Torrance Herald

Torrance Herald

$5 /%n<oinohllo« £ A«tomohllo« 95 Antomobllop 9S Automobile* 05 Anfoiiiobilon 95 Automobile* 95 AnfomonlleH TBUCKH, ITC. ....!....... ...TIJUCK*,. |TC;_ .............. .TRUCKS. ITC. ............ TRUCKS, «TC. ._._... .TRUCK*. «TC Thatcher & Ott Does the Impossible! Used Car Prices Cut to Below Wholesale Market! SANTA CLAUS SALE of USED GARS SANTA CLAUS At these prices you will know that we are out-doing Old Nick Himself! We are playing Santa Glaus ARRIVES IN TORRANCE LOADED because we are making you a gift of $75.00 to $300.00 on every car! You could actually buy WITH VALUES I one of these cars today and sell it for more tomorrow! 1949 PLYMOUTH 1949 PLYMOUTH 1948 DE SOTO 1940 PLYMOUTH Christmas Cheapies-- Under $100 4-DOOR DELUXE SUBURBAN CUSTOM CLUB COUPE SPECIAL DELUXE SEDAN Too (aood to Be Called « Dud Ctrl 4-DOOR SEDAN All Accessories 6rey Paint Radio Cirrl*l * Niw Car Guarantee New Car .Guarantee $1495 $495 1933 CHEVROLET 1938 DESOTO $1395 $1495 SEDAN 4-DOOR SEDAN $29 $99 1949 PLYMOUTH 1939 PLYMOUTH 1940 PONTIAC SEDAN I948JEEPSTER 4-DOOR CLUB COUPE . SPECIAL DELUXE Eitn Spielil Valuel SEDAN Complitily Ovtrhauled 1938 WILLYS Niw Car Suaranttt 1937 CHRYSLER . $1395 > ' $995 $295 $495 SEDAN SEDAN - V $39 $89 1949 PLYMOUTH 1941 HUDSON 1940 DODGE 4-DOOR , 1948 DESOTO CUSTOM SPECIAL DELUXE CLUB COUPE SEDAN 2-DOOR Exceptionally Clean New" Palrvt Job 1936 OLDSMOBILE 1937 DESOTO Green Air Conditioned Unit Compkte Accetsorlei . Niw Car Guarantee All Accessories Excellent Condition SEDAN ' SEDAN $1395 $1495 $395 $395 $89 $89 And You Can Buy These Cars on the Lowest Terms Offered by Any Dealer Anywhere THATCHER & OTT USED CAR LOT: 1504 CABRILLO Your DeSoto and Plymouth Dealer NEW CAR HOME: 1600 CABRILLO PHONE TORRANCE 1144 PHONE TORRANCE 1144 i>Iono^ to LOUII 02 1947 WILLYS JEEP E'ropcrty 05 STATION WAGON INCOME See These! Save Up to 30 Days Not Claims, But Proof DUPLEX ' PHONE TORRANCE 3444 on large M»l70 lot, In pleaiant 1941 WILLYS $300 Hath For 4-door sedan . .... $195 $995 1949 CHEVROLET STYLELINE YOU (3ET A Real Estate KENDALL CHEVROLET 1936 FORD 2-door ..,.......$1396 September mately 10 years ago, when quality Coupe ......,....,$166 1949 FORDS 4 to choose APRIL, JUNE AND NOVEMBER, 315 N. Pacldo Coalt Hlway. I94'l CHEVROLET All the Others 31, tnat 'li 'Ilfracl'vel/'Tu'rnlihed In- Loans Fr»nil4r 1.1421 from. 4-doors and 2- eluding electrlo refrigerator Price 2-door sedan ...... $44S Except VOLUM£ DEAL only $12.150. Instead at buying door's. Very clean, local 1937 PONJIAC HADENFELDT future. Ownir inimt sell for --taut* Accessories 951-A Your Choice .... $1396 AT HOME LOAN REALTY AUTO PARTS 4-door sedan .... .$166 PONTIAC Room 103 I94B PLVMOUTH i t'NtTR isn:i-» xv. 222ml St. m, inter 1949 FORD !i-TON Which Has * Ollnilln). 1 u , ,, in f J2II10: JI3, 1)110 Torrance National Sank Bldg. AUTO TOP PICKUP .........$1095 Phone Torranct 3444 Radio .......... $1146 McCOLLl IM" BUICK : And Many Other Bargains 90. DAY SEAT CO'VER SHOP 1948 FORD SUPER DELUXE Blttul UN. a « B« LOANS ON complin Auto naupholitary. tiat COME SEE USI Club Coupe ......$1196 GUARANTEE AND WANTED eoveri In plaatle, (Ibir, nylon and 40 Cars to ,Select From Ailtoi, Furniture, Fixtures rayon. Time Payments. Equipment and Truoke JIM OAHOBN 1948 NASH 600 SERIES On All Poit-War - ALSO 4-Donr Stdan. Whitney Finance Co. Radio, heater .....$996 Used Cars Check These Prices - Then Hurry Down! 1 WANT A HOUSE AUTO GLASS They. Will Go Fait Cecil L 1942 CHEVROLET AERO 1947 .PLYMOUTH 1 have Jtr.nO (or a down payment Phone <70 ° C. YEAMAN Sedan. Beautiful 2-tone Special deluxe 4-door. A 1949 Buick Super Dynaflow .. ......"......,.........$1995 and 1 have been looking (or a 1312 Cabrillo Ave., Torranct nict family car .,.$1196 2-bedroom hnuie In the Fern St. Thomas green .......... .$695 aria, or (or that matter. In any Torranct 3193 1947 DeSoto Convertible, radio and heater. ...... .....$139$ art* ai long aa It li In TO./'renci. AUTO PARTS AND SONS INTERNATIONAL 1946 PLYMOUTH CLUB won't lomebody help me? Open Friday evening! from 1946 Plymouth Special Deluxe £ edan ................ 895 7 to 1 p.m. (or atlmatai. CADILLAC, OLDSMOBILE I'X.TON TRUCK COUPE l( you have anything that can be Loaded with entras. Ex­ handled with thle type of down NOTHING BUT THE BESTI 6MC TRUCKS ' 161 -Inch wheelbasa. Very ex- 1946 Pontiac 6-cylindar Sedan .....................: 946 payment, please Ollll my agent, GOOD/EAR celtent condition. Has new ceptionally clean . .$1095 who II DICK MILLER, of the I94B Chevrolet Aero Sedan, ra Jio and heater ........ 1246 Home Loan Realty. He le In the BATTERIES AUTO TOPS Gaffey at Eighth S.26«20 ten.ply tires. Must 1947 CHEVROLET Torrance National Bank Building TlMt PAYMENTS see to appreciate..... $800 and hit phone number li Torranoa <?,. K. "SMITTY" SMITH San Ptdro CLUB COUPE 1948 Chevrolet V2 -ton Pict-up ...................... 1048 3444. Authorlied then Dialer Tailored ot Pineal Materiala JE 3-5291 AllO a good selection of Really clean .....$1145 .101 Highway at Wlitern No Extra Charge 1940 Buick' Club Coupe ...... ..:.................. 225 Harbor Oily, California for Oiear.Vielon lack TRANSPORTATION CARS 1947 CHEVROLET Phone Lomita 410 We Alio Make Riviera Typa llusinoMN !H) Cuilorn Made Intel lore And tllutlful to choose from CONVERTIBLE 1937 Buick Coupe .................................. 95: USINEtt OPPORJUNITIEt IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Loaded with accessories. 1 940 'Plymouth Coupe ...................... 195 Auto llo|iulr|iii|( 911 COX'S AUTO TOPS I960 Regal dtluit Starlllht New tlrtl and top. $1245 OFFIfH rlMCM VOtl ItKNT. Siillalik 2155 240th St. Champion Studtbakcr club 1940 Mercury Convertible ....................... 445 tar real p|lnt». (until m 1 '-. arrnunt- 1946 NASH 600 ln(. Al«0 nlnrturn «h, ,*, «,» for COMPLETE EXPERT Open Every Nltht Until 4 coupe. Very low mlleaae, New . r»lV Nmiie Lnnilln 9r>H. radio, heater, spoill|ht, 4-door. At this price a AUTO fogllghts, directional llg- real buy ....... ....$895 You Will Like to Deal Here Trailers 94 1950 Fords GMAC TERMS HIGH TRADE IN ALLOWANCE REPAIRING nali, gas saving overdrive. 1946 OLDSMOBILE 76 $1695.00 ONLY A FEW LEFT! 4-door sedan. Hydra- These Cars Art Going Fattl TO LOAN All Makes All Models 1940 WlUys, cicellent condi­ Marie, radio, and heat­ REASONABLE PRICESI BALDWIN tion. HIGHEST TRADE-IN er ..............$H95 McCOLLUM BUCK Private Monty on Rtal Estate Hancock 6as and Oil Products $265.00 ALLOWANCE ON YOUR 1947 PONTIAC 6 1512 CABRILLO, TORRANCE Will Buy Trust Deeds PRESENT CAR 1 Torpedo 4-door. Really a Tires (atttries Accessories Trailer Sales 1939 Chtvroltt 4-door sedan. Torrnnci Hit Open b.iily till 1 p.m. and Contracts $296.00 sweetheart. One owner Nelson's Auto Service See the 20,000 mile car. .. $1195 2201 Pacific Coast Hwy. 1946 '/j-ton International pick­ Ilini) I'ACKAIIU <h'hik,> t ,l,,..i i. .1 .,,, P. H. ROWLAND 24418 Narbonne Ave. 1940 CHEVROLET SPECIAL WE ARE BUXIN® IltO Pat. Coilt Hlway, Lomita up. Motor completely llv' IIWIIIT'. XVIII arivpt inn i,-m,,u. Phona Lomita 173 Phone Lomita 1924 Phone Lomita 1739 overhauled In our snop. New DELUXE 2-DOOR ,,l,l,, of, i 24111 lhuvlli,,ui, IIU,I . YES $796.00 Radio, heater, teat cov­ WnlliTlH. I'liiilif Ki.mll.i n -3TI7 ers. Reconditioned through­ We Arc Buying Used Can FINE NEW AND USED 1'IIKAI* THANHI'Olfl'ATIoN Mu>t Autoitopalrinil 9.1 1951 Fords out. ..........$395 HHI. mail v-a K,,I,I iiu»in.-,i ,\,,i|,. Which Mtani N, w raillalur. \«U,», I,, ui iiiKr. TRAILERS ' NOW ON DISPLAY Iruiiiimlielun. unite, and lulu pip. •». More Cash {or Your Car at ATCHISON I93» FORD 4-DOOR HHiil H»n, ,il. Apt. 3l)(. art.. i :, ),. m AUTO REPAIRS NO DOWN PAYMENT In top shape .... $295 MOTORS lllt.O IIIMCK, 4-iluur IIHOIal ,l^lu««. HADENFELDT 12 Months to Pay r, ,iiv, 'nil, , mil ilrlve, 2700 » iM u a I Schultz & mil. 'a. All iiTi'inirlKi. 3 r, I ill A PONTIAC Complete MOTOR OVERHAUL (Inol. labor a. mil,) Moil Can .191, gB K,.|j,,«. rail l.uinila lott-ll. 003 PuciriO Coalt Hlway Hlrmoia REPLACE CLUTCH ILibur «, malerlal) Moil Can. ........ (it, ft 121 South Pacific Ave. Hadenfeldt OVERHAUL THANIMItaiON (Labor) Moit Can. ........... lit. 50 Open 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Peckham KKO (II.IIM HTATIDN WAIION Mi'W FRentler <tN7 BRAKE FULINE3, LABOR 4 MTL. <A| Low HI) ............. I ».»5 SAN PEDRO plllll lull, WIHIll IPdllllllr,!. I&.IKM BRAKE ADJUSTMENT (Include* ilale brake certificate).....,,! .99 FORD DEALERS SINCE 1921 l,,llr. <H, UI'W IllOtlll. StlUI ^H'l MOTOR TUNR.UP, $1. to Starter A aenerator Overhaul. ....... >.>0 Pontiac Amur,, Tiinani-F ISKI-XV liiiAi'TKD. MIUM fHl 193) rontlae 2-XVIIKKl. THAI!. Kit. metal body, Phone Tfirminal 3-36(6 4-,l,,,M. tirw mut,ii. ia,lln t haaiif. li'xf. 1", ,o,l roiidlllon. 1(0. Pliiini! 1420 Cabrillo Ave. 505 PACIFIC COAST HWY. I.ATK IIH7 CllltVdl.tllt 'I 1 T. a C A i r,,ii,iiii,in. cii-an moi (,'araoii. OFFICIAL HIAOLIOHT £ BRAKE STATION*, NO. Ill and NO. 1114 Tun, inre 3WJJ-J i«03 _wr. IMIh It. (mil .<I<«,| «, .Inn fall Kiimtl, i 1,-MtH Torrance 137 HERMOSA r,n 1,,,'allnn, tirlvatn |i«il) 1'1,'ain'M IIMII DiiniiK. «",i,l imiititlnn. Trajll H M A 1. I, PICKUP THAII.lill, 4x1, IMS 'PLYMOUTH IKDAN. Uoort run- fw ,MIU||)' ,,n itallnn .«.§., n or lelir p,,,,tk«ll>- nrw A ival buy. UirB illllKM 175. Plion,' Lnmlta 1377-J. BILL SPELLMAN'S SUPER SERVICE tiiuin, ivy Alo I'h r,,rraii, » ilirj-J. NtW HOURt: Frontier 4-1917 JIS7 Mlilillrbruiik nil.

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