- '- . \ ",11 H 0'IIUl of the NeWI All The News i Of All The Pointe, !I Every Thursday Morning ,I ' I rosse i ews \ All the Complete, NeWsCov~rage. of Pointes • , .' '.. , .~- . \'. 1;~- . 1 ,.:.: • ..' ~ 1,' .', • \ Entered 8S Second CIas. Mat1t~r I VOLUME 17-NO. 35 .at the Post Office at Detroit;. Mlch, 5c PeL" Copy • G~OSSEPOINTE, .MICHI$A~; AUGUST 30, 195.6' $3.50, Per Year' '24 PAGES Fully Paid Circulation' .. ,. --~ . ... •t. I " .r ' .. DEADLINES Election. fraught ,with 'Interest .' .Must :Serve.' Residents O~ject 9500to9600~ oj the Se-ntence .for WEEK As Compilea by the -Beating. Boy To Proposed. Plan ~~~dO~~~~. Gr!l~e Pointe News_ State' Supreme- Cour.t1Jp- p' p' 'k. A b n holds Conviction of Chas. .or.. a., rIng .rea Thursday, -Septem er 6. wi ' Thursday, August 23 .Morley' for Vicious be First Full Day of New - A NA:VY PATROL PLANE, j' • • ' Term; Barnes to Ope~ with 16 men aboard, is missing . Assault, . Petition . Far~s. Council, Not to Cons~uc~ Alley in Reel' __ after an attack by unidentified . -- of Muir Road -for Development of .Enlarged .Space Public school officials hav., '. air craft off the Red Chin~ coast, 'The Micpigap. Su'p.r e in e ---____ indicated .that .they expect :a and is presumed to have been Court: uphel<;J the. c9nVi~tibn r The. :E,"arms'council on Monday, August 20, was pre- record enrollment on the first shot down, it was dsc10sed by and sentencing' of ,C~arles R. sented' a. petition- bearing. the signatures of 17 residents school day for s t u den ts~ the Navy Department, Naval :Morley, ,; 19, of _123' L~e living. on Mui~ and'_Ri~ge roads, in which they protested Thursday, September 6. By forces, in the Far East began shore road, . .who was trIed .the proposed constructlon of an alley.and parking lot at'. the end of the first week an extensive search, for the for,. vicious" bea:~~~ ,~f.a the rear of thejr propertY. ~ - . an estimated 9500-9600 are plane and possible survivors, ~e. There is no available infor- youth .because 'he, :,dId p~t The petitioners. ar,e' ag~nst A ZZ P · t expected to be enrolled. This like .the way. he loo~ed at the project because the~ felt the - otn e figure would be 500' to 600 mation as to whether the' at- i. tacked plane fired back at its . me.". ,'proposed development' would _. hi h th th" Tal II The Supreme Court 4eelsiop. deprive the c6mmunity~s chil-, Net TourIng g er .an e 1m I enro ~ attackers. A Naval spokesman was rendered.onFrid~y, August dren of free recreational sp.ace. ment of a year ago. said thai planes patroling the Formosa area are "capable of . 24, and on the same, df.Y, Re-. Will Develop Strip N - E d The John R, Barnes Element~ defending thelT'selves,"Far .East corder's Jud:ge' O. Z.' Ide can- . ~ Th~ protest is. c e'.nt ere d earlng, n ary School ~)n Morningside will celled MOI:.leysappeal .bon~ an~ against a strip o.f the. Gabriel swing wide its doors to its fir~t Headquarters ordered searching hi th C tY J" il - --- classes. The new structure, planes to fire back if attacked, ordered. m. t(), e .."oun . a. Richard playgro,und leased to d I named for 'retired Superintend .. The Navy said that the incident, to a~aIt tr~Mporta~lon; ~o the 'the Farms by the Grosse Pointe SOme 90 In'divi ua sEnter ent Barnes,. will r~place the old occurred 0 v e r international Detrolt. House of Corr'ecbon. Board of Education. to .augment .' Nearly 200 Matches; Ad.. Vernier School. Entering the waters. 'Given Year'. Sentence parking facilitie~ in the Ker~. 'mission Free at GPUS newest school in the system .' ... 'Morley, son of ~Mr. ~d MrH~ cheval-on-the-Hill parking lot, C will be some 400boys 'and girls. I ~ I , DELEGATES at the Republl- Charles: E~'Morley,-wD. convict- .The. city plans to develop this ourts To be enrolled in kindergar4 "1 ea."1Nation&! Convention over- .ed ot - aggravated ,.assault on striP. giving additional parking ~ I Roberl,. Demrose,_ 16; 01- 4318. spa c Q' for' approximately 100 'Grosse Pointe's first an- ten a child must be five years whelmingly l"'.">minatedPresi- . 1 . " of.'age on or befcl'e Decembe:r dent Eisenhower and Vj,ce- Somerset, Detroitj8l1d '-was,~en- cars.. nua. ten~s tourney, cur- 1 of the current school y~ar. President Nixon to run against tenced to.~ne Ye-slrin.t~e Houae 'The 'pI/ans,still in the prelim- reJ;ltly bem~ played .on ~he according 'to. Board of Educa:. the Democratic ticket of Ste- of Con:ection and fi~ed.$500. inary stage, ca,llfor ~e dev~lop- Grosse ~om~e Uruverslty tion policY. Children who will venson-Kefauver in November. Th:e.VicioUs,beating,tookplace ment of a 70-foot wl,de strlP' of School's SlX new courts, ~ become five between Decembel! They sang and shouted the on September- 16, at~E~t War- the playground, start~g ~t tI:e running. aIring like clock- 2 and January 31 may be test~d Eisenhower-Nixon victory.' ren and Chatsworth; Detroi~. alley at .the rear o:t the MUlr. work. This can be attributed' by the Department of Pupil Both the President and Vice- D~mrose Iluftered fractures of property lin~, and will. pro~ide to the very able handling of, Personnel to de~erinine readi4 - President received the unani- the. cheek bone and left jaw. He egress ,af;ldmgress from Rldge . .the tourney by co-chairmen' ness. fo:: kindergarten, i:t such. mous votes of state after sta~e, was hospitalized for J~i.g~t.d~ys, road. C. .' . Gordon Wood and George serVlce IS request~d..by the par~ Harold E, Stassen, who aban'- , As • re~t o~ the. be~tmg, tes~ :. Wa.nt. ~uffer Stop. .' :. N ,. k h ha be' d~' ents. of these'.chlldren.' ~4 tunony'sh()wed,' ,D~""O~e auf,. .. The residents ask that a ..~'10-~. el~IP:c. ~ 0., ..ve ~ ~. rangements' mayl[)e mad1e by. , \ doned his campaign to oust. : J , f~red- st~ct~y Nixon as the president's running h!it~dac~~if;'.~Pllirea vi:':;f~ot land bUffer" be-maintained,. hep.~g .to the 15-mm- calling the BOlU"d..of Education. mate, spun around and made ,8 ~Ion~n.-'!;n:'-~1?i11.tyto ~concentra~e.,with a;' fence',~eparating. their ute tune limit. default. rule. TU 5-2000,ExtenSlll)n33. speech at the last minute, en- m h~'-e-rasses l~ 10th grade at ~propertT,and the plii-king,str,ip~ The' semi~fiD.a~.match~. Will Medical .Exams Suggested dorsing Nixon for the number S9uth~~8t~ High,Sc~ooL. :A:newfenee,will'81So be'n'eede~ get undet.,wJiY,on, Thur~day, L aI hId h lth ~ " -'-.': Jbci' .. Dr1iildD~ 't()separate the playground from August 30, with the fmals 'ff " 0Isc .s,: 00 an eat {. two spot. He seconded the nom- Cla aren ination made of Nixon. On the. September date Mor- th~ 'j:)roject . scheduled for Saturday and h agtam urdge. Pd s w.~ . '.'. drinkin" , • S da september 1 and J. aveno a lrea y one so, WJ .. .. ley was. ret~rnmg t~ a . g, Th~ followin~ is a copy. of ,a un y, . have their children examined party of ?omters, WIth a supply le~ter, sent to. t~e NE'YS~ In . ; Consolation Tourney by their family physicians, es.. THE RESIDENTS of San 'This -i~n't a dre~nlt,.~~B~cle)iil ~P.ictu~.;;~~::n.~d;~unnell•. Mateo County, Calif., are boil- ~he';f:I'.', .. ,_"..'. ". of be~r~when he Jaw~Demros~'Which. the'reSIdents r~glStered Oil Wednesday,. August 29, pecially if\they have' had any Ga~etyTheater, buf.~'.polli~g.booth-in.tlie: . by. ~~~s'vleW' ..,~ ..he,-~as. taking>pictures standing o~ the corner~ F~ur their protests .to the c~unciI,' the .loserS-in the quarte~. finals serioUs illness during the sum. ing mad, especially Republic~ Nelghborhoed. Club, vqters:of t~e,'d~r~g .the, rece~t';pnm~ry ,elect~on!-. delegates from that county. And wh~re A::ty: teenage::s, .one,.of the~ a. glI'l, witn,',therecommendatibnof"the began' competing in the Con- mer months. 'All sch~ol offices why? i'or the simple reason that 'City or Grosse Pointe cast their ballots~ ' , loc~.lady recognlze.:h~r' own attractive were WIth Morley at the tmle. alternative if the City persists in solation tourney which was and the Board of Education of. in all the millions of wordt; 'The News ppotogi'apller.' w~' di~ltracted under-piiuiings?'.. Followin~ his arrest, that carrying out' its plans: . completed ~day •. However, the fices. ha:ve a printed medical transmitted about the Republi- same evenmg, Morley told po- THE LETTER results .came too late to make examination for m which .is can Convention, the television, lice that he halted ,his car ~d To the Grosse',Pointe Fanns t~s edition: of the News and available to interested parents. radio and newspap.~rs mention struc~ D.emro,se'because. he did Council: . ' Vflll be earned next Thursday, . S t u den. t s new to Grosse only San Francisco. And where Boat ..Owners .'DE~sk'WorkFails to'Dull n?t ~e th.e .wayhe looked at We the undersigned' protest September 6~ Pointe Public SChools are be- is the convention being h~ld? hun. ,.' • I. the building of' an alley and 'a ~i!1ety.
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