I' 1 '! a ^ ■> 109th Year — No. 20 ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN Thursday, September 10, 1964 TEN CENTS Courthouse additions considered NFO picketing The Clinton County Board of Supervisors is considering new wings to the courthouse which would add the equivalent of 32 office spaces. The rough cost I V r estimate given them Tuesday by the architect was between $250,- 000 and $300,000. cuts flow of Ik. /< No action was taken by the A. ' board pending Investigation dur ­ ing the next month of financing methods. * * CONSIDERATION of the wings reportedly has been on the su­ pervisors ’ minds lor several stock to yards months due to a shortage of of­ St. Johns and state police, as well as the of putting sugar In a truck’s gas fice space. Willard Krebel of Ri­ tank and was released on $100 ley Township, chairman of the Clinton County sheriff’s department, will be bond set by Justice of the Peace building and grounds committee, standing by again Friday to prevent possible Robert Wood. 4 <1., said this need will Increase with violence such as the disturbance which led to At 1:37 p.m. Morland D. Shus­ i ^ future rulings by the state for ter, 31, also of Henderson, was additional full-time positions, three persons being arrested last Friday. arrested by city police. He was charged with hindering a vehicle Tuesday the board looked at State Troopers Stand Guard as NFO Pickets Stockyards The three were members of the National handling farm products by stand ­ drawings and floor plans pre­ Farmers’ Organization (NFO), but none were ing In front of the truck. He also steel-helmeted state policemen, carrying night sticks, step into shade for a few sented by St. Clair Pardee, St. Johns architect. His proposed ad ­ from the county. They were charged with in­ (See NFO Page 3-A) moments of relaxed guard between arrivals of farm animals at the Wolverine Stockyards ditions to the courthouse would be terfering with the transportation of farm live­ Friday. Three squads of state troopers were called in by city police who feared violence two wings, each of which would extend 27 feet north of the present stock to the Wolverine Stockyards in St. Johns. Bank now might spread after three pickets were arrested by city officers. NFO pickets mill in entrance. The entrance would re­ ceipts at the weekly livestock street waiting to stop the next truck. main essentially as It Is. An estimated 175 » ♦ NFO pickets clogged auction were down about 75 per open ^til 4; EACH WING would have two cent. floors. However, the ground level the entrance to the floor of the addition would con ­ One NFO spokeman said he 8 on Friday •- * • stockyards, seeking to figured the farmer trade was cut nect with the basement of the by about 95 per cent. He claimed New, extended banking hours f-r original building, and the second convince farmers to the bulk of receipts came through for the Fall season were announc ­ floor would connect with the main refrain from market­ commercial channels and In the ed this week by L. W. Wolf, presi­ floor of the old building. ing their animals. The bigger lots but ‘didn ’t amount to dent of the Clinton National Bank anything. ” and Trust Co. A new supervisors ’ room is minor violence and ar­ * • envisioned on the second floor of rests in the late morn­ THE NFO’s aim at the St. Offices of the bank at St.Johns the west wing, where It would be and Elsie will remain open dally, close to the clerk’s office. There ing and early afternoon Johns stockyards, as In 23 Mid ­ western states. Is to keep live­ except Saturday afternoon, from would also be a public gallery, prompted the city po­ 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.. Wolf said. The \ something not available now, and stock off the markets In an ef­ iZ^A lice to request aid fort to force meat processors to offices will also be open for full \ / a committee room, also not avail­ banking service from 6 p.m. until able now. sign contracts with the farmers from state police. for a guaranteed price. 8 p.m. on Friday. Troopers had reportedly been * * The new wings, if both are de ­ standing by since late the night THE SIDEWALK window at the cided on, would total 10,824 The NFO wants $32.45 a hun­ before, and St. Johns Police Chief dredweight for choice beef, St. Johns office will continue to square feet, compared to atxiut Everett Glazier said they were at open at 8:45 a.m. and close at 22,000 square feet in the pres­ $22.75 for top hogs and $29.45 the scene about three minutes aft­ for prime lambs. Wolverine 4:30 p.m., Monday through ent building. The additions would er he called them. Three squads Thursday. Fridays the window each be 42 by 53 feet. stockyards officials said the ♦ ♦ —36 men—wearing steel hel­ prices paid Friday at the auc­ will be open from 8:45 a.m. to 5 mets and carrying night sticks, tion were $24 to $25.70 for choice p.m. and 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Satur­ PARDEE SAID the estimated were at the stockyards from 2:30 days the window will open at cost would be $135,000 for both beef; $18.50 to $18.80 for No. 1 X h p.m. to 7:30. 8:45 a.m. and close at noon. floors of one wing, plus about hogs; and $22 to $24.25 for prime * * lambs. $5,000 lor remodelling of the NFO COUNTY President Roy » * At the Clinton Auto - Bank, present building and $1,000 for Westondorf called the blocking THE THREE arrests were corner of Spring and E. Higham n contingencies. He figured it would of the stockyards effective and made at different times during Streets, hours remain from cost in the neighborhood of $141,- said the NFO was happy with the day. Robert R. Jones, 38, of 9 a.m. until 5 pm. Monday 300 to get one wing up. the results. The “results,” ac­ Henderson was arrested shortly through Friday. On Saturday, the cording to stockyards President before 10:25 a.m. by city police. Auto-Bank is open from 9 a.m. Two wings would cost less than James W. Prince, were that re­ He pleaded Innocent to a charge until 1 p.m. $300,000, he said. It would take about a year to build it, regard ­ NFO Spokesmen Talk With Truck Driver less of whether one or two wings was decided on. he said. Countypolitical delegates This was the object of the NFO in their picketing at the Wolverine Stockyards Co. » ♦ in St. Johns Friday—talk. Spokesmen for the NFO approached each driver after his THE PRESENT building was constructed In 1869, and Pardee truck was halted by the pickets. They explained the NFO’s objectives and urged the farm­ said It is still considered so to convene here Saturday er to take his animals back home. This one did. sound that he considered it better to add on to it than build a new structure. Clinton County Republicans and Democrats will meet In conven ­ tion in St. Johns Saturday to choose their delegates to state conclaves of their parties the Andy's plans following week and to name members to the county Executive Committees of each of their pol ­ ’’S-A . birthday sale itical parties. *.■» Andy's IGA Foodllner, on North Republicans will convene at 2 US-27 in St. Johns, Is celebrat­ p.m. in the courtroom at the ing its 28th birthday anniversary Courthouse. Democrats are this week, and an anniversary scheduled to meet at 8 p.m. in sale will start Thursday. the Supervisors ’ Room in the county jail building. A two-page advertisement on ./ pages 14 and 15 of section B in Alvin M. Bentley of Owosso, this week’s Clinton County News former Congressman and chair­ lists many sale-priced food and man of Governor Romney ’s com ­ meat items. mittee on state educational prob ­ AUSTIN J. DOYLE At VIN M. BENTLEY * * lems, will keynote the Republican Democratic Speaker Republican Keynoter FREE PRIZES are to be giv ­ session. Austin J. Doyle, Kal­ en away at the end of the sale amazoo attorney and candidate In accordance with a new DEMOCRATIC precinct dele ­ Saturday. They include a port ­ for Judge of the 3rd district statute, both parties will also able TV set, an FM radio, 10 gates to the county convention h‘- Court of Appeals, will speak to choose members of their county chosen at the Sept. 1 primary bags of groceries and 10,000 the Democratic convention. Executive Committee to serve election are: Gold Bond stamps. • * along with their party nominees OLIVER ANGELL, Republican for state legislative and county Andy ’s Ithaca store, though In Bath—Glenn U. Hlgbee. nominee for Supervisor of DeWltt offices. In Clinton County, Re­ Bingham —H a r r y Patterson, operation only a few years. Is Township in the November publicans will elect 11 members James Gross, Ernest Henning. also participating In the anniver ­ election, has been appointed tem­ to the committee and Democrats sary sale celebration. porary chairman to preside at the will choose 8 —numbers equal to Dallas—E r nes t Halfmann, Republican session. the total of their nominees for Clare Snyder, Joseph I. Koenlgs- legislative and county offices. knecht, Don Lucas, Ellen Spicer, ST. JOHNS LIONS Club Light County Democrats will choose Raymond Armbrustmacher, Bulb Sale will be Wednesday and eight delegates and eight alter­ DeWltt—Lee Howard, Jennie Truck Drives on Through NFO Picket Lines nates to their state convention In The Executive Committees of Thursday, Sept.
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