
TRACK NEwSL TER Vol. 2, No. 21, June 19, 1956 P.O. Box 296, Los Altos, Calif. By Bert & Cordner Nelson, Track & F'ield News $6 per year (24 issues) NEWS NCAA, Berkeley, June 15-16: 100- Morrow 10.4 (a gainst wind), Sime 10.55,. \.___,, Agostini . 10.55, Kin g 10, 6 , Kave10.6, Blair 10.7; 200-Morrow 20.6 turn; e quals be st ev er, Blair 21. 0 , Whi l de n 21. 2, Ago st i ri"l21 . 2 , Brabham r 2 1. 4., Se grest 21 .5. ( Sime pulled u p lame); 1-1-00-Ma shbu rn 46.4, Ha i nes 46.4, Jenkins 46 . 6 , Ellis46.7, Wash i n gton 47:T, Pe r kins 47._,2; 800 - Sowell 1:4 6 .7, American record, Sta nl ey 1:4 9 .2, Brew 1:50.5, Johnson 1: 50 . 5 , Had l ey 1: 5 1.1, Jan zen 1:52. 9 (Kirkby 3rd 1: 50 . 2 but disquali­ fi ed ); 1500 - Delany 3 :1.~7.3 (54 .1 last l.1_L~0), Bai l ey 3:47. 5 , Wing 3:Li.9 .7 ,. Sean1an 'JT[f9'.7, Whee l er J :50. 4 , :Murphey J:52.0; J OOOSC-Kennedy 9 :1 6 ,5., Matza 9 :17.2, Kielstru p 9 : 34 -4 , Hubbard 9 :42 .7, Peterson 9 :46 .1, · Fergus on 10:01.1; 5000-Delli ng er 14: 48 .5, Beatty 14 : 51 ,1, Jones 14: 52 .2, Truex l LJ.: 53 .5, Wallin gford ll+:53.7, Shim 15 :0L~.14-; 10,000 (F'riday ; J ones 31 :15.3, House 31:4.6 , Sbarra 32: 0l , Frame 32 : 24 .7, McNeal · 32:42.6, McClenathen 33:13,0; ll OI:I-Calhoun 13.7, J ohnson 13 . 8, Loewen 14 .1, Benson 14. • 2, Curtis ll -1-~2;l'j:U OH- Lewis 5 1.0, Davi s 5 1. 5 , Thompson 51.8, O'Con nor 52.6, 11.hrash 52 . 7 , Lean 53.2; HJ- Ti e Re avis, Lan g , Dyer at 6 -6 -;}; ti e , Barksda le , Moss , Al lard , M'cUullough, Haddon , Fendler Boot h, Dennis, Mi ll er , Bonaham at 6-/~.; PV- tj_ e Gut owski and Graham · 14- 8; tie Levack and Lands t rom. 11+··4; tieRhodes and i\1orris ¼-0 (Bragg injured); HSJ- Sharpe 50 -4 3/ 4 ; Flo or ke L~9- 6~}; Davis 1+9-3¼; Pindley 4 8 -1; Pedigo 47-9 ½; Donald son 1+7-L~ J//. 1.; BJ - Bell 2:5- 9½; J ohnson 25 -4; Flo erk e 24- 5 ; tie Holl j_nge r and Her r mann -Z 4 -J ½; Kna ub 2L~- O 3/4; SP-Bantum 60 -0 ½, Nieder • 57 -3 1/ 8 ; Owen · 57 - 0 3/ 8, Vick 55-7 3/4, Kahnert 54 -11 ½, Tho mpson 51.J.•-6 3/4; DT•4 Dr·urnrn.ond 17 3 - 0½, Vick 171-5., Babka 170 - 9 ½, Oerter 16 8 - 9 , Van Dee--""I67-1 0 3/4 Banturn 167-5; HT­ McWil l ia ms 195-J, Hall 193 - 8½, Morefield 193 - 2; , Bla ir 18 3-11, Harpel 173- 8 , Mullin s 167-5 ½. UCLA 55~7, Kansas 50, USC 34 .5, MSU 29 , ACC 2,5 ALL-SERVICE, Los Angele s , June 15- 16: J.OO-r,rurchison 10 . 4 , Williams ,: 10,5, Bur l I0.6, Williams 1006; 200 - Ricnard 21 . 0 , McBrid e 21.1, Williams 21. 3 , Luca 21.6; 400 - J ones 45 . 7-;-1.:e a 4.6.0, Courtney Li6 ,7, Spurrier 46 ,9; 8 (JO-Cour tn o0:l f7 ,l, Spurrier 1:Lr.8. 6 , Poers t cr l: ~.9. 2 , Maynar d l:4 9 .47""8"ant e e 1:L~8 ,.6 s e co nd , dis qu aJ.H'i Gd); 150 0 -S ant ee 3:4 .7 .J, Dal zell 3:Li.9 . 5 , Zel l e r s 3 :L~C) . G, Si mpso n J:.S0.2; 3ooosc-R0i s er 9:20.1, smart 9 :2 2 . l; Wal tm ire 9 : 2t1.4, Stry k e r 9 : JJ .7;5'0tm-Bo eh m 14: 35 ,1, Tyler 14 :L1-1. 4 , Smart J.l~. :43 , Sot h l ~. :~_L,_. 6 ; llOH- Davi s J.J . 8 , Pratt 13. 8 , Campbell l l:i-,o, 'J:homson J.Li.• l-1-; 400H - Culbr ea tE-sT o6 , Rittenber g 51 . 8 , Yode r 52 . J , Swe en ey 52. 6 ; SP - 0 1 Brien 61- li., world r ecor d, Thompson 54- 11 J/1+, Hen de r son 52 - 6¼, McC"omas 52 - 4} ; DT-::-o ' Bri en 17 3-9½, Koch 170-10 ½; Thompson 163 , Dona l dso f:\ 161 - 4 i-; J T- Car:1te ll o 242-o ½, Gar cia 224-0½, Ki mba ll 22 2 , Church 215 -2; HT-•Enge 1--r 89 - 5 ½; Tay l or 177-11½, Henderson 172 -10 ½, ,Tungemnn 156-4; HJ:.smith 6- 6J , ti c Fi e l ds and Dyer 6 - 5:½, tie Mit chell , Whetsti ne 6-=rj:½; BJ- Bennet t 2_5-1 ½,· Ty a l or 23 -11, Williams 23-6 ¼, Gaston 2 3-J J/L1-; HSJ -HoITi o L-1-()-5 , Ducket t 49-3, Davis 48 - 8¼, Presb e r 44-5; Mat tos lL1--7¾, tie Zimmorman .,Welbourn, Foster , Lee 13•6; Army 91, Air Force 48½ , Navy L~o½, Marines 29 . Decath l on:Mathias 7193, 11.0, 22-8 3/4, 50-Ldt, 5-11 3/1+, 51.9 , l~ .• 9 , 160 - 2-h 11-11 ½, 204-1¼, no 150 0 . Spe cial ev ents: i-1-OOH, All en 53 .5; 800 , Whitfie l d 1:49. B, Wei ss 1: 50 08 , Walte r s 1:50. 8 , At t er bury 1:52; PV-Richards 14 -6, Smith & Pou ch er 14; HJ -Sh e lton 6 - 8 ; HT-Taylor 17 8 - 2 . OTHER U.So MARKS, n ot pr ev i ou s iy r epo rted : CCC, Howe ll 4:10.4 , Frame 9:18 . o, McNeal-q:20, Dicamill o 9 : 24 . 8 ; Houston I nv i tational , Wh i lden 10.4, Curtis 14.1, Whi l den 21.lt, Duc kwortll230 -6½, Q,ui st 2119)3, __,, McDon ald, N0 rth eas t ern Lao, 6- 8 ; Thrash 5 2 . 2yn , Sowe ll 47.Jyn,Haines 2 1.lmn, Murph ey 3:55; Met AAU Doulin 4 :12. 2 ., Ashenfel ter 14:18 , Murph y 1:52.9, Ash onfelter,W., I0:01.3, 2mSO., Bl ai r 181.~- 8½, Ba ckus 183-8½, Shaw 4 8 -2 ½, Le e 6-7·¼, Bantum 5 8 -1 0 , Lampert 56-2, }?uchs 5!+-1 0½, Ellis PAGE TWO 173-11, Cook 163-2½; ~, Morefield 197-8½; Bell 20.8. BULLETIN BOARD \___,, Next Newsletter, July 3. Next •rrack & Field News, July, mailed Jy 12. 1955 ATFS Annual (19.54 results) is out of print, but we have obtained a limited supply at $2, available to Track Nuts, first-come basis. COMINGUP AAU, Bakersfield, June 22, Frid ay : 7:"30 400H trials; 8:05 800 trials; B:2"0 100 tri als; 8 :L1.0 ll OH t l'ials , 9 :0~~ 100 semis, 9:15 HH s emis, 9 :30 400 trials, 9 :45 100 fin a ls, 9 :55 HH fin a ls, 10:05 150 0 trials, 10:25 400H fina ls, 10:35 10,000 finals (Olympi c trial event); 6:00 hammer finals; 7:30 HJ, BJ finals; 8:00 SP finals; 9:30 JT trials. June 23, Sat urday: 200 lows trials at 8:00, 8:20 400 fihals, 8:30 50 00 , 8 : 50 200 l ows semis, 9 :0 5 1500 finals, 9:20 200 trials, 9:40 3000 walk, 10:00 200 low s s emis, 10:20 3000 SC finals, 10:40 800 finals; 10: 50 200 finals , 7:00 PV finals, 7:30 .56# WT finals; 7:30 DT fi na ls, 8 :0 0 HSJ fi nals , 9 : 30 J T finals. First si x Americans, not inclu d ing qualifiers from NCAAand service meet, qualify for Olympic Trials. OLYMPIC TRit ..LS, Loa Angeles, Juno 29, Friday: 6:30 400H trials, 6:.55 loo trials, 7:10 800 trials, 7~25 5000, 7:4.5 100, 8:00 400H, 6:00 HJ, JT, SP trials, HT, BJ trials, 7:00 DT trials. Saturdal, June 30: 2:30 800, 2:4.5 HH trials, 3:00 200 trials, 3:20 SC, 3:35 400 trials, 3:50 llOHH, 4:05 200, 4:20 1_500, 4:35 400, 2:00 PV, BJ, 2:30 SP, 3:00 HSJ, 3:15 DT. SO THEYTELL US TN JACK CLOWSER,Cleveland: 11It will be nothing less than a miracle if Harrison Dillard makes the toam, and it will require every ounce of the unquenchable desire to win which has characterized his career, Not only has he been unabl e to get into sufficient outdoor meets (only three) but the miserable weather in Ohio has prevented him from getting decent workouts. His last competition before leav­ ing for California was Juno 9 in th e 1'Tor>theastern Ohio Ai-1.Uwhere he ran 14. 7 and said aft erwards 11 simply cant t push myself any more unless it looks as though th ere will be good competition.,, Then he ran the lows, for conditioning purposes (he noods plenty) and knowing there was one good boy in it he ran 23~43 '''I'he last couple of hurdles got a little blurry' he laugh od o This was the first time in eight 11 years he hn.d run the lows., · TN GARYHUNT, Los Angeles: "Suddenly getting the bug for a little hobby work I came up with tho following: Decathlon scores compiled by using best marks over made in a decathlon moot: Rafer Johnson 8069, Bob Mathias 80.52, Robert Clark 7976, Bob Richards 7797, Glenn Morr:Ls 7667, Milt Campbell 7544, Bill Albans 7232, Floyd Simmons 7177, Bob Lawson 7162, Bill Miller 7000, Irving Mondschein 6809, Jack Pnrkcr 6785.
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