MOST PROGRESSIVE TOWNSHIP WITH THE SUBURBAN NEWSPAPER LARGEST IN GUARANTEED THIS AREA CIRCULATION "The Voice of the Raritan Bay District" VOL. V.—No. 24 FORDS, N. 3,, FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1940 PRICE THREE Good News A Lot Of Fence HOME GUARD Hendrickson To Attend Big Rally ALIEN P(H| Clara Barton B&L, In New Enclosure At Arse- Of Fords Republican Club Sunday Liqiiidation, To Pay nal Ordered; Will TOLD ABOUT G. 0. P. Gubernatorial Nominee To Head Notables A HERE OPENI Six P, C. Dividend Cost $92,3.12 Picnic; Program Of Athletic Events Is Scheduled RARITAN TOWNSHIP —- A FORDS—According to an an- fence, costing more than $92,- 5TH COLUMN FORDS—Robert C. Hendrickson, Republican candi- ON TUESDAY nouncement by Jacob H. Bern- stein, association counsel, the 312, will be constructed at Rari- date for governor, "will be the guest of honor at a picnic ABC Head Commends Rari- Clara Barton Building and Loan State Says Workers Must tan Arsenal here as a protec- Agent From FBI Addresses to be held at Varady's Grove, Ford. Avenue, this place, All Non-Citizens Will Be Association declared its third tive measure against sabotage, Sunday, September 15. The affair is being sponsored by tan Township Officials dividend to shareholders this Pay Own Transporta- Senator William H. Smathers Home Defense Unit At Registere By Postmast- week. The organization is in said. the Fords Men's Eepublican Club. For Aid voluntary liquidation. tion To Projects Allocation of this sum, Sen- Meeting Tuesday A large committee is working on arrangements to er Edward Seyler Notices have heen sent to all ator Smathers said, had been accommodate nearly 1,000 persons. 1 shareholders to apply at the approved by President Roose- A feature of the day will be a POLICE ALSO LAUDED office for their dividends. ORDER TO AFFECT 64 velt. PUBLIC AND NEWSMEN Softball game between two rival FIREMEN'S BAZAAR FINGERPRINTING ALSO The dividend is for six per The work will be performed club teams. There will also be IN. LETTER TO BOARD cent and brings the total paid I LOCAL WPA EMPLOYES as a WPA project and is ex- BARRED FROM SESSION free dancing and a complete spox'ts REQUIRED UNDER LAW out since August 15, 1938, to pected to get underway immedi- prog-ram. CONTINUESTONIGHT 43 per cent. ately. Special features will be free Michael Riesz, Samuel Hodes Because of its defense nature, valuable prizes which will be Illicit Liquor Seized, Al- Town Had Appropriated Prevention Of Subversive awarded hourly and a $25 award Raritan Engine Go., No. 1 Failure To Comply With and A. H. Rosenbloom are the the local government ordnance Annual Event Features leged Owner Arrested trustees. Sophie R. Jensen is Total Of $7,000 To Pro- depot is expected to obtain ad- Activities Discussed By to the person identifying Mr. X Rule May Result' In the secretary. ditional funds to carry out other at the picnic. Special Awards The day's activity -will get under On August 10th vide For Conveyance work required to insure safety 5 Fire Companies PISCATAWAYTOWN — The Heavy Fine, Jail against saboteurs. • way at 10 o'clock and will continue late in the evening. annual bazaar of Raritan Engine EAEITAN TOWNSHIP—E. W. CLARA BARTON—About 250 Company No. 1, which opened 2 WOODBRIDGE — Unless the Varied athletic events, and FORDS—Postmaster* Edward Garrett, acting commissioner of members of the recently organized games will be conducted arid re- Tuesday night after being rained Seyler announced today final ar- State changes its mind, free trans- Volunteer Firemen's Home De- out the previous evening, will con- the State Alcoholic Beverage Com- freshments will . be available rangements have been fnadje for. mission, in a communication to portation of 64 Township WPA fense Corps heard a representative throughout the day. tinue tonight through tomorrow WITIN_5JIUTES Fords' part in a nation-wide regis- Victor C. Pedersen, director of workers to the Dayton Highway of the Federal Bureau of Investi- night on the firehouse grounds at Four Cars Damaged And and Cheesequake Highway projects MARKS LAND SALE gation talk on the control of sub- Plainfield and Woodbridge Ave- tration of aliens—August 27, to- public safety here, lauded town- versive activities of "fifth eolmn- ship police for the splendid co- 13-Year-OId Boy In- will be halted next week. nues here. - December 26, 1940. Township Is Better Off By ists" and other duties of a home DINNER MARKS 5TH The bazaar includes many operation afforded investigators of At the beginning of the year, defense unit at a meeting held The registration will be *.cou- the ABC in a raid Friday night in jured In Raritan games, booths and other entertain- ducted in the postoffice on New the Township Committee appropri- $400 As Result Of Tuesday night in the Amboy Ave- ment, operated by the firemen and Raritan Township. RARITAN" TOWNSHIP — Two ated $3,000 for WPA- transporta- nue firehouse here. B1RTHDAY_OF CLUB Brunswick Avenue. Sample forms accidents within five minutes at the Brisk Battle for the benefit of the company. Commissioner Garrett wrote "I tion in its 1940 budget with the One of the features of the af- are now available at the post office" intersection of Woodbridge Ave- The session was an entirely for~aliens to study. note with particular pleasure and understanding that the municipal- WOODBRIDGE —• Spirited bid- closed affair—newspapermen be- First. District Democratic fair is a special award which is nue and Nixon Lane Monday after- ding by John Deak against Mrs. 7 thank you and the several mem- noon resulted in damages to four ity would be reimbursed by the ing prohibited from attending. made each evening. Mr. Seyler pointed out thattbJ© bers of the Raritan Township po- Victoria Smalla gave the Town- Organization Observes registration and finger-printinjt- cars and minor injuries to a 13- State. A bulletin issued by the The federal agent'informed the One of the largest crowds of the lice for their splendid cooperation ship $400 more than the $200: Event At Party - week attended the festival last carries no stigma* year-old boy. old State Financial Assistance minimum bid offered for a lot in audience, which included firemen .afforded to investigators of this de- A car owned by Frank Hack- Hopelawn, at a public sale of from the Township's five compan- night which was the Firemen'; All aliens 14 years of age "or. partment in the seizure made at commission stated municipalities PISCATAWAYTOWN . —. The ler, of Woodbridge Avenue, Fords Township-owned property held ies and the. Metuehen department, fifth anniversary dinner of the Night celebration. Ten fire com- older are required to register. Ivory Place, Potters Crossing, Rar- section, driven by George Zigre, of would be reimbursed by the State Monday nigiit in the Memorial Mu- panies and women's auxiliaries at- Alien children under 14 years mast of the possible duties of home de- First District Women's: Demo- itan Township, on August 16. 27 Carlton Street, also Fords sec- at the rate of 1 cent per mile per nicipal Building. Mrs. Smalla was fense units in the event all Nation- tended. be registered by their parents -or tion, skidded ahd struck a parked ratic Club was held last night at i "It is gratifying- to learn that, man. the successful bidder and paid $600 al Guard companies are mobilized the Blue Heaven Inn here. The Chief Thomas Swales, Jr., is ;uardians. Generally speaking, in addition to the illicit liquor ear owned by Edward F. Coffey, of for the lot. serving as general chairman, as- foreign bom persons who have, 390 Delevan Street, New Bruns- In May, when no • funds were for active service. affair was an outstanding- success, seized, the violator was appre- Deak offered the original $200 sisted by all members of the com- riot become citizens of the United wick. forthcoming from the State, the The FBI man, who name was according to Mrs. Herbert'Pfeiffer, States are aliens. Persons, with hended as well. bid, but Mrs. Smalla, who was the chairman. • pany. Proceeds will be placed in According to the police, Zigre Township Committee was forced not disclosed, explained the vari- the children's Christmas Party first citizenship papers must regis- "Continued efforts in this direc- owner of the property before it ous methods employed by "fifth Sheriff Julius C. Engel served as was riding toward New Brunswick to pass, an emergency appropria- was sold at tax sale, seemed deter- fund. ter. - tion will soon teach bootleggers we when the car skidded on the wet tion of $4,000,. making a total of columnists" and the ways in which toastmaster. Members assisting mean business and eventually mined to regain title to the land Mrs. Pfeiffer on arrangements The registration of aliens "is pavement, turned' around and which adjoins her home. The bid- every citizen may .aid through bring about a sound control struck the rear of the parked ma- $7,000. The last appropriation guard against possible sabotage ncluded Mrs. Mary Tomaseo, Mrs. compulsory. A specific act o£ runs out in a few days. ding 'was increased five dollars at through legitimate channels." chine. Both vehicles drove through each turn until the final $60ft bid and espionage activities. John O.'Connor and Mrs; Anthony DINNER TOMORROW ongress—the Alien Registration Raid on, August 16 a guard rail and crashed into a Meanwhil.gv with -the new state !stvan. Ac tof 1940—requires 'all .-a pole. '" was-reached. •• Police Chief, Charles. .Grand- The commendation referred to relief set-ui|, the announcement jean, of Raritan Township, and The club will sponsor a bus ride to register during the official M Shortly after, a car driven by was made recently that the State Other parcels of property sold to Sea Girt tomorrow to attend ON CLUB CALENDAR ration period, August 27 to: Be-' a raid staged at 11 P.
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