ISSUE 24 (255) • 14 – 20 JUNE 2012 • €3 • WWW.HELSINKITIMES.FI BUSINESS Politicians react Chasing competitiveness How to improve productivity is the question on many manageri- al minds. HT takes a look at Finn- to proposed LEHTIKUVA / VESA MOILANEN ish competitiveness. See page 8 Spanish bailout SUMMER GUIDE Party leaders divided over Finland’s role in the proposed bailout for Spanish banks. DAVID J. CORD brought down, or it should be pos- HELSINKI TIMES sible to chop up some banks,” Finn- ish Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen SPAIN has become the fourth euro- told Bloomberg. “There must be a zone country to seek a bailout, but possibility to restructure the bank- Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen and Finance Minister Jutta Urpilainen face criticism markets have not been reassured. ing sector, because it doesn’t make from opposition parties over any participation in bailing out Spanish banks. Samba! Carnaval comes to town, and Finnish politicians have begun ar- sense to recapitalise banks which samba schools from all over the guing about whether Finland should are not capable of running.” nen announced that Finland will ty chairman, Juha Sipilä, suggest- country compete over who puts participate in a bailout, and if so, if it Investors have been unenthusi- seek collateral from Spain if the ed that Spain should rescue its own on the biggest spectacle! should receive collateral. astic. Spanish bond prices fell as in- temporary bailout fund is used, be- banks, much as Finland did during Over the weekend Spain an- vestors were eager to sell, and yields cause it does not have preferred the 1990s crisis. See page 12 nounced that it would ask for up surged to 6.6 per cent early Tuesday. creditor status like the permanent “The banks need capital, but it to 100 billion euros to support its Investors also fl ed the common Eu- European Stability Mechanism. Fin- should come from Spain, Germany banks. The fi nal amount would be ropean currency, pushing it down to land received collateral from the and France, who have created this CULTURE determined after the capital needs the lowest level since the summer of second Greek bailout. mess,” said Timo Soini of The Finns of its banking system were accessed. 2010. Opposition MPs lambasted the Party, according to YLE. “Finland “The unhealthy banks should be Finance Minister Jutta Urpilai- proposed deal. The new Centre Par- should not have any part in this.” Concealing by exposing This summer, Contemporary Art Museum Kiasma is all about vis- Russian citizens were the larg- ual deception and disguise. The Slump in est applicant group, numbering over Camouflage exhibition draws in- Halla-aho refuses 1,000. This was followed by over 400 spiration from nature’s protec- applications from both Ukrainian tive coverings. residence and Indian citizens. Somali citizens See page 19 to stand down only applied for about 200 permits. applications The number of people who re- DAVID DUNNE which appeared on his blog in 2008. ceived asylum status in Finland in- HELSINKI TIMES EAT & DRINK Finns Party leader Timo Soi- STT creased slightly in the fi rst quarter. ni has said that Halla-aho, a huge ALEKSIS TORO - HT Ten per cent of asylum applications FINNS Party MP Jussi Halla-aho vote-getter for the party, will not were successful, compared to 5 per has said that he will not resign his be dismissed from the parliamen- ACCORDING to fi gures released by cent last year. Applicants can receive position as chair of the parliamen- tary group, after revising his pre- the Finnish Immigration Service, a residence permit even though they tary committee that deals with vious comments that Members more than 5,000 people from out- do not qualify for asylum.. immigration issues after his con- of Parliament convicted of race side the European Union applied for The Finnish Immigration Service viction for ethnic agitation in Fin- crimes should have no place in the a Finnish residence permit between explains the increase with a high land’s Supreme Court last week. party. January and April 2012. The amount number of Syrian applicants. More Sugar and spice Halla-aho was fi ned for ethnic It is believed that Halla-aho in- is one fi fth less than during the cor- applicants were also granted asylum Self-respecting foodies have 14 agitation, a charge known else- tends to appeal his conviction by responding period last year. on the basis possible persecution in June penciled in their calendars where as incitement to racial or taking the matter to the European The main reasons for applying their home country due to their sex- – it marks the start of the Taste ethnic hatred, in Finland’s highest Court of Justice, after stating that were family and work. Half of appli- ual orientation. Overall, there was a of Helsinki festival. Simply deli- court after two lower courts pre- the Supreme Court decision is not cants wanted to move to Finland to 14 per cent drop in applications com- cious! viously dismissed the charges. The “divine truth,” but the personal in- be with a family member, and 40 per pared to the previous year, and the See page 20 MP was also convicted of defam- terpretation of a few people. cent for work purposes. Three out of number of Somali asylum applicants ing religion in the same comments, Read more on page 3. four applicants received permits. has halved. 2 14 – 20 JUNE 2012 Q & A HELSINKI TIMES Boutros Boutros-Ghali was Secretary-General of the United Nations from 1992-96. He is currently president of the Egyptian National Council for Human Rights. water to cultivate addition- on the Nile, and taking care tries and they represent a al lands. of the problem of electricity very important source of in- The Egypt of tomorrow What can be done? by building high dams. But we come for the country. How What can be done is to en- have not yet been able to cre- can we encourage this? courage emigration. What ate this organization, which And, again, how can we can be done – and it won’t was created in Asia, with the obtain additional quantities Former UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali warns of the be easy – is to have a kind Mekong, and is now created of water so that we can cope of control to avoid this de- in other parts of the world. with the problem of deser- impact of a rapidly growing population in a land of limited resources. mographic explosion. What tifi cation? Rather than have can be done is to encourage For so many generations, agriculture limited to fi ve to Egyptians to work abroad. your family has been inti- eight per cent of the territo- MARKNEWS I have been involved in means the population, which ry, we want at least 10 to 20 many similar situations in was 20 million and will reach, per cent of the territory to Africa, Latin America, Cen- in the next few years, a hun- I believe we are in a period of transition be used for agriculture. But How would you character- tral America, Asia, Cambo- dred million, will not have where it is not clear what will happen. We again, we need water. ize the political situation in dia. You will not solve those enough food, because 90 per- have to wait for the results of the elections Egypt today? problems in one year, or by cent of the territories are de- Who is working on the water I believe we are in a period electing Mr A or Mr B. It will sert, and because the whole between the two persons who are hoping to problem right now? Is there of transition where it is not take more time. Many in- population is concentrated be president of the republic. One represents anyone who is close to solv- clear what will happen. We stitutions have been de- on the Nile basin. ing this? have to wait for the results stroyed. And then we have Tomorrow also means you the fundamentalist approach. The other rep- There is, but they do not pay of the elections between the an economic crisis. Nobody will have a problem of water. resents the liberal approach. enough attention to this two persons who are hoping mentions the different con- There is not enough water problem. You see, one of the to be president of the repub- sequences of this economic today, and there will not be weaknesses of the develop- lic. One represents the fun- crisis. enough water in the future, Even still, there is no wa- mately involved in the pol- ing countries is they are not damentalist approach. The because countries like Ethi- ter. We have to fi nd a solution. itics of Egypt. What do you able to prepare themselves other represents the liberal You said Egypt’s problems opia, Sudan, and Uganda will In Asia, they found a solution hope to see change in your for the future. They are con- approach. are not the problems of to- move from agriculture based with the Mekong River. We lifetime in Egypt? fronted by daily problems, so But even with the election day – that we need to look on grain to agriculture based could learn from that. It is I believe it is important to they give priority to those, at of the president, we are at the ahead to the problems of on irrigation, and then they important to have a kind of have better regional cooper- the expense of trying to solve beginning of a very long pro- tomorrow.
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