VOLUME XXVTII. CONCORDIA COLLEGE, MOORHEAD, MINN.. FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1937. NUMBER 15 DEAN OSCAR HANSON RESIGNS POSITION Fourth RRV DebateTourney College Initiates Dean Of Men Accepts Pastoral CaW Will Open First Rounds Feb. 5 Building Drive ToXutheran Church At Watertown Tournament For Women Is Under Supervision To Raise $75,000 Of Moorhead Teachers College; Added Christianson and Hanna Present "Many Things Make Thought of Leaving Most This Year Gifts of $5,000 Each Unpleasant, Difficult to Understand," ... «&..*•• v 'V. To Fund ". • • •"•••••* • +'•:• ' 4: flans are under way for the fourth Red River Valley intercollegiate debeta States Instructor tournament to be held at Conoordia and the Moorhead State Teachers college! Deciding to raise one-half of the Feb. 5 and 6, where representatives will be present from colleges in six states, By LLOYD SVEEN. Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Nebraska. $150,000 needed for the proposed Submitting his resignation as dean of men, Oscar Hanson announced In IK •* ^sUBfr JSM ^» '• >x • * '- At present 26 colleges are entered. About 40 men's teams and 28 women's stad hall by contributions, the college exclusive story to the Concordian that he has accepted a call from the Grawe teams will participate. finance committee together with inter- Lutheran church in Watertown, S. D., to begin his duties there at the dose o* Debate Seven Rounds ested Fargo-Moorhead citizens launch- the school year. According to tournament rules all teams will debate in seven rounds. The ed a drive to subscribe $75,000 at a • ISBB In addition to serving the congregation, he will be rector of the Lutheran two highest teams in the men's and women's divisions will also be featured In meeting at the Gardner hotel Monday hospital of Watertown, and have charge of broadcasting Sunday morning •de- BSV vices over the Watertown station- demonstration debates following the seventh round. evening. Kr -^- " Speaking of the call. Dean Hanson said, "After much prayer, thought, and The single judge system will be used j - mj The balance of the $150,000 wilTbe consideration, I feel that it is God's will that I resign from my duties at Con* m most debates. Teams will change token lrom endowment lunas and re- cordia in order to accept this call. aides from round to round. Second Semester paid later out ot income lrom tae new ouuding, it was agreed. "This course of action undoubtedly Four Rounds Friday seems illogical to many. Yet, inner On Friday afternoon and evening Classes Starts Feb. 3 $10,000 Is Given spiritual experiences can often times i . there will be two rounds of debate in To raise the money, the committee i Debate Teams End not be explained logically. The urge With registration taking place will interview Concorcuas lrienas botn for the active gospel ministry in a con- the two divisions. The women's de- Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday, in ana out of tuc community. It. jb. gregation, evident before, has been in- bates will be held at the Moorhead Jan. 31 to Feb. 2, class work in the Hanua and .Lars Christiansou of Jb'argo Oscar C Hanson, who has resigned First League Trial tensified greatly the past few weeks. State Teachers college, under the su- second semester will not begin un- nave eacn contributed git us ot >o,uuu. as dean of men, effective June 8. His This persistent inner urge causing til Wednesday, Feb. 3, according to Former Uoveinor K. A. IMesios ot sleepless hours, long drives alone to pervision of G. H. Ames, and the men's successor has not yet been named. Men and Women in Tri-College debates at Concordia, with Prof. W. F. Miss Martha Brennun, registrar, Minot, inemoer ox the educational com- the country, and much wrestling in who makes known the change from mittee ot ihe N. 1* C, attended the Complete First Unit prayer and past weeks, would not be Schmidt in charge. the previously announced college xnnerence. Thursday dispelled. In the men's division at 8:30 a.m., calendar today. Brown Speaks Literary Societies "Leaving Is Difficult" Feb. 6, there will be an exhibition de- Another change, Miss Brennun Yesterday saw Concordia end its par- "Many things make the thought of bate between two teams selected by a Dr. Brown, who addressed the cam- reported, will be the continuation paign committee, said bias woiud be To End Semester ticipation in the first round of the Red leaving very unpleasant and difficult committee of coaches. After the sixth of the regular chapel exercises ex- caned about April 1, under present River league tournament with Beulah to understand. 1 like Concordia very round the judges' ballots will be tabu- amination week, Jan. 25-30. pians, and me contract let soon alter so With Joint Parties Fritch and Carol Zank debating a team much. The spiritual emphasis on the lated. In ihe seventh round, which All classes that arc sectioned will ma i wont may DO starved as promptly from the A. C and Dorothy Holm and campus is remarkable. 1 dnd excel- opens at 3 p.m., the teams will be Stella Myrom meeting an MSTC team. lent spirit among the members of the write examinations in the after- as wea.ner permits. Unurub ana col- In one last fling after the ordeal of matched according to their records. The first round of the men's division noons, from 1:15 to 3:15, and from lege boards nave already approved the final exams six societies will hold par- faculty and the real fellowship with Elimination Round was completed on Monday when four 3:30 to 5:30. All other classes will project. ties next Saturday evening. them has enriched my iiie greatly dur- teams from Concordia met teams from The four highest teams, as determined write in the forenoons, from 7:40 ine .dormitory, Dr. Brown pointed ing my short stay here. by the tournament director and a com- Arrangements for the Mondamin- MSTC and the A. C. "i honor, respect, ana love Dr. Brown to 9*40, and from 10:15 to 12:15. jut, wouid accommodate 120 women Alpha Kappa Chi party are in charge mittee of coaches, wiil be matched in The results of the various debates as a congenial, elticient, and sincere There will be four examinations tuuents and wuuid in^et tne scnool A of Ulendora Garvik, Eve.yn Thompson, elimination debates in the seventh wiil not be known until alter the tour- iriend and co-la borer wiih a deep con- every day. need lor greater dormitory laciiiues. LJoyi Sveen, and Sidney Rand. Mi- round. Winning teams of the lour nament has been completed, 'when the cern lor the spiritual wuuare of the iv. tue new campus nerva Jenson, chairman, wiil be as- will be matched in the final demonstra- decisions of the student judges will be landscaping pian sisted by Ada Fedge, Hermoine Hagen, coiiege. Contacts with stuueni* and tion debate following the- banquet at tabulated and the winner or winners Hobart Skilbred, and Vincent toos- personal comeiences with many have 6:30 p.m. Clowns Show-Off announced. The tournament is under trom on ihe ioods committee. The oeen and are an inspiration. the direction of Miss Vivian Luther oi Two rounds of debate in the wo- Power of Prayer' cleanup committee consists of Inga Call Persists In Play Cast Frolic the NJLASC, G. H. Arnes of MSTC, and men's division will be held Saturday j'onnson, Curtis Strand, .Douglas ba- "I have enjoyed contacts with friends Ends Semester Topic W. F. Schmidt of Concordia. forenoon. In the seventh round at 1 lers, Martha Thorpe, ana Burton Smith. of the college in numerous congrega- p.m., the teams will be matched as in At Ostby's Circus The second round of the men's tour- Of LJDR Discussion The Sigma societies party is to be tions throughout the territory. Xei in the men's division, the four highest in ney gets under way on February 1st held in tne home economics rooms. j»pite ot ail this the strong call to ac- an elimination contest and the other The mighty Barnum had nothing with Concordia taking part in lour de- uvc congregational work persists, on Mrs. Norma Gooden Ostby. The "Power of Prayer" and "Prayer's jzjizabeth Stenehjem and Gregor Hase- teams on the basis of their tournament bates, two of them on our oampus. In "I snaii aiways be vitany wiexested Lacking only live elephants to Uplifting Kifect" were the iinal topics ly arc heading me lunch and cleanup record. At 2:30 there will be an ex- the third round, scheduled lor Feb. 8, in the work oi cnmtian euueauon. may complete the circus paraphernalia, ot the semester's theme on "Prayer" dis- committees, iespeciiveiy. hibition debate in the Concordia audi- tne same procedure will be followed. we umteoiy pray that God may con- she entertained the cast and pro- cussed at the meeting of the .Lutheran torium. The final demonstration de- Honorary members and advisors of Hampered by the fact that the A. C tinue to biess tne college ncmy in a duction staff of "The Merchant of Daughters of the Reiormation, Wednes- bate between the two teams winning the Nu. bigma lino and Delta nho so- has omy one women's team, the second centered program oi youin edu- Venice" in a gala circus party at day. the seventh round will take place at 1 cieties wai entertain the members at and third rounds of the women's divi- 4 p.m. her home Friday night.
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