum of Natural History THE NAUTILUS (ISSN 0028-1344) Museum National Universit)' of Florida d'Histoire Naturelle is published quarterly by The Bailey- rue Gainesville, 32611-2035 55, Buffon FL Matthews Shell Museum, 3075 Paris, 75005 France Mr Richard E. Petit Sanibel-Captiva Road, Sanibel, FL 33975. Dr. Robert T, Dillon, Jr PO. Box 30 Department of Biology North Myrtle Beach. SC 295S2 College of Charleston Periodicals postage paid at Sanibel, Dr. Gary Charleston, SC 29424 Rosenberg FL, and additional mailing offices. Department of Mollusks Dr. Eileen H. Jokinen The Academy of Natural Sciences POSTMASTER: Send address 8234 E. North Shore Road 1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway changes to: THE NAUTILUS Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783 Philadelphia, PA 19103 PO. Box 1580 Sanibel, FL 33957 TH E€9NAUTI LUS vVooos Hole Or.6a''ioar3pr.ic irisutotion APR I ^ 2Q01 Volunw 115, Number 1 March 31 2001 ISSN 0028-1344 CONTENTS Paulino J. S. de-Souza Rexision o{' tlie Recent Bullata Jousseaume, 1S75 Gary A. Coovert (Gastropoda: Marginellidae) witli tlie description of hvo new species 1 Maximiliano Cledon Reproduction and brooding of Crepkhda iir^cntiiui. Pablo E. Penchaszadeh Sinione, Pastorino and Penchaszadeli, 2()()() (Gastropoda: Calvptraeidae) 15 G. W. Schmelz Revision of the Architectonicidae (Gastropoda: Allogastropoda) from tlie Miocene Cliipola Formation, Oak- Grove Sand, and Shoal River Formation of northern Florida, with descriptions of four new species 22 Angel Valdes On tlie pulilication date, authorship, and t\pe species of Unihniculuiii and Ti/lixlino (Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia: Tvkxlinoitlea) 29 Notes Richard E. Petit A note on Liicina luiilfiliiuatti "Tuoniev and Holmes" ( RivaKia: Lucinidae) 35 Bruce A. Marshall A replacement name for a New Caledonian Callidstditw species (Gastropoda: Trochidae) 36 Erratum 36 Book Re\iew 37 Notices 38 THE NAUTILUS 115(1):1-14, 2001 Page 1 Revision of the Recent Bullata Jousseaume, 1875 (Gastropoda: Marginellidae) with the description of two new species Paulino J. S. de-Souza' Can A. Coovert- Depto. Zoologia, Inst, de Biolo2;ia, Da\ton Museum of Natural Histon CCS 2600 DeVVeese Parkwav Universidade Federal do Rio de Davton, OH 45414 USA Janeiro 21941-.570 Rio de Janeno BRAZIL ABSTRACT differentiated as a group hv Svvainson (1833) who erect- ed the genus Vohitclla, a name preoccupied, however, Tlie genus BuUat/i Jousseaume, 1875 is re\ised based on con- by Vohitclla Pern', 1810 ( = Vasuin Roding, 1798), This chologicaj characters. All known li\ing species are endemic to designation was, nonetheless, widelv used. In 1875, Jous- Brazil. Two new species are herein described, B ouerrinii and established as replacement for B. analuciae. Bullata guerrinii is most similar to B. largillieri seaume Bullata a name (Kiener, 1841) as both have an enlarged second columellar pli- Vohitclla hut put too much emphasis on the involute cation which overrides and fuses with the first, but differs in spire as a diagnostic character for included species. having a darker coloration, wider aperture, and spire onlv Thus, in Jousseaume's monograph, the genus was used slightly apparent. Bullata analuciae has similar color pattern to to encompass species that later were assigned to other B. largillieri. but differs in having clearly separate first and genera and families, such as Closia Grav, 1857, Pniuum second columellar plications, a generallv larger, thinner shell, Herrmannsen, 1851, Cn/ptospira Hinds, 1844, Grauu- a broad aperture and non-denticulated lip. The other 4 known lina 1888; Gihhcnila Swiiinson, 1840; Pcr- species are described and discussed and a ke\' for identification Jousseaume, last belong in the is presented. A cladistic analysis of Bullata was made using 22 sicula Schumacher, 1817 (the 3 genera conchoiogical characters (53 states). The single most parsimo- Cvstiscidae). Coovert and Coovert (1995), in their recent nious tree obtained (lengdi 37, CI = SI, RI = 69) is as follows: taxonomic revision of the Marginellidae and Cystiscidae. (B. bullata (B. analuciae {(B, largillieri. B. guerrinii) (B. lila- provided a more refined diagnosis ot the genus, cina. B mattheusi)))). The monophviv of the genus is sup- Similarlv to what probabK occurs widi other margi- ported b\- S SMiapomorphies. nellids, the two new species described herein have elud- Additional kei/ words: Volutoidea, Neogastropoda. new spe- ed Brazilian malacologists for a long time due to their cies, Brazil, ph\logen\" limited ranges and subtlv different conchologiciil char- acters. Both species could easily be mistaken for Bullata largillieri (Kiener, 1841) due to somewhat similar color INTRODUCTION patterns. This work is part of an ongoing revision of the Bra- The genus Bullata Jousseaume, 1875 includes species zihan Marginellidae b\' the senior author. Institutional that live in tropical waters from the intertidal down to abbreviations used are: ANSP: Academv of Natural Sci- 70 m. Recent species of the genus, as it is currently ences of Philadelphia, Philadelphia; BMiNHh The Nat- defined (Coovert and Coovert, 1995), are endemic to the ural Histon, London; BMSM: The Bailey-Matthews continental shelf off Br;izil. Yet, its fossil record can be Shell Museum, Sanibel, Florida: GAC; collection of Gar\' traced to the Miocene of Trinidad (Maun-, 1925) and A. Coovert; IBUFRJ: Instituto de Biologia AJniversidade the Mio— Pliocene of the southeastern United States Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro; MNHN; Mu- (Redfield, 1870; Olsson, 1916). seum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris; MNRJ: Mu- As with most Marginellidae, throughout its taxonomic Nacion;il/Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; historw species of Bullata were earlier referred to the seu Oceanognifico "Prof. Eliezer de Canal- genus Mariiiuclla Lamarck, 1799. The genus was first MORG; Museu ho Rios", Rio Grande; MZUSP; Museu de Zoologiii/ Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo; PMC; collection ' Current address: Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao of Paulo Marcio S. Costa. Rio de Janeiro; USNM; Na- Paulo, RO. Box 42694, Sao Paulo, 04299-970, Brazil. of Natunil Histon', Smithsonian Institu- -Current address: 36 Prospect Avenue, Davton, OH 45415- tional Museum 2614 USA. tion, Washington, Paee 2 THE NAUTILUS, Vol. 115. No. 1 SYSTEMATICS 1846). Closia differs in a number of conchological char- acters, chiefly the very thin, very sharply formed plica- FamiK Marginellidae Fleming, 1828 tions that are strongly crowded in anterior direction. Subfamily Marginellinae Fleming, 1828 Bullata. on the other hand, has much thicker, rounded Tribe Prunini Coovert and Coovert, 1995 plications that are not nearly as crowded in anterior di- Genus Bullata Jou.sseaume, 1875 rection. The labial denticulation of Closia is sharply, reg- Bullntn Joii.sseaume. 1S75: 167, 250, nomen novum for Vohi- ularly formed and widely spaced (i.e., separated by a tella Swain.son, 1833 {non Volutella Pern-, 1810) distance greater than the thick-ness of a denticle). The Marginella (Volutella) Swainson, 1833: (2)1, Marginella pi. 1 labial denticulation in Bullata is irregularly formed and [t\pe species: Marginella bullata Lamarck, 1822 = Valuta crowded or nearly absent. The columella in Closia is bullata Bom, 1778: original designation] (nan Volutella concave, resulting in a sinuous outhne, while in Bullata Pern-, 1810)
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