TRINITY COLLEGE • HARTFORD • CONNECTICUT Vol. LXXXIV, Issue « October 15, RINITY RIPO Trustees Vote Against Diwestiture 100 Protest To Invest Apartheid; Call In Sullivan Decision'Token' Corps Only By John Shiftman By Patrick Trostle Editor-in-Chief Assistant News Editor The Trinity College Trustees The Trinity Trustees Saturday voted not to divest in American unanimously voted not to divest in coporations that do business in American corporations doing busi- South Africa Saturday, despite an ness in South Africa that abide by "impressive" student demonstra- the Sullivan Principles. Trinity will tion held during a Trustee dinner divest itself of holdings in two cor- Friday. porations that do not abide by "The Trustees have decided that these principles, according to our interests in South Africa President English. should be positive ones, and in- In a discussion following the vestment in corporations that fol- trustee meeting, President Eng- low the Sullivan Principles are lish told a group of concerned stu- doing that," President English told dents that stock in the two a group of concerned students companies will be sold, amounting after the Trustees meeting Satur- to $800,000. day. "The stocks will be sold almost About one hundred students immediately. Part of the problem gathered outside Hamlin Hall dur- is that Trinity's investments are ing a special Trustees dinner Fri- handled by an outside group. We day, asking the Trustees to divest will tell our investors only to in- the college's holdings in American 100 students gathered outside of Hanilin hall Friday to protest apartheid and to urge the college to divest. vest in companies that follow the corporations that do business in Sullivan Principles," he said. South Africa. They chanted slo- In addition, the trustees decided gans and sang songs reminiscent 130 Arrested at to sponsor two black South Afri- of the protests of the sixties: can students at the college each "Blowin' in the Wind," "Imag- year, increase campus awareness ine," etc. of racism by sponsoring lectures, -• "Inside'Wife dftiner, Trustees and and contribute funds annually to by Aaron Schloff the Bishop Desmond Tutu fund. guests could not help but be aware Editor, Wesleyan Anjus of the student candlelight vigil out- "We are trying to help the South side. Midway through the dinner, African situation other than with President English emerged from Wesheynn arrested over 130 stu- our investments. We will support Hamlin with Bishop Walmsley of dents who were Mocking all en- two students from South Africa Hartford to address the students. trances to two administration beginning next year. We want to Eventually, the windows were buildings, Friday morning. affect peaceful change," the col- drawn open and the i-oom filled The protestors were charged lege president told the group. with the sounds of protest music. with "creating a public disturb- Bishop- Walmsley, Trustee The Trustees, who were extremely ance," a misdemeanor face an Oc- Chairman of the South African tolerant throughout the entire pro- tober 25 court date, at which many Committee, noted that discussion test, joined with the protesters for plan to plead not guilty, and a pos- of South Africa will continue. a verse of Bob Dylan's "Blowin' in sible $68 fine. The .university also "The decision was a unanimous the Wind." plans to bring the students before effort by Trinity to throw its Later, about thirty students the Student Judiciary Board for vi- weight in favor of peaceful change. staged a sit-in at the Trustees olating the Code of Non-Academic There is a committment to keep after-dinner reception in the Fac- Conduct. working at this. It is an ongoing ulty Club. The protest was peace- The blockade at Wesleyan was discussion, but it is not divest- ful and upbeat. 'one of dozens of protests occuring ment," he said. "I think its great that they're on campuses and in cities nation- President English believes Co- out there. If they weren't, I might wide as part of "National Anti- lumbia University's recent deci- worry. It doesn't matter whether Apartheid Protest Day." sions in favor of divestiture had I agree with their position or not, The groud with is unofficially little impact on the trustees' deci- students should let us know how claled Students Against Aparthied sion. they feel," said one trustee. (SAA), called on the Wesleyan "What puzzles me about Colum- "I thought it went great. It's Board of Trustees to meet in an bia's actions is that the amount of good to see so many people out emergency session that would set photo by Virginia McLaury money involved is such a small per- here (at the rally)," said protester a timetable for divestment and de- Dean Tolliver addresses rascism at awareness workshop. centage of their total funds. Our Stephanie Clothier. clare a moratorium on further in- percentage is higher," he said. "This protest is quite impres- vestment in companies doing sive. Watching this rally one might business in South Africa. Tolliver Addresses Racism Julie O'Gara, chairperson of the get the idea that 99% of .the stu- The SAA group has no official Progressive Student Alliance's dents are for divestiture. In real- connection to the South African those who are different then we Anti-Apartheid Committee, be- ity, though I think its more like 60- Action Group (SAAG), which by R. L. Takacs are. Because of Trinity's urban lo- lieves the trustee committee out- come was a "token gesture." 40 (in favor of divestment)," the mounted large protests at trustee News Editor cale, there does exist a socio-eco- President said at a reception fol- meetings in April and September, nomic barrier between the school "They (the trustees) say they will lowing the dinner. but many of those arrested were and its immediate surroundings, he discuss it in January, but that The student who organized the also members of SAAG. "Why is there a cause for us to said. doesn't help us a lot," a bitter protest, Julianne O'Gara, was less Wesleyan has about $18.5 mil- fear those people different from This barrier, however, should not O'Gara said Saturday. enthusiastic about the Trustee rep- lion of its $188 million endowment us?'' rear its head on campus, where all Although the divestment issue sonse to the protest. • invested in companies doing busi- This question was posed by Dean the students should be able to exist occupied an hour of the trustee continued on page 3 ness in South Africa. Secretary to of Students Joe Tolliver during the as a "unified body". Unfortu- meeting, other discussions in- the Unversity, William Kerr said recent Race Awareness workshop. nately, the number of students and cluded the definite construction of no emergency meeting would be The workshop was designed to faculty who attended the work- a new dormitory, President Eng- INSIDE held. raise both student and faculty shop was minimal, and this re- lish said, President of the University Colin awareness of the racial unease that flects upon the uncaring or Football Sneaks by Campbell said in a pre-pared state- exists on campus. Although the uninformed majority who are ment Friday that he sympathized program was scheduled due to a either unaware of the problem or This Just In: New Dorm Tufts 18-15 ,• ' • with the protestor but was "dis- refuse to accept its existence. mayed by the thoughtlessness of News Commentary Trinity, in its attempts to draw SGA on Divestment' their action." Campbell testified in a more diverse student body, must The Trustees have offically ap- Hartford Friday on the cost of recent unfortunate event on cam- frist welcome and face in as mem- proved plans to build a new dor- higher education. Special congres- pus, its message, and hopefully its bers, all . of its present: student mitory on Vernon Street, Bridget does the PLO sional field hearing held by Sena- outcome, have been a long time body. President English confirmed Sat- tor Christopher Dodd, D-Conn. coming. This, however, can not be an urday.. Director of Residential Buried Child Review Wesleyan's trustees adopted a The premise of the forum cen- obligatory event. As one of the at- Services Tina Dow thinks the idea version of the Sullivan Principles tered around Dean Tolliver's belief tending' audience so perfectly put is "fantastic" and says of the pro- in 1978, and a stronger version in that "regardless of our rationale, it, "Don't feel obligated to change posed dorm, "the bigger the bet- Statement Issued we do hold an attitude" toward things, let it be in your heart." ter." continued on page 3 Page 2, THE TRINITY TRIPOD, October 15, 1985 NNOUNCEMENTS Calendar Tuesday: Thursday: An exhibit entitled, "Agnes Smed- Dr Samuel Kassow of the History ley: A Photodocumentary of her Department will discuss: "United China Years" will run now through States Relationship with the So- November 15 in the Mather Gal- viet Union" on Thursday at 4:00 lery (2nd Floor). p.m. in Life Science Center, room 133. An FAS production. Help Cinestudio Wanted: At 4:00 p.m. Janieee Stewart, di- This Week: rector of Campus Security, will The final speaker of the Breakfast discuss: "Street Smarts: Protect- Roundtable series will be Hartford $60.00 per Hundred paid for re- Tues-Wed. Beverly Hills Cop (R) ing yourself and your property on Mayor Thirman Milner.Mayor Mil- mailing letters from home! Send at 7:30. and off campus." This FAS pro- ner will discuss the functions of self-addressed, stamped envelope gram will be held in the Cave on the mayor's office, his duties as a for information/application.
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