VLTI/MIDI BIBLIOGRAPHY RICHARD J. MATHAR Abstract. This version here is sorted alphabetically with the last name of the first author. It is a replacement of the obsolete contents of http://www. mpia.de/MIDI/Publications which I am no longer able to edit. Sub-index of publications in refereed journals, sorted with respect to year and journal, count in parentheses: 2019 Astron. Astroph. : [Varga19] ( 1 ) 2019 Month. Not. Roy. Astr. Soc. : [Stalevski19] ( 1 ) 2018 Astron. Astroph. : [Fernandez-Ontiveros18, Varga18a] ( 2 ) 2018 Astroph. J. : [Leftley18a, Jamialahmadi18] ( 2 ) 2017 Astron. Astroph. : [Hillen17] ( 1 ) 2016 Astron. Astroph. : [Brunngraber16, Boley16, Kreplin16, Lopez-Gonzaga16c, Lopez-Gonzaga16d] ( 5 ) 2016 Astroph. Space Sci. : [Jamialahmadi15] ( 1 ) 2016 Month. Not. Roy. Astr. Soc. : [Kraus16] ( 1 ) 2015 Astron. Astroph. : [Perrin15, Menut15, Ohnaka15] ( 3 ) 2015 Icarus : [Carry15] ( 1 ) 2014 Astron. Astroph. : [Matter14, Panic14, Tristram14, Kervella14, Vural14a, Lopez-Gonzaga14a, Muller14, Chesneau14, Menu14b] ( 9 ) 2014 Astron. Nachr. : [Kraus14] ( 1 ) 2013 Astron. Astroph. : [Klotz13b, Sacuto13a, Acke13, Olofsson13c, Olofsson13b, Mosoni13a, Boley13b, Burtscher13a, Ohnaka13b, Schegerer13b] ( 10 ) 2013 Astron. Nachr. : [Gabanyi13] ( 1 ) 2012 Astron. Astroph. : [Chen12, Klotz12a, Vural12a, Paladini12b, Zhao-Geisler12a, Boley12b, Cidale12b, Wheelwright12] ( 8 ) 2012 Astroph. J. : [H¨onig12a] ( 1 ) 2012 Month. Not. Roy. Astr. Soc. : [Smith12a] ( 1 ) 2011 Astron. Astroph. : [Zhao-Geisler11a, Niccolini11, DomicianodeSouza11, Sacuto11, deWit11, Lykou11, Borges Fernandes11a, Grellmann11, Karovicova11a, Roccatagliata11a, Kishimoto11a] ( 11 ) 2011 Icarus : [Matter11a] ( 1 ) 2011 Month. Not. Roy. Astr. Soc. : [Bright11c] ( 1 ) 2010 Astron. Astroph. : [Benisty10a, Meilland10, deWit10b, Matter10b, Verhoeff10a, Vehoff10b, Follert10a] ( 7 ) 2010 Publ. Astron. Soc. Austr. : [Burtscher10a] ( 1 ) 2009 Astron. Astroph. : [Sacuto09, Chesneau09, Kervella09a, Kishimoto09, Menut09, Kervella09b, Netolick´y09, Di Folco09, Tristram09b, Schegerer09b, Ratzka09b, Smith09a, Linz09a, Meilland09b, Millour09b] ( 15 ) 2009 Astroph. J. : [Delbo09, Stark09a, Burtscher09a] ( 3 ) Date: February 27, 2019. 1 2 RICHARD J. MATHAR 2009 Month. Not. Roy. Astr. Soc. : [Raban09b] ( 1 ) 2008 Astron. Astroph. : [Schegerer08, Pott08d, Sacuto08b, Ohnaka08d, Acke08a, Beckert08a, Chesneau08b, Pott08b, Ohnaka08g] ( 9 ) 2008 Astroph. J. : [deWit08c, Kraus08a] ( 2 ) 2008 New Astr. Rev. : [Hummel08, Meisenheimer08b] ( 2 ) 2007 Astron. Astroph. : [Bujarrabal07, Meilland07, DomicianodeSouza07, Sacuto07a, Ohnaka07c, Le~ao07b, Deroo07c, Lachaume07a, Wittkowski07b, Ratzka07a, Meisenheimer07b, Poncelet07a, Chesneau07c, Perrin07a, Tristram07b, Deroo07a] ( 16 ) 2007 Astroph. J. : [Rajagopal07a] ( 1 ) 2007 Baltic Astr. : [Matsuura07, Deroo07b] ( 2 ) 2007 New Astr. Rev. : [Wittkowski07a, Chesneau07b, Ohnaka07a, Tristram07d] ( 4 ) 2006 Astron. Astroph. : [Ohnaka06a, Verhoelst06, Lagadec06b, Kervella06, Abr´aham06´ , Deroo06a, Poncelet06a, H¨onig06, Chesneau06c, Preibisch06a, Fedele08a] ( 11 ) 2006 Astroph. J. : [Matsuura06b, Quanz06a, Goto06] ( 3 ) 2006 Icarus : [Delbo06] ( 1 ) 2005 Astron. Astroph. : [Ohnaka05a, Chesneau05c, Chesneau05k, Chesneau05e] ( 4 ) 2005 Astron. Nachr. : [K¨ohler05, Mosoni05, Ohnaka05c, Pott05a, Ratzka05b, Schegerer05, Tristram05, Wolf05, Driebe05] ( 9 ) 2004 Astron. Astroph. : [Leinert04e] ( 1 ) 2004 Nature : [Krolik04, Jaffe04c, vanBoekel04] ( 3 ) 2004 Baltic Astr. : [Chesneau04] ( 1 ) 2003 Astroph. Space Sci. : [Leinert03b, Przygodda03a] ( 2 ) 2002 Astroph. J. : [Wolf02a] ( 1 ) 2000 Appl. Opt. : [Porro00] ( 1 ) References [Abr´aham06]´ Abr´ahamP,´ Mosoni L, Henning T, K´osp`alA, Leinert C, Quanz S P, and Ratzka T. First AU-scale observations of V1647 Ori with VLTI/MIDI. Astronomy and Astrophysics 449 (2) (2006) L13{16. URL https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361:20064841 [Absil04] Absil O, Bakker E J, Sch¨oller M, and Gondoin P A. Thermal background flucutations at 10 micron measured with VLTI/MIDI. In: W A Traub (ed.), Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation: New Frontiers in Stellar Interferometry, vol. 5491 of Proceedings of the SPIE (International Society for Optical Engineering, Bellingham, 2004) pp. 1320{1332. URL https://doi.org/10.1117/12.549311 [Acke08a] Acke B, Verhoelst T, van den Ancker M E, Deroo P, Waelkens C, Chesneau O, Tatulli E, Benisty M, Puga E, Waters L B F M, Verhoeff A, and de Koter A. MWC 297: a young high-mass star rotating at critical velocity. Astronomy and Astrophysics 485 (1) (2008) 209{221. URL https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361:200809654 [Acke08b] Acke B, Verhoelst T, van den Ancker M E, Deroo P, Waelkens C, Chesneau O, Tatulli E, Benisty M, Puga E, Waters L B F M, Verhoeff A, and de Koter A. MWC 297: a young high-mass star rotating at critical velocity. arXiv (astro-ph/0804.1212). URL http://arxiv.org/abs/0804.1212 [Acke13] Acke B, Degroote P, Lombaert R, de Vries B L, Smolders K, Verhoelst T, Lagdec E, Gielen C, Van Winckel H, and Walkens C. Amorphous carbon in the disk around the post-AGB binary HR 4049. Astronomy VLTI/MIDI BIBLIOGRAPHY 3 and Astrophysics 551 (2013) A76. URL https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/201219282 [Albrecht06] Albrecht S, Quirrenbach A, and Tubbs R N. 10-micron interferometry of the disk and wind of the massive young star MWC 349 A. In: J D Monnier, M Sch¨oller,and W C Danchi (eds.), Advances in Stellar Interferometry, vol. 6268 of Proceedings of the SPIE (International Society for Optical Engineering, Bellingham, 2006) pp. 433{442. URL https://doi.org/10.1117/12.670314 [Andruchow12] Andruchow I, Cidale L, Chesneau O, Kanaan S, Borges Fernandes M, Kraus M, Arias M L, Torres A, Cur´eM, and Granda A. Observational constraints on the disk size and kinematics of HD 327083. In: A Carciofi and T Rivinius (eds.), Circumstellar Dynamics at High Resolution, vol. 464 of ASP Conference Series (Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, 2012) p. 319. URL http://aspbooks.org/custom/publications/paper/464-0319.html [Angeloni09] Angeloni R. Gas and dust spectral analysis of galactic and extragalactic symbiotic stars. Phd, Padova (2009). URL http://paduaresearch.cab.unipd.it/1554/ [anonymous03] anonymous. D´etection d'un tore de poussi`eeres dans le noyau galactique actif NGC 1068. ESO Annual Report p. 14. URL http://www.eso.org/gen-fac/pubs/ann-rep/ann-report2003-fr.pdf [anonymous04a] anonymous. Closer to the monster. ESO Annual Report pp. 23{23. URL http://www.eso.org/gen-fac/pubs/ann-rep/ann-report2004.pdf [anonymous04b] anonymous. First observation of an active galactic nucleus with the VLTI: resolution of the torus at the heart of NGC 1068. News Release Observatoire de Paris p. x. URL http://www.obspm.fr/actual/nouvelle/may04/n1068.en.shtml [anonymous04c] anonymous. First scientific results of the mid-infrared interferometric instrument for the VLTI, MIDI. Astronomical Institute Anton Pannekoek, Annual Report pp. 22{23. URL http://www.astro.uva.nl/research/API2004.pdf [anonymous04d] anonymous. Formation of rocky planets in circumstellar discs. ESO Annual Report pp. 15{15. URL http://www.eso.org/gen-fac/pubs/ann-rep/ann-report2004.pdf [anonymous04e] anonymous. Junge sterne im vorstadium der bildung erdahnlicher planeten. Pressemitteilung Max Planck Institut f. Astronomie p. x. URL http://www.mpia.de/Public/menu_q2.php?Aktuelles/PR/2004/ PR041124/PR_041124_de.html [anonymous04f] anonymous. Mid-infrared interferometry of AGNs with VLTI-MIDI. Leiden Observatory Annual Report pp. 35{35. URL http: //www.strw.leidneuniv.nl/research/annualreport.php?node=22 [anonymous04g] anonymous. Optical/infrared interferometry: MIDI. Leiden Observatory Annual Report pp. 35{35. URL http: //www.strw.leidneuniv.nl/research/annualreport.php?node=22 [anonymous07] anonymous. Star caught smoking, VLTI snapshots dusty puff around variable star. ESO Science Release (34). URL http: //www.eso.org/public/outreach/press-rel/pr-2007/pr-34-07.html [Bakker02] Bakker E J, Przygodda F, Chesneau O, and Jaffe W. VLTI MIDI scientific observation procedures. In: GENIE - DARWIN - Hunting for Planets, vol. 522 of SP proceedings (ESA, 2002) URL http://www.esa.int/esapub/pi/proceedingsPI.htm [Bakker03a] Bakker E J. Background fluctuations. In: Long Baseline Interferometry in the Mid-Infrared, Ringberg Workshop (Max Planck Institute of Astronomy, Heidelberg, 2003) URL http://www.mpia-hd.mpg.de/MIDI-RB/Contributions/Bakker.pdf [Bakker03b] Bakker E J, Leinert C, Jaffe W J, Graser U, Percheron I, Chesneau O, Meisner J A, Cotton W D, de Jong J A, Pel J W, Glazenborg-Kluttig 4 RICHARD J. MATHAR A W, Perrin G S, and Przygodda F. MIDI scientific and technical observing modes. In: W A Traub (ed.), Interferometry for Optical Astronomy II, vol. 4838 of Proceedings of the SPIE (International Society for Optical Engineering, Bellingham, 2003) pp. 905{916. URL https://doi.org/10.1117/12.459955 [Bakker04] Bakker E J, Meisner J A, Percheron I, and Dominik C. Direct detection of the disk around HR 4049. In: W A Traub (ed.), Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation: New Frontiers in Stellar Interferometry, vol. 5491 of Proceedings of the SPIE (International Society for Optical Engineering, Bellingham, 2004) pp. 35{46. URL https://doi.org/10.1117/12.549277 [Ballester04] Ballester P, Percheron I, Sabet C, Licha T, McKay D J, Morel S, Petr-Gotzens M, Richichi A, van den Ancker M, and Wittkowski M. The MIDI data flow: First observing period. The Messenger 116 (2004) 4{7. URL http://www.eso.org/sci/publications/messenger/ archive/no.116-jun04/m116-MIDI.html [Ballester06] Ballester
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