H O N O R S Teams of the Century MODERN DAYS TEAM of the CENTURY OFFENSE WR . .Wendell Davis 1984-87 WR . .Eric Martin 1981-84 OL . .Nacho Albergamo 1984-87 OL . .Eric Andolsek 1984-87 OL . .Tyler Lafauci 1971-73 OL . .Lance Smith 1981-84 OL . .Charles “Bo”Strange 1958-60 QB . .Bert Jones 1970-72 RB . .Charles Alexander 1975-78 RB . .Billy Cannon 1957-59 RB . .Dalton Hilliard 1982-85 RB . .Jimmy Taylor 1956-57 PK . .David Browndyke 1986-89 LSU cadets at football practice in the fall of 1894. DEFENSE DL . .A.J. Duhe 1973-76 s part of the commemoration of the was selected through a state wide balloting of DL . .Ronnie Estay 1969-71 first 100 years of LSU football in 1993, fa n s . The ballots were distributed by direc t DL . .Fred Miller 1960-62 tw o teams were selected to rep re s e n t mail and through newspapers across the state. DL . .Henry Thomas 1983-86 A the greatest players in the history An y LSU player from 1937 to 1992 LB . .Mike Anderson 1968-70 of the Tiger gridiron . who earned Al l - A m e r i c a , first or LB . .Micheal Brooks 1983-86 The Early Years Team of the second team Al l - S E C , LSU Sports LB . .Warren Capone 1971-73 Ce n t u r y rep r esents the best play- Hall of Fame or Louisiana Sports LB . .Roy“Moonie”Winston 1959-61 ers from 1893, the first year of Hall of Fame honors was named DB . .Tommy Casanova 1969-71 LSU football, until 1936, ge n e ra l l y to the ballot. A total of 163 play- DB . .Liffort Hobley 1980-84 co n s i d e r ed the advent of modern ers were listed on the ballot. DB . .Johnny Robinson 1957-59 da y college football. The Early The Modern Day Team is DB . .Jerry Stovall 1960-62 Years Team of the Century was comprised of 12 offensive player s , P . .Tommy Davis 1953-58 selected by an 11-man panel of 12 defensive player s , a kicker and former and current sports jour- a punter for a total of 26 Tea m EARLY DAYS TEAM of the CENTURY nalists and others close to the LSU football me m b e r s . The squad was originally slated to pro g ra m . include 24 player s , but ties were declared in E . .Gaynell Tinsley 1934-36 The Modern Day Team of the Century the running back and linebacker categories. E . .W. Jeff Barrett 1933-35 L . .Justin Rukas 1933-35 L . .Marvin “Moose”Stewart 1934-36 L . .Thomas Dutton 1912-13 L . .Jack Torrance 1931-33 L . .Jess Tinsley 1926-28 QB . .G.E.“Doc”Fenton 1907-09 B . .Jesse Fatherree 1933-35 B . .Abe Mickal 1933-35 B . .Charles “Pinky”Rohm 1935-37 EARLY YEARS TEAM OF THE CENTURY SELECTION PANEL: Marty Broussard Former LSU trainer Bill Carter Former Sports Editor Alexandria Town Talk John Ferguson Former Voice of the Tigers Scott Ferrell Shreveport Times Sports Writer Dan Hardesty Former Sports Editor Baton Rouge State-Times Scooter Hobbs Lake Charles American Press Sports Writer Bud Johnson Former LSU Sports Information Director Sam King Baton Rouge Advocate Sports Editor Paul Manasseh Former LSU Sports Information Director Bud Montet Baton Rouge Morning Advocate Former Sports Editor Marty Mule New Orleans Times Picayune Sports Writer Henry Thomas Jo h n n y Robinson 2 0 0 1 L S U F O O T B A L L M E D I A G U I D E 257 0 4 5 4 40 3 5 3 40 2 5 2 40 1 5 1 40 5 H O N O R S Tigers in the Pros (Players active for at least one regular season game) (Source: NFL Media Guides) * -- indicates member of Pro Football Hall of Fame Adams, John (B) - Bears,1959-62 Alexander, Charles (RB) - Bengals,1979-85 Alexander, Dan (G) - Jets,1977-89 Andolsek,Eric (G) - Lions,1988-91 Andrews,Mitch (TE) - Broncos,1987 Baggett,Billy (B) - Dallas Texans,1952 Barbay, Roland (NT) - Seahawks,1987 Barnes, Walter (G) - Eagles,1948-51 Bech,Brett (WR) - Saints,1997-99 Bishop, Harold (TE) - Buccaneers,1994; Browns,1995; Ravens,1996; Steelers,1998 Booty,Josh (QB) - Seahawks,2001 Bordelon,Ben (OG) - Chargers,1997 All former and current NFL players are honored in the Players Lounge. Bordelon,Ken (LB) - Saints,1976-77,1979-82 Boutte,Marc (DT) - Rams,1992-93; Redskins,1994-99 Guidry, Kevin (CB) - Broncos,1988; Cardinals,1989 Branch,Mel (DE) - Chiefs,1960-65; Dolphins,1966-68 Haliburton,Ronnie (TE) - Broncos,1990-91 Britt, James (DB) - Falcons,1983-87 Hamilton,Andy (WR) - Chiefs,1973-74; Saints,1975 Brodnax, John "Red" (FB) - Broncos,1960 Harris,Bo (LB) - Bengals,1975-82 Brooks,Michael (LB) - Broncos,1987-92; Giants,1993-95; Lions,1996 Harris, Wendell (DB) - Colts,1962-65; Giants,1966-67 Burkett, Jeff (E) - Cardinals,1947 Hill, Eric (LB) - Cardinals,1989-97; Rams,1998; Chargers,1999-2001 Burks,Shawn (LB) - Redskins,1986 Hill,Raion (DB) - Patriots,2001 Burrell,Clinton (DB) - Browns,1979-84 Hilliard,Dalton (RB) - Saints,1986-93 Bussey,Young (QB) - Bears,1940-41 Hobley, Liffort (DB) - Cardinals,1985; Dolphins,1987-93 Cannon,Billy (RB-TE) - Oilers,1960-63; Raiders, 1964-69; Chiefs,1970 Hodgins,Norm (DB) - Bears,1974 Capone, Warren (LB) - Cowboys,1975; Saints,1976 Hodson, Tommy (QB) - Patriots, 1990-92; Dolphins,1993; Cowboys,1994; Carson,Carlos (WR) - Chiefs,1980-89; Eagles,1989 Saints,1995-96 Casanova, Tommy (S) - Bengals,1972-77 Jackson,Al (G) - Cowboys,2001 Cason,Jim (HB) - 49ers, 1950-52,1954; Rams,1955-56 Jackson,Greg (DB) - Giants,1989-93; Eagles,1994-95; Saints,1996; Caston, Toby (LB) - Oilers,1987-88; Lions,1989-93 Chargers,1997-2001 Champagne,Ed (T) - Rams,1947-50 Jackson,Rusty (P) - Rams,1976; Bills,1978-79 Chatman,Ricky (LB) - Colts,1987 Jackson,Steve (DB) - Raiders, 1977 Clapp,Tommy (LB) - Buccaneers,1988 James,Garry (RB) - Lions,1986-88 Coates,Ray (B) - Giants,1948-49 James, Tory (CB) - Broncos,1996-99-2001 Coffee,Jim (B) - Cardinals,1937-38 Jean Batiste,Garland (RB) - Saints,1987 Collins,Al (B) - Colts,1950; Packers,1951 Jefferson, Norman (DB) - Packers,1987-88 Collins,Ray (T) - 49ers, 1950-52; Giants,1954; Chiefs,1960-61 Joiner,Tim (LB) - Oilers,1983-84; Broncos,1987 Crass,Bill (B) - Cardinals,1937 Jones,Bert (QB) - Colts,1973-81; Rams,1982 Cummings,Chris (CB) - Lions,2001 Jones, Reggie (WR) - Chargers,2001 Dale, Jeff (S) - Chargers,1985-86, 1988 Jones,Victor (RB) - Oilers,1990-91; Broncos,1992; Steelers,1993-94; Chiefs, Daniel,Eugene (CB) - Colts,1984-96; Ravens,1997 1994 Dardar, Ramsey (DT) - Cardinals,1984 Kavanaugh,Ken (E) - Bears,1940-41; 1945-1950 Davidson,Kenny (DE) - Steelers,1990-93; Oilers,1994-95; Bengals,1996 Kennison,Eddie (WR/KR) - Rams,1996-98; Saints,1999; Bears,2000-2001 Davis,Brad (RB) - Falcons,1975-76 Kinchen,Brian (TE) - Dolphins,1988-90; Browns,1991-95; Ravens,1996-98; Davis, Tommy (PK) - 49ers,1959-69 Panthers,1999 Davis, Wendell (WR) - Bears,1988-93; Colts,1995 Kinchen, Todd (WR) - Rams,1992-95; Broncos,1996; Falcons, 1997-98 Demarie, John (G-T) - Browns,1967-75; Seahawks,1976 Konz,Ken (DB) - Browns,1953-59 Donaldson,Cedric (CB) - Bears,2001 LaFleur, David (TE) - Cowboys,1997-2001 Duhe,A.J. (DE-LB) - Dolphins,1977-84 LaFleur, Greg (TE) - Cardinals,1981-85; Colts,1986 Dunbar, Karl (DE) - Saints, 1993; Cardinals,1994-95 Lang,Gene (RB) - Broncos,1984-87; Falcons,1988-90 Elko,Bill (NT) - Chargers,1983-84; Colts,1987 Lee,Buddy (QB) - Bears,1971 Estes,Don (G) - Chargers,1966 Leggett,Earl (T) - Bears,1957-65; Rams,1966; Saints,1967 Faneca,Alan (G) - Steelers,1998-2000 Malancon,Rydell (LB) - Falcons,1984; Packers,1987 Faulk,Kevin (RB) - Patriots,1999-2000 Marshall,Anthony (DB) - Bears, 1994-97; Eagles,1998-2001 Fontenot,Herman (RB) - Browns,1985-88; Packers,1989-90 Marshall,Leonard (DE) - Giants,1983-92; Jets,1993; Redskins,1994 Foster, Larry (WR) - Lions,2001 Martin,Eric (WR) - Saints,1985-93; Chiefs,1994 Fournet,Sid (G) - Rams,1955-56; Steelers,1957; Chiefs,1960-61; Jets,1962-63 Martin,Sammy (WR) - Patriots,1988-91; Colts,1991 Fuller, Eddie (RB) - Bills,1991-93 Masters,Billy (TE) - Bills,1967-69; Broncos,1970-74; Chiefs,1975-76 Fussell, Tommy (DE) - Patriots,1967 Mawae,Kevin (G-C) - Seahawks,1995-97; Jets,1998-2001 Gajan, Hokie (FB) - Saints,1982-85 May, Bill (B) - Cardinals,1937-38 Garlington, John (LB) - Browns,1968-77 Mayes,Mike (CB) - Saints,1989; Jets,1990; Vikings,1991 Gaubatz,Dennis (LB) - Lions,1963-64; Colts,1965-69 McClure, Todd (C) - Falcons,2001 Glamp,Joe (B) - Steelers,1947-49 McCormick,Dave (T) - 49ers,1966; Saints,1967-68 Gorinski, Walt (B) - Steelers,1946 McDaniel,Orlando (WR) - Broncos,1982 Graves,White (S) - Patriots,1965-67; Bengals,1968 McFarland,Anthony (DT) - Buccaneers,1999-2001 Gros, Earl (RB) - Packers,1962-63; Eagles,1964-66; Steelers,1967-69; Saints, Mealey, Rondell (RB) - Packers,2001 1970 Miller, Arnold (DE) - Browns,1999-2001 258 2 0 0 1 L S U F O O T B A L L M E D I A G U I D E 5 31 0 1 5 32 0 2 5 33 0 3 5 34 0 4 5 5 H O N O R S Miller, Blake (C) - Lions,1992 Miller, Fred (DT) - Colts,1963-72 TIGERS IN THE AAFC Miller, Nate (G) - Falcons,1997 Miller,Paul (DE) - Rams,1954-57; Chiefs,1960-61; Chargers,1962 ALL-AMERICAN FOOTBALL CONFERENCE Mixon,Kenny (DE) - Dolphins, 1998-2001 (merged with NFL in 1950) Montgomery, Bill (B) - Cardinals,1946 Cason,Jim (HB) - San Francisco 49ers, 1948-49 Moreau,Doug (TE) - Dolphins,1966-69 Kingery, Wayne (B) - Baltimore Colts,1949 Morgan,Mike (LB) - Eagles, 1964-67; Redskins,1968; Saints,1969-70 Land, Fred (T) - San Francisco 49ers,1948 Myles, Jesse (RB) - Broncos,1983-84 Tittle,Y.A.
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