'""W raywrfri.-- wiluap.: M dkMfe I JpMte fife im-s- 1 a tWlMfy P& d$2k 5- - TERMS OF THE wffiKEY iWhi jBr - r invariably in ikdTsnce. : i?'l.-.--- SEMI'WHXLT-rrJbm- TERMS OF THE s lllS'' JWlarijw paper art iuamHiMMd at Mf :. r. Banana :im: tke ; 4, r Ma. CM WBWW W BMTK ITUIW. Mi. AIM 1MB Wsaaanaa . Terms of Advertlsiic 8U4ur4. - RoherU,K.Nx 21. Daetd " Ve follow : - Rttie, Kir Oar regular rates of dvertiwnjr M H. C.KunkeLK. a.,': 22. & A PHrvianee. XT. : square, 14 lines or less) first insertion, - $1 00 N'' SALE ANn - i REEN8BOROUGH MUTUAL LIFE IN tREENSBOROUGH MUTUAL INSUBA5CJI One 11.'fy H. CampheO, KNSi. John Allison, K. A., 7 RKaii.lw- giINSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY, Con I Years, tU . a This the Each subsequenHnsertioo . - - - . 84 - mends and the public that we M At end of Three sack has tmn the care aba W Jry U. Fuller, N., 24. David Barclay, D-- ; I hare in store a Urge aad most pany oKers inducements to those wishing to effect Insai economy officers Hottond tract of doc advertieenienta in proportion. ? v Stock of the of this Company, that wa are still 't'Tttm. -- . jwl qf LeaOter and Findings, the Spring - linger , .. 25. JohnDiek, K. N. .... for for life, :. KempsviUa, 60 acres ia'lwvX.; ' rarely presented by similar institutions.- free from debt; have made assessments new1 deamd, balanee will be made --with dTerttaew, rf above Llch we Wl11 8e,rl low as any other establishment no aad have Contracts Delaware. , Those who take Policies of. Insurance for Life, and the such a large hes-itati- on Another tract, one and a half ajfkaift KearvlftTA :lose ' South of New Capital in cash and notes, that we have no months, and at the of ". York, and for less price than jthey can be had -- rtmdar rate, for six or twelve '''- 1. Elisha D. Cullen, K. N. .only; are Members qf the Company vntttleA to sneh proft : in to pubbe, ComV ama, heavily covered with nine itoolof eoodae' taaWL '' ' .J expenses saying the that there is no safer Jhe SS per will be deducted from the grow J ' .everi there, of travelling, freight, considered. - contract eenC - '. ' 4c, s may be realized from an Preminm rxmt pany tn traotiinrchased frsm , Maryland. Ail of our purchases having been from Impor- accamulated the Southern Country. The most of the Risks ifj enateri- VideCB ' made the and from the large amount of Deposits in Trust D UnsCompaoyoeingin j. OaelraetmEaaterii tk "professional not exceeding fire lines, I. James A. Stewart, D, 4. H. W. Davis, K. N ters and Manufacturers by the whole case or package, and the the Western part of the State, where mwM &KUii' or business : Cai, - N-- , . : H. panmenU of the Company, which are kept astively en the danger from fire much less, - maanaiwMB 01 r. Semi-Weekl- T, for 2. J. B Ricaud, K. 5. W. Hoffman, K. N., the advantage receiving is a..- . rsgory,f.; either the Weekly or of Leather regularly from our own ployed. , -i- be inserted in F- : wne tract, ea wnxnoru Hay, ojr ll pa-ne- rs . M. K. 6. T. - Bowie, D. At the last annual Meeting the following officers ware re- w .iZMartat or both J. Harris. lanncry, places it in ..-- for six months, or $10 for twelve months; in Ji, our power to sell Goods as above stat- Policies HfK -: TV k.Ui u i;:i ' ed. Those who wish of Insurance issued on the applicants own elected. for $10 for six months, or $15 for twelve months. Vtrgtma. to buy cannot lose by giving otar stock or on the - money 1. Bayly, D., 7. D lives of slaves, for a year, or term of years, at t ; JAMES SLOAN, President V- i. who may wish to tend Thomas H. William Smith. and we believe we to please,' Subscribers and others KtMm.,nat,?n' shall be able moderate rate of premium. - , .... j ; -- tract, near Nimmo's .A by ' mail, and his 2. Jonn rs. Miilson, II., 8. Chas. Faulkner, D., potn as price and Of ;s .8.G. COFFIN, Vice President. :' M the Editor, can do so at all times, J. quality. Below we enumerate some Deposits of money received in the Trust Department -- promptly transmitted. 8. John S Caskie, D., ' ' 9. John Letcher, D., the leading articles . r C,P. MENDENHALL, Attorney: Jisk. Receipts for all sums will be viz: the operation of which ; ; . Ope tract, in Gum 20 dozen is that of a Saving's Bank and , JETER ADAMS, See'y Treasurer. , VnjS.&n. t. William O. Guode, D., 10. Zedekiah Kidwell, D., of Crawford's Calf Skins maker bad the ' " lt.A (this ; allowed interest- - at the rate of 8 per cent, per W-- lands of Wilson Whitehnil;aarralW . H.CUMMING, Gen. Agent. 6. Thomas S. Bocock. ! 11. JohnS. Carlile, K. N, premium awarded to hhn at the World's Fair held in annnm young - - for any time not exceeding four months ; 4 per cent. uDTRECT0RS.-4- Sloan, growth of oak - . Paulas Powell, U., 12. H. A. Edmundson. D.. London iu 1851 . m Dr. J. A Mebane, C. P. GENERAL DIRECTORY. over four and not exceeding and 5 percent; Mendenhall, , Two smalt farms, .W' - 1 six months; Wm. - : 18. Hcuuiien, u. .. 40 dozen French Skins, best quality. 8. B n ,Rev, C. F. Deems, James M. miWrtfo&i&tfmW& rayeiie for any time over six months. Garret, Jed 'One tract of. 50 acres In Ptmiroi r" &j . - i STATE GOVERNMENT. JSiorlh 40 tt Lindsay, v. McCooael, E. W. Ogburn, J. rfi Carolina. 1 Pamphlets Wades-oroug- n tract, m. xtnj 90 containing full and particular information Cole, D. P. Weir, ugh; E hr Auiii.ua acres. THOS. BRAGG, of Northampton, Governor. 1. Robert T. Paine, K. N., 6. Edwin G. Reade, K. N " Lining and Binding Skins, ' forwarded Greenw F.Lilly, rimM. m j j 10 - - to any required address. Dr. 8. G. Coffin, : Tavtoe, Wake, Secretary of State. 8. Thomas Rnffin, D., 6. R, C. Puryear, K. Morocco Skinn. i. - - Jam iwi Joshua :j(6 '" William Hill, of N, D. P. WEIR, Sec Treat. Washington ; a One track in Norfo eoanty, of 'mcrti,&$&wlriM&,: 53 Rockingham, Treasurer. 3, 800 Sides Oak Tanned and Hemlock d Wm. A. Wright, Wu.. tgton ; John L Sha- D. W. Courts, of Warren Winslow, D 7. Burton Craige, D.,' Sole Leather, Greeasborongh, N. C. September 1, 1854. 87 ly. - ver, Salisbury adtoinma thdlanda of Stanhan TUm KnrK - 60 " Band t- ; John H. Cooke, Fayetteville ; H. G. Sprnill, '.'. G. W. Brooks, of Person, Comptroller. 4. L. O'B. Branch, D., 8. T. L. Clingman, D. Leather, - A small Farm, on - Boot-Tree- s, Plymouth ; Robert E. Lambarfs Point, in viewaf- Secretary. , Lasts, Troy, Lnmberton ; Dr. R. H. Scales, Cowper, of Hertford, Private . Shoe and Boot Maker's Tools of every . li- - Pnlaski South Carolina. Lenox . roads, who sundry etner olaoea of i . kind, Tanner's SIDNEY Ai SMITH, Castle. ; . , 7 kul. OliTer H. Perry, State Librarian. 1. John McQueen, Dn 4. Preston S. Brooks, and Currier's Tools; AH Also, SO low of lands 2 acres each. aituAted' aiferjek i D, Also, Sewed Brogans ..ATTORNEY AT L A W.T - . communications should be' directed to the Secretary of 2. William Aiken, D., 5. James L. Orr, D., of our own manufacture, warranted free Postage. of Canal, at North Landing! - . a - 4 , to , . of ,.; ADAMS Sec'y. LITERARY BOARD. ft. give satisfaction, and many other.articles too numerous , SMITHFIELD,N,C., ; , PETER 3. Lawrence M. Keitt, D., Wm. W. Boyce, D. to August 6, 1854. ' 75 A flirtber description is deemed ,unaecessry Person mention, at No. 21, Old tl ; - ' Gov. Thos. Brapg. f3cytficio, Chairman, Georgia. street, opposite B. P. Harrison's Will attend regularly the Courts of Pleas k Quarter Ses--' wishing to review tbe land ilt-please apply fp Fraaeia Jones, of Wake, . fTaT& R. H. FORD. sions of Wake, Johnston, Thomson, Edward KemptV&e. ' , 7 Alfred ' 1. James L. Seward, D 5. John H. Lumpkin, D., v o w Cumberland and Harnett. VOL. READY or FosterVat 7 Wake, 1paTtno highest price Smithfield. Feb. 28-M-f. WASHINGTON, Ill, One-thir- Wm. W. Holden, of 2. M. Crawford, D., 6. Howell Cobb, D., in cash for Green and 20. 1856. for 'SS''delivery to TERMS : d cash, bafAnMin two qualUuftal-ment- s J. Uned Hides delivered to subscribers, at 4. POMEROY 'S. -- Matthew Shaw, of Beaufort. N. K. N its at our Store. I une of one and two years? Sv '.Vk 'J . 8. Robert P. Trippe, K. N., 7. G. Foster, Petersburg, May 5, 1852. LEWIS or KINGy zs, ISou. 3 sw.. ; 4. Alex. D. tf. B Y TQE' NfRATORS,: ; oFcOMMON SCHOOLS. ' Hiram Warner, D 8. H. Stephens, ' SUPERINTENDENT Alabama. Commission Merchants, AWD , September 18, 1858, Calvin H. Wiley, of Guilford, r. Dobbin, ' PKl,5.,ER.lr SOAPSPESCUD 1. Percy Walker, K. N, 4.-- William R. Smith, K. N, ' MOBILE, ALABAMA. Store ia the place to get the most :4iri3Kiltti Boot and Shoe Makers B. B. -- rlagran t Perfumery 2. Eli S. D., 5. George S. Houston, D., Lewis, formerly of Franklin Co.. N. C. - and Emolient Soaps of every variety . FARMflK-NO- INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT BOARD. Shorter, REMOVED Dr. for a little rfTlHE LARGE ANDcJsACeiLuENlf 8. James F. Dowdell, D., 6. W. R. W. Cobb, D., HIS SHOP TO THE HOUSE FOR Pbtton Kiko, of Pickens Co., Ala. money. 'tbottsaBd Gov. Bragg, Chairman, HAS occupied by Mrs. A. M. Lewis, Ja. as tbe Caddo Plaee; Contamiugnwo eigW Caswell, 7. Sampson W. Harris, D.
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