THE VOICE 6301 Biieayne Blvd., Miamam!i 38, Flo. I Return Postage Guaranteeuaranteed I VOICE Weekly Publication of the Diocese of Miami Covering the 16 Counties of South Florida Volume 1, No. 41 Price $5 a year ... 15 cents a copy December 25, 1959 Bishop Carroll Celebrates Christmas Midnight Mass Ceremonies At Cathedral Solemn Pontifical Mass sung at Midnight by Bishop Coleman F. Carroll on Christmas Eve in St. Mary Cathedral marked the beginning of the Christmas sea- son for thousands of South Florida Catholics. At the same hour the faithful in parishes of the ;16 counties which comprise the Miami Dio- cese joined with Christians throughout the world in celebrat- ing the birthday of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. ALOISIUS -CARDINAL MUENCH, apparently by Pope John XXm on eight new Cardinals, Msgr. Patrick J. O'Donog- quite pleased, is shown as he tries on his Dec. 17. Cardinl Muench served formerly as hue, Vicar General, and pas- "galero," the broad-brimmed red hat conferred Bishop of Fargo, N.D. (NC Photos) tor of the Cathedral parish was assistant priest. Assistant deacons were Father Neil J. Knowledge Of Faith Needed By All Laymen Flemming and Father Kevin WORCESTER, Mass. (NO — perts" for the Church, Bishop McCarthy. OFFICIAL Catholics should have a suffi- Bernard J. Flanagan told lay- DIOCESE OF MIAMI cient knowledge of their Faith men at a Communion breakfast Mr. Joseph Brunner was dea- to serve as "public relations ex- of Knights of Columbus. con and Mr. Ronald Brohamer, CHICAGO'S ARCHIBSHOP Albert Gregory Meyer ,(Ieft) is warm- The. Chancery announces subdeacon. Father Joseph M. the appointments of the fol- McLaughlin and Father Patrick ly embraced by Gregoire Cardinal .Agagianian in Rome on Dec. 14 as the latter visited the Chicago prelate to congratulate him lowing chaplains for the Taaffe were masters of cere- Diocesan Council of Cathofic monies. on his elevation to the rank of cardinal. Cardinal Agagianian is pro-prefect for the Congregation of the Faith. Norses: Seminarians studying for the priesthood of the Diocese of- Mi- THE VERY REV. FATH- ami who were minor officers of ER^ JOSEPH DEVANEY, the Mass were: Gerald Lane, OFFICIAL V.F., West Coast Chapter. thurifer; Robert Green and Mi- THE REV. FATHER JO- chael Maloney, acolytes; Vin- DIOCESE OF MIAMI SEPH CRONIN, Broward cent Sheehy, book bearer; Peter County Chapter. Ryan, bugia bearer; Bernard St. Luke, Palm Springs Genest, miter bearer and Philip By order of the Most Reverend Coleman F. Carroll, Bishop THE REV. FATHER MAT- Ryan, crozier bearer. z' of Miami, the following boundary lines have been established THEW A. MORGAN, Palm for the recently erected parish of St. Luke in Palm Springs Beach Chapter. Torchbearers were Richard (West of Lake Worth) of which the Rev. Father Matthew Carlisle, Edward Wilson, REV. FATHER A. Morgan is pastor: James Wallas, Michael Klot, THOMAS ANGLIM, Miami Raleigh Hartmus and Brendan ST. LUKE, PALM SPRINGS Chapter. Slattery. James Kushlin of the NORTH BOUNDARY: A line beginning at the point where Cathedral parish was train Gregory Road extended directly east would cross the western bearer. boundary of the City of West Palm Beach and proceeding The "Ecce Sacerdos" was westward along Gregory Road and then extended directly west Pope Writes sung by the men and boys choir to the Palm Beach County Line. ' under the direction of Clayton SOUTH BOUNDARY: A line beginning at the intersection New Prayer Br.enneman, diocesan organist of Lantana Road and High Ridge Road and proceeding west- for the processional. Music dur- ward along Lantana Road and then extended directly west to ing the Mass included the Prop- the Palm Beach County Line. er of the Mass in Gregorian On Missions chant; "Veni Creator" by Pie- EAST BOUNDARY: A line beginning at that point where VATICAN CITY (NC) — Pope tro A. Yon and "Hodie Christus Gregory Road extended directly east would cross the western John XXIII has composed a Natus Est" by Nanino. A tra- boundary of the City of West Palm Beach and proceeding ditional English Carol, the southward along the western boundaries of the cities of West prayer for th6 faithful of mis- "First Nowell" was sung at the Palm Beach and Lake Worth and then along High Ridge Road sion areas. recessional. to Lantana Road. The prayer thanks God for re- • A special program of Christ- WEST BOUNDARY: Palm Beach County Line from the deeming and enlightening man- mas Carols was presented by extension of Gregory Road on the north to the extension of kind. ~ \ the choir for one-half hour be- Lantana Road on the south. fore Midnight. It also thanks God for sending missionaries who have taught Christmas Message Aired His truth and communicated His Christmas grace. It continues: MERRY CHRISTMAS By Nine European Networks "Through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Your FROM VATICAN CITY (NO — The spoke words of hope and peace Greetings mother and our heavenly moth- Christmas message of Pope to the world two days before er, Queen of angels and saints, ALL OF US To all of the people of the John XXIII was broadcast in 30 Christmas. Other networks in diocese, THE VOICE extends we pray to You that we may- languages to the four corners of Europe and North America then its warm wishes for a Christ- be worthy sons of Your Church, the earth, including countries broadcast translations of the AT , mas season of many bless- faithful to Your teaching and behind the iron curtain. : address. !ings- ' Your commandments, under the Nine European networks car- Readers may regard, our Radio Free Europe beamed guidance and protection of Your ried the Pope's voice as he. ; front page today as a Christ- the Pontiff's speech in transla- Vicar on Earth, the father of | mas greeting, conveying the tions to Poland, Bulgaria, Ru- souls. RDINE'S • sentiment that Christ the THE VOICE mania, Hungary and Czechoslo- I Lord is come to live among The Diocese of M<am4 vakia. Vatican Radio also beam- "Grant that we may be docile Weekly Publication Editorial: PLaza 8-0543 ed translations to all parts of Advertising anil Circulation: to your bishops and priests, for The scene which is pictur- PLaza 4-2561 tfie world. It canceled regular whom we invoke the graces of THE VOICE PUBLISHING CO. INC. news broadcasts7 and features to ed, reflecting the joyful spirit The Most Rev. Coleman F. Carroll, sanctification and the apostol- of Bethlehem, was taken by Bishop of Miami President make way for broadcasts of the Second-class postage paid' at ate, and that we may be, ac- Brother E. Ignatius, F.S.C., Miami, Florida. Subscription rates: address, which were transmit- 35 a year: single copy IS cents. cording to Your will, the salt at the Christian Brother Published every Thursday at 6301 ted right up to the time of the Biscayne Boulevard, Miami 38, Fla. , Novitiate, Ammendak, Md. Address all mail to «301 Biscayne Pope's own Midnight Mass on and light of our land and our Blvd., Miami 3*. Florida. Christmas. people." ...TH£.;yQfCE Miami, Fla. December 25, 1959 Decembei' 25 1959 THE VOICE Miami, Fla. Page 3 Cuban Catholic School Benefits Sugar Yield f HAVANA (NO — A neWand pected to bring a higher yield improved sugar refining pro- of purer sugar from sugar cane cess has been developed by the juice. Institute for Scientific Investi- The 13-year-old university is gation of the University of St. conducted bv American Augus- Thomas of Billanova. It is ex- tinian Fathers. ' SlU Seven Nuns, One Priest A Jailed By Communists Joyous VIENNA ONC) — Seven nuns have been sentenced to jail and terms in communist* Czechoslo- vakia, it has been learned here> Holy They were accused by "a Prague people's court of spreading sub- Day . versive literature and leaflets on religious topics. It has also been learned that Father Vojtech Zabranski of RQ- hates has been sentenced to three years in jail for accusing Czechoslovakia's Red regime of spreading lies and-urging farm- ers in Slovakia not to join col- lective farms. MARBLE REPRESENTATION of the Nativity relics, five pieces of wood, are exposed for ven- is in the Basilica of Saint Mary Major in Rome eration on Christmas Eve and are retained in TbJdh where the relics of the true crib are kept. The a safe for the remainder of the year. Sstadt 7134 Abbott Ave. Vietnamese Refugees Being Miami Beach J/uwi, 9nc. Relocated In New Home* Beautiful Religious OBJETS D'ART A Call NEW YORK (NO — Refugees "With great amounts oi sur- UNion who fled to south Vietnam to plus food made available by the UN 5-7469 6-3131 9555 Harding Aye. — Surfside Happy escape communist oppression U.S. Department of Agriculture are "well on their way to com- and with rice purchased locally plete integration" in their new through the emergency alloca- surroundings. tion of funds by the American THE And heirarehy, CRS-NCWC was able This is the conclusion of a to give the struggling communi- GENERAL DUAL 90 report submitted by the Far ties basic nourishment," Msgr. Blessed East regional director of Cath- Harnett stated. olic Relief Services-National Catholic Welfare Conference. "Used clothing donated by ... Unrivaled /or Safety / the Catholics of the U n i t e d Msgr. Joseph J. Harnett, who States also was distributed Revolutionary tread design of the Dual 90 give's you dual stopping power, easier directs the Far East activities among the refugees," he ad- steering and better traction in any weather. Nygen cord protects against danger- of the U.S. Bishops' overseas re- ded.
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