www.ukrweekly.com s сл i– С Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association! 3ft. Г" - ttvo -- X < Я J. 1 гол о к ч д О т о 1 Ж > -П ” О о - о О 2 О Р г О M ж її rainian Weekly О К іч Vol. LII No. 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 18,1984 25 cents Assassin of Rebet, Bandera Marchenko goes on trial NEW YORK - The trial of Ukrai­ living in South Africa nian journalist and human-rights acti­ vist Valeriy Marchenko is "currently JOHANNESBURG. South Af– pons, he said, were supplied by .the under way." according to a March 12 Yica - Bohdan Stashynsky, the KGB. press release of the External Repre­ confessed killer of Ukrainian na­ During his trial. Mr. Stashynsky sentation of the Ukrainian Helsinki tionalist leaders Stepan Bandera and testified that he was first approached Group here. Dr. Lev Rchct in the late 1950s, is by the KGB in 1950 when he was 19 The External Representation said it said to be living in South Africa, years old and told to cooperate or his based its report on "reliable sources." reported United Press International parents and sister would be harmed. The trial is taking place.in Kiev, the citing the March 7 issue of the Rand He was ordered to inform on na­ Ukrainian capital. Daily Mail. tionalist activities in and around Lviv Mr. Marchenko, who was impri­ The report is based on the asser­ in western Ukraine. When Ukrainian soned from 1973 to 1981 for his hu­ tions of Gen. Michael Heldcnheiss.a nationalists assassinated pro-Soviet man-rights activities, has been charged former police chief, who said that the author Yaroslav Halan, Mr. Sta­ with "anti-Soviet agitation and propa­ former KGB assassin, now 53. had shynsky provided the KGB with ganda" under Article 62 of the Ukrai­ undergone plastic surgery on his face information that led to their arrest. nian Criminal Code. He was arrested in and had worked for South African Later, he was trained in Kiev and sent October 1983. security agencies. to Germany under an assumed iden­ As a repeat offender, the 36-year-old Mr. Stashynsky first gained head­ tity. author faces a maximum sentence of JO lines in August 1961 when he crossed For assassinating the nationalist years in a labor camp and five years' internal exile if convicted. Mr. Mar­ into the Western /one of Berlin the leaders. Mr. Stashynsky revealed Valeriy Marchenko day before the Berlin Wall went up that he was decorated by Gen. Alex– chenko is said to be in poor health, aiwi told -authorities that he– httd– -smder ShefepHV.–?hen– chief of– the– suffering .from a serious kidney ailment. studies in the field of Ukrainian litera­ raurdered both emigre nationalist KGB. He said that he and his Ger­ A native of Kiev, Mr. Marchenko is ture, as well as literary translations from leaders in Munich several years man-born wife. Inga Pohl,decided to the author of numerous scholarly English and several Oriental languages. earlier. escape to the West because he suspect­ Dr. Rebet was found dead near his ed that the KGB might send him back Munich office on October 12. 1957. to the Soviet Union or dispose of him Crimean Tatar gets seventh term It was believed that he had died of a altogether., heart attack until Mr. Stashynsky Mr. Stashynsky was sentenced by MOSCOW - Mustafa Dzhemilev.a confessed that he had stalked Dr. a German court to the relatively light leader of the Crimean Tatars, was Rebet and then killed him with a term of eight years" imprisonment for recently sentenced to a seventh term in a silent gun loaded with potassium killing the two Ukrainian leaders. In Soviet labor camp for defending the cyanide. He. said he used a similar handing down the lenient term, the rights of his people, who were"deported weapon two years later to kill Mr. court cited Mr. Stashynsky's remorse from their homeland by Stalin. Bandera, leader of the Organization at his deeds and the invaluable According to a report in a Soviet of Ukrainian Nationalists. The wea­ (Continued on page 2) newspaper, the 40-year-old activist was tried in mid-February. The length of his sentence was not revealed. His last known whereabouts were Yakutsk, Obituary where he was serving a four-year exile term imposed in 1979 for alleged pass­ port violations. Bohdan Zorych, UNA's former VF, Mr. Dzhemilcv. who was first sen­ tenced in 1966 to one year for "evading honorary member of Supreme Assembly conscription." gained international attention in 1976 when Nobel Peace TORONTO - Bohdan Zorych, long­ Prize winner and physicist Andrei Mustafa Dzhemilev time director of the UNA Canadian Sakharov and his wile attended his trial cii to settlements in Central Asia. Office, the UNA's chief agent for in Omsk. Siberia, and were involved in a Nearly hall the population reportedly Canada and its former supreme vice scuffle with police. He was ultimately perished during the first year of exile. president for Canada, died here in a sentenced to two \cars in a labor camp In 1945. the Crimea was incor­ local hospital on March 12 following a lor "defaming the Soviet state." porated into the Russian SFSR. and in lengthy battle with lung disease. He was Mr. D"/hcmilev also served terms in 1954 became part of the Ukrainian 72. 1969-72. 1974-75 and 1975-76. SSR. Mr. Zorych was born on August 30, The Crimean Tatars, with their Although the Soviet government 1912, in Sianik, western Ukraine. He Muslim religion and Turkic language, formally acknowledged in 1967 that the finished high school between the world have lived on the Crimeari peninsula for charge of treason against the Tatars had wars, when western Ukraine was under centuries. After the Bolshevik Revolu­ been fabricated by Stalin, they were still Polish rule, and shortly after graduat­ tion in 1917. an independent Crimean barred from returning to the Crimea. ing was arrested for Ukrainian nationa­ republic was proclaimed, but it was The government continues to persecute list activities. occupied by Germans and became a Tatar leaders and to harass those who He was sentenced to five years in refuge for the anti-Communist White try to return IO ihe Crimea on their own. prison and 10 years'suspension of civil Army. In 1921, a Tatar Autonomous rights. After completing his jail term, Soviet Socialist Republic was establish­ The Tatar cause was taken up by a Mr. Zorych became a regional organizer ed, with Tatars making up about 25 number of human-rights activists in the for Prosvita. a Ukrainian literary and percent of the population. late 1960s and early 1970s, including educational society. During World War II. German in­ Pctro Grigorcnko. co-founder of the After World War 11, Mr. Zorych vaders took the Crimea after an eight- Moscow and Ukrainian Helsinki moni­ wound up in Austria, where he con– month seige. Stalin accused the Tatars toring groups. In 1969. Gen. Grigo­ of collaborating with the Nazis, and in rcnko was arrested in Tashkent while \ (Continued on page 5) Bohdan Zorych 1944 an estimated 200.000 were deport– working for the Tatar cause. 2 . THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 18,1984 \J No. 12 Soviet hierarchy enjoys banned films Moscow Pentecostal family members NEW YORK - Two former em­ In contrast, screenings of Soviet renounce their Soviet citizenship ployees ol'Goskino. the Soviet stale film films, including those that have won the l.enin Prize for besf Soviet film, are organization, were recently put in a court" for alleged violations of "the mental hospital near Moscow for ex­ virtually unattended, ln.fact. Mr. Satter MOSCOW - Members of a said that receptions at Goskino in honor Pentecostal family in Moscow have norms of socialist communal living." posing the viewing habits of the Soviet The proceedings were apparently insti­ elite, reported The Wall Street Journal. ol a Lenin Prizewinner often included a renounced their Soviet .citizenship following harassment by Soviet authori­ gated by a resident in the apartment According to a March 13 story by showing of an illegally pirated Western film such as "Last Tango in Paris" to ties, reported Keston News. complex in which Pavel lived, who filed David Satter, Goskino projectionists a complaint. When officials from the Nikolai and Nadezhda Pankov. who draw large crowds. On January 11. Ilya Staskevych. his I wife Lidia. her mother. Nina Timonina. local procuracy refused to take action have been trying to emigrate for years, and Nina's brother. Pavel Timonin. against the "comrades" court." the had told foreigners about privatcscreen– "Dual consciousness is expressed in showing ideological loyalty in public signed declarations to the Presidium of family members decided that they had ings of illegally copied Western films and behaving as if the ideology did not the Supreme'Soviet of the USSR re­ no recourse hut to renounce their Soviet ihat arc banned for general Soviet exist in private without sensing any nouncing their citizenship and posted citizenship since their rights were not audiences. Many of the films are porno­ inconsistency." wrote Mr. Sailer. "It them along with their internal passports being protected. graphic' or officially "anti-Soviet." makes the existence and longevity of the and an administrative fee of 200 rubles. Mr. -Satter wrote that the viewing Soviet regime a genuine possibility The family has been trying to emi­ habits of top Soviet officials arc of more because it shields the regime's ideologi­ grate since 1980. Despite having vajid Assassin. than superficial interest because, in his cal mythology from the impact of invitations from sponsors in the United (Continued from page 1) view, they illustrate "the little-under­ reality." Stales, their applications have twice information about KGB operations stood psychology of the Soviet elite, been rejected on the grounds that their which is sometimes called 'dual con­ Not everyone can live with that he provided Western security agen­ emigration is "not desirable." Invita­ cies after his defection.
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