SEE STORY BELOW ,',", Showers likely, continued ,mlld today, Bain, possibly FINAL heavy, tonight and tomorrow : morning. Much colder tomor- EDITIQN Monihouth County's Outstanding Homo Newspaper 30 PACES VOL.94 NO. 140 RED BANK, N.J. JANUARY *5, 1972 TEN CENTS Ousts Friedland JERSEY CITY (AP) - Da- vid J. Friedland, who was re- buffed by the Democratic Party in his attempts to gain a leadership post in the New Jersey Assembly, has been drummed out of the party for supporting a Republican lead- ership slate: In addition to Friedland, two other Hudson Democrats who bolted party lines in or- ganizing the Assembly were •also blacklisted by the county leadership yesterday. County Chairman William BUT THE MEMORY LINGERS ON — Two monster movies have replaced "Cry Uncle" and "I, a F. Kelly said, "We wanted Lover" at the Loew's Rte. 35 Drive In in Hazlet. Residents who live on Stanford Drive, pictured here, them to work with the Demo- still have bitter tastes in their mouths, however, and anxieties about what sort of films will be shown crats, but one man who at what may be the most neighborly neighborhood movie anywhere. couldn't get advancement from the Democrats... the ones who elected him,.. took it on his own to row his own boat. Hazlet Homes Have "He is now out of the party and so are the other two. "I will not talk to them. They are out," Kelly said. , • AP Wlrephota Democrats Friedland, Mi- WELFARE WORKERS PICKET — Welfare workersfrom Hudson Counly Adults-Only Scenery chael Esposito and David picketed outside the State House yesterday to press demands for a new contract covering binding arbitration of grievances and salary increases. Tuesday night on the wide Wallace, all of Hudson, and By LINDA ELLIS Hazlet police spokesmen Joseph J. Higgins of Union (Story page 17.) screen of the open air theater say they acknowledge com- that abuts their back yards. County broke party ranks to Houses for Sale plaints and make them known 'support- Assemblyman three. receive 50 per cent of the pa-- creased aid for Hudson Coun- Stanford Drive parents and to the theater manager,,but "I back Bill Kelly 100 per tronage and committee as- ty- HAZLET BEAUTY their children had relatively Thomas H. Kean, R-Essex, Mint condition, bllevel featuring four bed- beyond that, they <ton't step in for speaker at a wild opening cent," said Musto. "He (Kel-: signments, the chairmanship , . Mustp, however, said he room!, dm, living room with flrsploce, unobstructed views from their scltnci kitchen. Many extras Include on 1 unless law is violated. Appar- of the Assembly on Tuesday. ly) V>ld them in my presence of the .Assembly Conference would have "nothing to do •xtrocrdfnory vlsw of o drive-In theater homes of "Cry Uncle ' and f'l, ently it isn't. that anybody who crosses the' Committee and an influential Included In the summertime? at a Loveri" The patents didn't Backs Action with it" in rejecting the notion 1 As many as 30 families on State Sen. William Musto* line is out of the Democratic leadership post that Hudson Democrats would like it, because it was clear Stanford Drive are within Party." me children did. the Democrats' North Hudson accept any of the committee viewing rangeof the screen. leader, said he supported Kel- As part of the deal with the Additionally, Friedland said chairmanships from Fried- HAZLET — Prospective The people from whose But the Paul Dluhis, who live ly's action in ejecting the Republicans, Friedland will he received assurances of in- land. i buyers of tha.t non-existent houses the movies can be seen.. , at No. ,51, and tlair £l6se ~ house would be just a day tod - an<J it doesn'ttake'mucli fef* "friends the Donald Garrells, late for the preceding double fort — are angry at the man- who own a ranch house a half feature at the Loew's Rt. 35 agement of the drjve-in for block away, maintain that Drive-In Theater that in- running films which include youngsters, from all over the furiated residents of the prolonged and explicit sex development lute jjp along the scenes and words.' (hat are chain fence separating the Stanford pijve section of the generally considerefl obscene. Fleetwood development. theater property from Stan- The management says, in ford Drive backyards. Indeed, TRENTON (AP) - The tration oh their merits. volt of four Democrats would not carry over into the Dozens of owners in the Senate Minority Leader J. area are up in arms over the essence, that they have to says Mr. Garrell, kids come chances for adoption of an in- Tuesday who cast the decisive .consideration of tax reform. make a living and people can from other townships if the come tax tied to a tax reform ' Edward Crabiel, D-Middlesex, votes in the election of Re- Critics of the deal which tangle of bare bodies that ca- accused the Cahill Adminis- publican Thomas H. Kean of vorted, for a week through last closetheir drapes. See Hazlet, Page 3 in the Assembly this year are elected Kean claimed that better than even, according to tration of "greed and arro- Essex County as Assembly Gov. William T. Cahill's ex- a Democratic leader of the gance"; in the maneuvering speaker. pected tax package could be lower house. that gave the GOP control of Friedland, the former jeopardized by the explosive Assemblyman John J. Horn the Assembly. Democratic minority leader controversy. of Camden County said yes- Power Grab who was suspended from the J But sources close to the ad- Asks Truth Talk' to Weld terday that "the chances are He charged that it was "ail practice of law for his role in ministration said they were better than 50-50" for the tax Indefensible grab of power" quashing criminal charges hopeful that substantive tax program despite the bitter which indicated that "the gov- against an alleged underworld reform could be salvaged. factional split that led to Re- ernor wants to call the whole loanshark, struck a deal with They noted that with the elec- publican control of the Assem- ball game in-the legislature the Republicans which gave tion of Kean as1 speaker, Re- Split in City bly. Horn is the floor leader of and he has gotten his wish." him power to distribute pa- publicans would have the cru- what is now the Democratic •Crabiel said Democrats tronage jobs estimated to be cial control over what bills would act responsibly on all worth more than $65,000 in By AL MORAY peacetalk. talk to the'mayor'! about the "That's our primary differ- minority in the lower house. are placed on the Assembly ence of opinion." He said the "fracas^ which issues. But he asserted that salaries. • "**» board for a floor vote. "I prefer to call it a truth controversy which has split the Republicans "now hold , LONG BRANCH - A weld talk," Councilman Teicher the official and citizen popu- Although City Attorney resulted hi GOP-control of the The four Democratic votes "Idon't think the bitterness Robert L. Mauro did not men- Assembly would not hurt a. the full responsibility" to pro- gave Kean 43 votes in all, two will hurt the tax program," • in-;the split between Mayor' said last night: "We have lations here since Dec. 28. duce legislative results. Henry R; Cioffi and •Cd'uh-'. Serious differences of opin- "He is intelligent, cool and tion the probe of the police tax package because Demo- more than the minimum Horn said. "But any proposal - cllmen Samuel Teicher and ion," 'ne added,: "but I think collected," the councilman director Tuesday night at a crats would consider propos- Assemblyman David J. needed for election. • fOr an income tax must carry Wilbeft C. Kussell is in the they can be ironed out" said of the mayor. "There has council session, he ruled that als by the Cahill Adminis- Friedland, D-Hudson, led a re- Charge Sellout a guarantee of property tax works.today as Mr.; Teicher Will Respect Bid been a lot of emotion here the state laws provide that the Enraged Democrats ac- , relief." drafts a tote to the mayor Mayor Ciof fl last night said past few weeks," he said, governing body may cloak it- cused Friedland and the three Horn voted in favor of an in- seeking a ''truth talk" confer- he would1 respect a bid by ei- "but conversation with a ma- self with; Investigatory pow- others of "selling out" and (jome tax in 1966 when the bill ence sess&h. ; ' ther of the councilmen for a ture outlook can cool it." • ers. Motorcycle Club— vowed to exclude them from passed the Assembly but was • Split over a ''profile report" conference on their differ- Mr. Teicher added that his Councilman Russell said the party. blocked in the Senate with • on John M. Buff in, city public ences. •'•... appraisal of the mayor does Tuesday the Buffin probe was But Horn contended yes- Democrats in control of both safety director, secured by • • "My door is always open to not lessen his disagreement brought about by a need for A Different Image terday that the bitterness houses. the twp'coun'iilmen, the' anyone in: this city," Mayor with him. information on the director's The Raritan Road, Runners. mayor and the pair of legisla- Clpffl said. He added, how- Legal Right background to tie in with They're men and women. policemen, firemen, sales- tors haVe all called for a con- ever, that he would hot in- . "I know Wilbert (Russell) facts sbught in the current men, electricians, students — people.
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