RICE UNIVERSITY NUCLEAR STATISTICAL EQUILIBRIUM AND THE IRON PEAK by Kem Hainebach A THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Thesis Director's signature: Houston, Texas ABSTRACT NUCLEAR STATISTICAL EQUILIBRIUM AND THE IRON PEAK Kem Lawrence Hainebach The equations governing the abundance distribution of the nuclear species (atomic nuclei) under conditions of statistical equilibrium of the strong nuclear interaction are rederived and discussed. An algorithm for their solu¬ tion on a computer is presented, giving abundance distribu¬ tions as a function of temperature, density and overall neutron-proton ratio. A computer search of nuclear species abundance dis¬ tributions and mixtures of two distributions is carried out in an attempt to match equilibrium distributions, after weak interaction decay, of certain "iron peak" species to their observed solar system distributions. A mixture is found which reproduces the solar system abundance distribution 54 56 of Fe ' '57,58> Ninety-nine percent of the Fe~*^ is produced in nuclear statistical equilibrium as Ni 5 6 , lending hope to the proposed observation by gamma ray astronomy of the decay of Ni 56 to Fe 56 following a super¬ nova event. 266 C5llm, SBuubcvfi bu bid) atfcufaftC OB bcr fommcnbctt (9cfcf;id)lcn: 2)aC ©c[c(3 beC Scltenaflc ftomiten voir ?mei itid)t bcrnicBten. ©Wjt«. 9?cmicn foil i$, fagt i()v, tncitte knight im SiebcrreicBl Khoren, bie il)r feib, id) hunt ©te am hjcnigficti t>ott end). gragt mid) nad) ber Shtgcn garBe, Rragt mid) uad) ber ©tintmc £ott, ftragt itad) <$attg imb $£att} unb Raiding, 21$, unb maG meift i$ bafcon. 3ft bte ©onne nid)t bie DttcITe Me8 2eBcnC, atlcC SicBt'e! Unb mac miffett fcott berfelBefc 3$ unb mtb atfe? — nic^ts. gttbrlegiidj. 5Dit meiftt cC too^l, id) BlciB’ biv fent Unb matty' biv feitten Summer, Gin £rauiitBilb aBer jog' id) gent 2ftand)mat burd) bcinen ©glummer. Gin latter SBinb Bemegt baC $)iol)r, Unb BlaftBlau BliiBt ber glicbcr, 3d) fiiffe bir auf 2ttunb unb Dfyr 2)aC fd^iJnftc tnciner 2icber. 2)tt fpricbft mit ntir 311111 erflcitmal, 2D?eiit Gott, nic^t fo gcfcBnrittbe, ©0 jaud)$t ber 23ad) I;iuaB itiC ©0 rauftyi eC in ber £itibe. SCBir merbett bieC oBtt’ Uttterlaft 3m £i»tmcl cittntal BaBcn, SBcrbriefjlid) i(l baBci tiur, bag .©ie fritter unc BegraBett. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. THE EQUATIONS OF NUCLEAR STATISTICAL EQUILIBRIUM 3 Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions 14 Numerical Method 16 Application of the Method to the Problem.... 18 III. NUCLEAR STATISTICAL EQUILIBRIUM AND THE IRON PEAK NUCLEI 20 Fitting of Abundance Ratios: A Norm 22 NSE as an Approximation to Freeze Out 25 One and Two Zone Models: Mixing 27 Results 39 IV. CONCLUSIONS 55 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 66 REFERENCES 67 LIST OF TABLES Page 1. 1964 Atomic Mass Table 32 2. Table of Two Zone Mixture of NSE Distributions 7 3 at Tg = 3, p = 10 g/cm , = 0.0837, = 0.0037, a = 0.013 40 6 3 3. NSE Distribution at Tg = 3.8, p = 3.1 x 10 g/cm , r\ = 0.069 45 4. NSE Distribution at T = 3.0, p = 3.1 x 10^ a/cm3, T) = 0.0 69 50 LIST OF FIGURES Page 1. (none) 2. Graph of Two Zone Mixture of NSE Distributions 7 3 at Tg = 3, p = 10 g/cm , nx = 0.0837, T|2 = 0.0037, a = 0.013 40 6 3 3. NSE Distribution at Tg = 3.8, p = 3.1 x 10 g/cm , T) = 0.069 45 6 3 4. NSE Distribution at Tg = 3.0, p = 3.1 x 10 g/cm , Ti = 0.069 50 NSE Abundances (Mass Fractions) vs. T), for 7 Tg = 3, p = 10 ; Stable Isotopes of the Elements: 5. Titanium (Ti) . 56 6. Vanadium (V) 56 7. Chromium (Cr) 56 8. Manganese (Mn) and Cobalt (Co) 56 9. Iron (Fe) 56 10. Nickel (Ni) 56 11. Copper (Cu) 56 12. Zinc (Zn) 56 I. INTRODUCTION This study of nuclear statistical equilibrium extends the work of many previous investigators, one of the more recent studies being the work of Clifford and Tayler (1965) The present study uses the experimental values for nuclear binding energies given in the 1964 Atomic Mass Table by Mattauch, Thiele and Wapstra (1965) whereas Clifford and Tayler used the 1960 Nuclear Mass Table by Everling, Koenig Mattauch and Wapstra (1960). We have developed a computer code which solves the equations of nuclear statistical equilibrium, giving nuclei abundance distributions as a function of the three indepen¬ dent parameters: temperature, nucleon density, and neutron excess. The code is also part of another code which was developed to search for linear combinations of equilibrium distributions which approximate the solar system distribu¬ tion of certain nuclei in the iron peak, specifically in' the range of elements between titanium and zinc (atomic numbers 22 to 30). This search was undertaken as the next reasonable step following the failure of any single equi¬ librium distribution to produce a good fit to the solar system iron peak distribution. 2 Attempts are made to fit the solar abundances of the four stable iron isotopes with linear combinations of NSE abundance distributions. The possible consequences for gamma ray astronomy are discussed. 3 II. THE EQUATIONS OF NUCLEAR STATISTICAL EQUILIBRIUM We repeat, with slight change in notation, the sketch of the basic equations given by Clifford and Tayler (1965). In nuclear statistical equilibrium (NSE), the number density of any species is governed by the equation ( (Eir“Mi)//kT Vn. E (1) 1 r where the particles are contained in volume V, n^ is the number density of the particles of the i kind. The sum is over all (relativistic) energy states E^r, internal and kinetic, of species i, and includes the 2j + 1 spin states of any-internal energy level (J = spin). Mi is the chemical potential of species i, defined by Mi = (Hr) S-V'N <2> where E is the average relativistic internal energy of all particles in volume V; Ni = Vni ; the subscripts S,V,N denote entropy, volume and numbers of all other species held constant. The plus and minus signs refer to Fermi- Dirac and Bose-Einstein particles, respectively. 4 If species A^ react to form species (and vice versa) as E a.A. E 8 .B . (3a) 1 1 1 j 3 D then, from the definition of chemical equilibrium (see e.g., Reif, Ch. 8), their chemical potentials obey the relation 2 aiMi = 2 (3b) At the temperature and densities of interest in this study, the nuclear particles are non-degenerate and non- relativistic. This results in several simplifications. One can write. E. =“e. +m.c 2 ;e. = pT/2 2m. + lr lr I ' lr *1' 1 internal energy terms where ITU is the mass of a nucleus of species i. 2 M. N, , ( ) denotes 1 3N. (< >) 1 energy average 2 “ aST [< sNj(^7 + mjc )>] = < + m. c 2m^ 1 5 The term ) can l>e looked on as a non-relativistic 1 2 chemical potential. Denote it by U. Then M. = u. + m.c . l ill Then equation (3b) becomes 2 2 S or. u. + £ a.m.c = £ p.|i. + £ p.m.c i 1 1 i 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 or S = £ P-U. - Q (4) i j J J where 2 2 Q £ or.m.c - £ p.m.c (5) i 3 3 3 Another simplification is that equation (1) goes over to the Maxwell distribution 1 ^n. = £ exp[-(Eir-M.)AT] = £ exp^e^-u^AT] = expAT^ £ exp^-eirAT) . (6) The sums of kinetic and internal energies can be separated and the sum over kinetic energies converted to an integral by allowing one state per volume h in phase space. Then 6 U.AT e T Vn. e 1 S (2J +l) - int,lA 1 r -p2/2m.kT 4nV 2 3 p e dp (7) h where p = momentum and we have multiplied by the density of states in phase space and integrated over all of phase space contained in the volume V. The integral in equation (7) can be done, giving li.-AT t ^ \3/2 n^ = e (ju^[2TimJcT/n j (8) where e " iintnt rr^ a)± = S (2Jr+l) e ' y (9) r tTi Jr = spin of the r excited state. In the present study, temperatures are encountered at which the excited states of some nuclei become impor¬ tant, and these states are included in the statistical weights UK . The temperature dependent partition func¬ tions (partition function = statistical weight) of N. Bahcall and W. Fowler (1970) were used, viz. the approximate curve fittings of the form (in their notation) 7 GL = g? + K± exp(-a±/T9) , (10) r where , g? is the ground state partition function, and a^ are fitting constants. (See Table 1.) Equations (4), (5) and (8) relate the abundances of all species to the abundances of free neutrons and free protons, or, through these, to the abundances of any two chosen species. From equation (4) one has Vp + Niun = ui - Qi (ID Qi " (Zimp + Nimn - mi) °2 (12) and Z^ = atomic number of species i, ISL = neutron number, m = proton mass, m = neutron mass, and equation (12) Jr ** defines Q^, the binding energy of species i. Exponentiating equation (11), one obtains z.|i AT N.U AT U.AT -Q.AT e 1 p e 1 n = e 1 e 1 (13) From equation (8) one obtains expressions for the U±AT e , which when substituted in equation (13) yields 8 N. n z.
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