Registered for Posting as a Publication, Category B CREATION vs EVOLUTION .'.»^j"^' .r. '^" The new arguments .,ii.>0~-.*-i^*t't';?f*** COflT^riTS UUUUUUUU reply: "The Feminine in Politics", an article on the Women Who Want to be Women group THE EVOLUTION OF CREATION SCIENCE 5 whicfi appeared in the March 19 edition of Semper, drew the following response from Geneticist ASHLEY BOWEN looks at the growing af»ti-evotution movement. WWWW. The reply was typed on presumably symbolic pink paper. THE CIA IN VIETNAM 8 We wish to correct errors in Irene Web- lobbying is directed at the government. A former CIA analyst tells all In a startling new book. ley's article about our organisation, "The Our lobbying has inevitably also been dir­ Feminine in Politics: Women Who Want to ected against modem feminism because feminists oppose any suggestion that govern­ DESKTOPS. DINGOS, AND LADY 01 17 be Women" (Semper, 19th March 1981), ments recognize the importance of a mother's role. A survey of University graffiti by JOHN HENZELL On the only occasion when Ms. Webley Interviewed us, she gave us the impression she was researching a number of women's SEXISM IN COMICS 14 groups from a neutral perspective. Had we Sexism Is rife in comics, TIM LOW reports. known she was researching our organisation We do not need to orgaiUse any "im­ in particular from an "adversary" position, pression management" regarding our petit­ we would have provided her with additional ion to abolish the National Women's Advis­ THE PARTY 21 data and argument to support our aims ory Council - the government would be Short story by MARK CREYTON and principles. quite well aware of the total volume of sig­ We do not believe that work associated natures as all petitions after presentation with the home is the only appropriate work are filed with the relevant Mmister, The for women - it should be apparent that our government would be aware that signatures SEMPER is a non profit ADVERTISING: Scott profit oublications may reprint political and cultural Blackwell 371.2568; articles and graphics provided own activist stance and political lobbying came from all over Australia, and that they magazine based at the A.H. 345.1328 Semper and the authors are belies any such belief. Of the Victorian came continuously through 1979 and 1980. duly acknowledged. The ex­ University of Queensland. committee members whom Ms. Webley Some forms only had a few signatures be­ ceptions are creative writing met, more than half have full or part- cause they came from areas with small EDITORS: Anne Jones and and copyrighted graphics which time paid jobs, in addition to theur work populations - we consider it a great achieve­ Tim Low Samper Magazine welcomes remain the copyright of the as mothers and homemakers. LAYOUT and COVER: contributions and letters, but authors and may not be re­ ment that we made women in small towns Matt Mawson does not assume any respon­ produced without their per­ We do not believe that the key role in all over Australia aware of the unacceptable TYPESETTING: Jennf Bird sibility tor unsolicited manu- mission. society is that of the housewife - many activities of the N.W.A.C. PRINTERS: Mirror News­ scripts, photographs and illus­ Address all enquiries to: household tasks, e.g. cleaning, can be done We object to Ms. Webley's statement of papers Ltd., 367 Brunswick trations. Semper Magazine as effectively by others such as male "Dutch our co-ordinators and overseas contacts. Street, Fortitude Valley University of Old Union cleaners". We believe the most important Our newsletter contains reports from the DISTRIBUTORS: Gordon and Semper is copyright, St. St. Lucia. Old. 4067. role in society is that of a mother - mothers Goich Ply. Ltd., Brisbane. co-ordinators as well as reports on the Lucia, Queensland, 1981. Non Ph. 317.1611 or 371.2568. are irreplaceable. Mothers are not stereo­ activities of overseas contact groups. Ms. types but unique beings - a child dores not Webley did not ask us how the co-ordinators want any good mother, it needs its own and contacts were selected - some were mother. invited by the founding members, other volunteered. For example, WWWW have We do not regard Genesis as a myth but been invited to affiliate with m^or U.S. as symbolic aUegory, part of God's revel­ women's groups under the name of "In­ \£rm> ation. Our view of the world is not based on the Old Testament - we are a Christain, ternational Majority Women". DEPRAVITY WITHOUT logic in her tirades as the EDUCATIONAL pro-life, pro-family lobby, and give primacy CHRIST aforementioned morals cam­ INEQUALITY to the New Testament. paigner. I heartily recommend the May I make two conv We do not evoke any myth of a golden centre-spread In the April 4ZZZ is financially supported ments on Lyn Taylor's age because there never was an era when the by the Union because it pro­ article on tertiary training role of mother was given political status or We do not advocate or need to advoc­ Semper as evidence for the economic recognition. This is as good a astounding lack of self- vides certain sen/ices (Lifts, fees (Semper, 9/4), ate a "traditional divison of labour". The What's On In' Brisbane, etc.) time as any - the Fraser government gives sexual divison of labour happens to be a discipline which 'enlighten­ 1) The abolition of fees has family allowances to mother (instead of and documentaries which are not led to any si9nifii:ant in­ fact, a reality that we recognise. Anthropolo­ ed' men and women can rebates to fathers) and is considering income- gists L. Tiger and J. Shepher, authois of display. felt to be of value to the stu­ crease in the number of work­ splitting between spouses, a proposal that dent population. A recent Mon­ "Women in the Kibbutz" conclude that the Perhaps I am mistaken but I ing class people attending uni­ will do much to enhance the status of wives day Night Special on the sub­ care of infants and young children is every­ thought the present age was versity. If many such people as equal partners in the marriage. where a female monopoly and that the sexual ject of Herpes-2, for example, supposed to be one dominated currently attend U. of Q. division of labour seems to be a biological was probably offensive to Eliz­ by intelligent beings 'come of (except as gardeners, cleaners, imperative. Egalitarianism in the kibbutzim abeth Ann but of great value ege'. Instead we ore presented waitresses and typists) they and in the USSR has not persuaded men to to other students. with the spectacle of such per­ certainly disguise the fact very take prime responsibility for child care or homemaking. Far from eliminating the sexual sons denying their intelligence Furthermore, in his article cleverly behind private school We do not define the female solely in 'The Bland, the Hype, and the accents, Rugby Union pans!- terms of biology - we believe that biology division of labour, feminism has resulted by lame attempts at avoiding may not be destiny, but it is statistical in growing numbers of single, deserted and moral responsibility. But then 'Beautiful' " Peter Steinheuer ness and neurotic giggle-fuck- gave (in my opinion) a bal­ witedness. probability. We also believe that as human divorced mothers living in hardship and the unregenerate have been beings, females (and males) have immortal poverty, i.e. women who have the double adept throughout history at anced and interesting report souls which are beyond mere biology. burden of child-rearing and breadwinning. reationaiisatlon. on the history, style and con­ 2) The argument in favour In our collection of "counter-sexist" As the feminist Utopia where there is tent of Brisbane radio stations of free education for all is a The excuse that 'Nature resource material, we have at least half a no sexual divison of labour seems to be as - no "stinging criticism" or commendable one. However, made me do it' Is nothing but dozen different posters, produced by fem­ far away as ever, we would in the meantime accusations of "catering for most of what happens at uni­ like our government to recognise the vast an updatetl vsnion of the inists, promoting the bottle-feeding of specific groups" as if it were versities and C.A.E.'s is pro­ infants by males. With all that is known of impaid contribution women make to the ancient fertility cults, it is something bad. In a similiar fessional induction as distinct the advantages of breastfeeding both to survival of the nation. time thet the worid listened vein, Bruce Clark's article on from personal education. It mother and infant, the deliberate pro­ again to the first chepter of the 4ZZZ contained very little edit- provides the children of a motion of arUficial feeding (where there -BABETTE FRANCIS Bible which affirms that God is no need for it) is surely despising the oralisingor"blatant bias" though managerial-professional-pastoral NATIONAL & OVERSEAS is creator of an orderly uni­ uniquely female capacity to nurture and doubtless the writer dats listen elite with the credentials to rip- CO-ORDINATOR verse of which 'natural law* breastfeed. off the rest of the community is a part You may retort to and likes the station or other­ Our support of "equal opportunity" after graduation and I see no that 'God' is a creation of wise he wouldn't have written docs not mean support exclusively of curric­ reason in the world why this men, but then you are only the article.
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