BACKGROUND DOCUMENT FOR MEDIUM AND HEAVY TRUCK NOISE EMISSION REGULATIONS MARCH 1976 =J y. : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency g Washington, D.C. 20460 TECHNICAL REPORT DATA (171._$¢l_a(/hl_JTtclilm_ emlh(" rcl rrn' he[_m,compl¢lhJ_') ), 12, 3, RECI ErA 550/9-76-008 I IJ, TITLE AND SU_]TI7L£ 5, Bacl¢,Jruuud D¢)cUmel]C for _Jedium and Heavy Hatch Truck Noise l_mission ieegul_tiuns B+pESFORMINGORGANIZATIONCODE I_ ], PERFORM, Environmel_tal pPuCecti¢nl A_ency, Of_icQ of Noise Abatemeilt and CunC*'ol U.S. _nviro_l:nental protection Ag_I*cy I_:CO_;S;_CTISR_,_NO" office of Noise Abate,neJl_ and Control Washington, D.C. 20460 I1_ _4Cy NAtVSI AND ADDRESS 13.TYPE OF REPOf_TANO p_RI l,'illa 1 p4,_ N 15,SUPPLEMENTARYNOTES On blarch 31, 1976, tile Knvironmental protection Agenc), issued a eegulatioll govcP*Ling noise emissions fPonl medium and he_v3" trucks. That regulation was issued under Section 6 of tile Noise Control Act of i972. This document presents atld discusses the backgruulld data used by the Agency in setting the standards contained in tile regulation, Pre- sentcd |fete _s a cumpreheilsive oxpusitioll on the most up-to-dat_ available information on the environmental, technological, and economic aspects of medium and h_avy truc]¢ noise. , = II 7. KEY WORO_AN_ DOCUMENTANALYSIS J OESC,:qPTORS I.IDENT_FIIERS/QPENENC)EDTERMS COSATI I:JcJd/Gmup Economic cost, effects_ Federal regulations; heavy trucks; polm- lation eXl)OSuPo; medium tt'ucks; noi_c _liss£o_j standards ;8. (31$TRIBUTIONSTA_JL_MENT 19,SECUf4fTYCLASS( _*lrix RcporlJ 3l. NO. _OF"PAGES . Unclassified A22 20. SECURITY CkASS{Tall_Jge] 2_,PRJCE Unlimited _:PAForm2320.1 I_.'_3] g D EPA.550/9.76..008 BACKGROUND DOCUMENT FOR MEDIUM AND HEAVY TRUCK NOISE EMISSION REGULATIONS MARCH 1976 ] U.S. Environmental Protection Agency WasJ_ingtoa, D.C. 20460 ovatLnbIl[ty. R dol_| not constitute a itandord_ Wpl¢JfJ,C,Ot Jo_ CO"reDuJ_lJo_ li _a _rn_nJ hasb_n approveatot oe,_ra; t PREFACE On M;lrch 31, 1976, the Environmental Pmtecliml Agency issued a regulnlion governing noise emissions _'rOlll nl_dimn mid heavy lrncks. Theft regulation w_lsissued under Section 6 of tile Noise Conlrol Act of 1972, This docume.nt presenls and discusses tile b!lckground data used by thc Agency in setling the st_mdards contained in the rcguhltion. Presenled here is a comprehensive exposition on Ihe most llpiIo-dtltt_ ;ivailabie infornlaliml Oli Ihe cnvJronnlentill_ techno- logical, and economic _specfs of medinm and heavy lrnck noise. I i i i i TABLE OF CONTENTS Page St_ction I INTRODUCTION ..................... 1-1 STATUTORY BASIS FOR ACTION ............ 1-I OUTLINE AND SUMMARY OF BACKGI_OUND DOCUMENT.. 1-2 REFERENCES ................ : . I-5 Section 2 TIlE TRUCK INDUSTRY .................. 2-1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF MEDIUM AND IIEAVY TRUCKS. 2-2 DISTRIBUTION OF TRUCKS BY CATEGORIL:S ....... 2-3 TRUCK MANUFACTURERS ............... 2-9 MOTOR TRUCK USERS ................ 2-I 1 REFERENCES .................... 2-12 Section 3 BASELINE NEW TR.UCK NOISE LEVELS ........... 3-I STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS ........... 3-4 REFERENCES .................... 3-8 Section 4 PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE BENEFITS FROM REGULATIONS ...................... 4-1 INTRODUCTION ................... 4-1 Measures of Benefits to Public Health and Welfare ..... 4-1 ! Regulatory Options ................. 4-2 : Outline of Section 4 ................ 4-2 REDUCTION IN THE IMPACT FROM TRAFFIC NOISE .... 4-3 Description of Traffic Noise Impact .......... 4-5 Urban Street TrafficNoise .............. 4-6 Vehicle Noise Levels in Urban Street Tmfl_e ..... 4-6 Reduction of Average Urban Street Traffic Noise Levels. 4-12 Reduction in Noise Impact from Urban Street Traffic.. 4-13 Freeway Traffic Noise ................ 4-17 VchieZe Noise Levels in Freeway Traffic ....... 4-18 ReductionofAverageFreewayTrafficNoiseLevels . , 4-21 Redoction in Noise lmpact from Freeway Traffic . 4-21 Total Noise Impact from Urban Street and Freeway Traffic ................ 4-24 ACTIVITY INTERFERENCE BY"INDIVIDUAL (SINGLE- EVENT) TRUCK PASSBY NOISE ............. 4-27 Aetivlty Interference Levels ............. 4-28 Maximum Activity-Interference Distances ........ 4-29 iii . i! ................ _ TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) IJ;lge IN-CAB NOISE .................... 4-33 Existing In-Cab Noise Levels ............. 4-34 In-Cab Noise for Quieted Trucks ............ 4-35 SAE .1366b Exterior and Interior Levels ....... 4-36 Interior SAE J366b Levels and Levels for Normal Operating Conditions .............. 4.41 In-Cab Noise Levels for Regulated Trucks ........ 4..42 REFERENCES .................... 4.43 Section 5 TECHNOLOGY ...................... 5-I COMPONENT NOISE CONTROL ............. 5.1 Engine...................... 5-| Fan....................... 5-3 Irtake ...................... 5-6 Exhaust ..................... 5-7 TOTAL TRUCK NOISE CONTROL ............ 5-8 83 dBA Regulatory Level .............. 5-9 80 dBA RegulatoryLevel .............. 5-10 78 dBA Regulatory Level .............. 5-11 75 dBA Regulatory Level .............. 5-11 BEST AVAILABLE TECHNOLOGY ............ 5-12 Engineering In formation ............... 5-13' Engine Noise Treatment ............... 5-14 Fan Noise Treatment .............. ".. 5-14 Exhaust Noise Treiltment .............. 5-14 Treatment of Other Sources of Noise .......... 5-14 Summary..................... 5.15 Demonstration (The 72 dBA Truck) ........... 5-15 Applicability o f Quieting Teehniqttes .......... 5-15 Mass Production .................. 5-15 Time Allowed for Design Cyele ............ 5-16 Conclusions ............. ....... 5-16 REFERENCES ...... , ............. 5-16 Section 6 COSTS OF COMPLIANCE .................. 6-1 INCREASES IN TRUCK PRICES ............. 6-1 iv I TABLE OF CONTENTS (Coutiuued) Page NOISE CONTROL TREATMENTS AND COSTS ....... 6-2 Cooling System .................. 6-2 Exhaust System .................. 6-6 Engine and Cab .................. 6-7 Air Intake .................... 6-9 Other Sources ................... 6-10 AVERAGE TRUCK PRICE INCREASES .......... 6.10 Projections of Trnck Prices with Improved Technology and Reduction it'JProduction Costs ........... 6-12 Truck Price Increases with Fan-Off Compliance Testing ..................... 6-13 CHANGES IN OPERATING COSTS ............ 6-14 Costs of Changes in Rates of Fuel Consumption ...... 6-14 Effect of Noise Treatment on Rates of Fuel Consumption ................... 6-21 Changes in Fuel Costs ................ 6-23 CHANGES IN COSTS FOR MAINTENANCE ........ 6-25 Exhaust System Treatments ............. 6-25 Engine and Cab Treatments ............. 6-25 Average Annual Operating Costs ............ 6-26 Total Increase in Truck User Costs ........... 6-28 REFERENCES ......... ' ........... 6-32 Section 7 ECONOMIC IMPACT .................... 7-1 PRICE AND QUANTITY IMPACTS ............ 7-1 Initial Costs and Demand Reductions .......... 7-1 83-dBA Regulatory Level .............. 7-I 80-dBARegulatoryLevel .............. 7-3 78-dBA Regulatory Level .............. 7-4 75-dBARegulatoryLevel .............. 7-4 Summary..................... 7-5 Operating Costs .................. 7-6 Total Costs .................... 7-6 IMPACTON TRUCK AND ENGINE MANUFACTURERS . 7-10 IMPACT UPON TRUCK-FREIGHT COMPANIES ....... 7-17 Current Status of Trneking Industry .......... 7-17 lntermodal Competition ............... 7-19 Outlooklbr 1976 ................. 7-26 Financial Status oflCC Regulated Carriers ..... ' , . 7-26 '!, 1' •.7 p., • . TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page Financial Impact on tile Trucking lndtlstry ........ 7-8 Assumptions Used in Assessing hnpact ....... 7-8 Rate Increases for ICC Regulated Carriers ...... 7-29 Example for ICC Regulated Carriers .......... 7-33 Possible Rate Increases for ICC Regulated Carriers ..... 7-33 Impact on Particular Segments of the Carrier Indnstry . ' t 7-33 Impact on Users of Transportation Services ....... 7-37 Impact on Truck P|trchuscs ............. 7-37 REFERENCES.................... 7-41 Section8 ENFORCEMENT..................... 8-1 GENERAL ...................... S-I PRODUCT VERIFICATION ............... 8-1 ASSEMBLY PROCESS TESTING ............. 8-2 ENFORCEMENT ACTION ................ 8-2 REMEDIES ...................... 8-3 LABELING...................... 8-3 IN-USE COMPLIANCE ................. 8-3 Section 9 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS ................ 9-1 AIR......................... 9-1 WATER AND SOLID WASTE .............. 9-1 ENERGYAND NATURAL RESOURCE CONSUMPTION . 9-1 LAND-USE...................... 9.4 REFERENCES...... i ............. 9-5 Appendix A-I INTRODUCTION TO DOCKET ANALYSIS .......... A-I-I Appendix A-2 SUMMARY OF COMMENTS ................ A-2-1 TRUCK MANUFACTURERS ............... A-2-1 Clu'ysler Corporation ................ A-2-1 Crane Carrier Company ............... A-2-2 Ford Motor Company ................ A-2-2 Freightliner Corporation ..... _ ......... A-2-5 Genera! Motors .................. A-2-6 International Harvester Company ........... A-2-11 Mack Trucks, lnc .................. A-2-13 Oshkosh Truck Corporation ............. A-2-14 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continned) P_Jge Paccar, lnc ..................... A-2-15 White Motor Corporation .............. A-2-16 MANUFACTURERS RELATED TO THE TRUCK INDUSTRY ...................... A-2-17 Cummins Engine Company, lnc ............. A-2-17 Donaldson Company, Inc............... A.2.18 B.F.Goodrich................... A-2-19 Koehring Company ................. A-2-19 Rexnord ..................... A-2-19 Sehwit zer Engineering Components .......... A-2-19 Walker Manufacturing ................ A-2-20 Horton
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