July 1985 Number 2 PROCEEDINGS of The Helminthologieal Society of Washington t . ' .7*11 ',}/•' A semiannual /ourna/ of research devofed fo He/m/nffio/ogy and all branches of''Parasitolo'gy >/7: ;v-- ' ••;••• .-;• -.•>•-•_• '-. ' >/..' ..'" :. :;'/.) " ••• - " / ; -Supported in part by the Brayton H. Ransorn Memorial Trust Fund ,/._'. *•- ' .'. SAYRE, RICHARD M., AND MORTIMER P. STARR. Pasteuria penetrans (ex Thprne, 1940) nom. rev., comb, n., sp. n., a Mycelial and Endospore-Forming Bacterium Parasitic in Plant-Parasitic Nematodes ,__*_;: ;_... ., „...._:_ _ 149 CAiRA,rJ. N. Calliobdthrium evani sp. n.'(Tetraphyllidea: Onchobothriidae) from the .; •:./ Gulf of California, with a Redescription of the Hooks of C. lintoni, and a Proposal ;;; /- " . for Onchobothriid Hook Terminology „.... ,,„•::.' 166 BUOBINIS-GRAY, LEON F., JOSEPH E..TOOLE, AND KENNETH C. CORKUM. E>jstributipn and Fine Structure of Tegumental Receptors in Onchodedius cyanellus (Mono- - -.-< rgenea: Ancyrocephalinae) J , '.. _..; 175 NICOL, JAMES T.,;RICHARDDEMAREE,~JR.^AKD DONALD M.WOOTTON. Levinseiiiella (Monarrhenos) ophidea sp. n. (Trematpda: Microphallidae) from.,the Western ";. , Garter Snake, Thamnophis elegans, and the Bullfrog, Rana .catesbeiana = 180 j HAYUNGA, EUGENE G., GEORGE V: HILLYER, MICHAEL STEK, JR., MARY P. SUMNER, ,-'JJOHN F. DUNCAN, AND CHRISTINE DEISANTI. Attempted Immunization of Mice ).. Against Schistosoma mansorii by Inoculation with Purified Glycoprptein Antigens :; from Adult Worms _ : .'; 184 JC0IE, MARIA'NNE, AND R. J. G. LESTER. Larval Didymozoids (Trematoda) in -Fishes from Moreton Bay, Australia .: '..: ., .1......... „. l..,..ll.. 196 JAY, JEREMY M., AND NORMAN O. DRONEN. The Effects of Parasitism,and Long Term ^., Cutaneous Respiration Upon the Survival and Egg Production of the Lymnaeid ; V Snail, Stagnicdla bulimoides techella .,. _ r....;,.l....:. ....:....J., '204 DUNAGAN, T. T., AND ROBERT PRICE. Genital Ganglion and Associated Structures ,in .Male Neoechinorhynchus cylindratus (Acanthocephala) ./^..:........1............._, 206 •-,-\ (Continued on Outside Back Cover), ''M . '-'—''• /~ " Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON •. - ' THE SOCIETY meets once a month from October through May for the presentation and discussion of papers in any and all branches of parasitology or related sciences. All interested persons are invited •to attend. ~ ?' •-•-. '. , . 'i_ ' O ' - / Perscins interested in membership in the Helminthological Society of Washington may obtain application blanks in recent issues of THE PROCEEDINGS. A year's subscription to the Proceedings / is included in the annual dues. .'..XY. ""'.''• -.'-•. ,, "' ' •• v i - ,"<"" \S OFTHE SOCIETY FOR 1985 < ^ f President: WILLIS A. REID, JR. ' . ;_,:". •' ' f Vice President: RALPH'P. ECKERLIN y> 'V,;' , - > •-,. Corresponding Secretary-Treasurer: MICHAEL D. RUFF - ;- -, J ' j v-:- ' Assistant Corresponding Secretary-Treasurer:, ROBIN N. HUETTEL - \ Recording Secretary: JEFFREY D. BIER -•^/;^<r-) Archivist/Librarian: DAVID R. LINCICOME ' ,, \ -1: - ,,;^-~ Custodian of .Back Issues: GERHARD A. SCHAD -N:U Representative to the Washington Academy of Sciences: KENDALL G. POWERS - "Representative to the American Society'of Parasitologists: K, DARWIN MyRRELL Executive Committee Members-at-£arge: KENDALL G. POWERS, 1985 ', ~~ } , - ROY G. TAYLOR, 1985 " PETER R. JACKSON, 1986 - , r -•/';•:'/'. , •''(-,'•> PATRICIA A.'PILITT, 1986 J; , r ^Immediate Past'President: SHERMAN S. HENDRIX~ : ;; /^ V' THE PROCEEDINGS OF-THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON PROCEEDINGS are published semiannually at Lawrence, Kansas bv~the Helminthological Society of Washington. Papers need not be presented at a meeting to be published in the Proceedings. /MANUSCRIPTS should-be sent to the EDITOR, J. R. Lichtenfels, USDA, ARS, BARC-East No. 1L80, Beltsville, MD 20705. Manuscripts must be typevvritten,:double spaced,!and in finished form. The original'and two copies are required.'Photocopies of drawings may be submitted for review purposes but .glossy prints of halftones ate required; originals will be requested after acceptance of the manuscript. 'Papers are accepted with the'understanding that they will be published only in the -Proceedings. \i - , 'REPRINTS may be ordered vfrom the PRINTER at the same time the corrected proof is returned :*athe EDITOR. - / c ,',t ^ ^ ; ,..} BACK VOLUMES of the Proceedings are available. Inquiries concerning back volumes and current subscriptions should be directed to the business office: S , x /> BUSINESS OFFICE."The'Society's business office is at Lawrence, Kansas. All inquiries concerning subscriptions or ba^ck issues and all^payments for dues,' subscriptions, and back-issues should be addressed to: Helminthological Society /of Washington, % Alien1 Press, Inc., 1041 New Hampshire St., Lawrence, Kansas 66044, U.S.A. -'v '.. 'X" "- _ •.-.-, ^ ..,~"--. : EDITORIAL BOARD J. ^RALPH LICHTENFELS, Editor PATRICIA A. PILITT, Assistant Editor 1986 ' • •>' I 1987 / ^~— j1985 '•'.'-••'. J ROY C. ANDERSON ; DANIEL R. BROQKS DWIGHT D. BOWMAN "( RAYMOND M. CABLE JOHN L. CRITES RALPH P.-ECKERIIN RONALErFAYER REINO S. FREEMAN , WILLIAM F. FONT ; » -•• A. MORGAN GOLDEN GILBERT F. OTTO JOHN C. HOLMES SHERMANS. HENDRIX ROBIN M. OVERSTREET JOHN S. MACKIEWICZ -DANNY B.,PENCE MARY H. PRITCHARD BRENT B.NICKOL JOSEPH F. URBAN . HARLEY G. SHEFFIELD VASSILIOS THEODORIDES r© The Helminthological Society of/Washington 1985 Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington Proc. Helminthol. Soc. Wash. 52(2), 1985, pp. 149-165 Pasteuria penetrans (ex Thome, 1940) nom. rev., comb, n., sp. n., a Mycelial and Endospore-Forming Bacterium Parasitic in Plant-Parasitic Nematodes RICHARD M. SAYRE* AND MORTIMER P. STARR2 1 Nematology Laboratory, Plant Protection Institute, Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture, Beltsville, Maryland 20705, and 2 Department of Botany and Microbiology, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85287 ABSTRACT: A spore-forming parasite of plant-parasitic nematodes, at first believed to be a sporozoan ("£>«- boscqia penetrans" Thorne, 1940), was later recognized to be a bacterium and was renamed "Bacillus penetrans" (Thorne, 1940) Mankau, 1975. Because "Bacillus penetrans" was not included in the 1980 "Approved Lists of Bacterial Names," it has no taxonomic standing. In effecting the formalities incident to reviving lapsed bacterial names, it became clear that "Bacillus penetrans" was misassigned to the bacterial genus Bacillus Cohn, 1872. Although the mode of formation and the structure of the endospore of the nematode parasite are similar to that described for members of the genus Bacillus, the organism differs from the description of that genus in cellular shape and size, motility, flagellation, sporangial shape and size, habitat, and nutritional requirements. The following traits of the nematode parasite suggest that it more properly belongs in the genus Pasteuria Metchnikoff, 1888: Primary vegetative colonies consist of a dichotomously branched, septate mycelium; daughter colonies, formed by fragmentation, gradually contain fewer but larger cells arranged predominantly in quartets; these larger vegetative cells differentiate into sporangia, arranged in quartets and doublets; eventually, single sporangia predominate in the nematode's pseudocoelom; the sporangium consists of a conical stem, a swollen middle cell, and an endogenous spore; the mature endospores, released from the remnants of the nematode, attach to the cuticles of other host nematodes and germinate; then, the parasitic cycle is repeated. A description of Pasteuria penetrans (ex Thorne, 1940) nom. rev., comb, n., sp. n., and an emended description of the genus Pasteuria are presented. Archival Background nematode parasite described by Micoletzky, it The first report of an organism resembling also was assigned by Thorne (1940) to the pro- "Bacillus penetrans"3 (Thorne, 1940) Mankau, tozoan genus Duboscqia, as D. penetrans. 1975 was by Cobb (1906), who found numerous Thome's description and nomenclature were highly refractile spores infecting specimens of the to persist until 1975, even though other investi- nematode Dorylaimus bulbiferons. He erro- gators (Williams, 1960; Canning, 1973), who ex- neously viewed these spores as "perhaps mo- amined this nematode parasite in some detail, nads" of a parasitic sporozoan. This error of plac- questioned this placement. It was not until the ing in the protozoa an organism now known to nematode parasite was reexamined using elec- be a bacterial parasite of nematodes was to per- tron microscopy that its true affinities to the bac- sist for nearly 70 years. A more precise but still teria rather than to the protozoa were recognized incorrect placement was suggested by Micoletzky and the name "Bacillus penetrans" (Thorne, (1925), who found a nematode parasite having 1940) Mankau, 1975 was applied to it (Mankau, spores similar in size and shape to those reported 1975a, b; Mankau and Imbriani, 1975; Imbriani by Cobb; Micoletzky suggested that these spores and Mankau, 1977). belong to the genus Duboscqia Perez, 1908, again A different set of incorrect conclusions have a sporozoan group (Perez, 1908). Later, Thorne until now inhibited reassignment of "Bacillus (1940) described in detail a new parasite from penetrans" to the genus Pasteuria Metchnikoff, Pratylenchus pratensis (de Man) Filipjev; on the 1888, where we believe
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