City of Gretna, Nebraska City Council August 6, 2019 A meeting of the Gretna City Council was held on August 6, 2019. Mayor Timmerman announced that the open meetings laws is located in the back of the room. The Mayor called the meeting to order. Present: Logan Herring, Angie Lauritsen, Bill Proctor, Jason Stahr. Notice of the meeting was given in advance thereof to the Mayor and City Council, published in the Gretna Guide and posted in at least three Public places as shown by the Certificate of Posting Notice attached to these minutes. All proceedings hereafter shown were taken while the convened meeting was open to the attendance of the Public. CONSENT AGENDA AND INFORMATIONAL REPORTS Approval of Consent Agenda - Motion to Approve: 1) Approval of Agenda for August 6, 2019 2) Approval of Council Minutes, July 16, 2019 3) Approval of Claims Claims A&M ex 590.00; AT&T ex 45.55; Abes ex 1,135.60; Adms & Sllvn PC ex 62,066.00; Advtng Seed ex 6,120.00; AFLAC ex 954.24; A Lauritsen ex 40.00; Anytm Wrldwd ex 1,952.09; Aqua- Chem ex 3,667.77; AtoZ Dtbs ex 3,528.00; Bkr & Tylr ex 1,233.20; Big Rig Rpr ex 79.82; Blck Hls ex 108.90; BCBS ex 20,198.01; B Rieck ex 60.00; B Jacques ex 37.78; Crl Cnstrn ex 240.88; Cntr Pnt Lrg ex 86.88; Cntry Lk ex 339.02; Cty Omh Cshr ex 181,022.25; Cncrt Sply ex 725.00; Core & Main ex 292.75; Core Tech ex 8,774.80; Cox ex 2,653.78; Crdt Bru Srvs ex 20.00; Drbrn Ntl Ins ex 504.42; ECHO Grp ex 237.04; Feld Equip ex 5,152.00; Frgsn Enter ex 354.46; Frst Wrlss ex 555.00; Grg Dr Srvs ex 790.00; GDI LLC ex 3,117.90; G Lachner ex 90.00; Grtn Gde & Nws ex 173.88; Grtn Pyrl ex 67,395.58; Grtn PO ex 13.70; Hrltnd Hldgs ex 27.73; Hghs Mlch ex 1,400.00; Hskr Dsl ex 81.32; Inspro ex 27.00; J Kooistra ex 300.00; J Cullen ex 30.00; J Murante ex 0.40; J Bumgardner ex 121.00; J Hilsgen ex 60.00; J Krajicek ex 1,650.00; Krstn Cnstrn ex 18,503.78; Lowe's ex 827.09; Mly Elec ex 1,900.00; M Lakers ex 75.00; Menards ex 346.52; Metlife ex 865.93; MUD ex 273.25; Mdwst Tape ex 77.21; Mdwst Turf & Irrgtn ex 194.38; Mike's ex 53.73; Muni Sply ex 7,787.00; NE Arbrst Assoc ex 65.00; NE Dept of Rev ex 150.00; NE Dept of Rev ex 75.00; NE Dept of Rev - Keno ex 4,892.00; NE Pub Hlth Enviro ex 36.00; NL&L Cncrt ex 105,201.27; NMC ex 1,015.00; OCLC ex 87.01; Oldcstl Mtrls Mdwst ex 32,807.34; Olm & Pry ex 44,069.33; Omh Mdjckg & Cncrt ex 1,506.90; OPPD ex 27,126.33; One Cl Cncpt ex 370.62; Pinn Bnk ex 570.28; Ptny Bws ex 3,000.00; Quill ex 931.15; Rd Bldrs Mchn ex 2,000.00; Srgnt Drllng ex 113,074.80; Srpy Co Plng & Bldg ex 43,433.12; Srpy Co Reg of Deed ex 22.00; Srpy Co Treas ex 37,055.41; Sec Equip ex 600.00; Shp Grdn ex 190.00; Sltn One ex 755.89; Stnd Ins ex 541.10; Sbrbn Nws Adv ex 6.97; T Hughes Tree ex 1,845.00; Hm Dpt ex 480.35; T Henning ex 60.00; Tdy-Up Clng Srv ex 765.00; T Scholting ex 8.00; Ty's ex 353.86; UNUM Ins ex 169.43; USA Bl Bk ex 1,605.03; Verizon ex 1,012.17; Wells Frgo ex 336.47; West-E-Con ex 530.60; Wex ex 121.65; Wistar Grp ex 30.46; Yng & Wht ex 7,882.70; Zee Mdl Srv ex 102.50; Total ex 843,843.38; Motion by Bill Proctor, seconded by Logan Herring to approve the consent agenda. Motion carried. Herring: Yea, Lauritsen: Yea, Proctor: Yea, Stahr: Yea. Yea: 4, Nay: 0 City of Gretna City Council Minutes 8-6-19 RESOLUTION Resolution 8-19 (1) - I-80 Interchange PEL Study Interlocal Agreement RESOLUTION NO. 8-19 (1) A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRETNA, NEBRASKA APPROVING THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE OMAHA-COUNCIL BLUFFS METROPOLITAN AREA PLANNING AGENCY, SARPY COUNTY, THE CITY OF PAPILLION, AND THE CITY OF GRETNA, NEBRASKA, FOR THE FUNDING OF AN I-80 INTERCHANGE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL LINKAGES STUDY. WHEREAS, a group of agencies from Sarpy County, Nebraska, including Sarpy County, the City of Papillion, and the City of Gretna (the Participating Members), along with the Omaha- Council Bluffs Metropolitan Area Planning Agency (MAPA) and the Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT), have mutually agreed upon the need for a Planning and Environmental Linkages Study (Study) for a new interchange on Interstate 80 in Sarpy County; and WHEREAS, MAPA and the Participating Members are willing to commit to funding a portion of the Study and to enter into an Agreement so providing for the funding of a portion of the Study; and WHEREAS, MAPA, Sarpy County, and the City of Papillion have approved or will be approving said Agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit “A”; and WHEREAS, the new Interstate 80 interchange is proposed between the Nebraska Highway 31 interchange to the west and the Nebraska Highway 370 interchange to the east and the probable and most appropriate location is in the vicinity of South 186th Street; and WHEREAS, the new Interstate 80 interchange will serve areas within the City of Gretna’s designated future growth area; and WHEREAS, the new Interstate 80 interchange will provide a new gateway entrance to the City of Gretna and will foster the current development activities that are now occurring on the South 192nd Street corridor, as well as foster the current development activities that are now occurring on the Highway 370 corridor which has long been the City of Gretna’s eastern gateway entrance; and WHEREAS, the new Interstate 80 interchange will bring significant development and economic growth to the City of Gretna and its designated future growth area; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council of the City of Gretna deem it appropriate and advisable to approve the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY the Mayor and City Council of the City of Gretna that the Agreement between MAPA, Sarpy County, the City of Papillion, and the City of City of Gretna City Council Minutes 8-6-19 Gretna providing for funding of a portion of the Planning and Environmental Linkages Study for a new interchange on Interstate 80 in Sarpy County, Nebraska, is hereby approved and the Mayor of the City of Gretna is hereby authorized to execute the same. The above Resolution was approved by a vote of the City Council of the City of Gretna at a public meeting duly held in accordance with applicable law on the 6th day of August 2019. Motion by Jason Stahr, seconded by Angie Lauritsen to approve and adopt Resolution 8-19 (1). Motion carried. Herring: Yea, Lauritsen: Yea, Proctor: Yea, Stahr: Yea. Yea: 4, Nay: 0 PRESENTATIONS Cody Wickham with D. A. Davidson - Review of recent Bond Purchase and Rating – tabled until August 20, 2019 meeting Andrew Rainbolt with SCEDC - Review of 2nd Quarter ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS Ordinance 2052 - Amending City Council Wards 1 & 2 ORDINANCE NO. 2052 An Ordinance of the City of Gretna, Nebraska amending and reestablishing the Boundaries of the City of Gretna City Council Wards or Election Districts; to repeal Ordinance No. 1069 and all other Ordinances in conflict herewith; and to provide a time when this Ordinance shall take effect. Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Gretna, Sarpy County, Nebraska. Motion by Angie Lauritsen, seconded by Bill Proctor to introduce and approve first reading of Ordinance 2052. Motion carried. Herring: Yea, Lauritsen: Yea, Proctor: Yea, Stahr: Yea. Yea: 4, Nay: 0 ***** Ordinance 2053 - Removal of Lot 2 of Replat 2 from the Royal View Apt. Community PUD Zoning District ORDINANCE NO. 2053 An Ordinance of the City of Gretna, Nebraska Amending the Official Zoning Map of the City of Gretna so as to remove Lot 2 of the Royal View Apartment Community Replat 2 from the Royal View Apartment Community Planned Unit Development Overlay District. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Gretna, Sarpy County, Nebraska. Motion by Jason Stahr, seconded by Angie Lauritsen to introduce and waive three readings of Ordinance 2053. Motion carried. Herring: Yea, Lauritsen: Yea, Proctor: Yea, Stahr: Nay Yea: 3, Nay: 1. Jason Stahr: Nay City of Gretna City Council Minutes 8-6-19 Motion by Logan Herring, seconded by Angie Lauritsen to approve and adopt Ordinance 2053. Motion carried. Herring: Yea, Lauritsen: Yea, Proctor: Yea, Stahr: Yea. Yea: 4, Nay: 0 ***** Ordinance 2054 - Amending Legal Description of Ordinance 2045 ORDINANCE NO. 2054 An Ordinance of the City of Gretna, Nebraska amending the legal descriptions in City of Gretna Ordinance No. 2045 so as to change and correct the use of R11e to R10e. Be It Ordained By the Mayor And City Council of the City of Gretna, Sarpy County, Nebraska.
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