ACTA E NTOMOLOGI CAM USEI NATIQNA LIS PRAGAE VOL. 44 1995 RESULTS OF THE CZECHOSLOVAK-IRANIAN ENTOMOLOGI­ CAL EXPEDITIONS TO IRAN 1970, 1973 AND 1977 lIeteroptera: Acanthosomatidae, Cydnidae, Scutelleridae, Pentatomidae LUDvtK HQBERLANDT Departmen t of Entomology, National Museum (Nat. Hist.), Praha Iran, Heteroptera: Pentatomoidea, faunistic, taxonomy, new species, kcy, check­ list. Abstract: This pa per on Iranian Pentatomoidea is based on the material collected by the th­ ree expeditions (1970, 1973, 19 77)of the National Museum (Natura l History), Praha to Iran and on the ad ditional material collected by the Iranian entomologists of Pla nt Pests and Diseases Research Institute, Tehran-Evin an d by J. Klapperich. The Iranian fau na of Pentatomoidea con­ sists of 261 species (Acanthosomatidae 2 species, Cydnid ae 36 species, Scutclleridae 39 species, Pentatomidae 184 species), of which 63 species are listed for first time for the fauna of Iran. Four species are described in this pape r Hosea (7}lonca) cun:uliorwides occidentolis ss p. n. from S. Iran,Alphocoris pfeifferi sp.n. from S. Iran and Iraq (Scutelleridae}, Mustha oicina sp.n. from S. an d W. Iran a nd Aeliomorpha paz ukii sp.n., from Gulfregion (Pentatcmidae). Redescsrip tion, accor ding to the types, had been made of two less known species Mus tha longispinis Reu ter (Anatolia) a nd Mustha serrato (Fabricius) (Syria). All species of the genus Mustha are keyed. Phricodus pakistanica Hamid, 1974 is synonymized with Phricodus bessaci Villiers, 1965 and Mustha spinosa (Abbasi and Ha mid, 1971) is synonymized with Mustha gigantea Horvath, 1907. Acknowledgement: The work on Iranian Penta tomoidea was accomplished with the help of many colleagues and I am indebted to Dr. J . Carayon (Pari s), Dr. W. It. Dolling (London), Dr.A. J an sson (Helsinki), Dr. M. doeifov (Sofia), Dr. I. M. Kerzner (St. Petersburg), Dr. P. Lyndskog (Stockholm), Eng. A. Hashemi, Eng. A. Pazuki and Dr. M. Safavi (all Tehran) for loaned material and for constructi ve advice as well as to Dr. H. Fechter Director of the Zoolcgische Staats ammlung, Munich for permission to st udy in his insti tute and to Dr. H. Pfeiffer , general secretary of the Alexander von l Humboldt-Stiftung, Bonn ) and to Mr . E. W. Classey (Uffington), who kindly checked the English in all my papers. 1) This work was sup porte d in part by a grant from Alexan der von Humboldt-Stiftung, Bonn . 182 Results of the entomological expeditions to Iran (Heteroptera, Pentatomoidca) ACANTHOSOMATIDAE Aca nthosoma haemorrhoidale (Linnaeua, 1758) 5 era and 3 9 9 - N. Iran, Mazandaran,Duk forest 10 km. S. ofBeshahr, 480 m., 23.-24.6.1977 (Ioc. no. 380); 1 cJ - N. Iran, Mazandar an, Istgah-c Zirab, 24.-26.6.1977 (loc. no. 382); 3 99 -N. Iran, Gilan, Albcrz, Kuh-e Almas, 20 km. N.N.W. of Khal khal, 2180 m., 29.6.-1.7.1977 (loc.no. 391). Collected by the Czechoslovak-Iranian Expeditions. Further material examined: 1 rJ - N. Iran, Gilan, Assalem, 10.6.1973 Abai collec­ ted; 2 99 - 4.8.19 73 Mirzayans collected; 1 rJ - N. Iran , Gilan, Assalem, Hashipor, 1250 m., 30.7.1976 Buru mand and Pazuki collected. In Iran previously recorded from N. Iran, Gorgan (Jakovlev 1877, Oshanin 1906).species of Eurosiberian distribution. Elasmucha eckerleini J osifov, 1971 1 9 -N. Iran, Cental province, Albers, Kandavan pass, 2780 m., 4.-9.7.1977 (loe.no. 395). Collected by the Czechoslovak-Iranian expedition. Further matrial examined: 2 cJcJ - N. Iran, Gilan, Assalem, 30.8.1973 Mirzayans collected. In Iran previously recorded from N.lran, Naharkhoran S. of Gorgan (J osifov 1971). Species of Endemic distribution in Iran . CYDNIDAETHAUMASTELLINAE Thaumastella a rado ides Horvath, 1896 19 - S. Iran, Abbassi, Issin, south slopes of Kuhha-ye Geno 45 kID. N.W. of Bandar Abbas , 11.5.1973 (lee. no. 198) 4 erer and 10 QQ- S. Iran, Abbassi, Shahvar, 12 km, N.W. of Minab, 18.-19.5.1973 (loc. no. 202) 10 aa and 18 99 - S. Iran, Abbassi, Minab, 19.-20.5.1973 floc. no. 203) 1 rJ and 2 99 -S. Iran , Abbassi , 16 km. N. of Jask, 22.- 23.5.1973 (lee. no. 208), 2 cJ d and 4 QQ- S. Iran, Abbassi,Bilai, 23.-24.1973 (lee. no. 209); 2 cJcJ and 2 QQ - S. Iran, Kerman province, 7 km. W. of Kahkom, 20 km. S.W. of Hajiabad, 28.5.1973 (lee. no. 215); 1 d - S. Iran, Abbassi, Bagh-e Tang, 6 km . W. of Gcno, 410 m., 50 km. N. of Bandar Abbas, 7.- 9.5.1977 (Icc. no. 323). Collected by the Czechoslovak-Iranian expeditions. 2 cJcJ and 2 9 9 from the vicinity of Kahkom , 20 km. S.W. of Hajiabad were col­ lected by sweeping. Specimens from all other localities were collected by light trap mainly in coastal sandy plain (nos 202, 208, 209), den se savanna with tree-like growth with predomi nant Prosopis spicigera, Acacia arabica, Acacia nubica, Tamarix aphylla, Salvadora persica, Ephedra ciliata, Calligonum comosum, Calotropis proce ­ ra. Collecting places, nos. 215 and 323 represented typical steppe zones . In Iran previously recorded from S. Iran, Kennan province, Sabzcvaran (Djirofb), Anbar-abad (Seidenstticker 1960, 1964). Species of Eremian distribution recorded from Algeria (Biskra, type-locality), Sudan (Hudcida), Iraq (Baghdad) and Iran. Acta entomclogica Muse i Nationalis Pragae, 44, 1995 183 CYDNINAE Aethusla ticollis Wagner , 1954 1 (J- N. Iran,Central province, Kushke-nosrat, 23.6.1970 (lee. no. 33), north strand of salt lake Daryatchehe Ghom. Collected by the Czechoslovak-Ira nian expe­ dition. From Iran previously not recorded, first record. Species of Mediterranean distribution, recorded from Canary Islands, Spain and Iran. Aethus macrop hthalmus (Wagner, 1951) 4 (J(J and 9 Q Q - S.E. Iran, Baluchestan, Sarbaz river valley, 11 km. N. of Sarbaz, 1.-2.4.1973 (lee. no. 145); 1 (J and 1 Q - S.E. Iran, Baluchestan, 3 km. N. of Rask, 2.- 3.4.1973 (lee. no. 146); 5 (Jd and 4 QQ - S.E . Iran, Baluchestan , Bahu­ Kalat, 68 km. S. of Rask, 3.-4.4.1973 (loc. no. 150); 2 ad and 1 <;> - S.E. Iran, Baluchestan, valley of the river Nikshahr , 15 km. S.S.E. of Nikshahr, 8.-9.4.1973 (lee. no. 152); 1 d and 1 Q - S.E. Iran, Baluchestan, 25 km. W. of Ghasre-Ghand, 9.-10.4.1973 (loc. no. 153) 1 d - S. Iran, Abbassi, Issin , south slopes of Kuhha-ye Oeno, 11.-1 5.4.1973 (loc. no. 198); 2 dd and 1 Q- SW. Iran, Khuzestan, Albaji, 15 km. W. of Abwaz, 14. - 15.4.1977 (lee. no. 290); 3 de! and 3 <;> Q - SW . Iran, Khuzestan, Siahmakan, 200 m., about 70 km. N. of Bandar Genaveh, 17.-18.4.1977 (loc. no. 295); 1 d - S. Ir an, Bushehr province , Baghak, 15 km. W. of Abram, 60 m., 19.- 20.4.1977 (lee. no. 301); 1 <;> - S. Iran, Abbassi, Chah-kuh, 15 km . N.E. of Bandar-e Lengeh, 25.-26.4.1977 (lee. no. 313); 1 d - S. Iran, Abbassi , Issin, 28.4.-6.5.1977 (lee. no. 320); 1 Q - S. Ira n, Abbassi , Ziarat, 23 km . NW.N. of Bila'i , 14.- 15.5.1977 (loc. no. 330) Collected by the Czechoslovak-Iranian expeditions. In Iran previously recorded from S.E. Iran, Baluchestan, Kahu ran ncar Putab (Seidenstucke 1957). Species of Eremian distribution, recorded from Egypt, Sudan, Iran and Saudi Arabia . Aethus pilosolus IKlug, 1845) 4 Q Q- N. Iran, Central province, Kushke-nosrat, 28.6.1970 (Icc. no. 33); 1 «- N. Iran, Tehran-Evin, 1700 - 2000 m., 9.3.1973 (Ioe. no. 123); 4 a d - S.E. Iran, Baluchestan, Bahu-Kalat, 68 km. S. of Rask, 3.-4.4.1973 (lee. no. 147); 4 d d and 16 Q Q - S.E. Iran, Baluchestan, Tis, 6.- 7.4.1973 (lee. no. 150); 1 d and 1 «- S.E. Iran, Baluchestan. 25 km . W. ofGhasre-Ghand, 34 km. E. of Nik sahr, 9.-10.4.1973 (loc. no. 153~; 1 <;> - S.E. Iran, 30 km. N. of Bampur, 12,:13.4.1973 (lee. no. 159); 2 <;> Q - E. Iran, Sistan, Kah urak, 23.-24.4.1973 (loc. no. 176$); 2 dd an d 11 Q «- E. Iran, Kerman province, Mohammad-abed, 35 km N.N.W. of Sabzevaran, 1600 m., 3.-5.5.1973 (lee. no. 187); 7 cIa and 7 9 <;> - E. Iran, Kerman province, Dowlat-abad, 85 km. E. of Hajiabad, 8.-9.5.1973 (Ioc. no: 192); 4 d a and 12 Q9 -c S. Iran, Kerman 1B4 Results of the entomological expeditions to Iran (Hete ropte ra , Penta tomoidea ) province, 24 km . S.S.W, of Hajiabad, 9.-10.5.1973 (lee. no. 194); 13 d d and 22 99 - S. Iran, Abbasi, Issin, south slope of Kuhha-ye Geno, 11.-15.5.1973 (lee. no. 198); 4 d d and 5 9 9 -S. Ir an, Asbba ssi, Hassan Langi, 62 km. E. of Bandar Abbas, 16.- 17.5.1973 (lee. no. 200); 2 99 -S. Iran, Abbasei, Shahvar, 12 km . N.W. of Mina b, 18.- 19.5.1973 (lee. no. 202); 1 dand 2 9 9 - S. Iran, Abbassi, Minab, 18.-19.5.1973 (loc. no. 203); 17 dd and 47 99 -S. Iran, Kennan province, 7 km . W. of Kahkom, 20 km. S.W. of Hajiabad, 28.5.1973 (lee. no. 215); 1 d and 1 9 - S. Iran, Kennan province, Gardaneh-e Besan, 1000 - 1400 m., 15 km. N.W. of Fu rk, 28.-29.5.1973 (loc.
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