F-86 SABRE JET Powered By The Patented BYRON ORIGINALS Ducted Fan M o d e l H PECIFICATIONS: • W in g S p a n ..................................................... 5 7 " • W in g A r e a .........................................6 8 4 sq. in. •W ing Loading ....................................30 oz. psf. •L e n g th (M o d e l H ) .........................................5 8 % in. •L e n g th (M o d e l D ) .........................................6 2 V i in. Ready-to-fly w t .......................................... 11 lb. (Including Econokote covering & retracts) C h a n n e ls .................................4 (5 w/retracts) Power. Byro-Jet & Schnuerle .60 & .80s Another Rare Blending of Value And Performance From the Ducted Fan Specialists! Our experience and knowledge in state-of-the-art ducted fan technology has produced another fascinating super scale jet experience . the world famous F-86 Sabre. Unlike most other ducted fan kits on the market, this 1/8 scale Byro-Jet powered fighter offers a whole lot more kit for your money. Every item needed to complete the project is in­ cluded, except of course the engine, fan, radio, paint and glue. We call this approach our "Complete Kit Concept." Each and every component has been specially designed, manufactured or purchased to meet our specific quality, performance and dependability requirements. Kit in­ cludes: a highly detailed fiberglass fuselage, injection molded wings and control surfaces, precise die-cut wood parts, wheels, landing gear, cockpit interior, canopy, decals, plus all the assorted hardware required. Unique Plug-In Wings & Aileron Linkage system are also standard equipment. They make removing wings for transport a quick and simple operation. Optional Quick-Connectors, another Byron Originals ex­ clusive, makes hooking up your pneumatic retracts as simple as plugging in the wings. All things considered, the F-86 is indeed a product truly deserving of the Byron Originals' trademark. For further details, send $2.00 for complete F-86 information packet. Includes materials list, assembly manual with drawings, Byro-Jet per­ formance data plus a list of suggested engines. Optional Sequencing Door Kit & Quick Pneumatic Connectors. Factory Plus Ite m Description Price Shipping Available 6 1 3 0 0 8 5 F-86D kit $245.00 $8.50 For Immediate 6 1 3 0 0 8 6 F-86H kit $240.00 $8.50 6 0 3 0 1 9 8 Opt. seq. door kit $ 66.30 $2.00 Shipment 6 0 3 0 2 0 3 Quick Pneumatic connectors $ 22.10pr. $1.50 (U.P.S. orU.S. Mail) (2 pr. required for 4 line systems) (Continental U.S.) Sorry, No. C.O.D.s Accepted Byron Originals, P.O. Box 279, Ida Grove, la. 51445 U.S.A. 712-364-31 65 TELEX 43901 2 IDAG Three Bucks Buys the Best R/C Catalog In the Business The catalog that everybody's been talking about is now available at your favorite R-C dealer. You'll find 80 pages of color photos, complete descriptions, and all the technical information you need. It's the complete collection of all of our exciting lines. If your dealer doesn't have them in stock, tusk him to get you one from his distributor. But hurry, supply is limited, and this is one catalog you don't want to be without. Exciting, innovative designs that put you in complete control. Even kit features Plura ready-made fuselages and ^ Siros wing panels. Robbe airplanes * and gliders SHIPS build up fast, look great. ^ Ä and outperform just about a n v th in g ^ M j^ ^ _ else in the air. There's something for evenone. Yachts, scale tugs, sail boats, luggers, fire-fighting boats, and more. all designed with the emphasis on detail. Whichever Robbe boat you choose, you'll get a proven winner that steals the show even time. ACCESSORIES Look at our complete selection of accessories. High performance motors, special fittings, starters, quick chargers, propellers., .even thing you need. You'll even find an exciting line of sound effects generators for extra realism. catalog and y manul.u tun i I delay, pick up your ROBBE MODEL SPORT. Princeton Meadows The Office Suite 21) Plainsboro. \J 08536 NOVEMBER M ODEL S 1983 BUILDER volume 13, number 142 621 West Nineteenth St., Box 10335, Costa Mesa, CA 92627-0132 Phone: (714) 645-8830 STAFF CONTENTS EDITOR/PUBLISHER Wm. C. Northrop, Jr. GENERAL MANAGER FEATURES Anita Northrop ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER W O R K B E N C H , Bill Northrop.............................................................................. 6 Dawn Johnson O VER THE C O U N T E R ..................................................................................... 7 PRODUCTION MANAGER Bill Forrey CHICOPEE '83 NATIONALS, Bill Northrop.................................................. 16 PRODUCTION ARTIST BIG BIRDS, Al Alman.............................................................................................24 Howard Millman R /C S O A R IN G , Bill Forrey...................................................................................28 DRAWINGS BY Al Patterson ELECTRONICS CORNER, Floy Marez............................................................ 31 ACCOUNTING DEPT. MANAGER ELECTRIC P O W E R , Mitch Poling.......................................................................32 Michael Whitney SUBSCRIPTIONS R/C SCALE AT M AAC NATIONALS, CliFFTade....................................... 34 Jo Anne Glenn FUEL LINES, Joe Klause......................................................................................... 36 CONTRIBUTING EDITORS PLU G SPARKS, John Pond .................................................................................. 37 Al Alman Eloy Marez C H O PPER C H A T T E R , Ray Hostetler................................................................. 42 Jerry Dunlap Walt Mooney Bill Forrey Mitch Poling R /C BO A TS (N A M B A N A T IO N A L S ), |erry Dunlap...................................44 Bill Hannan John Pond R /C C AR S, Dan Rutherford .................................................................................. 48 Dick Hanson Fernando Ramos Mike Hazel Dan Rutherford H O W T O FLY PATTER N, Dick Hanson............................................................ 50 Ray Hostetler John Smith H A N N A N ’S H A N G A R , Bill Hannan..................................................................54 Ken Johnson Bob Stalick Joe Klause FREE F LIG H T, BobStalick......................................................................................56 ADVERTISING C O N T R O L LINE, Mike Hazel............................................................................. 60 REPRESENTATIVES BLAD D ER G RABBER C /L C O N TE S T, Rich von Lopez................................62 Bill Northrop Home O ffice, Costa Mesa Al Novotnik 4 Beverly PL, Norwalk, CT 06850 CONSTRUCTION Bus. Phone (203) 847-7478 MODEL BUILDER (ISSN 0194 7079) is H A W K E R FURY, M A R K II, Don Prentice........................................................10 published monthly by RCMB INC.. 621 West 19th St., Box 10335, Costa Mesa. FLY IN G FLEA, Randy Wrisley ...............................................................................26 California 92627-0132. Phone (714) 645-8830. A R U P O .T ., Cordon Englehart...............................................................................40 Subscriptions: $25.00 per year. $47.00 lor two years. Single copies $2.50. Subscriptions PE AN U T T A Y LO R C R A F T , HobyClay ............................................................ 51 outside the US (except APO & FPO) $32.00 for one year only. All payments must be in US funds, drawn on a US bank. Copyright 1983 by RCMB INC. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permis­ Cover: The aircraft on this month's cover are Hawker Furies (Mark II versions). sion prohibited. Model Builder's cover artist. Bob Benjamin, had to conceive and execute the painting on very short notice, and actually received part of the necessary reference data Change of address notices must be received after he began work on it. (Technical nitpickers w ill have fun with this one.) The six weeks before date of issue that new markings are correct for the No. 25(F) Squadron, Hawkinge, for the year 1937. address takes effect. Send old address with The black tail markings on aircraft No. 7270 denote the squadron leader's plane. new; old label preferred. Post Office will If this painting has inspired you to build a Hawker Fury Mk. II, you are in luck, for Don Prenticehas prepared plans and construction article for a quarter-scale ver­ not forward copies unless you pay extra sion of the Fury. See page 10. Detailed scale drawings are also available for the postage. Duplicate issues cannot be sent. Fury through M o del B u ild e r. see the Westburg ad on page 79 of this issue. Second class postage paid at Costa Mesa. California, anti additional offices. 2 MODEL BUILDER G-SERIES ALL THE OPTIONS... Sportand competition flyers know our G-Series systems come equipped. Now G-Series v ä » systems have more control than ever, with the introduction PLUS SOME olourS28sems NEW STANDARDS Sheathed in fuel proof cases, with cold- molded, resin gears and a maintenance-free, sealed potentiometer, these S28’s have set new standards for servo performance. You'll also get top performance from our l/røft fully-adjustable, open gimbals, R7H receiver, a new, 7-channel version of our mixing and a choice of dual or exponential popular R6F. Proven electronics and reliability rates, the amazing G-Series has what it takes make the R7H perfect to complete the G-Series to put the finishing touches on some very system. fancy flights. 5, 6 and 7-channel Futaba G-Series systems Convenience also
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