JACKSON COUNTY JOURNAL, SYLVA, N. C. -- EVERY OPPORTUNITY FOR SPORT IS GIVEN DELEHANTY DID NOT Lace and Satin Dinner Gown Health Vas Shattered SAILOR TO KEEP IN PROPER TRIM UNDERSTAND BUNTS BRITISH South Boston Woman Tells now 5he Suffered Before mm a i Couldn't Make Sacrifice Hit as Doan's Cured Her. Ordered by Manager. ! was in awful shane fmm disease," says Mrs. W. F. Sterritt, (: Dorchester Ave., South Boston, lW. jAy ueaun was snattered and With Runners on First and Second and I 'fttJ11 vheip--, Had 8ci'; No One Out, Instead of Advancing me in with a kn:p" He Lands on First Ball the pains could not have been wor' Them, 1 lost Pitched for Home Run. thirty pousd was terribly nervous and could not do Charles Webb Murphy, who still Faint in i fans seven a week, he is spells came on 2nd days though feet out of baseball, was Cactus and limbs ktpV.oH watching ao badly I couldn't weir Cravath of the Phillies hit those long my snoes. Puffy ac3 drives of his during practice at the came under my eves Cubs' park in Chicago recently. my skin looked s&cy "None of them can swat the ball like Hi. Sterritt and the impression of a could when he was with the finger left a dent iV-a- Delehanty remained for some time. team," said Murphy. "He had some "My kidneys were in awful snap? mates who could go too, Flick, Lajoie and it seemed that I had to pass the and others. secretions every hour. The pa?s'.-e- s "I once heard how Billy Earl caught were scant and terribly distressing. his first game against Delehanty. It I was feverish at night and perspirci seems that Del cracked the first ball, profusely. "I was discouraged until told about a one, on the for a nt high way outside, Doan's Kidney Pills. They brougl-improveme- double. Next time up, Earl gave an- from the first an; other signal and Del nailed one low on about a dozen boxes cured me. 2iv the inside for a triple. cure has lasted." "On Delehanty's third journey to the Get Doaa's at Any Store, 60c a Bex plate the pitcher threw a wild one that hit in front of Del. The batter caught DOAN'S y it as he would if he were playing FOSTER-MILBUR- N CO-- BUFFALO.fVN. V. cricket, and converted it into a single. "Earl was plainly amazed. So when I Delehanty appeared for his fourth ef-- Although the German high sea fleet will not come out and give the fort, Earl asked, 'Don't you ever wait ball comes ' fnisnnaMnrBfe British fleet a chance which it is so eagerly waiting for, the grand fleet has till the across the plate? J an immense amount of work to do in maintaining effective sea command. "Delehanty grinned. 'No,' he replied, for and entertainment is utilized in the batters wait for that In spite of this every opportunity port 'Only poor Ull far 50 Tun. FOI HALUIA, GULLS AXD IVHX men in first of kind to in kind.' order to keep the trim. This photo, the its arrive lift a Flit Geicral StrragtfcfalMt Taak. At AH Drc( lltm. this country, shows a boxing exhibition on board a British battleship "Another time, when Shettsline, now waiting at its base in instant readiness for action. It is greatly due to the secretary of the Quakers, was manager PARKER'S efforts of these sailors and thousands more like them that the German fleet of the team, an important stage came HAIR BALSAM " ' . A toilet preparation of merit. has not dared to come forth and attack our coast. where runs were badly needed. Philly , Hlps to cradicat dandruff. got runners on first and second before For Restoring Color and It always takes exceptions to prove low. They extend a little way over Beauty toGray or Faded Hair anybody was out. It was then Dele- and to the hand and are finished with a nar- tOc and 1 1.00 at trnrristt. HOW TEN EYCK WORKS CREW ARMY CADETS NEED TRAINER the rule keep certain accepted hanty's turn at bat. from monotonous. The row of satin. A bit of white "Shettsline called Ed to one side and styles becoming binding DUflPSY TREATMENT. Glw nnlcit relief. handsome dinner gown which presents georgette suggests an underbodice of " Soon remoTM welling' and hort Coach of Employs Novel Unique Method to Prove to said, 'You down a sacrifice bunt Dreaxn. jterer neara or iu equal for droptj. Syracuse Employed lay its brilliant accomplishment in black this lovely fabric where it shows Try lb Trial treatment sent FREE, by malt Method of Oarsmen-A- cts Officer and I'll have the next fellow Instructing Skeptical Necessity of now, try and white with such assurance here is through the lace at the shoulders and re Write to DR. THOMAS E. GREEN as Coxswain. Such to knock one out and score both men. Beak BIc- - Bos 20, CHATS WORTH, ax Functionary. an exception to the straight-lin- e silhou above the satin at the square neck. Delehanty nodded. 'All right,' lie an- exclu- dec- ette. It to a small and If this started out with a 36-19- Coach Jim Ten of the swered. belongs gown W. N. U.f CHARLOTTE, NO. 18. Eyck Syracuse Harry Tuthill, the only professional sive company of exceptions to this fea laration of independence as to its out- freshman eight-oare- d shell in "Shettsline was when Del- nniverslty employed any branch of athletics surprised ture of the styles for fall, for the lines, it makes amends by making the War Horse Still a Factor. crew, his combination this West to a laid on the first ball e only year, at Point wear class ring ehanty pitched straight-lin- grows more J most of the silk tassels. Used novel oars- figure popular vogue for long Despite the vast numbers of motor a way to instruct the the honor was conferred by the grad- and slammed it out for a home run. As all time is to domi ! the and destined j There is a very long girdle of the satin vehicles used on the battle men. Ten Eyck acted as coxswain of class of 1915 has been com- he rounded third Shettsline called out, European uating of sea j - nate in the styles the coming that is wrapped about the waist, fronts, the horse Is still Important as he crew and by coaching the young- missioned a lieutenant in the aviation 'How was it you didn't bunt?' ' son. , crossed at the back and over " Del. looped an engine of war. The armies in the corps. Tuthill was trainer 'Oh, I never bunt,' laughed 'I ; formerly Allover lace and black satin join at the left side. The ends, finished field have used ijOO.OOO horses for the Detroit Tigers and in the fall don't even know how. " already forces In the tunic skirt and bodice. with handsome silk fall j 1,500.-t-o he long, tassels, an,i our new army will require trained the army football eleven. There is an underskirt of white satin the bottom of the tunic and a little 000 more. Later he became the trainer for the BAT AND BALL FUND SOLDIER bordered with black. The tunic is set below the bottom of the skirt. Wounded horses are easily handled. University of Michigan eleven. onto a of black body satin that forms This gown is becoming to almost any ; seem to know the tell a of Tuthill at They that surgeons They good ; sub-quie- story Tota, of $102,684 Raised Within Past a short yoke extending a few inches type of figure. It is dignified and are to them and they t, e-- trying help i uiuu nt u mere 10 -- arneu Fifteen Month Equipment below the waistline, and has a border but it is also brilliant. In the bit to having their hurts dressed with train nis nrst an omcer wfto had e team, gent to France. of black satin about its lower edge. pictm-- a black satin poppy adds wonderful scouted a big fortitude. the necessity of such func The lace bodice is very simply draped its fine silken sheen to the finish of was trank to intorm tionary sumcientiy Through the efforts of Clark E over its satin foundation and the an exquisite frock. It is in black also, A BRIGHT. CLEAR COMPLEXION rutnin as to ms doubts. Griffith, manager and part owner of sleeves are of lace rather full above but be in some brilliant color If ne al- - might u ny, said, "these boys are the Washington Americans, a total of the elbow and shaped to the arm be-- occasion seemed to demand it. Is always admired, and It is the lauda- ways in training; what do they need $102,6S4.44 has been raised for the sol- ble ambition of every woman to do all of a trainer?" dier bat and ball fund within the last she can to make herself attractive. By way of reply Tuthill forthwith fifteen months. Many of our southern women have sent a group of cadets running around The latest statement shows that Simple, Elegant Afternoon Gown found that Tetterine is invaluable for the parade grounds. When they re-- $93,677.05 was spent between April 20, clearing up blotches, Itchy patches, turned he ordered them to whistle. 1017, and July 15, 1918, leaving a bal- - etc., and making the skin soft and rsot a cadet could do so.
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