AAUP demands riefly Ford payed back Sweaty Wednesday, By LARRY HITT Shortly thereafter, according and that there Is "no legal s.pt. 29, 1971 Hopalong Norby, newest addition to D,lIy low,n Stiff Wrl .... to "AAUP letter, Elwin T. Jol­ basis for the lick of !be retunl, the DI's 97-person weather predicting The executive committee (If liffe, vice·presldent for business except the discretionary power I staff, advises that we should take who­ The University of Iowa chapter and !lnance, on the authority of of the state ID do whateYer it Iowa CIty, Ia. ever is in charge of causing this weath­ of the American Adsociatlon 01 Richard C. Turner, Iowa atty. GD (sic) wants to Igalmt III." 52240 University Professors (AAUP ) general, ordered that $180 be Harlow added that the ".ttor­ er and stab him ill the klzuttl with a demanded Tuesday evening that withheld from Ford's June I, ney general reached InID the roach clip. The outlook for today calls the university immediately reo 1970 check. university and gimmicked with Still OM . for cloudy skies and cooler temperatur­ pay money which AAUP mem­ The MUP letter said that it. We Wallt the Board of Rei' to Ms. Barnes, the thin clime es. It's still going to be a little sweaty bers contend was illegally witb­ $180 was withheld due to seetloD ents to tell Boyd IIOt to live l.a government jobs held from a former university 714.1 of the Iowa Code which to the attorney general." with predicted higbs near 11121 South decline nationwide two professor's salary over 15 provides that any party is liable Huntley also ann~ed ~t but not until last Governor Street where it's going for months ago, as a result of cam­ for three times the amount of • meeting Is scheduled lor this begin to a{f~rt UJ. $15 a lid. pus disturbances. the damage, 11 the damage Is morning at which time, Vernon time, "it is hoped At the same time, the AAUP judged to be of a malicious na­ will propose to the administra­ service jobs will be. group decided that it would not ture. tion that 8 board of Inquiry open up," sbe said. okay a proposed board of in­ Ford was subsequently tried composed of law professors Barnes said that man~ Dracula quiry that would determine the and convicted of the malicious make a finding of fact In the don't know where to 80 facts in the case of Stephen D. damage charges, but the con· Ford case. concerning ))OJ. The people of Translyvania, Dracula's Ford, the former UI associate vlction was set aside by Judge The proposed board of inquiry ture jobs. "Too many homeland, would probably get a chuc­ professor of business adminis­ Harold D. Vietor on the grounds would be advisory only, Huntley in liberal arts are with­ kle out of a section in the Iowa Code tration, who had $180 withheld of improper jury selectlon. aid and if Ford is found guilty, idea of what they want that forced Paul Huston to fly hack to from his salary for allegedly On Dec. 23, 1970, the charge the board would recommend They don 't bother to damaging university property of malicious damage was drop­ that only ~ - the actual cost Iowa City from Europe this week. in an anti·ROTC demonstration ped and Ford pleaded guilty to a of the door - be withheld 8IId at the placement orace Huston was elected to the local school last year. charge of disturbing the peace. that the other $120 be returned "help students identify board Sept. 13, but at that time he was A confidential letter released According to the leller, at no to Ford. by letting them Confusion OYer just who " merely "a power grab," Polilis touched off following the lssu­ off on a six week vacation in Europe. by the AAUP Tuesday night time did Ford admit to damag­ On the other hand, If It should tated. what Is available and claimed U,at money withhelll ing the door. find Ford innocent, It would supposed to operate the Union', Ing 01 a dtrecUve Stephen It A catch in the law, bowever, is that He declared he feels the P(P'­ to look for It. Career from Ford's salary has still not Ford, meanwbile, resigned recommend the return of the Activities Center - Student ~j)Jer , litterirn cbaJrmlll of · n- <;cnt concept of the ludent Dev­ ate' tuden Activit! Board will have emphasis school board members must be sworn in been returned, even ,though the his teaching position on Septem­ full $180, Huntley added. Senate or tuclent Development elopment Center 15 merely IJI (SAB). all other considera. by the end of September or their elec­ charges against him were drop­ ber 1, 1970, to pursue work for Tbe executive committee, Center officials - med to in­ she added. his doctorate degree at a Calif· however, said that it would "let administration construct to tiller's directive. IlTlOIII tion is invalidated. ped in district court over eight crease Tuesday with the an­ .. py on tudenLs." most important thing months ago. ornia Institution. the adminl Iralion convene other thi , cliled for the m- Huston, trying to comply with the nouncement hy a l'nlversity oC Hubbard's tatement and Po- ignation oC all Acllvitl Cen er graduate can do is At the VI chapter !\AUP ex· whatever it wi bes, but as far law, went to the American embassy in In the letter sent to Willard Iowa official that the COIIItitU­ Ill" pronouncements were tall personnel. to register with the Copenbagen, Denmark and an official L. Boyd, president of the uni­ ecutive committee meeting as our voice Is concerned, the tiona I provision upposedly giv­ office. It's one of the there administered the oath. versity, on June 28, 1971, the Tuesday evening, John C. Hunt­ money hould instantly be re­ ing Senate control of the Activi­ I know to get help on AA UP called for the "return of ley , as ociate professor of Eng· turned as It is being Illegally ties Center was never submitted jobs," Ms. Barnes But, It was then discovered that the Professor Ford's $180 with legal lish and pre ident of the local withheld." oath must be administered on Iowa soil. to the UI administration for interest" and said that the AAUP chapter, said thal David Huntley said that the AAUP approval. Not being a vampire, Huston had no money was withheld not be­ H. Vernon, former dean of the is concerned that faculty memo Iowa soil with him, so he had to fly UT Vice-Provost for Student cause of any "statute, regula­ College of Law, had visited with bers "have no court enforce­ Services Philip G. Hubbard aid back to Iowa City to be sworn in. tion or court order, but on the Turner last week In Des Moines. able rights of contract since Char ing that the so-called recoanlzed h contribution In A group of faithful supporters of Hu- Tuesday evening that a1tbouab bringing the matter up. inferences drawn by the Attor­ HunUey said Vernon told him they work for the Regents insti­ the Student Senate Constitution "Garfield Court" w. establish· ston's campaign for the school board ney General. .without explicit that "Turner tbougbt Ford wa tution ." ed over the objections f tu· Discu Ion on the constitution received administration approv· revealed that It contaiN Infor· collected $620 for a round·trip ticket statutory authorlty." guilty a bell" and that Turner The letter bad cailed for tbe al five years ago, the amend­ dents. ha been condemned by and the new board member came home, "absolutely refused to give the development of "a formal state­ mation In leverll areu. For The letter said that Ford was ment giving Senate's tudent the tudent Senale, and Ihat .t ltook the oath and flew back to Lontian arrested in May, 1970, and money back." ment of policy whereby no man· that re n, 8 nate ad flo.: .M Activities Board power 10 "set i not conducted according to committee h been formed to to finish his vacation. charged with malicious destruc­ John S. Harlow, professor of les earned as salary by any em­ policies" and .. ume the tion of property for allegedly business administration, said at ploye of the Regents' institu­ any estabUshed rules or pro­ atructure the consUtutlon. Huston plans to be back In the state management' of the center "We want to what we in early November to take his seat on damaging a door in the univer­ the meeting that "there was no tions shall be withheld unless oedures, the Senate passed a never received an Idmlnislra­ resolution and amendments, have," u one m mber put it. tbe board. sity recreation building in a dis­ question but that the money there be explicit statutory re­ live O.K. and that the amend· I turbance on May 1, If/O. should be returned" to Ford, quirement. " Tu~ay proposing a "Uljver­ Sena rs on the committee In · ment had never even been sub­ slty Judicial Sy tern " nd a clude Hugh Stone, Stu Cross, mitted for approval. " 'tudenl BlII 01 RlghLs." Bill Bloomquul t, Roger Vii­ Meanwhile , Tuesday aft- The rtliOlu ' n WIU 110\\ lag liu. Brad Had and Steve Pea you ernoon Student Body Pres. Ted to univer Ily admlnLstrat "l1rlin Claiming that chicken dung produces Politis, 21, Valley )o'orge AP " Pres. Will rd Boyd, Pm. A st. Senate alw pas:.ed a re lu· said he "wiIJ not allow the Stu­ foul odors, a group of county farmers Robert Engel, Prllvost Ray tlon stating that It bee me j dent Development Center to lIeffner, Vice- Prov Howard tandard policy that any com· .
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