The Centurion The Award-Winning, Student-Run Newspaper of Bucks County Community College Volume 49 Issue 2 October 1, 2012 www.Bucks-news.com Free What’s Inside General News Konstantin Sievaplesov Bucks to issue photo ID tells everyone of a man’s worst nightmare coming Due to the new true. Pg. 4 voter ID law, Bucks General News is offering students Brian Wright spotlights the photo identification Go Bananas frozen yogurt cards. shop in Richboro. By: KhrystynA KovAl Pg. 4 Centurion Staff Entertainment due to a new voter id law, Danielle Ketterer covers Bucks will provide students Rihanna’s new album “Di- with valid photo identifica- amonds.” tion cards that canbe used to Pg. 8 vote in the 2012 presidential election. Sports The college is trying to en- Victoria O’Reilly reports on sure that all current students Phillies rookie Darin Ruf’s have the acceptable identifi- Bucks old ID cards. The new cards now will include a photo and expiration date. PHOTO By MiCHaeL first game as a pro. cation needed to vote. T. BeRCHeM Pg. 11 Bucks will take photos for the Republican-led state leg- if it proves to be difficult to name, photo or expiration WeaTHeR COuRTeSy Of THe the ids on the following islature with no democratic make ids, some believe date the current Bucks id. Weather aTiONaL eTaHeR eRviCe N W S dates: Oct. 2 and 3 at the support at all. Supporters of Commonwealth Court Judge But to get students ready for Monday-Mostly sunny, Newtown Campus Library this law say it was developed Robert Simpson will have to election day the college will with a high near 73. from 10 a.m to 1 p.m. and 5 to ensure that just legally eli- block the law prior to the No- make an acceptable form of p.m to 7 p.m, and Oct. 4 at gible people can vote. vember election. identification for whose who Tuesday- Chance of show- the upper Bucks Campus But many critics say Penn- One of the approved forms would like to receive it. ers and thunderstorms all desk from 10 a.m to 1p.m sylvania`s voter id law will of identification is a current Safwan Khan, 20, a busi- day, High near 74. and 5 to 7 p.m keep minority voters, who student id from an accredited ness major from Newtown, To get an id the student mostly vote democratic, state public or private institu- believes the id law shouldn’t Wednesday-Mostly cloudy, must be currently enrolled at away from the polls. tion or private institution of exist. with a high near 79. the college. you should bring “i think the new law is not a higher learning, as long as it ” i think the voter id law is your class schedule from We- good idea. Not all senior citi- has the student`s name, photo a sham. it disenfranchises Thursday-Mostly sunny, badvisor as well as another zens have state issued ids and a current expiration date. many Latino and old voters. with a high near 75. form of identification to any and in order to get one you Many colleges and universi- There is no need for it and it of the sessions listed above. need a birth certificate and ties issue student ids, but not hinders the voting process,” Friday-Mostly sunny, with volunteers will help students not everyone has it,” said all of them are in compliance Khan said. a high near 77. and they will receive neces- Laxmi desai, 22, an educa- with the new law. according “But anyway i support sary photo identification tion major from Newtown. to PennPiRG, a state con- Bucks in helping students to Saturday- Partly sunny, needed to cast a ballot. The Supreme Court wants sumer advocacy group, the get appropriate identifica- with a high near 72. a law requiring such ids is to make sure that people can most common missing ele- tions, because if they will still being tossed around in have easy access to photo ment is an expiration date. pass this law people will Sunday-Mostly cloudy, the courts. a decision is ex- identifications, since the Bucks’ regular student ids need them.” with a high near 65. pected by Oct. 2. presidential race is just a few does not have any of the re- it was passed in March by weeks away. quired features. There is no Bucks brings back scarecrow Contest By: Kelly Armstrong including faculty and staff, choose nearest to the Rollins Centurion Staff and is going to last through Center. But most of all, have The Scarecrow Contest, September and October. fun out there!” which had been on hiatus re- Teams can sign up at the Stu- Scarecrows will begin to cently due to a lack of inter- dent Life office, by the cafe- pop up on the stands made by est, has reemerged as one of teria, in the Newtown the Physical Plant, by the the many fall events happen- Campus. Registration ends Rollins Center on Sept. 28, ing around Bucks. Oct. 5. and will stay up until Nov. 2. Kathleen Morey, a hospital- Teams must have a name for The winners of the contest ity & tourism management their scarecrow, a theme, and will be decided by an online major and the president of a description of their scare- voting process on the col- the Student Programming crow. lege’s website, which will Board, is running the scare- Morey did give a bit of ad- begin in early October. Stu- crow contest this year and vice for anyone who wants to dents will be able to vote on- holds nothing but enthusiasm enter, “Clean out your closet line for their favorite for the event. and look for old clothes you scarecrow until Oct. 26. “Life today is so serious,” don’t mind getting beaten up. The winning teams will be Morey says, “The Campus Be creative with the body announced at The Zombie should have fun opportunities parts and what you use for Bash, another free fall event, such as these contests every filling your scarecrow.” which will be in the Gal- once in a while.” Morey continues, “The lagher Room on Halloween. The Scarecrow Contest is sooner you finish your scare- Winning teams will receive open to everyone on campus, crow, the better spot you can Continued on page 2 Photo Caption PHOTO CRediT Bucks-news.com [email protected] Visit us at Bucks Newtown Campus Rollins Building Room 127 2 BUCKs neWs Bucks-news.com The week of October 1, 2012 one tenacious business Small business owner Elaine Drago keeps her ‘Shears to You’ hair salon in Doylestown alive, even in these difficult economic times. By: CAItlIn Feeney home. Women skip the hair study major at Temple uni- Centurion Staff dye and the permanents and versity states, “Going to a Small business owner get basic cuts. Hair Cuttery is convenient elaine drago and her em- “The cost of supplies, like and pretty inexpensive. i ployees at Shears to you hair permanent chemicals and don’t know of any other hair salon are feeling the effects hair color, has tripled,” salons.” of the recession - yet despite drago said. advertising is an expense the economic struggles But there’s something spe- that most small businesses they’re making it work. cial about this tiny hair salon cannot spare. as for conven- The cozy and welcoming in- tucked behind a busy high- ience and price, small shops dependent shop on Route 611 way. They’re doing some- like Shears to you offer the in doylestown has just cele- thing about it. same, if not better, deals than brated its 10-year anniver- in 2010, they moved loca- big businesses like Hair Cut- sary. tions to a smaller studio in tery. There are only four other the same shopping center. for example, Hair Cuttery stylists in the salon, each Much of the space in their offers a cut, blow-dry and with over 20 years of experi- old shop went unused, yet style for men at $23. Shears ence. Courtney Schock, 24, a they were still paying for it. to you offers the same for management major and a re- The new shop is more inti- $24. feeling at home, know- cent West Chester university mate and much more pol- ing your stylist has experi- graduate, has been working ished. Their rent went from ence, and helping your at the salon off-and-on as a around $1,500 to $750 a community for only one extra Elaine Drago working on a customers hair. PHOTO By CaiTLiN feeNey shampoo girl since she was month. bill sounds like a good deal. 16. “i want to get into “i reduced prices for cus- human resources, but most tomers that i know are strug- entry-level positions call for gling. Customers that have like, eight years of experi- lost their jobs or their hus- ence,” Schock said. bands have lost their jobs. i drago has been a hair- give discounts up to thirty dresser for 27 years, and has percent,” she said. never seen a recession like She also gives a reduced this. “We’ve gone through price to single mothers as other recessions. This one well as elderly customers, has been the worst one and who are on a fixed income. the longest one,” she said. “i know that when they get Luckily, only about 5 per- back on their feet, they will cent to 10 percent of cus- reimburse me,” she said. tomers went somewhere with This kind of trust between lower prices.
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