US 2016O115593A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2016/0115593 A1 KUCHENBESER et al. (43) Pub. Date: Apr. 28, 2016 (54) AMINO(IODO)SILANE PRECURSORS FOR HOIL 2/3 II (2006.01) ALDACVD SILICON-CONTAINING FILM C23C I6/34 (2006.01) APPLICATIONS AND METHODS OF USING C23C I6/56 (2006.01) THE SAME (52) U.S. Cl. CPC ......... C23C 16/45553 (2013.01); C23C 16/345 (71) Applicant: American Air Liquide, Inc., Fremont, (2013.01); C23C I6/45536 (2013.01); C23C CA (US) I6/56 (2013.01); HOIL 21/31 III (2013.01); HOIL 21/02211 (2013.01); HOIL 21/02274 (72) Inventors: Glenn KUCHENBEISER, Newark, DE (2013.01); HOIL 2L/0228 (2013.01); HOIL (US); Bastien LEFEVRE, Wilmington, 21/0217 (2013.01) DE (US) (21) Appl. No.: 14/984,866 (57) ABSTRACT (22) Filed: Dec. 30, 2015 Publication Classification Disclosed are amino(iodo)silane precursors, methods of syn thesizing the same, and methods of using the same to deposit (51) Int. Cl. silicon-containing films using vapor deposition processes. C23C I6/455 (2006.01) The disclosed amino(iodo)silane precursors include SiHI(N HOIL 21/02 (2006.01) (iPr)) or SiHI(N(iBu)). Patent Application Publication Apr. 28, 2016 Sheet 1 of 6 US 2016/O115593 A1 FG Patent Application Publication Apr. 28, 2016 Sheet 2 of 6 US 2016/O115593 A1 100 T - - - - 90 - SiH(NMe2)2 atmoc 44mg 80 - - - - SiH(NMe2)2 closed cup 70 - 50 - 30 - 10 - O 1 OO 2OO 300 400 500 Temperature (°C) FIG. 3 - - SiH2(NEt2) atmoc 41 mg SiH2(NEt2) closed Cup 22mg s s cus s 9 CD 8 300 Temperature (°C) FIG. 4 Patent Application Publication Apr. 28, 2016 Sheet 3 of 6 US 2016/O115593 A1 100 - 90 || Y N || “. SiH2l(NiPr2) atmoc 40mg SiH2l(NiPr2) closed cup 25mg WO ------------------------------------- \ . - - 8hrs (G80C, atmoc 43mg 60 - 5 O 40 - 30 ------------------------------------ A roo 20 - ... 10 N O ------------------- O OO 200 3OO 400 500 Temperature (C) FIG. 5 ......... SH2(NIBu2) atmoc 42mg SiH2 (NIBu2) closed cup 24-mg |- - SH2(NBu2) atmoc, 40mg Temperature (°C) FIG. 6 Patent Application Publication Apr. 28, 2016 Sheet 5 of 6 US 2016/O115593 A1 O.4 2.05 HDRSiH2(NiBu2) 7 - RSiH2I(NiBu2) 2.OO S.s O.3 S. 1.95 S. S. 1.90 O.2 2 5 1.85 80.1 1.80 a C 1.75 O.O 1.7O 2.5 5 7.5 1O s X Patent Application Publication Apr. 28, 2016 Sheet 6 of 6 US 2016/O115593 A1 O3O HDR SiH2Cl(NiPr2) 2.20 O.25 RSiH2Cl(NiPr2) suzo - - - 2.10 e 0.20 g 2005 0.15 5: O.10 1.90 it 3 0.05 18O O.OO 1.70 2.5 5 7.5 1O 12.5 Precursor introduction time(s) US 2016/01 15593 A1 Apr. 28, 2016 AMINO(IODO)SILANE PRECURSORS FOR silyls, alkyl, Substituted alkyl, alkylamines and unsaturated ALD/CVD SILICON-CONTAINING FILM hydrocarbon. Exemplary precursors include SilH(NH), APPLICATIONS AND METHODS OF USING SiLH(NHMe), SiLH(NHEt), SiLH(NMe), SiLH(NMeEt), THE SAME SiLH(NEt), SiL(NH), Sil (NHMe), Sil (NHEt), Sil, (NMe), Sil (NMeEt), and Sil (NEt). TECHNICAL FIELD 0008 US2012/0021127 to Sato et al. discloses a material 0001 Disclosed are Si-containing film forming composi for CVD containing an organic silicon-containing compound tions, methods of synthesizing the same, and methods of represented by formula: HSiCl(NR'R')(NRR), wherein R' using the same to depositsilicon-containing films using vapor and Reach represent C-C alkylorhydrogen; and RandR deposition processes for manufacturing semiconductors, each represent C-C alkyl. photovoltaics, LCD-TFT. flat panel-type devices, refractory 0009 US2012/0277457 to Lehmann et al discloses a materials, or aeronautics. The disclosed Si-containing film haloaminosilane compound having the following formula: forming compositions comprise an amino(iodo)Silane pre XH-SiN(CH(CH)2)2 wherein n is 1, 2 and 3; and X is a cursor selected from SiHI(N(iPr)), SiHI(N(iBu)2), or com halogen selected from Cl, Br, or a mixture of C1 and Br. binations thereof. including BrSiNiPr (0010 US2013/0078392 to Xiao et al. discloses a compo BACKGROUND sition for the deposition of a dielectric film comprising: X,R.H.Si(NRR), wherein X is a halide selected 0002 Si-containing thin films may be used, for example, from the group consisting of Cl, Br, I, including HClSi(NR) as dielectric materials having electrical properties which may or HC1-Si(NR), with R=Me, Et, iPr, shBu, iBu, cyclohexyl, be insulating (SiO, SiN. SiCN, SiCOH, MSiO, wherein M pheny, perhydroquinoline, 2,6-dimethylpiperidino, and is Hf, Zr, Ti,Nb, Ta, or Ge and X is greater than Zero), and also used as conducting films, such as metal silicides or metal O. silicon nitrides. Due to the strict requirements imposed by 0011. Despite the wide range of choices available for the downscaling of electrical device architectures towards the deposition of Si containing films, additional precursors are nanoscale, especially below 28 nm node, increasingly fine continuously sought to provide device engineers the ability to tuned molecular precursors are required which meet the tune manufacturing process requirements and achieve films requirements of volatility for atomic layer deposition (ALD) with desirable electrical and physical properties. and chemical vapor deposition (CVD) processes, lower pro cess temperatures, reactivity with various oxidants and low SUMMARY film contamination, in addition to high deposition rates, con formality and consistency of films produced. 0012 Disclosed are Si-containing film forming composi 0003. Anderson et al. disclose preparation, properties and tions comprising an amino(iodo)Silane precursor having the vibrational spectra of some dimethylaminohalogenosilanes, formula: including SiHI(NMe) (J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans. 1987. SiH, I,(NR'R'). (I) pp. 3029-3034). Anderson was not able to determine the whereinx+y+z=4; x=0, 1 or 2:y=1,2 or 3; Z =1,2, or 3; R' and melting point of the white solid because the sample exhibited R° selected independently from C-C alkyl, aryl, or hetero Some decomposition when warmed above room temperature. group; and R' and R may be joined to form a nitrogen Id. at p. 3030. containing heterocycle. 0004 Emsley discloses synthesis and analysis of several aminosilane-iodosilane adducts, which decomposed to form 0013 The disclosed Si-containing film forming composi HSilNEt or HSil-piperidine. tions may have one or more of the following aspects: 0005 Organoamino(halo)silanes have also been used as 0014 precursors for ALD/CVD of Si-containing films. U.S. Pat. 0.015 the organoamino(iodo)silane precursor having No. 7,125,582 B2 to McSwiney et al. discloses the use of the formula: amino(halo)Silanes for low-temperature silicon nitride depo sition. Tris(dimethylamino)chlorosilane is disclosed in McSwiney et al. RI 0006 WO2012/167060 to Xiao et al. discloses, among I others, organoaminodisilane precursors having a formula of R-N-" RN(SiRLH), as a precursor, wherein L=Cl, Br, or I and R' and Rare each independently selected from the group con H1 N sisting of hydrogen, C to Colinear or branched alkyl, a C3 to C10 cyclic alkyl group, a linear or branched C to Co 0016 the organoamino(iodo)silane precursor being: alkenyl group, a linear or branched C to Coalkynyl group, a Cs to Co aromatic group, and a C to Co Saturated or unsat urated heterocyclic group. 0007 Niskanen et al (US2014/0273528, US2014/ 0273531 and US2014/0273.477) discloses, among others, N-S-I mixed halo Siprecursors having formula Ha-Six, AR, where X is I or Br, n=1-10, y=from 1 up to 2n+2-Z-w, Z from 0 up to 2n+2-y-w, w—from 0 up to 2n+2-y-Z, A is halogen // other than X, and R is an organic ligand and can be indepen dently selected from the group consisting of alkoxides, alkyl US 2016/01 15593 A1 Apr. 28, 2016 0017 the organoamino(iodo)silane precursor being: 0024 the amino(iodo)silane precursor being: 0018 the organoamino(iodo)silane precursor being: 0.025 the amino(iodo)silane precursor being: / /N-S-I 0026 the amino(iodo)silane precursor being: 0019 the organoamino(iodo)silane precursor being: H N-- w H 0027 x=1, y=2, and Z=1: 0020 the amino(iodo)silane precursor being: 0028 the amino(iodo)silane precursor having the for mula: I0021) R' and R being joined to form a cyclic nitrogen 0029 the amino(iodo)silane precursor being: containing heterocycle; 0022 the amino(iodo)silane precursor being: 0030 the amino(iodo)silane precursor being: 0023 the amino(iodo)silane precursor being: / /N-S-I US 2016/01 15593 A1 Apr. 28, 2016 0031 the amino(iodo)silane precursor being: 0.038 the amino(iodo)silane precursor being: \ ( N-Si-I /-( 0.039 x=1, y=1, and Z=2: 0040 the amino(iodo)silane precursor having the for 0032 the amino(iodo)silane precursor being: mula: 0041 the amino(iodo)silane precursor being: I0033 R' and R being joined to form a cyclic nitrogen containing heterocycle; 0034 the amino(iodo)silane precursor being: 0.042 the amino(iodo)silane precursor being: 0035 the amino(iodo)silane precursor being: | / N-- D I \ 0.043 the amino(iodo)silane precursor being: \ K ) / 0036 the amino(iodo)silane precursor being: /-(N-S-N )- 0044 the amino(iodo)silane precursor being: 0037 the amino(iodo)silane precursor being: H S NHS-I }-T) US 2016/01 15593 A1 Apr. 28, 2016 I0045) R' and R being joined to form a cyclic nitrogen 0.053 the amino(iodo)silane precursor having the for containing heterocycle; mula: 0046 the amino(iodo)silane precursor being: RI R2- NY/ I O--O| / N I 0.054 the amino(iodo)silane precursor being: 0047 the amino(iodo)silane precursor being: N-S-I N-- // C I () 0.055 the amino(iodo)silane precursor being: 0048 the amino(iodo)silane precursor being: / /N-S-I 0056 the amino(iodo)silane precursor being: 0049 the amino(iodo)silane precursor being: /-(N-S-I O -/ Y, 0057 R and R being joined to form a cyclic nitrogen \ / | \ / containing heterocycle; 0.058 the amino(iodo)silane precursor being: 0050 the amino(iodo)silane precursor being: CN-Si-I 0059 the amino(iodo)silane precursor being: 0051 the amino(iodo)silane precursor being: H -N N-- N \ / I \ / 0052 x=0, y=3, and Z=1: US 2016/01 15593 A1 Apr.
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