The McCoy List A pubIicat ion of The DeFores t Ke1 ley Fan Communique 3717 S. LaCienega Blvd. #29 1nglewood, CA 90301 The McCoy List Introduction Hi, If you're a Doctor McCoy fan, you're going io find the following pages a treasure trove of informat ion. Not only have we listed every McCoy story we could find (including those where he is featured promtnently), but have also given you a thumbnai1 synopsis of what the story is about. If you're hooked on a certain writer like Connie Faddis or Ingrid Cross, then we also have a reference by author...and editor. Unfortunately, many of the zines listed are out of print, but there are always zine auciions going on, so this can be a guide io thai elusive McCoy story thai you've always wanted to read. The credit for this publicat i on goes to three people. A few years ago, Marcia Coates came up with the idea of putting this together. Then she found herself stuck with the job! MelI, she did it, and did it well. After she went through her vast zine colledion, she enlisied the zines (and aid) of Cindy Deren. It took almost two years of work, but they got it done. Then it was placed in the capable hands of Bonnie Guyan and her computer. "Zip"! It was done! So why am I writing this iniroduction? Beats me! Except none of those girls would say these things about themselves, and I kinda' coordinated the project without doing any of the work. (Mho said I wasn't bri11iant?) Also, this is being put out by the DeForest Kelley Fan Communique, and all (if any) profits will go io our club chart'ty: The North Shore Animal League. If you are not familiar with thai organization, it is devoted io the rescue and placement of homeless animals. In their 40+ years of operation, they have never destroyed an animal. AIthough their facilities house only 400 pets at a time, last year they placed almost 44,000 cats and dogs in good homes. So, thank you for your order. .and your donai ion. There are a lot of tails wagging on your behalf. Sue Keenan, Pres. DKFC For more i nformat i on on the North Shore Animal League, write: NSAL, 22 South St.; Port Washington, N.Y. 11050 or contact The DeForest Kelley Fan Communique. The McCoy List References EDITOR FANZINE Andrusi Carol All My Creunen Ash) Randy Sehlat's Roar Ball> Fran Koon-ut-kal-if-fee U Barbich; Debi Of Dreams And Schemes 81)#2>#3 Barryi Dotty Star Canticle Barthi Daniel Galactic Discourse 81 Bartoni Gail Eridani Triad 83 Batesi Daren Nuages Beatty> Lori McCoy's Illegible Log 84 Rx McCoy Beckuithj Janet Deck Five Oigest #3 Beetenj Doris Eridani Triad 83 Benson* Barbara Alaost Anything Goes...Around Tuice Beroanj Ruth T-Negative Betancourtj Henry Farthest Star Bielouic2i Jackie Sol Plus Blevins) Ellen Orion Quadrant BlouerS) Janet Starfleet Chronicles Blythei Nary Jo Oiverse Disens ions 84)85 Bondsi Martha The Complete Rack Uhalesong Gateuay Bootsi Lynda Kaye The Ninth Quadrant 83 Brennam Carrie Grup Br i995) Eduard I Finally Got...The Last word Brouni Cathi Riders To The Stars Broun> Kay Spin Oizzie 85)86 Broun) Lana Katra Brown lee) Judith Eridani Triad 83 Butler) Florence Destiny's Children Canton Johanna RiR Accumulated Leave Archives Cargilh Cheree Tal-Shaya Carleton) Gordon The Complete Fauluell/Landing Party 6 Carlson) Beth Reunion Carver* Ann Act Five> Scene Tuo Chanack) Linda Formazine A Light Stimulant Chapek-Carieton) Lori warped Space Obsc'zine Chapman) Debra McCoy's Illegible Log 81,82)83,85 Chishold; Oonna One Trek Mind One Thousand And One Trek Tales Clark) Margaret Rim Of Starlight Clark) Sheila Beyond Mutara Clark) Victoria Nome 81)82)83,84,85,86,87,88,87,810 Cole) Debi The Ninth Quadrant 85)86)87 Crawford) Maratha Of Dreams And Schemes 81,82,83 Cribb) Lucy Half Me Cross, Ingrid Uhen You Uere Merlin And I Uas King Second Millennium There Are Three Odyssey Crouson) Sharron Of Crystal Persuasion Curnoui Patsy Formaline A Light Stimulant Deem, Jeannie Diverse Dimensions 84 Deneroff) Linda Guardian 81)82)86)87 Dodge> Mary Louise Delta Triad) Supplement 1 Donnelly) KathE I'm A Doctor) Not A...81 OouneS) Gerry Stardate: Unknown Drach) Mary Ann Maine(ly) Trek 81)82)83)84 Duck) Oarien Another Enter-Comm 85 EduardS) Jacqueline Dilithium Crystals Elson) Jennifer Angry Sunset The Stars Are Lonely Entuhistle) Phoebe Another And Another Faddis) Connie Interphase Falkouitz) Amy The Other Side Of Paradise 81)82)87 Feyren Gayle KSX The Price And The Prize Gates) Sharon Eternal Triangle 81)82)83 Golden) Mona Eternal Triangle 81)82)83 Goodine, David Odyssey 84)85 Guyan, Bonnie Fantasy Plak Tou The Kinship Hall) Anne Mary Alternate Universe Haze Iton) Ruth Maine(ly) Trek 81 Heller) Lee Tua-0imensianal Thinking Hendricks) Judi Pegasus Henry) Tina Alpha Continuum 81)83 Herndon) Shirley Lifestar 82)83 Hilton) Martha Maine(ly) Trek 81 Hochman) Susan Rim Of Starlight Holmes) Michelle Mind Meld 81)82 Hoolahan> Elizabeth Visions Hornlein) Mariann Nexus Huff) Laurie Galactic Discourse 81)82)83)84)85 Hunterton> Carol Beyond Orion II Hupe> Bill Beyond The Furthest Star Jaecks) Lee Beyond Orion II Bait Once> Bait Tuice Jaeger) Vel Trek ism At Length Janes, Vicki E. Rigel Jenkins) Oiana Lifestar 82 Johansen) Marilyn Spin Dizzie 81)82)85)86 Kern) Trinette Off The Beaten Trek Kevelsem Robyn Rim Of Starlight Kippax) Nancy Contact The Complete Rack Kirlin, Vicki R. Berengaria 88)810 Knight) Kin Starfleet Chronicles Kozar, Ellen M. Indian Summer And Other Seasons Krause, Maraguerite In A Different Reality 827 Lacey> Lucille Alpha Touch Lakin, Linda Eternal Triangle 81)82 Lambard) Shirley Excalibur Landers> Randall Stardate Landon> Signe The Other Side Of Paradise 81)82 Paradise Langsam) Devra Michele Masiform D Laoan9, Dorothy Amazing Grace Lee) Carol Ann Rigel Lee, Jan Maine(ly) Trek 81 Leveilies Lizette R. Maine(ly) Trek 81 Levine, Cynthia Guardian 81)82 Li Iken Leslye IDIC Lindner) Jan Pegasus Lorenstein) Bev Organia Loue> Mary Only Trek Obsession Lynchi Kathleen S. Maine(ly) Trek 82)83 Mai en Cheryl Half Me Maieuski) Shirley Alternate Universe Marden Fern Dagger Of The Mind Martin) Terry Deck Five Digest 81 Maschke) Carol Star Shadows McChesneyi Marion Catherine Vault Of Tomorrow McCoy) Julie Cordrazine MclnniS) Linda Idylls 82 McKenna; MarJorie Enter-Conn 81)82)83)84)85 Meyer) Teri Berengaria 810 Montgomery) Uendy Tender Expressions Nolan) Pat Farthest Star Padgett) Helen In A Plain Broun Wrapper 82 The Ninth Quadrant 83)85)86)87 Petterson) Cheryl Alternaties Pol let) Richard Captain's Log Popovich) Karolyn I'm A Doctor) Not A.:'.'81,82 Price) Toni Cardinal Nexus Provee> Robyn McCoy's Illegible Log 84 Ranelle, Jelica Indian Summer And Other Seasons Rathbone) Uendy Daring Attempt More Missions) More Myths Rayborn, Freda Illegical These Humans Rockburn> Uendy Enter-Comm 81)83 Rogers) Madeline In A Plain Broun Urapper 82 Rogou) Roberta Grip Rossi) Linda Crystal Constellation Rothermeh Caitlin Meridian Scarritt) Katharine Only Trek Deck Five Digest 81)82 Obsession Scarsdale) Laura L. Oelta Triad 81,82)83)85) Sup. Schlein? Catherine Of Oreams And Schemes 81)82)83)84 Seller) Pat Kaiidth Shreve> Meiinda Oelta Triad 81)82)83)84)85) Sup Seigrist) Marty Alpha Continuum 82 Silva) Noel Greater California K/S Silven Cindy Energize StallingS) Harriett It Takes Time On Impusle Steinen D. Metamorphosis Storey) Barbara L. Nome 81,82)83)84,85,86)87,86,87,810 Sutter) Phyllis Eternal Triangle 81)82 Thomas) Jim Voyages 82 Tilley* Virginai Alternate Universe Tounsend) Deborah Oeck Five Digest 82 Tullock) Joyce Uhen Heroes Die - A Starchild's Quest There Are Three Uhen You Uere Merlin And I Uas King Odyssey 87.5)86 Varela) M.V.M. Nome 81)82)83)84 Veninoi Carolyn Beyond Orion II Verina) Michael Starborne Vol ken Beverly The Complete Rack Contact Voyages 83 Ualske) Carol Oagger Of The Mind Uard) Judith The Ninth Quadrant 83 Uarnen Rouena whatsoever Star That Beckons Uebster) Elaine Diverse Dimension 84)85 Uolfe) Marie Sahndara Zien Sandy Mind Meld 81)82)83)84 Zotti) Pat Voyages 81)82)83 AUTHOR FANZINE Alain) Alinda Vault Of Tomorrou 81 Ailing) Cathy Uarped Space 821 Anderson) Astrid T-Negative 89 Anderson) Barb T-Negative 820 Anderson) Cathy T-Negative 820 Archer) Daralyn Alternaties 82 Arvizu) Michele Nome 810 Bach) El lie T-Negative 820 Baker) Linda Idylls 82 Batch) Janet McCoy 81 Barnes) M.L. I'm A Oocton Not A...81 The Best Of I'm A Oocton Not A. I'm A Oocton Not A...82 Barn Betsy Kobayashi Maru Bates> Karen It Takes Time On Impulse 83 Nuages 82)84 Batterby> Anne Nasi form 0 813 Beatty) Lorraine McCoy's Illegible Log 85 McCoy 84 Of Dreams And Schemes 82)83>84 Vault Of Tomorrou 85 Odyssey 84)85)86)86.5i87 Beetern) Doris Eridani Triad 83 BeIton) Marcel Ia Nome 86 Bernan) Ruth T-Negative 83)814)815 Deck Five. Digest 81 Bielauicz) Jacqueline Guardina 87 Sol Pluls 82 Birkeh Kate Maiden Voyages Fermata Black) Alexis Fegan Shades Of Grey First Time 83 More Missions) More Myths 81 Blacque) Donya As I Do Thee 83 Shades Of Grey 82 Daring Attempt 83 Blair) Ellen Sehlat's Roar 84 Blazej) Rosalie Spin Oizzie 86 Black) Paula Uarped Space 87)88)87)810,811)812)815)826/27)837 Obsc'zine 82 Interphase 83 Bond) V. Nexus 86 Bonds) Martha Nome 82)84 Boyle) Christopher Cordrazine Brannick) Landa Oeck Five Digest 83 Brooks) Cathy Odyssey 87.5,88 Broun) Cathy Kaiidth 81 BurkeI) Kate Organia Bush, A.T.
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